Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006-2007 original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.view.html; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.core.TableConstants; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.core.TableModel; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.core.bean.Column; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.core.bean.Table; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.table.limit.Sort; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.util.ECSideUtils; import com.googlecode.jtiger.modules.ecside.util.HtmlBuilder; /** * @author Wei Zijun * */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class FormBuilder { private HtmlBuilder html; private TableModel model; private Table table; //private boolean isClassic; public FormBuilder(TableModel model) { this(new HtmlBuilder(), model); } public FormBuilder(HtmlBuilder html, TableModel model) { this.html = html; this.model = model; this.table = model.getTable(); //isClassic=table.isClassic(); } public HtmlBuilder getHtmlBuilder() { return html; } protected TableModel getTableModel() { return model; } public void formStart() { formAttributes(); html.newline(); html.div().close(); instanceParameter(); exportTableIdParameter(); exportParameters(); rowsDisplayedParameter(); filterParameter(); pageParameters(); sortParameters(); aliasParameters(); userDefinedParameters(); hiddenTotalField(); filterField(); html.newline(); html.divEnd(); } public void hiddenTotalField() { int currentRowsDisplayed = getTableModel().getLimit().getCurrentRowsDisplayed(); int totalPages = 0; int totalRows = getTableModel().getLimit().getTotalRows(); if (currentRowsDisplayed > 0) { totalPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) totalRows / currentRowsDisplayed); } else { totalPages = 1; } html.newline(); html.input("hidden").name(model.getTableHandler().prefixWithTableId() + TableConstants.HIDDEN_TOTAL_PAGES) .value("" + totalPages).xclose(); html.newline(); html.input("hidden").name(model.getTableHandler().prefixWithTableId() + TableConstants.HIDDEN_TOTAL_ROWS) .value("" + totalRows).xclose(); } public void formEnd() { String shadowRow = (String) table.getAttribute("shadowRow"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(shadowRow)) { html.div(); + "shadowRow");"display:none;"); html.close(); html.append(shadowRow); html.divEnd(); } html.newline().append(ECSideUtils.getAjaxEnd(table.getTableId())); html.newline().divEnd(); extendTableBottom(); String form = table.getForm(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(form)) { html.formEnd(); } } public void formAttributes() { String form = table.getForm(); String tableId = table.getTableId(); String width = table.getWidth(); if (width != null && width.indexOf("px") == -1 && width.indexOf("%") == -1) { width = width + "px"; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(form)) { html.form();; html.method(table.getMethod()); // String width=table.getWidth(); // if (StringUtils.isBlank(width)){ // width="100%"; // } // // if (width!=null){ // width=width.trim(); // // if (width.indexOf("%")==width.length()-1){ // html.append(" widthPercent=\"").append(width.substring(0,width.length()-1 )).append("\" "); // } // } // //"width:" + width + ";visibility :hidden;"); String nearPageNumS = getTableModel().getTable().getNearPageNum(); int nearPageNum = new Integer(nearPageNumS).intValue(); if (nearPageNum > 0) { html.append(" nearPages=\"" + nearPageNum + "\" "); } if (table.isFilterable()) { html.append(" filterable=\"true\" "); } boolean canResizeColWidth = table.isResizeColWidth(); if (canResizeColWidth) { html.append(" canResizeColWidth=\"").append(canResizeColWidth + "").append("\" "); } String maxRowsExportedS = getTableModel().getTable().getMaxRowsExported(); int maxRowsExported = new Integer(maxRowsExportedS).intValue(); if (maxRowsExported > 0) { html.append(" maxRowsExported=\"").append(maxRowsExported + "").append("\" "); } int minColWidth = table.getMinColWidth(); html.append(" minColWidth=\"").append(minColWidth + "").append("\" "); html.newline(); html.action(table.getAction()); html.enctype(table.getEnctype()); html.attribute("insertAction", table.getInsertAction()); html.attribute("updateAction", table.getUpdateAction()); html.attribute("deleteAction", table.getDeleteAction()); html.attribute("shadowRowAction", table.getShadowRowAction()); html.close(); } //extendTableTop(); String theme = table.getTheme(); html.newline().div().styleClass(theme) .id(model.getTableHandler().prefixWithTableId() + TableConstants.MAIN_CONTENT_ID);"width:" + width + ";").close(); html.newline().append(ECSideUtils.getAjaxBegin(tableId)); // TODO : extendTableTop(); } public void instanceParameter() { html.newline(); html.input("hidden");; html.value(table.getTableId()); html.xclose(); } public void filterParameter() { if (BuilderUtils.filterable(model)) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.FILTER + TableConstants.ACTION); if (model.getLimit().isFiltered()) { html.value(TableConstants.FILTER_ACTION); } html.xclose(); } } public void filterField() { if (!table.isFilterable()) { return; } List columns = model.getColumnHandler().getFilterColumns(); if (columns.size() > 0) { html.newline(); for (Iterator iter = columns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { html.append(filterHiddenInput(model, (Column); } html.newline(); } } public static String filterHiddenInput(TableModel model, Column column) { HtmlBuilder html = new HtmlBuilder(); if (column.isFilterable()) { html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.FILTER + column.getAlias()); String value = column.getValueAsString(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) { html.value(value); } html.xclose(); } return html.toString(); } public void rowsDisplayedParameter() { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.CURRENT_ROWS_DISPLAYED); int currentRowsDisplayed = model.getLimit().getCurrentRowsDisplayed(); html.value(String.valueOf(currentRowsDisplayed)); html.xclose(); } public void pageParameters() { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.PAGE); int page = model.getLimit().getPage(); if (page > 0) { html.value(String.valueOf(page)); } html.xclose(); } /** * The exported table id parameter is used to uniquely identify this table when exporting. * If there is more than one table in the form then make sure the other table did * not already set the exported table id parameter. */ public void exportTableIdParameter() { if (!BuilderUtils.showExports(model)) { return; } String form = BuilderUtils.getForm(model); String existingForm = (String) model.getContext().getRequestAttribute(TableConstants.EXPORT_TABLE_ID); if (!form.equals(existingForm)) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden");; html.xclose(); // set to key off to other tables in the same form model.getContext().setRequestAttribute(TableConstants.EXPORT_TABLE_ID, form); } String existingForm2 = (String) model.getContext().getRequestAttribute(TableConstants.EXPORT_PAGE_FLAG); if (!form.equals(existingForm2)) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden");; html.xclose(); model.getContext().setRequestAttribute(TableConstants.EXPORT_PAGE_FLAG, form); } } /** * The parameters neccessary to do the exports. This includes the * ViewResolver and the export file name. */ public void exportParameters() { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.EXPORT_FILE_NAME); html.xclose(); if (!BuilderUtils.showExports(model)) { return; } html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.EXPORT_VIEW); html.xclose(); } public void sortParameters() { List columns = model.getColumnHandler().getColumns(); for (Iterator iter = columns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Column column = (Column); if (column.isSortable()) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.SORT + column.getAlias()); Sort sort = model.getLimit().getSort(); if (sort.isSorted() && sort.getAlias().equals(column.getAlias())) { html.value(sort.getSortOrder()); } html.xclose(); } } } public boolean isInParameters(String parametersNames, String name) { // return parametersNames.indexOf(","+name+",")>=0 String[] t = parametersNames.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { if (ECSideUtils.isSearchMatch(name, t[i])) { return true; } } return false; } public void userDefinedParameters() { Map parameterMap = model.getRegistry().getParameterMap(); String includeParameters = table.getIncludeParameters(); String excludeParameters = table.getExcludeParameters(); // includeParameters=StringUtils.isNotBlank(includeParameters)?","+includeParameters+",":null; // excludeParameters=StringUtils.isNotBlank(excludeParameters)?","+excludeParameters+",":null; Set keys = parameterMap.keySet(); String[] keyField = new String[] { //ECSideConstants.EASY_DATA_ACCESS_FLAG, //ECSideConstants.EASY_DATA_LIST_FLAG, //ECSideConstants.EASY_DATA_EXPORT_FLAG }; for (Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String name = (String); if (name.startsWith(model.getTableHandler().prefixWithTableId()) || excludeParameters != null && isInParameters(excludeParameters, name) || includeParameters != null && !isInParameters(includeParameters, name) || ArrayUtils.contains(keyField, name)) { continue; } String values[] = (String[]) parameterMap.get(name); if (values == null || values.length == 0) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden").name(name).xclose(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden").name(name).value(values[i]).xclose(); } } } } /** * If the column has a alias, it will keep the column property by the parameter */ public void aliasParameters() { List columns = model.getColumnHandler().getColumns(); for (Iterator iter = columns.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Column column = (Column); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(column.getProperty()) && !column.getProperty().equals(column.getAlias())) { html.newline(); html.input("hidden"); + TableConstants.ALIAS + column.getAlias()); html.value(column.getProperty()); html.xclose(); } } } public void extendTableTop() { String extendTableTop = (String) table.getAttribute("ExtendTableTop"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extendTableTop)) { html.newline(); html.append(extendTableTop); } } public void extendTableBottom() { String extendTableBottom = (String) table.getAttribute("ExtendTableBottom"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(extendTableBottom)) { html.newline(); html.append(extendTableBottom); } } public String toString() { return html.toString(); } }