Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Willi Ye <> * * This file is part of Kernel Adiutor. * * Kernel Adiutor is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Kernel Adiutor is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Kernel Adiutor. If not, see <>. * */ package com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.kernel.cpu; import android.content.Context; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.R; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.fragments.ApplyOnBootFragment; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.Device; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.Utils; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.kernel.cpuhotplug.CoreCtl; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.kernel.cpuhotplug.MPDecision; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.kernel.cpuhotplug.QcomBcl; import com.grarak.kerneladiutor.utils.root.Control; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Created by willi on 19.04.16. */ public class CPUFreq { private static final String CPU_PRESENT = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/present"; private static final String CUR_FREQ = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"; private static final String AVAILABLE_FREQS = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies"; public static final String TIME_STATE = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/stats/cpu%d/time_in_state"; public static final String TIME_STATE_2 = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/stats/time_in_state"; private static final String OPP_TABLE = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/opp_table"; private static final String CPU_MAX_FREQ = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq"; private static final String CPU_MAX_FREQ_KT = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq_kt"; private static final String HARD_CPU_MAX_FREQ = "/sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_max_freq"; private static final String CPU_MIN_FREQ = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq"; private static final String HARD_CPU_MIN_FREQ = "/sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/scaling_min_freq"; private static final String CPU_MAX_SCREEN_OFF_FREQ = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/screen_off_max_freq"; public static final String CPU_ONLINE = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/online"; private static final String CPU_MSM_CPUFREQ_LIMIT = "/sys/kernel/msm_cpufreq_limit/cpufreq_limit"; private static final String CPU_ENABLE_OC = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/enable_oc"; public static final String CPU_LOCK_FREQ = "/sys/kernel/cpufreq_hardlimit/userspace_dvfs_lock"; private static final String CPU_SCALING_GOVERNOR = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_governor"; private static final String CPU_AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors"; private static final String CPU_GOVERNOR_TUNABLES = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/%s"; private static final String CPU_GOVERNOR_TUNABLES_CORE = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/%s"; private static int sCpuCount; private static int sBigCpu = -1; private static int sLITTLECpu = -1; public static int sCoreCtlMinCpu; private static SparseArray<List<Integer>> sFreqs = new SparseArray<>(); private static String[] sGovernors; private static final String TAG = CPUFreq.class.getSimpleName(); public static String getGovernorTunablesPath(int cpu, String governor) { if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_GOVERNOR_TUNABLES_CORE, cpu, governor))) { return CPU_GOVERNOR_TUNABLES_CORE.replace("%s", governor); } else { return Utils.strFormat(CPU_GOVERNOR_TUNABLES, governor); } } public static boolean isOffline(int cpu) { return getCurFreq(cpu) == 0; } public static void applyCpu(String path, String value, int min, int max, Context context) { boolean cpulock = Utils.existFile(CPU_LOCK_FREQ); if (cpulock) { run(Control.write("0", CPU_LOCK_FREQ), null, null); } boolean mpdecision = MPDecision.supported() && MPDecision.isMpdecisionEnabled(); if (mpdecision) { MPDecision.enableMpdecision(false, null); } for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { boolean offline = isOffline(i); if (offline) { onlineCpu(i, true, false, null); } run(Control.chmod("644", Utils.strFormat(path, i)), null, null); run(Control.write(value, Utils.strFormat(path, i)), null, null); run(Control.chmod("444", Utils.strFormat(path, i)), null, null); if (offline) { onlineCpu(i, false, false, null); } } if (mpdecision) { MPDecision.enableMpdecision(true, null); } if (cpulock) { run(Control.write("1", CPU_LOCK_FREQ), null, null); } if (context != null) { if (isBigLITTLE()) { List<Integer> bigCpus = getBigCpuRange(); List<Integer> littleCpus = getLITTLECpuRange(); run("#" + new ApplyCpu(path, value, min, max, bigCpus.toArray(new Integer[bigCpus.size()]), littleCpus.toArray(new Integer[littleCpus.size()]), sCoreCtlMinCpu).toString(), path + min, context); } else { run("#" + new ApplyCpu(path, value, min, max).toString(), path + min, context); } } } public static class ApplyCpu { private String mJson; private String mPath; private String mValue; private int mMin; private int mMax; // big.LITTLE private List<Integer> mBigCpus; private List<Integer> mLITTLECpus; private int mCoreCtlMin; private ApplyCpu(String path, String value, int min, int max) { try { JSONObject main = new JSONObject(); init(main, path, value, min, max); mJson = main.toString(); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } } private ApplyCpu(String path, String value, int min, int max, Integer[] bigCpus, Integer[] littleCpus, int corectlmin) { try { JSONObject main = new JSONObject(); init(main, path, value, min, max); // big.LITTLE JSONArray bigCpusArray = new JSONArray(); for (int cpu : bigCpus) { bigCpusArray.put(cpu); } main.put("bigCpus", bigCpusArray); mBigCpus = Arrays.asList(bigCpus); JSONArray LITTLECpusArray = new JSONArray(); for (int cpu : littleCpus) { LITTLECpusArray.put(cpu); } main.put("LITTLECpus", LITTLECpusArray); mLITTLECpus = Arrays.asList(littleCpus); main.put("corectlmin", mCoreCtlMin = corectlmin); mJson = main.toString(); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } } private void init(JSONObject main, String path, String value, int min, int max) throws JSONException { main.put("path", mPath = path); main.put("value", mValue = value); main.put("min", mMin = min); main.put("max", mMax = max); } public ApplyCpu(String json) { try { JSONObject main = new JSONObject(json); mPath = getString(main, "path"); mValue = getString(main, "value"); mMin = getInt(main, "min"); mMax = getInt(main, "max"); // big.LITTLE Integer[] bigCpus = getIntArray(main, "bigCpus"); if (bigCpus != null) { mBigCpus = Arrays.asList(bigCpus); } Integer[] LITTLECpus = getIntArray(main, "LITTLECpus"); if (LITTLECpus != null) { mLITTLECpus = Arrays.asList(LITTLECpus); } mCoreCtlMin = getInt(main, "corectlmin"); mJson = json; } catch (JSONException ignored) { } } private Integer[] getIntArray(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { try { JSONArray array = jsonObject.getJSONArray(key); Integer[] integers = new Integer[array.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < integers.length; i++) { integers[i] = array.getInt(i); } return integers; } catch (JSONException ignored) { return null; } } private String getString(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { try { return jsonObject.getString(key); } catch (JSONException ignored) { return null; } } private int getInt(JSONObject jsonObject, String key) { try { return jsonObject.getInt(key); } catch (JSONException ignored) { return -1; } } public int getCoreCtlMin() { return mCoreCtlMin; } public List<Integer> getLITTLECpuRange() { return mLITTLECpus; } public List<Integer> getBigCpuRange() { return mBigCpus; } public boolean isBigLITTLE() { return getBigCpuRange() != null && getLITTLECpuRange() != null; } public int getMax() { return mMax; } public int getMin() { return mMin; } public String getValue() { return mValue; } public String getPath() { return mPath; } public String toString() { return