Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


   Copyright (C) 2012  Rick Brown
   This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program.  If not, see <>.
package com.googlecode.jgenhtml;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine;
import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser;
import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter;
import org.apache.commons.cli.Options;
import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException;
import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 * Configuration options controlled from command line flags or configuration file.
 * @author Rick Brown
public final class Config {
    public static final String DEFAULT_HTML_EXT = ".html";
    private static final String MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = "not implemented";
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(Config.class.getName());
    static {
    private boolean functionCoverage = true;
    private boolean branchCoverage = true;
    private File outRootDir = new File(".");
    private String title = null;
    private File cssFile = null;
    private File descFile = null;
    private File baseFile = null;
    private boolean keepDescriptions = false;
    private boolean noPrefix = false;
    private String prefix = null;
    private int numSpaces = -1;//the default in genhtml is 8 but I want to leave tabs alone by default
    private boolean noSource = false;
    private boolean noSort = false;
    private byte hiLimit = 90;
    private byte medLimit = 75;
    private boolean legend = false;
    private String htmlExt = DEFAULT_HTML_EXT;
    private boolean help = false;
    private boolean version = false;
    private boolean gzip = false;
    private boolean quiet = false;
    private boolean showDetails = false;
    private String[] traceFiles;
    private Options options;
    private boolean htmlOnly;

     * Command line argument constants.
     * got rid of rc and ingore-errors because not all genhtml has them
     * kept config-file despite this because it's darn useful
    public static enum CmdLineArg {
        HELP("help"), VERSION("version"), QUIET("quiet"), OUTPUT("output-directory"), SHOW_DETAILS(
                "show-details"), DESCFILE("description-file"), KEEPDESC("keep-descriptions"), BASEFILE(
                        "baseline-file"), PREFIX("prefix"), NOPREFIX("no-prefix"), FUNCOV(
                                "function-coverage"), NOFUNCOV("no-function-coverage"), BRANCOV(
                                        "branch-coverage"), NOBRANCOV(
                                                "no-branch-coverage"), FRAMES("frames"), TITLE("title"), CSS(
                                                        "css-file"), NOSOURCE("no-source"), SPACES(
                                                                "num-spaces"), HILITE("highlight"), LEGEND(
                                                                        "legend"), PROLOG("html-prolog"), EPILOG(
                                                                                "html-epilog"), HTML_EXT(
                                                                                        "html-extension"), GZIP(
                                                                                                "html-gzip"), SORT(
                                                                                                        "sort"), //what the heck point is this?
        NOSORT("no-sort"), CONFFILE("config-file"), DEMANGLE("demangle-cpp");

        private CmdLineArg(final String text) {
            this.text = text;

        private final String text;

        public String toString() {
            return text;

     * config file argument constants.
    public static enum ConfFileArg {
        CSS("genhtml_css_file"), NOPREFIX("genhtml_no_prefix"), NOSOURCE("genhtml_no_source"), SORT(
                "genhtml_sort"), SPACES("genhtml_num_spaces"), FUNCOV("genhtml_function_coverage"), KEEPDESC(
                        "genhtml_keep_descriptions"), BRANCOV("genhtml_branch_coverage"), HILIMIT(
                                "genhtml_hi_limit"), MEDLIMIT("genhtml_med_limit"), LEGEND("genhtml_legend"), GZIP(
                                        "genhtml_html_gzip"), HTML_EXT("genhtml_html_extension"), HTMLONLY(
                                                "jgenhtml_html_only"), VERBOSE("jgenhtml_verbose");

        private ConfFileArg(final String text) {
            this.text = text;

        private final String text;

        public String toString() {
            return text;

     * Creates a config object in a default, uninitialized state.
     * Can be used for show help or parsing a command line.
    public Config() {
        options = new Options();

