Source code

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   Copyright 2006-2007 Visual Systems Corporation.
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package com.googlecode.wicketwebbeans.fields;

import org.apache.wicket.Component;
import org.apache.wicket.behavior.SimpleAttributeModifier;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.form.FormComponent;
import org.apache.wicket.markup.html.panel.Panel;
import org.apache.wicket.model.IModel;
import org.apache.wicket.util.string.Strings;

import com.googlecode.wicketwebbeans.containers.BeanForm;
import com.googlecode.wicketwebbeans.model.BeanPropertyModel;
import com.googlecode.wicketwebbeans.model.ElementMetaData;

 * Base class for Fields. In general, Fields should <em>not</em> set renderBodyOnly to true
 * if they want to be refreshed via Ajax.
 * @author Dan Syrstad
abstract public class AbstractField extends Panel implements Field {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -5452855853289381110L;

    private ElementMetaData elementMetaData;
    private BeanForm beanForm;

     * Construct a AbstractField. 
     * @param id the Wicket id for the editor.
     * @param model the model.
     * @param metaData the meta data for the property.
     * @param viewOnly true if the component should be view-only.
    public AbstractField(String id, IModel model, ElementMetaData metaData, boolean viewOnly) {
        super(id, model);
        this.elementMetaData = metaData;


        // Allow for refreshing of the field via Ajax.

     * @return true if the field's metadata says that it is a required field.
    public boolean isRequiredField() {
        return elementMetaData.isRequired();

     * @return the maximum length for the field, or null if no maxmimum length.
    public Integer getMaxLength() {
        return elementMetaData.getMaxLength();

     * @return the default string value for this field, or null if none is defined.
    public String getDefaultValue() {
        return elementMetaData.getDefaultValue();

     * Gets a java.text.Format string for formatting the field.
     * @return the format, or null if not defined.
    public String getFormat() {
        return elementMetaData.getParameter("format");

    protected void setFieldParameters(FormComponent field) {
        Integer maxLength = getMaxLength();
        if (maxLength != null) {
            field.add(new SimpleAttributeModifier("maxlength", maxLength.toString()));

        String defaultValue = getDefaultValue();
        if (defaultValue != null && Strings.isEmpty(getDefaultModelObjectAsString())) {

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see org.apache.wicket.Component#onAttach()
    protected void onBeforeRender() {
        // If we're part of a BeanForm, register ourself with it.
        BeanForm parentBeanForm = findParent(BeanForm.class);
        if (parentBeanForm != null) {
            this.beanForm = parentBeanForm;
            parentBeanForm.registerComponent(this, (BeanPropertyModel) getDefaultModel(), elementMetaData);

            if (parentBeanForm.getFocusField() != null
                    && parentBeanForm.getFocusField().equals(elementMetaData.getPropertyName())) {

                FormComponentVisitor focusFinder = new FormComponentVisitor();

     * Gets the elementMetaData.
     * @return a ElementMetaData.
    public ElementMetaData getElementMetaData() {
        return elementMetaData;

     * For internal BeanForm use only. Returns the BeanForm that this component is contained in, only after onBeforeRender().
     * @return 
    public BeanForm getBeanForm() {
        return beanForm;

     * Returns the ElementMetaData related to the specified propertyName.
     * @param metaData metaData for this field.
     * @param parameterName the parameter name on metaData. The value of this parameter should be the property name to lookup.
     * @param propertyClass the class type the property should resolve to
     * @return ElementMetaData
    protected ElementMetaData getDependentProperty(ElementMetaData metaData, String parameterName,
            Class propertyClass) {
        ElementMetaData property = null;
        String propStr = metaData.getParameter(parameterName);
        if (propStr != null) {
            property = metaData.getBeanMetaData().findElement(propStr);
            if (property == null) {
                throw new RuntimeException(
                        "'" + propStr + "' is not defined on " + metaData.getBeanMetaData().getBeanClass());

            if (!propertyClass.isAssignableFrom(property.getPropertyType())) {
                throw new RuntimeException(parameterName + "'" + propStr + "' must return a "
                        + propertyClass.getName() + " on " + metaData.getBeanMetaData().getBeanClass()
                        + ". Instead it returns " + property.getPropertyType());
        return property;

     * Gets the dependent property bean from the specified property.
     * @return the dependent property bean, or null if not defined.
     * @param property the ElementMetaData property to extract the bean from
    protected Object getDependentPropertyBean(ElementMetaData property) {
        if (property != null) {
            BeanPropertyModel model = (BeanPropertyModel) getDefaultModel();
            return property.getPropertyValue(model.getBean());

        return null;

     * Deep searches in this field for the nested FormComponent that is set to receive focus.
     * Should not be called if none set. If the same property occurs many times
     * as in a table, this will set the focus on the first occurrence found.
    private final class FormComponentVisitor implements IVisitor<Component> {

        public Object component(Component innerComponent) {
            if (innerComponent instanceof FormComponent) {
                return IVisitor.STOP_TRAVERSAL;
            return IVisitor.CONTINUE_TRAVERSAL;

