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 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.grantingersoll.opengrok.analysis.vb;

import com.grantingersoll.opengrok.analysis.SymbolTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.BaseTokenStreamTestCase;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.junit.Test;

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

public class TestVBSymbolTokenizer extends BaseTokenStreamTestCase {
    private Analyzer analyzer;

    public void setUp() throws Exception {
        analyzer = new Analyzer() {
            protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
                Tokenizer tokenizer = new VBSymbolTokenizer(newAttributeFactory());
                return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer);

    public void tearDown() throws Exception {

    public void testNumericLiterals() throws Exception {
        String input = "&HFFFF + &o777";
        String[] output = new String[] {}; // zero output tokens
        assertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, input, output);

    public void test() throws Exception {
        String input;
        try (InputStream stream = TestVBSymbolTokenizer.class.getResourceAsStream("VBP_pngnqInterface.bas");
                Reader in = new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) {
            input = IOUtils.toString(in);
        String[] output = new String[] {
                //// ''''From
                "Attribute", "VB_Name", //// Attribute VB_Name = "Plugin_PNGQuant_Interface"
                //// '***************************************************************************
                //// 'PNGQuant Interface (formerly pngnq-s9 interface)
                //// 'Copyright 2012-2015 by Tanner Helland
                //// 'Created: 19/December/12
                //// 'Last updated: 02/July/14
                //// 'Last update: migrate all plugin support to the official pngquant library.  Work on pngnq-s9 has pretty much
                //// '              evaporated since late 2012, so pngquant is the new workhorse for PD's specialized PNG needs.
                //// '
                //// 'Module for handling all PNGQuant interfacing.  This module is pointless without the accompanying
                //// ' PNGQuant plugin, which will be in the App/PhotoDemon/Plugins subdirectory as "pngquant.exe"
                //// '
                //// 'PNGQuant is a free, open-source lossy PNG compression library.  You can learn more about it here:
                //// '
                //// '
                //// '
                //// 'PhotoDemon has been designed against v2.1.1 (02 July '14).  It may not work with other versions.
                //// ' Additional documentation regarding the use of PNGQuant is available as part of the official PNGQuant library,
                //// ' downloadable from
                //// '
                //// 'PNGQuant is available under a BSD license.  Please see the App/PhotoDemon/Plugins/pngquant-README.txt file
                //// ' for questions regarding copyright or licensing.
                //// '
                //// 'All source code in this file is licensed under a modified BSD license.  This means you may use the code in your own
                //// ' projects IF you provide attribution.  For more information, please visit
                //// '
                //// '***************************************************************************
                "Explicit", //// Option Explicit
                //// 'Is PNGQuant.exe available on this PC?
                "isPngQuantAvailable", //// Public Function isPngQuantAvailable() As Boolean
                "cFile", "pdFSO", ////     Dim cFile As pdFSO
                "cFile", "pdFSO", ////     Set cFile = New pdFSO
                "cFile", "FileExist", "g_PluginPath", "isPngQuantAvailable", "isPngQuantAvailable", ////     If cFile.FileExist(g_PluginPath & "pngquant.exe") Then isPngQuantAvailable = True Else isPngQuantAvailable = False
                //// End Function
                //// 'Retrieve the PNGQuant plugin version.  Shelling the executable with the "--version" tag will cause it to return
                //// ' the current version (and compile date) over stdout.
                "getPngQuantVersion", //// Public Function getPngQuantVersion() As String
                "isPngQuantAvailable", ////     If Not isPngQuantAvailable Then
                "getPngQuantVersion", ////         getPngQuantVersion = ""
                ////         Exit Function
                ////     Else
                "pngqPath", ////         Dim pngqPath As String
                "pngqPath", "g_PluginPath", ////         pngqPath = g_PluginPath & "pngquant.exe"
                "outputString", ////         Dim outputString As String
                "ShellExecuteCapture", "pngqPath", "outputString", ////         If ShellExecuteCapture(pngqPath, "pngquant.exe --version", outputString) Then
                ////             'The output string will be a simple version number and release date, e.g. "2.1.1 (February 2014)".
                ////             ' Split the output by spaces, then retrieve the first entry.
                "outputString", "Trim", "outputString", ////             outputString = Trim$(outputString)
                "versionParts", ////             Dim versionParts() As String
                "versionParts", "Split", "outputString", ////             versionParts = Split(outputString, " ")
                "getPngQuantVersion", "versionParts", ////             getPngQuantVersion = versionParts(0) & ".0"
                ////         Else
                "getPngQuantVersion", ////             getPngQuantVersion = ""
                                      ////         End If
                                      ////     End If
                                      //// End Function
        assertAnalyzesTo(analyzer, input, output);

    public void testMimeType() {
        SymbolTokenizer tokenizer = new VBSymbolTokenizer(newAttributeFactory());
        assertEquals("text/x-vbasic", tokenizer.getMimeType());

    public void testSourceCodeLanguage() {
        SymbolTokenizer tokenizer = new VBSymbolTokenizer(newAttributeFactory());
        assertEquals("Visual Basic", tokenizer.getSourceCodeLanguage());