Java tutorial
/** ** This file is part of the project ** ** License is available here: ** ** PEREIRA Romain ** 4-----7 ** /| /| ** 0-----3 | ** | 5___|_6 ** |/ | / ** 1-----2 */ package com.grillecube.editor; import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.GraphicsDevice; import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.grillecube.client.VoxelEngineClient; import com.grillecube.client.opengl.GLFWListenerMouseEnter; import com.grillecube.client.opengl.GLFWListenerMouseExit; import com.grillecube.client.opengl.GLFWWindow; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.Model; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.ModelSkin; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.builder.ModelPartBuilder; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.builder.ModelPartSkinBuilder; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.json.JSONHelper; import com.grillecube.client.renderer.model.json.ModelBuilderExporter; import com.grillecube.client.sound.ALSound; import com.grillecube.common.Logger; import com.grillecube.common.Logger.Level; import com.grillecube.common.event.EventCallback; import com.grillecube.common.event.EventPostLoop; import com.grillecube.common.mod.ModInfo; import; import com.grillecube.editor.model.ModelGrid; import com.grillecube.editor.toolbox.Toolbox; import; import; @ModInfo(name = "Model Editor", author = "toss-dev", version = "1.0.0") public class ModelEditor implements GLFWListenerMouseEnter, GLFWListenerMouseExit { public static final String VERSION = "1.0.0a"; public static final URL RUNNING_DIRECTORY = ModelEditor.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource() .getLocation(); private static ModelEditor _instance; /** current camera in use */ private CameraEditor _camera; private ModelEditorWorld _world; /** toolboxes linked to this window */ private Toolbox _toolbox; private HashMap<String, Integer> _config; private Robot _robot; private VoxelEngineClient _engine; public ModelEditor() { _instance = this; } public void loop() throws InterruptedException { this._engine = new VoxelEngineClient(); this._engine.load(); this.postLoad(); this._engine.getResourceManager().getEventManager() .registerEventCallback(new EventCallback<EventPostLoop>() { @Override public void invoke(EventPostLoop event) { stop(); } }); // this._engine.getRenderer().toggle(false); this._engine.loop(); this.close(); } private void postLoad() { // config this.checkConfig(); this.loadConfig(); // set the world this._world = new ModelEditorWorld(); this._engine.getResourceManager().getWorldManager().registerWorld(this._world); this._engine.setWorld(this._world); // set the camera this._camera = new CameraEditor(this); this._engine.getRenderer().setCamera(this._camera); // toolbox this._toolbox = new Toolbox(this); // set the current view this._engine.getRenderer().getGuiRenderer().addView(new GuiViewModelEditor()); } public void playSound(ALSound sound) { if (sound == null) { return; } if (this.getConfig(ModelEditor.Config.SOUND) == 1) { this._engine.getResourceManager().getSoundManager().playSound(sound); } } private void checkConfig() { Logger.get().log(Level.FINE, "Creating config"); File file = new File(ModelEditor.Config.FILE_NAME); JSONObject json; if (file.exists()) { try { json = new JSONObject(JSONHelper.readFile(file)); } catch (Exception e) { json = this.createDefaultJSON(); Logger.get().log(Level.WARNING, "Config file is wrongly formatted."); e.printStackTrace(Logger.get().getPrintStream()); } } else { json = this.createDefaultJSON(); } this.fillConfig(json); this.writeConfig(file); } private JSONObject createDefaultJSON() { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); GraphicsDevice gd = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getDefaultScreenDevice(); int width = gd.getDisplayMode().getWidth(); width = width / 2; json.put(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_WIDTH, width); json.put(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_HEIGHT, width / 1.6f); json.put(ModelEditor.Config.VSYNC, 1); json.put(ModelEditor.Config.SOUND, 1); return (json); } private void writeConfig(File file) { try { String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(file); writer.write("{"); writer.write(nl); for (String str : this._config.keySet()) { writer.write("\t\""); writer.write(str); writer.write("\":"); writer.write(String.valueOf(this.getConfig(str))); writer.write(","); writer.write(nl); } writer.write("}"); writer.write(nl); writer.flush(); writer.