Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010-2013 Nokia * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.rules; import static com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.rules.PrimitiveTypes.*; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.*; import; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import javax.annotation.Generated; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.HashCodeBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.Schema; import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.SchemaMapper; import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.exception.ClassAlreadyExistsException; import com.sun.codemodel.JAnnotationUse; import com.sun.codemodel.JBlock; import com.sun.codemodel.JClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JClassAlreadyExistsException; import com.sun.codemodel.JClassContainer; import com.sun.codemodel.JDefinedClass; import com.sun.codemodel.JExpr; import com.sun.codemodel.JInvocation; import com.sun.codemodel.JMethod; import com.sun.codemodel.JMod; import com.sun.codemodel.JPackage; import com.sun.codemodel.JType; import com.sun.codemodel.JVar; /** * Applies the generation steps required for schemas of type "object". * * @see <a * href=""></a> */ public class ObjectRule implements Rule<JPackage, JType> { private final RuleFactory ruleFactory; protected ObjectRule(RuleFactory ruleFactory) { this.ruleFactory = ruleFactory; } /** * Applies this schema rule to take the required code generation steps. * <p> * When this rule is applied for schemas of type object, the properties of * the schema are used to generate a new Java class and determine its * characteristics. See other implementers of {@link Rule} for details. * <p> * A new Java type will be created when this rule is applied, it is * annotated as {@link Generated}, it is given <code>equals</code>, * <code>hashCode</code> and <code>toString</code> methods and implements * {@link Serializable}. */ @Override public JType apply(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JPackage _package, Schema schema) { JType superType = getSuperType(nodeName, node, _package, schema); if (superType.isPrimitive() || isFinal(superType)) { return superType; } JDefinedClass jclass; try { jclass = createClass(nodeName, node, _package); } catch (ClassAlreadyExistsException e) { return e.getExistingClass(); } jclass._extends((JClass) superType); schema.setJavaTypeIfEmpty(jclass); addGeneratedAnnotation(jclass); if (node.has("title")) { ruleFactory.getTitleRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("title"), jclass, schema); } if (node.has("description")) { ruleFactory.getDescriptionRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("description"), jclass, schema); } if (node.has("properties")) { ruleFactory.getPropertiesRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("properties"), jclass, schema); } if (ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig().isIncludeToString()) { addToString(jclass); } if (ruleFactory.getGenerationConfig().isIncludeHashcodeAndEquals()) { addHashCode(jclass); addEquals(jclass); } if (node.has("javaInterfaces")) { addInterfaces(jclass, node.get("javaInterfaces")); } ruleFactory.getAdditionalPropertiesRule().apply(nodeName, node.get("additionalProperties"), jclass, schema); return jclass; } /** * Creates a new Java class that will be generated. * * @param nodeName * the node name which may be used to dictate the new class name * @param node * the node representing the schema that caused the need for a * new class. This node may include a 'javaType' property which * if present will override the fully qualified name of the newly * generated class. * @param _package * the package which may contain a new class after this method * call * @return a reference to a newly created class * @throws ClassAlreadyExistsException * if the given arguments cause an attempt to create a class * that already exists, either on the classpath or in the * current map of classes to be generated. */ private JDefinedClass createClass(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JPackage _package) throws ClassAlreadyExistsException { JDefinedClass newType; try { if (node.has("javaType")) { String fqn = node.get("javaType").asText(); if (isPrimitive(fqn, _package.owner())) { throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(primitiveType(fqn, _package.owner())); } try { Class<?> existingClass = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(fqn); throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(_package.owner().ref(existingClass)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { newType = _package.owner()._class(fqn); } } else { newType = _package._class(getClassName(nodeName, _package)); } } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { throw new ClassAlreadyExistsException(e.getExistingClass()); } ruleFactory.getAnnotator().propertyInclusion(newType, node); return newType; } private boolean isFinal(JType superType) { try { Class<?> javaClass = Class.forName(superType.fullName()); return Modifier.isFinal(javaClass.getModifiers()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return false; } } private JType getSuperType(String nodeName, JsonNode node, JClassContainer jClassContainer, Schema schema) { JType superType = jClassContainer.owner().ref(Object.class); if (node.has("extends")) { superType = ruleFactory.getSchemaRule().apply(nodeName + "Parent", node.get("extends"), jClassContainer, schema); } return superType; } private void addGeneratedAnnotation(JDefinedClass jclass) { JAnnotationUse generated = jclass.annotate(Generated.class); generated.param("value", SchemaMapper.class.getPackage().getName()); } private void addToString(JDefinedClass jclass) { JMethod toString = jclass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, String.class, "toString"); JBlock body = toString.body(); JInvocation reflectionToString = jclass.owner().ref(ToStringBuilder.class) .staticInvoke("reflectionToString"); reflectionToString.arg(JExpr._this()); body._return(reflectionToString); toString.annotate(Override.class); } private void addHashCode(JDefinedClass jclass) { JMethod hashCode = jclass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, int.class, "hashCode"); JBlock body = hashCode.body(); JInvocation reflectionHashCode = jclass.owner().ref(HashCodeBuilder.class) .staticInvoke("reflectionHashCode"); reflectionHashCode.arg(JExpr._this()); body._return(reflectionHashCode); hashCode.annotate(Override.class); } private void addEquals(JDefinedClass jclass) { JMethod equals = jclass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, boolean.class, "equals"); JVar otherObject = equals.param(Object.class, "other"); JBlock body = equals.body(); JInvocation reflectionEquals = jclass.owner().ref(EqualsBuilder.class).staticInvoke("reflectionEquals"); reflectionEquals.arg(JExpr._this()); reflectionEquals.arg(otherObject); body._return(reflectionEquals); equals.annotate(Override.class); } private void addInterfaces(JDefinedClass jclass, JsonNode javaInterfaces) { for (JsonNode i : javaInterfaces) { jclass._implements(jclass.owner().ref(i.asText())); } } private String getClassName(String nodeName, JPackage _package) { String className = ruleFactory.getNameHelper().replaceIllegalCharacters(capitalize(nodeName)); String normalizedName = ruleFactory.getNameHelper().normalizeName(className); return makeUnique(normalizedName, _package); } private String makeUnique(String className, JPackage _package) { try { JDefinedClass _class = _package._class(className); _package.remove(_class); return className; } catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) { return makeUnique(className + "_", _package); } } }