     * Create an XML representation of this object.
     * @param document The ownerDocument for the resulting XML.
     * @return An XML node containing the state of this object.
    public Element toXml(Document document) {
        Element configElement = document.createElement("config");
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.BRANCOV.toString(), String.valueOf(isBranchCoverage()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.FUNCOV.toString(), String.valueOf(isFunctionCoverage()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.NOSOURCE.toString(), String.valueOf(isNoSource()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.LEGEND.toString(), String.valueOf(isLegend()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.ConfFileArg.MEDLIMIT.toString(), String.valueOf(getMedLimit()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.ConfFileArg.HILIMIT.toString(), String.valueOf(getHiLimit()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.NOSORT.toString(), String.valueOf(isNoSort()));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.DESCFILE.toString(), String.valueOf(getDescFile() != null));
        configElement.setAttribute(Config.CmdLineArg.SHOW_DETAILS.toString(), String.valueOf(isShowDetails()));
        return configElement;

     * Add a command line option to the collection of accepted options accepted by jgenhtml.
     * @param options The options collection to which we are adding the option.
     * @param arg The arg to add.
     * @param needsArg true if this command line option takes an argument.
     * @param description Human readable description of the option.
     * @param hasShortVersion true if there is a single character version of this option.
    private static void addOption(final Options options, final CmdLineArg arg, final boolean needsArg,
            final String description, final boolean hasShortVersion) {
        String name = arg.toString();
        String shortVersion = hasShortVersion ? name.substring(0, 1) : null;
        options.addOption(shortVersion, name, needsArg, description);

     * Initialize the options collection with the accepted command line args.
     * @param options The options collection to initialize.
    public static void initOptions(final Options options) {
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.HELP, false, "Print this help, then exit", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.VERSION, false, "Print version number, then exit", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.QUIET, false, "Do not print progress messages", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.SHOW_DETAILS, false, "Generate detailed directory view", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.FRAMES, false, MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.BASEFILE, true, "Use the given file as baseline file", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.OUTPUT, true, "Write HTML output to the given directory", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.TITLE, true, "Display the given title in header of all pages", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.DESCFILE, true, "Read test case descriptions from the given file", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.KEEPDESC, false, "Do not remove unused test descriptions", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.CSS, true, "Use external style sheet file css-file", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.PREFIX, true, "Remove the given prefix from all directory names", true);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.NOPREFIX, false, "Do not remove prefix from directory names", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.NOSOURCE, false, "Do not create source code view", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.SPACES, true, "Replace tabs in source view with num spaces", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.HILITE, false, MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.LEGEND, false, "Include color legend in HTML output", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.PROLOG, true, MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.EPILOG, true, MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.HTML_EXT, true, "Use the given ext as filename extension for pages", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.GZIP, false, "Use gzip to compress HTML", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.SORT, false, "Turn on table sorting (on by default so this is pointless)",
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.NOSORT, false, "Turn off table sorting", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.DEMANGLE, false, MSG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.CONFFILE, true, "Specify a configuration file to use", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.FUNCOV, false, "Enable function coverage display", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.NOFUNCOV, false, "Disable function coverage display", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.BRANCOV, false, "Enable branch coverage display", false);
        addOption(options, CmdLineArg.NOBRANCOV, false, "Disable branch coverage display", false);

     * Load command line args and config file properties into this config instance and reconfigure as appropriate.
     * @param argv Command line args.
     * @throws ParseException
    public void initializeUserPrefs(String[] argv) throws ParseException {
        CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
        CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, argv);

        if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.HELP.toString())) {
   = true;
        } else if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.VERSION.toString())) {
            this.version = true;
        } else {
            if (cmd.hasOption(Config.CmdLineArg.QUIET.toString())) {
                this.quiet = true;
                Logger parent = Logger.getLogger("com.googlecode.jgenhtml");
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.SHOW_DETAILS.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.OUTPUT.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.TITLE.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.CSS.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.DESCFILE.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.BASEFILE.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.KEEPDESC.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.SPACES.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.NOSOURCE.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.GZIP.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.NOSORT.toString())) {
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.SORT.toString())) {
                this.setNoSort(false);//wow, this is totally pointless
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.LEGEND.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.HTML_EXT.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.NOFUNCOV.toString())) {
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.FUNCOV.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.NOBRANCOV.toString())) {
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.BRANCOV.toString())) {
            if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.NOPREFIX.toString())) {
            } else if (cmd.hasOption(CmdLineArg.PREFIX.toString())) {
            traceFiles = cmd.getArgs();
            if (traceFiles != null && traceFiles.length > 0) {