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.get().log(Level.WARNING, "Couldnt create config file"); e.printStackTrace(Logger.get().getPrintStream()); } } private void loadConfig() { Logger.get().log(Level.FINE, "Loading config"); this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().setSize(this.getConfig(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_WIDTH), this.getConfig(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_HEIGHT)); this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().setScreenPosition(100, 100); this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().swapInterval(this.getConfig(ModelEditor.Config.VSYNC)); } private void useRobot() { try { this._robot = new Robot(); this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().addMouseEnterListener(this); this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().addMouseExitListener(this); } catch (AWTException e) { Logger.get().log(Level.WARNING, "Tried to a use Robot but it failed: ModelWindow.useRobot()"); e.printStackTrace(Logger.get().getPrintStream()); } } @Override public void invokeMouseExit(GLFWWindow window, boolean cursor, double posx, double posy) { if (this._robot == null || !cursor) { return; } ModelEditor.instance().getToolbox().requestFocus(); } @Override public void invokeMouseEnter(GLFWWindow window, boolean cursor, double posx, double posy) { if (this._robot == null || !cursor) { return; } this._robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); this._robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); this._robot.delay(10); this._robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_ALT); this._robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_TAB); } private void fillConfig(JSONObject json) { this._config = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String[] keys = JSONObject.getNames(json); for (String key : keys) { try { this._config.put(key, json.getInt(key)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.get().log(Level.ERROR, "Config value can only be integer!"); } } } public int getConfig(String key) { return (this.getConfig(key, 0)); } public int getConfig(String key, int defvalue) { Integer value = this._config.get(key); return (value == null ? defvalue : (int) value); } private void stop() { this._config.put(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_WIDTH, this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().getWidth()); this._config.put(ModelEditor.Config.MODEL_WINDOW_HEIGHT, this._engine.getRenderer().getGLFWWindow().getHeight()); this.writeConfig(new File(ModelEditor.Config.FILE_NAME)); ModelBuilderExporter.exportModelBuilder(this.getModel(), ModelEditor.Config.TMP_MODEL_BUILDER_FILE); } public Entity getEntity() { return (this._toolbox.getEntity()); } public ModelEditorWorld getWorld() { return (this._world); } public Model getModel() { return (this._toolbox.getModel()); } public ModelPartBuilder getCurrentModelPart() { Model model = this.getModel(); if (model == null || model.getPartsCount() == 0) { return (null); } Toolbox toolbox = this.getToolbox(); if (toolbox == null) { return ((ModelPartBuilder) model.getPartAt(0)); } return (toolbox.getModelPart()); } public ModelSkin getCurrentModelSkin() { Toolbox toolbox = this.getToolbox(); if (toolbox == null) { return (null); } return (toolbox.getModelSkin()); } public ModelPartSkinBuilder getCurrentModelPartSkin() { ModelSkin skin = this.getCurrentModelSkin(); if (skin == null) { return (null); } int id = this.getModel().getPartID(this.getCurrentModelPart()); return (ModelPartSkinBuilder) (skin.getPart(id)); } /** return the main toolbox */ public Toolbox getToolbox() { return (this._toolbox); } public static ModelEditor instance() { return (_instance); } public ModelGrid getGrid() { return (this._world.getGrid()); } public void close() { this._toolbox.close(); } public class Config { public static final float DEFAULT_SIZE_UNIT = 8.0f; public static final String TMP_MODEL_BUILDER_FILE = ".tmp.json"; public static final String FILE_NAME = "./config.json"; public static final String MODEL_WINDOW_WIDTH = "screen_width"; public static final String MODEL_WINDOW_HEIGHT = "screen_height"; public static final String VSYNC = "vsync"; public static final String SOUND = "sound"; } public VoxelEngineClient getEngine() { return (this._engine); } public void toast(String str, boolean good) { if (good) { this._engine.getRenderer().getGuiRenderer().toast(str, 0, 1, 0, 1, 90); } else { this._engine.getRenderer().getGuiRenderer().toast(str, 1, 0, 0, 1, 90); } } public void addModel(Model model) { Entity entity = new Entity(this.getWorld(), model) { @Override protected void onUpdate() { } @Override public boolean move(float dx, float dy, float dz) { return (false); } }; this.getToolbox().addModel(entity); } public CameraTool getTool() { return (this._camera.getTool()); } public CameraEditor getCamera() { return (this._camera); } }