Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright  2010-2013 Nokia
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.ant;

import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;


import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.AnnotationStyle;
import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.Annotator;
import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.GenerationConfig;
import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.NoopAnnotator;
import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.SourceType;
import com.googlecode.jsonschema2pojo.cli.Jsonschema2Pojo;

 * When invoked, this task reads one or more <a
 * href="">JSON Schema</a> documents and generates DTO
 * style Java classes for data binding.
 * <p>
 * See <a href=
 * ''></a>.
 * @see <a href="">Writing Your Own
 *      Task</a>
public class Jsonschema2PojoTask extends Task implements GenerationConfig {

    private boolean generateBuilders;

    private boolean usePrimitives;

    private File source;

    private File targetDirectory;

    private String targetPackage;

    private boolean skip;

    private char[] propertyWordDelimiters = new char[] {};

    private boolean useLongIntegers;

    private boolean includeHashcodeAndEquals = true;

    private boolean includeToString = true;

    private AnnotationStyle annotationStyle = AnnotationStyle.JACKSON;

    private Class<? extends Annotator> customAnnotator = NoopAnnotator.class;

    private boolean includeJsr303Annotations = false;

    private SourceType sourceType = SourceType.JSONSCHEMA;

    private Path classpath;

    private boolean removeOldOutput;

     * Execute this task (it's expected that all relevant setters will have been
     * called by Ant to provide task configuration <em>before</em> this method
     * is called).
     * @throws BuildException
     *             if this task cannot be completed due to some error reading
     *             schemas, generating types or writing output .java files.
    public void execute() throws BuildException {

        if (skip) {

        if (source == null) {
            log("source attribute is required but was not set");

        if (!source.exists()) {
            log(source.getAbsolutePath() + " cannot be found");

        if (targetDirectory == null) {
            log("targetDirectory attribute is required but was not set");

        ClassLoader extendedClassloader = buildExtendedClassloader();

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new BuildException("Error generating classes from JSON Schema file(s) " + source.getPath(), e);

     * Build a classloader using the additional elements specified in
     * <code>classpath</code> and <code>classpathRef</code>.
     * @return a new classloader that includes the extra path elements found in
     *         the <code>classpath</code> and <code>classpathRef</code> config
     *         values
    private ClassLoader buildExtendedClassloader() {
        final List<URL> classpathUrls = new ArrayList<URL>();
        for (String pathElement : getClasspath().list()) {
            try {
                classpathUrls.add(new File(pathElement).toURI().toURL());
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new BuildException(
                        "Unable to use classpath entry as it could not be understood as a valid URL: "
                                + pathElement,

        final ClassLoader parentClassloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();

        return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<ClassLoader>() {
            public ClassLoader run() {
                return new URLClassLoader(classpathUrls.toArray(new URL[classpathUrls.size()]), parentClassloader);

     * Sets the 'generateBuilders' property of this class.
     * @param generateBuilders
     *            Whether to generate builder-style methods of the form
     *            <code>withXxx(value)</code> (that return <code>this</code>),
     *            alongside the standard, void-return setters.
     *            <p>
     *            Default: <code>false</code>.
    public void setGenerateBuilders(boolean generateBuilders) {
        this.generateBuilders = generateBuilders;

     * Sets the 'usePrimitives' property of this class.
     * @param usePrimitives
     *            Whether to use primitives (<code>long</code>,
     *            <code>double</code> , <code>boolean</code>) instead of wrapper
     *            types where possible when generating bean properties (has the
     *            side-effect of making those properties non-null).
     *            <p>
     *            Default: <code>false</code>.
    public void setUsePrimitives(boolean usePrimitives) {
        this.usePrimitives = usePrimitives;

     * Sets the 'useLongIntegers' property of this class
     * @param useLongIntegers
     *            Whether to use the java type <code>long</code> (or
     *            {@link java.lang.Long}) instead of <code>int</code> (or
     *            {@link java.lang.Integer}) when representing the JSON Schema
     *            type 'integer'.
    public void setUseLongIntegers(boolean useLongIntegers) {
        this.useLongIntegers = useLongIntegers;

     * Sets schema file (or directory containing schema files) that should be
     * used for input.
     * @param source
     *            Location of the JSON Schema file(s). Note: this may refer to a
     *            single file or a directory of files.
    public void setSource(File source) {
        this.source = source;

     * Sets the target (output) directory for generated source files.
     * @param targetDirectory
     *            Target directory for generated Java source files.
    public void setTargetDirectory(File targetDirectory) {
        this.targetDirectory = targetDirectory;

     * Sets the target package for generated types.
     * @param targetPackage
     *            Package name used for generated Java classes (for types where
     *            a fully qualified name has not been supplied in the schema
     *            using the 'javaType' property).
    public void setTargetPackage(String targetPackage) {
        this.targetPackage = targetPackage;

