Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2014 Simeon GIROUSSE
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.gote.downloader.kgs;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import javax.swing.JLabel;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Document;
import org.jsoup.nodes.Element;

import com.gote.AppUtil;
import com.gote.downloader.GameDownloader;
import com.gote.pojo.Game;
import com.gote.pojo.Round;
import com.gote.pojo.Tournament;
import com.gote.util.xml.TournamentOpenGothaUtil;

 * Class in charge to retrieve KGS games. Note : KGS archives have an "anti-bot" policy, so you
 * must wait some seconds before checking the next game.
 * @author SGirousse
public class KGSDownloader extends GameDownloader {

    /** Class logger */
    private static Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(KGSDownloader.class.getName());

    /** Const waiting time */
    private static final int WAITING_TIME = 5000;

     * Game td element regex
     * <pre>
     * Sample : <td><a href="">Oui</a></td>
     * </pre>
    private static String gameLinkRegex = "<td>\\s*<a\\shref[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*>(Yes|No|Oui|Non)</a></td>\\s*";

     * Player td element regex
     * <pre>
     * Sample : <td><a href="gameArchives.jsp?user=MilanMilan">MilanMilan
     * [9d]</a></td>
     * </pre>
    private static String playerRegex = "<td>\\s*<a\\shref[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*>\\w*\\s*\\p{Punct}[0-9]*(k|d)\\p{Punct}</a></td>\\s*";

     * Regex of classic game line. It is not ultra-precise or developed, the main idea is just to
     * avoid fetching "no game" related lines
    private static String regexGame = "<tr>\\s*" + gameLinkRegex + playerRegex + playerRegex
            + "<td>[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*</td>\\s*<td>[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*</td>\\s*<td>[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*</td>\\s*<td>[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*</td>\\s*</tr>";

    /** Map of players <-> Document available */
    private Map<String, List<Document>> playersArchives;

    /** Log stage */
    private String stage;

    public static final int GAMEURL = 0;

    public static final int WHITEURL = 1;

    public static final int BLACKURL = 2;

    public static final int SIZE = 3;

    public static final int TIME = 4;

    public static final int GAMETYPE = 5;

    public static final int RESULT = 6;

    public KGSDownloader(Tournament pTournament, JLabel pJLabel) {
        super(pTournament, pJLabel);

    public void startDownload() {
        playersArchives = new HashMap<String, List<Document>>();
        for (Round round : tournament.getRounds()) {
            DateTime startDate = getStartDate(round);
            DateTime endDate = getEndDate(round);
            for (Game game : round.getToBePlayedGameList()) {
                // In order to avoid multiple archive access, once a player archive has been downloaded, it
                // is temporary stored
                List<Document> archivePage = new ArrayList<Document>();

                if (playersArchives.get(game.getWhite().getPseudo()) != null) {
                    archivePage = playersArchives.get(game.getWhite().getPseudo());
                    log(Level.INFO, "Game archive from white " + game.getWhite().getPseudo());
                } else if (playersArchives.get(game.getBlack().getPseudo()) != null) {
                    log(Level.INFO, "Game archive from black " + game.getBlack().getPseudo());
                    archivePage = playersArchives.get(game.getBlack().getPseudo());
                } else {
                    // Get the archives and update games
                    archivePage = getPlayerArchive(game.getWhite().getPseudo(), startDate, endDate);
                    log(Level.INFO, "Archive page builded  with white pseudo " + game.getWhite().getPseudo());
                    if (archivePage != null) {
                        playersArchives.put(game.getWhite().getPseudo(), archivePage);

                if (archivePage == null) {
                    log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occured, no update possible");

                // Finally update
                retrieveAndUpdateGame(game, archivePage);

    public boolean checkGameAccessAvailability() {
        return false;

    public List<Document> getPlayerArchive(String pPlayer, DateTime pStartDate, DateTime pEndDate) {
        stage = "Etape 2/3- Tlchargement";
        List<Document> archivesPages = new ArrayList<Document>();
        ArchivePageUrlBuilder archivePageUrlBuilder;

        ArchivePageManager archivePageManager = new ArchivePageManager();

        // Found the maximum checkable year and month to avoid checking inexistant page (time lost and
        // more exception possibilities)
        int minEndMonth = 1;
        int minEndYear = pStartDate.getYear();
        DateTime today = new DateTime();
        if (pEndDate.getYear() > today.getYear()) {
            minEndMonth = today.getMonthOfYear();
            minEndYear = today.getYear();
        } else if (pEndDate.getYear() < today.getYear()) {
            minEndMonth = pEndDate.getMonthOfYear();
            minEndYear = pEndDate.getYear();
        } else {
            minEndMonth = pEndDate.getMonthOfYear() < today.getMonthOfYear() ? pEndDate.getMonthOfYear()
                    : today.getMonthOfYear();
            minEndYear = today.getYear();

        // For each year until the end year or the end of the current year
        for (int year = pStartDate.getYear(); year <= minEndYear; year++) {

