Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Grid Dynamics Consulting Services, Inc. * * * Copyright 2013 Jakub Jirutka <>. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.griddynamics.banshun; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import java.util.*; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; public class DependencySorter { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DependencySorter.class); private static final Logger logGraph = LoggerFactory.getLogger("spring.nested.dependencies.graph"); private List<Location> conflictContextGroup = emptyList(); private boolean prohibitCycles = true; private final List<Location> locations; public DependencySorter(String[] configLocations, Map<String, List<BeanReferenceInfo>> imports, Map<String, BeanReferenceInfo> exports) { this.locations = prepareLocations(configLocations, imports, exports); } public void setProhibitCycles(boolean prohibitCycles) { this.prohibitCycles = prohibitCycles; } public String[] getConflictContextGroup() { return collectLocationNames(conflictContextGroup); } public String[] sort() { return collectLocationNames(sortLocations()); } private List<Location> prepareLocations(String[] configLocations, Map<String, List<BeanReferenceInfo>> imports, Map<String, BeanReferenceInfo> exports) { List<Location> locations = new LinkedList<>(); Map<String, Location> locationsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (String locationName : configLocations) { Location location = new Location(locationName, new HashSet<BeanReferenceInfo>(), new HashSet<BeanReferenceInfo>()); locations.add(location); locationsMap.put(location.locationName, location); } Set<String> allImportedBeans = fillLocationImportVectors(locationsMap, imports); fillLocationExportVectors(locationsMap, exports, allImportedBeans); showContextGraphStructure(locationsMap, exports); return locations; } private void showContextGraphStructure(Map<String, Location> locationsMap, Map<String, BeanReferenceInfo> exports) { if (logGraph.isDebugEnabled()) { logGraph.debug("digraph G {"); for (String locationName : locationsMap.keySet()) { Map<String, StringBuilder> exportingLocations = new HashMap<>(); for (BeanReferenceInfo bean : locationsMap.get(locationName).importBeans) { String exportingLocation = exports.get(bean.getServiceName()).getLocation(); if (!exportingLocations.containsKey(exportingLocation)) { exportingLocations.put(exportingLocation, new StringBuilder()); } exportingLocations.get(exportingLocation).append(bean.getServiceName()).append("\\n"); } for (String exportingLocationName : exportingLocations.keySet()) { String beans = exportingLocations.get(exportingLocationName).toString(); logGraph.debug("\"{}\" -> \"{}\" [label = \"{}\"];", new Object[] { StringUtils.getFilename(locationName), StringUtils.getFilename(exportingLocationName), beans }); } } logGraph.debug("}"); } } private void fillLocationExportVectors(Map<String, Location> locations, Map<String, BeanReferenceInfo> beans, Set<String> allImportedBeans) { for (String beanName : beans.keySet()) { if (allImportedBeans.contains(beanName)) { Location location = locations.get(beans.get(beanName).getLocation()); location.exportBeans.add(beans.get(beanName)); } } } private Set<String> fillLocationImportVectors(Map<String, Location> locations, Map<String, List<BeanReferenceInfo>> importedBeans) { Set<String> allImportBeans = new HashSet<>(); for (String beanName : importedBeans.keySet()) { List<BeanReferenceInfo> beans = importedBeans.get(beanName); for (BeanReferenceInfo bean : beans) { Location location = locations.get(bean.getLocation()); location.importBeans.add(bean); allImportBeans.add(bean.getServiceName()); } } return allImportBeans; } private List<Location> sortLocations() { Deque<Location> stack = new LinkedList<>(locations); List<Location> sorted = pullLocationListHead(stack); if (stack.isEmpty()) { return sorted; } List<Location> tail = pullLocationListTail(stack); if (!stack.isEmpty()) { String message = "Cyclic dependencies found in child contexts: "; if (prohibitCycles) { throw new BeanCreationException(message + stack); } log.warn(message + "{}", stack); } conflictContextGroup = new ArrayList<>(stack); sorted.addAll(stack); //add conflict locations sorted.addAll(tail); //add rest return sorted; } private List<Location> pullLocationListHead(Deque<Location> locations) { Set<String> resolvedBeans = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<Location> resolvedLocations = new LinkedList<>(); for (Iterator<Location> it = locations.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Location location =; if (resolvedBeans.containsAll(location.getImportBeanNames())) { resolvedBeans.addAll(location.getExportBeanNames()); resolvedLocations.add(location); it.remove(); //remove location from unresolved it = locations.iterator(); //reset iterator } } return resolvedLocations; } private List<Location> pullLocationListTail(Deque<Location> locations) { LinkedList<Location> resolvedLocations = new LinkedList<>(); List<String> annihilatedExports = new LinkedList<>(); for (Iterator<Location> it = locations.descendingIterator(); it.hasNext();) { Location location =; if (annihilatedExports.containsAll(location.getExportBeanNames())) { it.remove(); //remove location from unresolved resolvedLocations.addFirst(location); for (BeanReferenceInfo imp : location.importBeans) { if (isSomewhereImported(locations, imp)) { annihilatedExports.add(imp.getServiceName()); } } it = locations.descendingIterator(); //reset iterator } } return resolvedLocations; } private boolean isSomewhereImported(Collection<Location> locations, BeanReferenceInfo importedBean) { for (Location location : locations) { if (location.getImportBeanNames().contains(importedBean.getServiceName())) { return false; } } return true; } private String[] collectLocationNames(List<Location> locations) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(locations.size()); for (Location location : locations) { result.add(location.locationName); } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } static class Location { final String locationName; final Set<BeanReferenceInfo> importBeans; final Set<BeanReferenceInfo> exportBeans; Location(String locationName, Set<BeanReferenceInfo> importBeans, Set<BeanReferenceInfo> exportBeans) { this.locationName = locationName; this.importBeans = importBeans; this.exportBeans = exportBeans; } Set<String> getImportBeanNames() { return collectBeanNames(importBeans); } Set<String> getExportBeanNames() { return collectBeanNames(exportBeans); } private Set<String> collectBeanNames(Collection<BeanReferenceInfo> beanReferences) { Set<String> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); for (BeanReferenceInfo bean : beanReferences) { result.add(bean.getServiceName()); } return result; } public String toString() { return locationName; } } }