     * Sets the 'skip' property of this task.
     * @param skip
     *            whether to skip execution of this task
    public void setSkip(boolean skip) {
        this.skip = skip;

     * @param propertyWordDelimiters
     *            a string containing all of the characters that should be
     *            considered as word delimiters when creating Java Bean property
     *            names from JSON property names. If blank or not set, JSON
     *            properties will be considered to contain a single word when
     *            creating Java Bean property names.
    public void setPropertyWordDelimiters(String propertyWordDelimiters) {
        this.propertyWordDelimiters = defaultString(propertyWordDelimiters).toCharArray();

     * Sets the 'includeHashcodeAndEquals' property of this class
     * @param includeHashcodeAndEquals
     *            Whether to include <code>hashCode</code> and
     *            <code>equals</code> methods in generated Java types.
    public void setIncludeHashcodeAndEquals(boolean includeHashcodeAndEquals) {
        this.includeHashcodeAndEquals = includeHashcodeAndEquals;

     * Sets the 'includeToString' property of this class
     * @param includeToString
     *            Whether to include a <code>toString</code> method in generated
     *            Java types.
    public void setIncludeToString(boolean includeToString) {
        this.includeToString = includeToString;

     * Sets the 'annotationStyle' property of this class
     * @param annotationStyle
     *            The style of annotations to use in the generated Java types.
    public void setAnnotationStyle(AnnotationStyle annotationStyle) {
        this.annotationStyle = annotationStyle;

     * Sets the 'customAnnotator' property of this class
     * @param customAnnotator
     *            A custom annotator to use to annotate the generated types
    public void setCustomAnnotator(String customAnnotator) {
        if (isNotBlank(customAnnotator)) {
            try {
                this.customAnnotator = (Class<? extends Annotator>) Class.forName(customAnnotator);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
        } else {
            this.customAnnotator = NoopAnnotator.class;

     * Sets the 'includeJsr303Annotations' property of this class
     * @param includeJsr303Annotations
     *            Whether to include <a
     *            href="">JSR-303</a>
     *            annotations (for schema rules like minimum, maximum, etc) in
     *            generated Java types.
    public void setIncludeJsr303Annotations(boolean includeJsr303Annotations) {
        this.includeJsr303Annotations = includeJsr303Annotations;

     * Sets the 'sourceType' property of this class
     * @param sourceType
     *            The type of input documents that will be read
     *            <p>
     *            Supported values:
     *            <ul>
     *            <li><code>jsonschema</code></li>
     *            <li><code>json</code></li>
     *            </ul>
    public void setSourceType(SourceType sourceType) {
        this.sourceType = sourceType;

     * Sets the 'removeOldOutput' property of this class
     * @param removeOldOutput
     *            Whether to empty the target directory before generation
     *            occurs, to clear out all source files that have been generated
     *            previously. <strong>Be warned</strong>, when activated this
     *            option will cause jsonschema2pojo to <strong>indiscriminately
     *            delete the entire contents of the target directory (all files
     *            and folders)</strong> before it begins generating sources.
    public void setRemoveOldOutput(boolean removeOldOutput) {
        this.removeOldOutput = removeOldOutput;

    public boolean isGenerateBuilders() {
        return generateBuilders;

    public boolean isUsePrimitives() {
        return usePrimitives;

    public Iterator<File> getSource() {
        return Collections.singleton(source).iterator();

    public File getTargetDirectory() {
        return targetDirectory;

    public String getTargetPackage() {
        return targetPackage;

    public char[] getPropertyWordDelimiters() {
        return propertyWordDelimiters.clone();

     * Should this task be skipped? (don't read schemas, don't generate types)
     * @return <code>true</code> if this task is disabled
    public boolean isSkip() {
        return skip;

    public boolean isUseLongIntegers() {
        return useLongIntegers;

    public boolean isIncludeHashcodeAndEquals() {
        return includeHashcodeAndEquals;

    public boolean isIncludeToString() {
        return includeToString;

    public AnnotationStyle getAnnotationStyle() {
        return annotationStyle;

    public Class<? extends Annotator> getCustomAnnotator() {
        return customAnnotator;

    public boolean isIncludeJsr303Annotations() {
        return includeJsr303Annotations;

    public SourceType getSourceType() {
        return sourceType;

    public Path createClasspath() {
        if (classpath == null) {
            classpath = new Path(getProject());
        return classpath.createPath();

    public void setClasspath(Path classpath) {
        if (classpath == null) {
            this.classpath = classpath;
        } else {

    public void setClasspathRef(Reference classpathRef) {

    public Path getClasspath() {
        return (classpath == null) ? new Path(getProject()) : classpath;

    public boolean isRemoveOldOutput() {
        return removeOldOutput;