    * Loads the lcovrc config file from the home directory or the location specified on the
    * command line and sets properties in the config object accordingly.
    * Does not look for a system wide config file because there is no consistent directory to
    * look in across all platforms.
    * @param alternatePath
    private void loadConfigFile(final String alternatePath) {
        try {
            //don't use FileUtils.getUserDirectoryPath() here, it was causing issues when run from Ant
            String lcovrc = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separatorChar + ".lcovrc";
            Properties properties = loadFileToProperties(alternatePath);
            if (properties != null || (properties = loadFileToProperties(lcovrc)) != null) {

                LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Loaded config file {0}.", lcovrc);
                if (properties.containsKey(ConfFileArg.CSS.toString())) {
                Integer optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.FUNCOV.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setFunctionCoverage(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.BRANCOV.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setBranchCoverage(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.GZIP.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setGzip(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.KEEPDESC.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setKeepDescriptions(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.NOSOURCE.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setNoSource(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.SORT.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setNoSort(optionValue == 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.SPACES.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.HILIMIT.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.MEDLIMIT.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.NOPREFIX.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setNoPrefix(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.LEGEND.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setLegend(optionValue != 0);
                if (properties.containsKey(ConfFileArg.HTML_EXT.toString())) {
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.HTMLONLY.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    setHtmlOnly(optionValue != 0);
                optionValue = getNumericValue(properties, ConfFileArg.VERBOSE.toString());
                if (optionValue != null) {
                    if (optionValue != 0) {
                        Logger parent = Logger.getLogger("com.googlecode.jgenhtml");
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

     * Displays help message to user.
     * @param options CommandLine options.
    public void showCmdLineHelp() {
        HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
        formatter.printHelp("jgenhtml [option] tracefile", options);

     * @param path The path to the file.
     * @return An instance of File if the the path points to an existing file, otherwise null.
    private File getFileIfExists(final String path) {
        File result = null;
        String newPath = path.trim();
        if (newPath.length() > 0) {
            result = new File(newPath);
            if (!result.exists()) {
                result = null;
        return result;

     * Get the path/s to the traceFile/s passed in on the command line.
     * @return An array of paths.
    public String[] getTraceFiles() {
        return traceFiles;

     * Path to override CSS file.
     * If this is set then this CSS file will be used instead of the default.
     * Calling this function will only change the state of the config if the CSS
     * file actually exists.
     * @param cssPath The full path to the override CSS file.
    private void setCssFile(final String cssPath) {
        File file = getFileIfExists(cssPath);
        if (file != null) {
            this.cssFile = file;

     * Determine if the user has turned "keep descriptions" on.
     * @return true if keeping descriptions.
    public boolean isKeepDescriptions() {
        return keepDescriptions;

     * Set the user preference for keeping descriptions.
     * @param keepDescriptions Set to true to keep descriptions.
    private void setKeepDescriptions(boolean keepDescriptions) {
        this.keepDescriptions = keepDescriptions;

    public boolean isShowDetails() {
        return showDetails;

    public void setShowDetails(boolean showDetails) {
        this.showDetails = showDetails;

     * Get the extension given to HTML files.
     * @return The file name extension (including leading dot).
    public String getHtmlExt() {
        return htmlExt;

