Java tutorial
/** ** This file is part of the project ** ** License is available here: ** ** PEREIRA Romain ** 4-----7 ** /| /| ** 0-----3 | ** | 5___|_6 ** |/ | / ** 1-----2 */ package com.grillecube.engine.renderer.gui; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import com.grillecube.engine.Taskable; import com.grillecube.engine.VoxelEngine; import com.grillecube.engine.VoxelEngine.Callable; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.GLFWWindow; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.MainRenderer; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.MainRenderer.GLTask; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.Renderer; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.gui.components.GuiLabel; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.gui.font.Font; import com.grillecube.engine.renderer.gui.font.FontModel; import com.grillecube.engine.resources.R; public class GuiRenderer extends Renderer { /** rendering program */ private ProgramFont _program_font; private ProgramQuad _program_quad; /** fonts */ public static Font DEFAULT_FONT; /** list to render */ private ArrayList<FontModel> _fonts_model; private ArrayList<Gui> _guis; /** Fonts */ private Map<String, Font> _fonts; public GuiRenderer(MainRenderer renderer) { super(renderer); } @Override public void initialize() { this._fonts_model = new ArrayList<FontModel>(); this._guis = new ArrayList<Gui>(); this._fonts = new HashMap<String, Font>(); this._program_quad = new ProgramQuad(); this._program_font = new ProgramFont(); this.loadFonts(); } @Override public void deinitialize() { while (this._guis.size() > 0) { Gui gui = this._guis.remove(0); gui.onRemoved(this); } } /** load every fonts */ private void loadFonts() { this.registerFont("Banana"); this.registerFont("Calibri"); this.registerFont("CalibriLight"); this.registerFont("Cambria"); this.registerFont("ComicSansMS"); this.registerFont("Consolas"); this.registerFont("Corbel"); this.registerFont("David"); this.registerFont("EDBWT"); this.registerFont("Kirbyss"); this.registerFont("Pirate"); this.registerFont("LucidaBlack"); this.registerFont("Pokemon"); this.registerFont("PokemonBold"); this.registerFont("TeleMarines"); // DEFAULT_FONT = this.getFont("Kirbyss"); DEFAULT_FONT = this.getFont("Calibri"); } public Font registerFont(String name) { Font font = new Font(R.getResPath("font/" + name)); this._fonts.put(name, font); return (font); } public Font getFont(String fontname) { Font font = this._fonts.get(fontname); if (font == null) { return (this.registerFont(fontname)); } return (font); } @Override public void preRender() { GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_DEPTH_TEST); } @Override public void render() { this.updateEvents(); this.renderQuads(); this.renderFonts(); } /** update gui mouse events */ private void updateEvents() { GLFWWindow window = this.getParent().getGLFWWindow(); float mx = (float) (window.getMouseX() / window.getWidth() * 2 - 1); float my = (float) (window.getMouseY() / window.getHeight() * 2 - 1); boolean pressed = window.isMouseLeftPressed(); for (int i = 0; i < this._guis.size(); i++) { Gui gui = this._guis.get(i); gui.update(mx, -my, pressed); } } /** add gui to the renderer */ public void addGui(Gui gui) { if (gui == null) { return; } this._guis.add(gui); gui.onAdded(this); } /** remove gui from the renderer */ public void removeGui(Gui gui) { if (gui == null || this._guis.size() == 0) { return; } this._guis.remove(gui); gui.onRemoved(this); } /** remove gui from the renderer */ public void removeGui() { if (this._guis.size() == 0) { return; } this.removeGui(this._guis.get(this._guis.size() - 1)); } /** remove every guis */ public void clean() { for (Gui gui : this._guis) { gui.onRemoved(this); } this._guis.clear(); this._fonts_model.clear(); } /** add the font model to the rendering pipeline */ public FontModel addFontModel(FontModel model) { this._fonts_model.add(model); return (model); } /** remove the font model from the rendering pipeline */ public void removeFontModel(FontModel model) { if (model == null) { return; } this._fonts_model.remove(model); } /** render guis */ private void renderQuads() { this._program_quad.useStart(); this.getParent().getDefaultVAO().bind(); for (Gui gui : this._guis) { gui.render(this._program_quad); } this._program_quad.useStop(); } /** render every fonts models */ private void renderFonts() { this._program_font.useStart(); for (int i = 0; i < this._fonts_model.size(); i++) { FontModel model = this._fonts_model.get(i); this._program_font.bindFontModel(model); model.render(); } this._program_font.useStop(); } // TODO fix toasts /** toast a message on the screen */ public void toast(String text, Font font, float r, float g, float b, float a, int time) { GuiLabel gui = new GuiLabel() { int _timer = time; @Override public void render(ProgramQuad program) { super.render(program); _timer--; if (_timer <= 0) { final GuiLabel label = this; getParent().addGLTask(new GLTask() { @Override public void run() { getParent().getGuiRenderer().removeGui(label); } }); } } }; gui.setFontColor(r, g, b, a); gui.setFontSize(1.0f, 1.0f); gui.setText(text); gui.setCenter(0.0f, 0.0f); gui.addParameters(GuiLabel.PARAM_AUTO_ADJUST_RECT); gui.addParameters(GuiLabel.PARAM_CENTER); // gui.startAnimation(new GuiAnimationTextHoverScale<GuiLabel>(1.1f)); this.addGui(gui); } public void toast(String str, float r, float g, float b, float a) { this.toast(str, r, g, b, a, 30); } public void toast(String str) { this.toast(str, 0, 1, 0, 1, 30); } public void toast(String str, int time) { this.toast(str, 0, 1, 0, 1, time); } public void toast(String str, boolean good) { if (good) { this.toast(str, 0, 1, 0, 1, 90); } else { this.toast(str, 1, 0, 0, 1, 90); } } public void toast(String str, float r, float g, float b, float a, int time) { this.toast(str, DEFAULT_FONT, r, g, b, a, time); } @Override public void postRender() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void getTasks(VoxelEngine engine, ArrayList<Callable<Taskable>> tasks) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }