Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Yannick LOTH. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.googlecode.jbp.hibernate; import com.googlecode.jbp.common.repository.IGenericRepository; import com.googlecode.jbp.common.repository.IIdentifiable; import com.googlecode.jbp.common.repository.IRepository; import com.googlecode.jbp.common.repository.Page; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static com.googlecode.jbp.common.requirements.ParamRequirements.PARAM_REQ; /** * Abstract data access object implemented using Hibernate. This abstract class * should be extended by specific data access objects when Hibernate is to be * used for persistence. * <p> * Note that {@code @Transactional} annotations are used here as Hibernate * works with object graphs, thus multiple rows in multiple tables may be * modified in a single method. Nevertheless don't forget that normally * transaction should always be declared in the service layer. * </p> * * @param <ID> The class of the identifier. * @param <DomainModel> The domain interface of the persisted classes. * @param <PersistenceModel> The persisted class, which implements the domain interface. * @author Yannick LOTH - yannick AT - */ public abstract class AbstractHibernateRepository<ID extends Serializable, DomainModel extends IIdentifiable<ID>, PersistenceModel extends DomainModel> implements IRepository<ID, DomainModel> { private static final transient Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractHibernateRepository.class); private final SessionFactory sessionFactory; private final IGenericRepository genericHibernateRepository; /** * Constructor * * @param sessionFactoryParam The Hibernate session factory that this data access object * uses. * @param genericRepositoryParam */ public AbstractHibernateRepository(final SessionFactory sessionFactoryParam, final IGenericRepository genericRepositoryParam) { super(); PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(sessionFactoryParam); PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(genericRepositoryParam); genericHibernateRepository = genericRepositoryParam; sessionFactory = sessionFactoryParam; } public final DomainModel create(final DomainModel entity) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(entity); PARAM_REQ.Object.requireInstanceOf(entity, getPersistentClass()); return genericHibernateRepository.create(entity); } /** * Creates a criteria with the persisted entity's class. * * @return The created criteria. */ protected final Criteria createCriteria() { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(getPersistentClass()); return getSession().createCriteria(getPersistentClass()); } public void delete(final Collection<DomainModel> entities) { genericHibernateRepository.delete(entities); } public void delete(final DomainModel entity) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireInstanceOf(entity, getPersistentClass()); genericHibernateRepository.delete(entity); } public void delete(final ID id) { genericHibernateRepository.delete(id, getPersistentClass()); } public void deleteAll() { genericHibernateRepository.deleteAll(getPersistentClass()); } public boolean exists(final DomainModel entity) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireInstanceOf(entity, getPersistentClass()); return genericHibernateRepository.exists(entity); } public boolean exists(final ID id) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(id); return genericHibernateRepository.exists(id, getPersistentClass()); } /** * Flushes the current Hibernate session. */ public final void flush() { genericHibernateRepository.flush(); } /** * Returns the class of the entities managed using this data access object. * * @return The class of the entities managed using this data access object. */ protected abstract Class<PersistenceModel> getPersistentClass(); /** * Returns the current Hibernate session. * * @return The current Hibernate session. */ protected final Session getSession() { return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); } public List<DomainModel> retrieveAll() { return (List<DomainModel>) genericHibernateRepository.retrieveAll(getPersistentClass()); } public List<DomainModel> retrieveAll(final Page pageParam) { return (List<DomainModel>) genericHibernateRepository.retrieveAll(getPersistentClass(), pageParam); } /** * Adds the specified paging to the specified criteria. * * @param criteriaParam The criteria whose results must be paged. * @param pageParam The paging setting. * @return The specified criteria, with paging set. */ protected final Criteria addPagingToCriteria(final Criteria criteriaParam, final Page pageParam) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(criteriaParam); PARAM_REQ.Object.requireNotNull(pageParam); PARAM_REQ.Number.requireNotStrictlyNegative(pageParam.getFirstResult()); PARAM_REQ.Number.requireNotStrictlyNegative(pageParam.getMaxResults()); criteriaParam.setFirstResult(pageParam.getFirstResult()).setMaxResults(pageParam.getMaxResults()); return criteriaParam; } public DomainModel retrieveById(final ID id) { return genericHibernateRepository.retrieveById(getPersistentClass(), id); } public void update(final Collection<DomainModel> entities) { genericHibernateRepository.update(entities); } public void update(final DomainModel entity) { PARAM_REQ.Object.requireInstanceOf(entity, getPersistentClass()); genericHibernateRepository.update(entity); } }