     * Set the extension to give to HTML files.
     * @param htmlExt The file name extension with or without the dot.
    public void setHtmlExt(final String htmlExt) {
        if (htmlExt != null) {
            String ext = htmlExt.trim();
            if (ext.length() > 0) {
                if (!ext.startsWith(".")) {
                    ext = '.' + ext;
                if (ext.length() > 1) {
                    this.htmlExt = ext;
                    LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, "setting html extension to {0}", ext);
                } else {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "html extension can not be just a dot");
            } else {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "html extension can not be empty");
        } else {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "html extension can not be null");

     * Path to baseline file.
     * @param baseFile The full path to the baseline file.
    private void setBaseFile(final String baseFile) {
        File file = getFileIfExists(baseFile);
        if (file != null) {
            this.baseFile = file;

     * The baseline file if the user has specified it.
     * @return The the baseline file or null.
    public File getBaseFile() {
        return baseFile;

     * Path to description file.
     * @param descFile The full path to description file.
    private void setDescFile(final String descFile) {
        File file = getFileIfExists(descFile);
        if (file != null) {
            this.descFile = file;

     * The description file (produced by gendesc) if the user has specified it.
     * @return The .desc file or null.
    public File getDescFile() {
        return descFile;

     * Determine if the user has requested gzip compression on output files.
     * @return true if html-gzip is on.
    public boolean isGzip() {
        return gzip;

     * Set the user preference gzip compression on output files.
     * @param gzip true to turn on html-gzip.
    private void setGzip(boolean gzip) {
        this.gzip = gzip;

     * Determine source code page generation is on or off.
     * @return true if source code page generation turned off
    public boolean isNoSource() {
        return noSource;

     * Determine table sorting is on or off.
     * @return true if table sorting is turned off
    public boolean isNoSort() {
        return noSort;

     * Turn source code page generation on or off.
     * @param noSource
    private void setNoSource(final boolean noSource) {
        this.noSource = noSource;

     * Turn table sorting or off.
     * @param noSort
    private void setNoSort(final boolean noSort) {
        this.noSort = noSort;

     * Determine if function coverage reporting is on or off.
     * @return true if function coverage is turned on
    public boolean isFunctionCoverage() {
        return functionCoverage;

     * Turn function coverage reporting on or off.
     * @param functionCoverage
    private void setFunctionCoverage(final boolean functionCoverage) {
        this.functionCoverage = functionCoverage;

     * Determine if branch coverage reporting is on or off.
     * @return true if branch coverage is turned on
    public boolean isBranchCoverage() {
        return branchCoverage;

     * Turn branch coverage reporting on or off.
     * @param branchCoverage
    private void setBranchCoverage(final boolean branchCoverage) {
        this.branchCoverage = branchCoverage;

     * @return A File instance representing the output root directory.
    public File getOutRootDir() {
        return outRootDir;

     * Sets the output directory where all the output will be generated.
     * @param outputDir The path to the desired output directory.
    private void setOutRootDir(final String outRootDir) {
        File file = new File(outRootDir);
        if (!file.exists()) {
        this.outRootDir = file;

     * Get the user defined title.
     * @return The title if it has been set by the user otherwise null.
    public String getTitle() {
        return title;

     * Set the user defined title if allowed.
     * @param title The title, as set by the user.
    private void setTitle(final String title) {
        String newTitle = title.trim();
        if (newTitle.length() > 0) {
            this.title = title;

     * Determine if the user has asked to show the legend.
     * @return True if the legend is to be displayed.
    public boolean isLegend() {
        return legend;

     * Set the user preference for displaying the legend in the coverage reports.
     * @param legend
    private void setLegend(boolean legend) {
        this.legend = legend;

     * Get the override CSS file.
     * @param cssPath The override CSS file if it has been set, otherwise null.
    public File getCssFile() {
        return cssFile;

     * Determine the user preference for shortening paths in the index pages.
     * @return true if the user want to preserve full paths.
    public boolean isNoPrefix() {
        return noPrefix;

     * Set the user preference for shortening paths in the index pages.
     * Set to true to preserve full paths.
    private void setNoPrefix(final boolean noPrefix) {
        this.noPrefix = noPrefix;