mJson; } } public static void setGovernor(String governor, int min, int max, Context context) { applyCpu(CPU_SCALING_GOVERNOR, governor, min, max, context); } public static String getGovernor(boolean forceRead) { return getGovernor(getBigCpu(), forceRead); } public static String getGovernor(int cpu, boolean forceRead) { boolean offline = forceRead && isOffline(cpu); if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, true, false, null); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String value = ""; if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_SCALING_GOVERNOR, cpu))) { value = Utils.readFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_SCALING_GOVERNOR, cpu)); } if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, false, false, null); } return value; } public static List<String> getGovernors() { if (sGovernors == null) { boolean offline = isOffline(0); if (offline) { onlineCpu(0, true, false, null); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS, 0))) { sGovernors = Utils.readFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_AVAILABLE_GOVERNORS, 0)).split(" "); } if (offline) { onlineCpu(0, false, false, null); } } if (sGovernors == null) return getGovernors(); return Arrays.asList(sGovernors); } private static int getFreq(int cpu, String path, boolean forceRead) { boolean offline = forceRead && isOffline(cpu); if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, true, false, null); try { Thread.sleep(200); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } int freq = 0; String value = Utils.readFile(Utils.strFormat(path, cpu)); if (value != null) freq = Utils.strToInt(value); if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, false, false, null); } return freq; } public static void setMaxScreenOffFreq(int freq, int min, int max, Context context) { applyCpu(CPU_MAX_SCREEN_OFF_FREQ, String.valueOf(freq), min, max, context); } public static int getMaxScreenOffFreq(boolean forceRead) { return getMaxScreenOffFreq(getBigCpu(), forceRead); } public static int getMaxScreenOffFreq(int cpu, boolean forceRead) { return getFreq(cpu, CPU_MAX_SCREEN_OFF_FREQ, forceRead); } public static boolean hasMaxScreenOffFreq() { return hasMaxScreenOffFreq(getBigCpu()); } public static boolean hasMaxScreenOffFreq(int cpu) { return Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_MAX_SCREEN_OFF_FREQ, cpu)); } public static void setMinFreq(int freq, int min, int max, Context context) { int maxFreq = getMaxFreq(min, false); if (maxFreq != 0 && freq > maxFreq) { setMaxFreq(freq, min, max, context); } if (MSMPerformance.hasCpuMinFreq()) { for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { MSMPerformance.setCpuMinFreq(freq, i, context); } } applyCpu(CPU_MIN_FREQ, String.valueOf(freq), min, max, context); if (Utils.existFile(HARD_CPU_MIN_FREQ)) { run(Control.write(String.valueOf(freq), HARD_CPU_MIN_FREQ), HARD_CPU_MIN_FREQ, context); } } public static int getMinFreq(boolean forceRead) { return getMinFreq(getBigCpu(), forceRead); } public static int getMinFreq(int cpu, boolean forceRead) { return getFreq(cpu, CPU_MIN_FREQ, forceRead); } public static void setMaxFreq(int freq, int min, int max, Context context) { if (Utils.existFile(CPU_MSM_CPUFREQ_LIMIT) && freq > Utils.strToInt(Utils.readFile(CPU_MSM_CPUFREQ_LIMIT))) { run(Control.write(String.valueOf(freq), CPU_MSM_CPUFREQ_LIMIT), CPU_MSM_CPUFREQ_LIMIT, context); } int minFreq = getMinFreq(min, false); if (minFreq != 0 && freq < minFreq) { setMinFreq(freq, min, max, context); } if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_ENABLE_OC, 0))) { for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { run(Control.write("1", Utils.strFormat(CPU_ENABLE_OC, i)), Utils.strFormat(CPU_ENABLE_OC, i), context); } } if (MSMPerformance.hasCpuMaxFreq()) { for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) { MSMPerformance.setCpuMaxFreq(freq, i, context); } } if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_MAX_FREQ_KT, 0))) { applyCpu(CPU_MAX_FREQ_KT, String.valueOf(freq), min, max, context); } else { applyCpu(CPU_MAX_FREQ, String.valueOf(freq), min, max, context); } if (Utils.existFile(HARD_CPU_MAX_FREQ)) { run(Control.write(String.valueOf(freq), HARD_CPU_MAX_FREQ), HARD_CPU_MAX_FREQ, context); } } public static int getMaxFreq(boolean forceRead) { return getMaxFreq(getBigCpu(), forceRead); } public static int getMaxFreq(int cpu, boolean forceRead) { if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CPU_MAX_FREQ_KT, cpu))) { return getFreq(cpu, CPU_MAX_FREQ_KT, forceRead); } else { return getFreq(cpu, CPU_MAX_FREQ, forceRead); } } public static List<String> getAdjustedFreq(Context context) { return getAdjustedFreq(getBigCpu(), context); } public static List<String> getAdjustedFreq(int cpu, Context context) { List<String> freqs = new ArrayList<>(); if (getFreqs(cpu) != null) { for (int freq : getFreqs(cpu)) { freqs.add((freq / 1000) + context.getString(R.string.mhz)); } } return freqs; } public static List<Integer> getFreqs() { return getFreqs(getBigCpu()); } public static List<Integer> getFreqs(int cpu) { if (sFreqs.indexOfKey(cpu) < 0) { if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(OPP_TABLE, cpu)) || Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(TIME_STATE, cpu)) || Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(TIME_STATE_2, cpu))) { String file; if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(OPP_TABLE, cpu))) { file = Utils.strFormat(OPP_TABLE, cpu); } else if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(TIME_STATE, cpu))) { file = Utils.strFormat(TIME_STATE, cpu); } else { file = Utils.strFormat(TIME_STATE_2, cpu); } String[] valueArray = Utils.readFile(file).trim().split("\\r?\\n"); List<Integer> freqs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String freq : valueArray) { long freqInt = Utils.strToLong(freq.split(" ")[0]); if (file.endsWith("opp_table")) { freqInt /= 1000; } freqs.add((int) freqInt); } sFreqs.put(cpu, freqs); } else if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(AVAILABLE_FREQS, cpu))) { int readcpu = cpu; boolean offline = isOffline(cpu); if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, true, false, null); } if (!Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(Utils.strFormat(AVAILABLE_FREQS, cpu)))) { readcpu = 0; } String values; if ((values = Utils.readFile(Utils.strFormat(AVAILABLE_FREQS, readcpu))) != null) { String[] valueArray = values.split(" "); List<Integer> freqs = new ArrayList<>(); for (String freq : valueArray) { freqs.add(Utils.strToInt(freq)); } sFreqs.put(cpu, freqs); } if (offline) { onlineCpu(cpu, false, false, null); } } } if (sFreqs.indexOfKey(cpu) < 0) { return null; } List<Integer> freqs = sFreqs.get(cpu); Collections.sort(freqs); return freqs; } public static int getCurFreq(int cpu) { if (Utils.existFile(Utils.strFormat(CUR_FREQ, cpu))) { String value = Utils.readFile(Utils.strFormat(CUR_FREQ, cpu)); if (value != null) { return Utils.strToInt(value); } } return 0; } public static void onlineCpu(int cpu, boolean online, boolean onlineSys, Context context) { onlineCpu(cpu, online, ApplyOnBootFragment.CPU, onlineSys, context); } public static void onlineCpu(int cpu, boolean online, String category, boolean onlineSys, Context context) { if (!onlineSys) { if (QcomBcl.supported()) {, category, context); } if (CoreCtl.hasMinCpus() && getBigCpuRange().contains(cpu)) { CoreCtl.setMinCpus(online ? getBigCpuRange().size() : sCoreCtlMinCpu, cpu, category, context); } if (MSMPerformance.hasMaxCpus()) { MSMPerformance.setMaxCpus(online ? getBigCpuRange().size() : -1, online ? getLITTLECpuRange().size() : -1, category, context); } } Control.runSetting(Control.chmod("644", Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu)), category, Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu) + "chmod644", context); Control.runSetting(Control.write(online ? "1" : "0", Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu)), category, Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu), context); Control.runSetting(Control.chmod("444", Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu)), category, Utils.strFormat(CPU_ONLINE, cpu) + "chmod444", context); } public static