            // Found intervals in order to avoid time lost and inexistant pages access
            int firstMonth = 1;
            int lastMonth = 13;
            if (year == pStartDate.getYear()) {
                firstMonth = pStartDate.getMonthOfYear();
            if (year == minEndYear) {
                lastMonth = minEndMonth;

            // For each month
            for (int month = firstMonth; month <= lastMonth; month++) {
                archivePageUrlBuilder = new ArchivePageUrlBuilder(pPlayer, new Integer(year).toString(),
                        new Integer(month).toString());
                archivePageManager = new ArchivePageManager(archivePageUrlBuilder.getUrl());
                Document doc = archivePageManager.getArchivePage();
                if (doc != null) {
                // Wait for a amount of time, then KGS will not block the access
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        return archivesPages;

     * Try to found out if a game has been already played or by looking into archives page by page.
     * @param pGame Game to found and update
     * @param pPlayerArchivePages List of archive pages
    private void retrieveAndUpdateGame(Game pGame, List<Document> pPlayerArchivePages) {
        stage = "Etape 3/3 - Rcupration de la partie";
        for (Document playerArchivePage : pPlayerArchivePages) {
            Elements tableRows ="tr");

            for (Element row : tableRows) {
                if (Pattern.matches(regexGame, row.toString())) {
                    // LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "[TRACE] New row checked " + row.toString());

                    // "Visible", "Blanc", "Noir", "Genre", "Debutee le", "Type", "Resultat"
                    Elements tableCells = row.getElementsByTag("td");

                    String gameUrl = isPublicGame(tableCells.get(GAMEURL));

                    // May check with time if you can leave or continue
                    if (gameUrl != null && !gameUrl.isEmpty()) {
                        if (gameUrl.toLowerCase().contains(pGame.getBlack().getPseudo().toLowerCase())
                                && gameUrl.toLowerCase().contains(pGame.getWhite().getPseudo().toLowerCase())) {
                            File sgf = new File(AppUtil.PATH_TO_TOURNAMENTS + tournament.getTitle() + "/"
                                    + AppUtil.PATH_TO_SGFS + tournament.getTitle().trim() + "_round"
                                    + pGame.getBlack().getPseudo() + "_" + pGame.getWhite().getPseudo() + ".sgf");
                            try {
                                URL url = new URL(gameUrl);
                                FileUtils.copyURLToFile(url, sgf);
                            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                log(Level.WARNING, "URL " + gameUrl + " malformee", e);
                            } catch (IOException e) {
                                log(Level.WARNING, "Erreur lors de l'ecriture du fichier", e);

                            // Leave the process
                    } else {
                        log(Level.INFO, "La partie " + tableCells
                                + " n'est pas visible ou un probleme a eu lieu lors de la recuperation de l'url");

     * Check if a game is public, if yes, then the URL of that game will be sent back.
     * @param pCell Element which represents the first KGS archives column
     * @return link of the SGF or null
    public String isPublicGame(Element pCell) {
        Elements a = pCell.getElementsByTag("a");

        if (a != null && a.size() > 0) {
            // Check if it is a visible game
            if (a.html().equals(KGSUtils.KGS_TAG_FR_YES)) {
                return a.attr("href");

        return null;

     * From KGS result, tells the game result
     * @param pKGSResult String as "W+0.5"
     * @return TournamentOpenGothaUtil Result value
    public String getStdResultFromKGSResult(String pKGSResult) {
        if (Pattern.matches("(w|W)[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*", pKGSResult)) {
            return TournamentOpenGothaUtil.VALUE_GAME_RESULT_WHITEWINS;
        } else if (Pattern.matches("(b|B)[\\w\\p{Punct}\\s]*", pKGSResult)) {
            return TournamentOpenGothaUtil.VALUE_GAME_RESULT_BLACKWINS;

        return TournamentOpenGothaUtil.VALUE_GAME_RESULT_UNKNOWN;

    private DateTime getStartDate(Round pRound) {
        DateTime startDate = pRound.getDateStart();
        if (startDate == null || startDate == AppUtil.APP_INIT_DATE) {
            // startDate = tournament.getStartDate();
            if (startDate == null) {
                log(Level.WARNING, "No start date, archives will be fetched since 01/01/2000. This will be long.");
                startDate = AppUtil.APP_INIT_DATE;
        return startDate;

    private DateTime getEndDate(Round pRound) {
        DateTime endDate = pRound.getDateEnd();
        if (endDate == null || endDate == AppUtil.APP_INIT_DATE) {
            // startDate = tournament.getEndDate();
            if (endDate == null) {
                endDate = new DateTime();
        return endDate;

    protected void log(Level pLogLevel, String pLogText) {
        super.log(pLogLevel, stage + "<br>" + pLogText);
        LOGGER.log(pLogLevel, pLogText);

    protected void log(Level pLogLevel, String pLogText, Exception pException) {
        super.log(pLogLevel, stage + "<br>" + pLogText);
        LOGGER.log(pLogLevel, pLogText, pException);