Java tutorial
/** ** This file is part of the project ** ** License is available here: ** ** PEREIRA Romain ** 4-----7 ** /| /| ** 0-----3 | ** | 5___|_6 ** |/ | / ** 1-----2 */ package com.grillecube.engine.opengl; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL30; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL31; import com.grillecube.engine.Logger; import com.grillecube.engine.Logger.Level; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLFrameBuffer; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLObject; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLRenderBuffer; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLShader; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLTexture; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLVertexArray; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.GLVertexBuffer; import com.grillecube.engine.opengl.object.ImageUtils; /** OpenGL helper class */ public class GLH { /** currently bounded window */ /** if we use debug */ public static boolean DEBUG = false; private static GLFWContext _context; /** called to init opengl */ public static void glhInit() { // GLFWErrorCallback.createPrint(Logger.get().getPrintStream()).set(); if (!GLFW.glfwInit()) { System.err.println("Couldnt initialize glfw"); return; } Logger.get().log(Level.FINE, "OpenGL initialized."); } /** set the opengl context to the given window */ public static void glhSetContext(GLFWContext context) { Logger.get().log(Level.FINE, "OpenGL context set: " + context); // set current context GLFW.glfwMakeContextCurrent(context.getWindow().getPointer()); // create context capa context.createCapabilities(); // set current capa to use GL.setCapabilities(context.getCapabilities()); // singleton update _context = context; // add the window to GLH objects so it is clean properly on program // termination GLH.glhAddObject(context.getWindow()); } /** get the last set context */ public static GLFWContext glhGetContext() { return (_context); } public static GLFWWindow glhGetWindow() { if (glhGetContext() == null) { return (null); } return (glhGetContext().getWindow()); } /** generate a new frame buffer */ public static GLFrameBuffer glhGenFBO() { GLFrameBuffer fbo = new GLFrameBuffer(); GLH.glhAddObject(fbo); return (fbo); } /** generate a new render buffer */ public static GLRenderBuffer glhGenRBO() { GLRenderBuffer rbo = new GLRenderBuffer(); GLH.glhAddObject(rbo); return (rbo); } /** generate new buffer object */ public static GLVertexBuffer glhGenVBO() { GLVertexBuffer vbo = new GLVertexBuffer(); GLH.glhAddObject(vbo); return (vbo); } public static void glhAddObject(GLVertexBuffer buffer) { GLH.glhGetContext().addObject(buffer); } public static void glhRemoveObject(GLVertexBuffer buffer) { GLH.glhGetContext().removeObject(buffer); } /** generate new buffer object */ public static GLVertexArray glhGenVAO() { GLVertexArray vao = new GLVertexArray(); GLH.glhAddObject(vao); return (vao); } /** clean all generated data */ public static void glhStop() { Logger.get().log(Logger.Level.FINE, "Cleaning GLObjects..."); _context.destroy(); } /** * add the program to the GLOBject list so it is delete when GLH.clean() is * called */ public static void glhAddObject(GLObject object) { if (DEBUG) { Logger.get().log(Level.DEBUG, "GLH: adding", object.getClass().getSimpleName()); } _context.addObject(object); } /** remove the object */ public static void glhDeleteObject(GLObject object) { if (object == null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Logger.get().log(Level.DEBUG, "GLH: removing", object.getClass().getSimpleName()); } _context.removeObject(object); object.delete(); } /*************************** * TEXTURES HELPER STARTS HERE: ************************************/ /** create opengl textures ID */ public static GLTexture glhGenTexture() { IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); GL11.glGenTextures(buffer); GLTexture texture = new GLTexture(buffer.get()); GLH.glhAddObject(texture); return (texture); } /** * create opengl textures ID and fill it data with the given bufferedimage * (rgba format) */ public static GLTexture glhGenTexture(BufferedImage image) { GLTexture texture = GLH.glhGenTexture(); texture.setData(image); return (texture); } /** create opengl textures ID and fill it data with the given file */ public static GLTexture glhGenTexture(String filepath) { return (GLH.glhGenTexture(ImageUtils.readImage(filepath))); } /*************************** * TEXTURES HELPER ENDS HERE: ************************************/ /** program helper */ public static GLShader glhLoadShader(String filepath, int type) { GLShader shader = GLShader.load(filepath, type); GLH.glhAddObject(shader); return (shader); } public static String glhGetErrorString(int err) { String str[] = { "GL_INVALID_ENUM", "GL_INVALID_VALUE", "GL_INVALID_OPERATION", "GL_STACK_OVERFLOW", "GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW", "GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY" }; int errs[] = { GL11.GL_INVALID_ENUM, GL11.GL_INVALID_VALUE, GL11.GL_INVALID_OPERATION, GL11.GL_STACK_OVERFLOW, GL11.GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW, GL11.GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY, }; if (err != GL11.GL_NO_ERROR) { for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (errs[i] == err) { return (str[i]); } } } return (null); } /** call it to check openGL error after a gl call */ public static void glhCheckError(String label) { int err = GL11.glGetError(); String str = GLH.glhGetErrorString(err); if (str == null) { return; } Logger.get().log(Level.ERROR, label + " : GLH error check: " + str); } public static int glhGetBoundVertexArray() { return (glhGetBinding(GL30.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING)); } public static void glhDrawBuffer(int buf) { GL11.glDrawBuffer(buf); } public static int glhCheckFrameBufferStatus(int target) { return (GL30.glCheckFramebufferStatus(target)); } public static int glhGetBoundRBO() { return (glhGetBinding(GL30.GL_RENDERBUFFER_BINDING)); } public static int glhGetBoundFBO() { return (glhGetBinding(GL30.GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING)); } public static int glhGetBinding(int binding) { IntBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(1); GL11.glGetIntegerv(binding, buffer); return (buffer.get()); } public static void glhDrawArrays(int dst, int begin, int vertex_count) { GL11.glDrawArrays(dst, begin, vertex_count); _context.incrementDrawCalls(); _context.increaseVerticesDrawn(vertex_count); } public static void glhDrawArraysInstanced(int mode, int first, int count, int primcount) { GL31.glDrawArraysInstanced(mode, first, count, primcount); _context.incrementDrawCalls(); _context.increaseVerticesDrawn(3 * count); } /** MAIN TESTS */ /** MAIN TESTS */ /** MAIN TESTS */ /** MAIN TESTS */ /** constants */ public static final int DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH = 1100; public static final int DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT = (int) (DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH / 1.6f); public static GLFWWindow glhCreateWindow() { GLFWWindow window = new GLFWWindow(); window = new GLFWWindow(); window.create(DEFAULT_SCREEN_WIDTH, DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT, ""); window.setCursor(false); return (window); } public static GLFWContext glhCreateContext(GLFWWindow window) { GLFWContext context = new GLFWContext(window); return (context); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { GLH.glhInit(); GLFWWindow window = GLH.glhCreateWindow(); GLFWContext context = GLH.glhCreateContext(window); GLH.glhSetContext(context); Logger.get().log(Logger.Level.FINE, "Context set properly. Sleeping 5 seconds"); Thread.sleep(5000); GLH.glhStop(); } }