List<Integer> getLITTLECpuRange() { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isBigLITTLE()) { for (int i = 0; i < getCpuCount(); i++) { list.add(i); } } else if (getLITTLECpu() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < getBigCpu(); i++) { list.add(i); } } else { for (int i = getLITTLECpu(); i < getCpuCount(); i++) { list.add(i); } } return list; } public static List<Integer> getBigCpuRange() { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); if (!isBigLITTLE()) { for (int i = 0; i < getCpuCount(); i++) { list.add(i); } } else if (getBigCpu() == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < getLITTLECpu(); i++) { list.add(i); } } else { for (int i = getBigCpu(); i < getCpuCount(); i++) { list.add(i); } } return list; } public static int getLITTLECpu() { isBigLITTLE(); return sLITTLECpu < 0 ? 0 : sLITTLECpu; } public static int getBigCpu() { isBigLITTLE(); return sBigCpu < 0 ? 0 : sBigCpu; } public static boolean isBigLITTLE() { if (sBigCpu == -1 || sLITTLECpu == -1) { if (getCpuCount() <= 4 && !is8996() || (Device.getBoard().startsWith("mt6") && !Device.getBoard().startsWith("mt6595"))) return false; if (is8996()) { sBigCpu = 2; sLITTLECpu = 0; } else { List<Integer> cpu0Freqs = getFreqs(0); List<Integer> cpu4Freqs = getFreqs(4); if (cpu0Freqs != null && cpu4Freqs != null) { int cpu0Max = cpu0Freqs.get(cpu0Freqs.size() - 1); int cpu4Max = cpu4Freqs.get(cpu4Freqs.size() - 1); if (cpu0Max > cpu4Max || (cpu0Max == cpu4Max && cpu0Freqs.size() > cpu4Freqs.size())) { sBigCpu = 0; sLITTLECpu = 4; } else { sBigCpu = 4; sLITTLECpu = 0; } } } if (sBigCpu == -1 || sLITTLECpu == -1) { sBigCpu = -2; sLITTLECpu = -2; } } return sBigCpu >= 0 && sLITTLECpu >= 0; } private static boolean is8996() { String board = Device.getBoard(); return board.equalsIgnoreCase("msm8996") || board.equalsIgnoreCase("msm8996pro"); } public static int getCpuCount() { if (sCpuCount == 0 && Utils.existFile(CPU_PRESENT)) { try { String output = Utils.readFile(CPU_PRESENT); sCpuCount = output.equals("0") ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(output.split("-")[1]) + 1; } catch (Exception ignored) { } } if (sCpuCount == 0) { sCpuCount = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); } return sCpuCount; } public static float[] getCpuUsage() { try { Usage[] usage1 = getUsages(); Thread.sleep(500); Usage[] usage2 = getUsages(); if (usage1 != null && usage2 != null) { float[] pers = new float[usage1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < usage1.length; i++) { long idle1 = usage1[i].getIdle(); long up1 = usage1[i].getUptime(); long idle2 = usage2[i].getIdle(); long up2 = usage2[i].getUptime(); float cpu = -1f; if (idle1 >= 0 && up1 >= 0 && idle2 >= 0 && up2 >= 0) { if ((up2 + idle2) > (up1 + idle1) && up2 >= up1) { cpu = (up2 - up1) / (float) ((up2 + idle2) - (up1 + idle1)); cpu *= 100.0f; } } pers[i] = cpu < 0 ? 0 : cpu > 100 ? 100 : cpu; } return pers; } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static Usage[] getUsages() { try { RandomAccessFile reader = new RandomAccessFile("/proc/stat", "r"); Usage[] usage = new Usage[getCpuCount() + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < usage.length; i++) usage[i] = new Usage(reader.readLine()); reader.close(); return usage; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.i(TAG, "/proc/stat does not exist"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static class Usage { private long[] stats; private Usage(String stats) { if (stats == null) return; String[] values = stats.replace(" ", " ").split(" "); this.stats = new long[values.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < this.stats.length; i++) { this.stats[i] = Utils.strToLong(values[i + 1]); } } public long getUptime() { if (stats == null) return -1L; long l = 0L; for (int i = 0; i < stats.length; i++) { if (i != 3) l += stats[i]; } return l; } private long getIdle() { try { return stats == null ? -1L : stats[3]; } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return -1L; } } } private static void run(String command, String id, Context context) { Control.runSetting(command, ApplyOnBootFragment.CPU, id, context); } }