     * Determine the user defined prefix used to shorten paths in the index pages.
     * @return The prefix as defined by the user or null if no user prefix is set.
    public String getPrefix() {
        String result = prefix;
        if (this.noPrefix) {
            result = null;
        return result;

     * Set the user defined prefix used to shorten paths in the index pages.
     * This should originate from the command line or config file.
    private void setPrefix(String prefix) {
        if (!this.noPrefix) {
            this.prefix = prefix;

     * Get the user preference for expanding tab characters to spaces in source code view.
     * @return The number of spaces as defined by the user otherwise -1 which means leave tabs alone.
    public int getNumSpaces() {
        return numSpaces;

     * Set the user preference for expanding tab characters to spaces in source code view.
     * @param numSpaces The number of spaces tabs will be expanded to.
    private void setNumSpaces(final String numSpaces) {
        try {
            int spaces = Integer.parseInt(numSpaces);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

     * Set the user preference for expanding tab characters to spaces in source code view.
     * @param numSpaces The number of spaces tabs will be expanded to.
    private void setNumSpaces(final int numspaces) {
        if (numspaces >= 0)//is zero too low?
            this.numSpaces = numspaces;

     * Gets the "high pass mark" for percentage of lines covered.
     * @return The user defined high pass mark otherwise the default value.
    public byte getHiLimit() {
        return hiLimit;

     * Sets the "high pass mark" for percentage of lines covered.
    private void setHiLimit(final int hiLimit) {
        if (hiLimit > 0 && hiLimit <= 100)//genhtml just accepts whatever
            this.hiLimit = (byte) hiLimit;

     * Gets the "medium pass mark" for percentage of lines covered.
     * @return The user defined medium pass mark otherwise the default value.
    public byte getMedLimit() {
        return medLimit;

     * Sets the "medium pass mark" for percentage of lines covered.
    private void setMedLimit(final int medLimit) {
        if (medLimit > 0 && medLimit <= 100)//genhtml just accepts whatever
            this.medLimit = (byte) medLimit;

     * Determine if the user has asked for "help" on the command line.
     * @return true if the user wants us to display help text.
    public boolean isHelp() {
        return help;

     * Determine if the user has asked for version info on the command line.
     * @return true if the user wants us to display version info.
    public boolean isVersion() {
        return version;

     * Determine if the user has requested quiet logging.
     * @return true if "quiet" has been specified.
    public boolean isQuiet() {
        return quiet;

     * Determine if we are producing HTML report only (ie exclude XML version).
     * @return true if producing html version only.
    public boolean isHtmlOnly() {
        return htmlOnly;

     * Set user preference for producing HTML report only (ie exclude XML version).
     * @param htmlOnly true to produce html version only.
    private void setHtmlOnly(boolean htmlOnly) {
        this.htmlOnly = htmlOnly;

     * Gets the value of a numeric option.
     * @param properties The properties in which to search for the option
     * @param optName the name of the option to fetch
     * @return The value of the option if it is explicitly set
     * null if the option is not set
    private Integer getNumericValue(final Properties properties, final String optName) {
        Integer result = null;
        if (properties.containsKey(optName)) {
            try {
                int propval = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(optName));
                result = propval;
            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} {1}", new Object[] { optName, ex.getLocalizedMessage() });
        return result;

     * Loads a config file (name value pair) to Properties.
     * Any backslashes in the file will be escaped before being loaded to properties.
     * @param path The path to the config file
     * @return An instance of Properties if successfully loaded, otherwise null
     * @throws IOException
    private static Properties loadFileToProperties(final String path) throws IOException {
        Properties result = null;
        if (path != null) {
            File configFile = new File(path);
            if (configFile.exists()) {
                result = new Properties();
                String propFileContent = FileUtils.readFileToString(configFile);
                propFileContent = propFileContent.replace("\\", "\\\\");//can't expect the lcov config file to escape backslashes
                result.load(new StringReader(propFileContent));
        return result;