Java tutorial
/* * Icegem, Extensions library for VMWare vFabric GemFire * * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Grid Dynamics Consulting Services Inc. or third-party * contributors as indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License v3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.comparator; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.GnuParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.Tool; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.common.FileService; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.common.Stopwatch; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.common.Utils; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.comparator.model.ComparisonResult; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.comparator.model.Node; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.comparator.task.GetNodesTask; import com.googlecode.icegem.cacheutils.comparator.task.GetNodesTaskArguments; import com.googlecode.icegem.utils.JavaProcessLauncher; public class CompareTool extends Tool { public static final String PARTITION = "partition"; public static final String REPLICATE = "replicate"; private static final String PACKAGES_OPTION = "packages"; private static final String TARGET_SERVER_OPTION = "target-server"; private static final String TARGET_REGION_OPTION = "target-region"; private static final String TARGET_LOCATORS_OPTION = "target-locators"; private static final String SOURCE_SERVER_OPTION = "source-server"; private static final String SOURCE_REGION_OPTION = "source-region"; private static final String SOURCE_LOCATORS_OPTION = "source-locators"; private static final String LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION = "load-factor"; private static final String HELP_OPTION = "help"; private static final String SOURCE_INPUT_FILENAME = "source-input-object"; private static final String TARGET_INPUT_FILENAME = "target-input-object"; private static final String SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "source-output-object"; private static final String TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME = "target-output-object"; private static final int DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR = 50; private String sourceRegionName; private String sourceServer = null; private String sourceLocators = null; private String targetRegionName; private String targetServer = null; private String targetLocators = null; private List<String> packages; private int loadFactor = DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR; private Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); private JavaProcessLauncher javaProcessLauncher = new JavaProcessLauncher(false, false, false); public void execute(String[] args, boolean debugEnabled, boolean quiet) { try { parseCommandLineArguments(args); compare(new long[] { 0 }, 64); } catch (Throwable t) { Utils.exitWithFailure("Unexpected throwable", t); } } private void compare(long[] ids, int shift) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { stopwatch.start(); long[] childIds = getDifferentChildrenIds(ids, shift); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("level #" + ((80 - shift) / 16) + ", number of different entries detected: " + childIds.length + " in " + stopwatch.getDuration() + "ms"); if (childIds.length > 0) { if (shift > 32) { compare(childIds, shift - 16); } else { stopwatch.start(); ComparisonResult result = calculateResult(childIds); stopwatch.stop(); System.out.println("level #4, number of different entries detected: [extra: " + result.getExtra().size() + ", missed: " + result.getMissed().size() + ", different: " + result.getDifferent().size() + "] in " + stopwatch.getDuration() + "ms"); System.out.println(result); Utils.exitWithFailure(); } } else { System.out.println("equal"); Utils.exitWithSuccess(); } } private Process runProcess(String mode, String address, String regionName, String inputFilename, String outputFilename, long[] ids, int shift) throws IOException, InterruptedException { Process process; GetNodesTaskArguments arguments = new GetNodesTaskArguments(); arguments.setAddress(address); arguments.setRegionName(regionName); arguments.setFilename(outputFilename); arguments.setLoadFactor(loadFactor); arguments.setPackages(packages); arguments.setIds(ids); arguments.setShift(shift); arguments.setMode(mode); FileService.writeObject(inputFilename, arguments); process = javaProcessLauncher.runWithoutConfirmation("", GetNodesTask.class, null, new String[] { inputFilename }); return process; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private ComparisonResult calculateResult(long[] ids) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { ComparisonResult result = new ComparisonResult(); Process sourceProcess; Process targetProcess; if (isPartitioned()) { sourceProcess = runProcess(PARTITION, sourceLocators, sourceRegionName, SOURCE_INPUT_FILENAME, SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, 16); targetProcess = runProcess(PARTITION, targetLocators, targetRegionName, TARGET_INPUT_FILENAME, TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, 16); } else { sourceProcess = runProcess(REPLICATE, sourceServer, sourceRegionName, SOURCE_INPUT_FILENAME, SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, 16); targetProcess = runProcess(REPLICATE, targetServer, targetRegionName, TARGET_INPUT_FILENAME, TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, 16); } sourceProcess.waitFor(); targetProcess.waitFor(); Set<Node> sourceNodesSet = (Set<Node>) FileService.readObject(SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME); Set<Node> targetNodesSet = (Set<Node>) FileService.readObject(TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME); Map<Object, Long> sourceDataToHashcodeMap = new HashMap<Object, Long>(); Map<Object, Long> targetDataToHashcodeMap = new HashMap<Object, Long>(); for (Node node : sourceNodesSet) { for (Node child : node.getChildren()) { sourceDataToHashcodeMap.put(child.getData(), child.getHashcode()); } } for (Node node : targetNodesSet) { for (Node child : node.getChildren()) { targetDataToHashcodeMap.put(child.getData(), child.getHashcode()); } } Set<Object> dataSet = new HashSet<Object>(); dataSet.addAll(sourceDataToHashcodeMap.keySet()); dataSet.addAll(targetDataToHashcodeMap.keySet()); for (Object data : dataSet) { Long sourceHashcode = sourceDataToHashcodeMap.get(data); Long targetHashcode = targetDataToHashcodeMap.get(data); if (sourceHashcode == null) { result.addMissed(data); } else if (targetHashcode == null) { result.addExtra(data); } else if (sourceHashcode.longValue() != targetHashcode.longValue()) { result.addDifferent(data); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "The entry with key = " + data + " neither extra, missed nor different"); } } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private long[] getDifferentChildrenIds(long[] ids, int shift) throws IOException, InterruptedException, ClassNotFoundException { Process sourceProcess; Process targetProcess; if (isPartitioned()) { sourceProcess = runProcess(PARTITION, sourceLocators, sourceRegionName, SOURCE_INPUT_FILENAME, SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, shift); targetProcess = runProcess(PARTITION, targetLocators, targetRegionName, TARGET_INPUT_FILENAME, TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, shift); } else { sourceProcess = runProcess(REPLICATE, sourceServer, sourceRegionName, SOURCE_INPUT_FILENAME, SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, shift); targetProcess = runProcess(REPLICATE, targetServer, targetRegionName, TARGET_INPUT_FILENAME, TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME, ids, shift); } sourceProcess.waitFor(); targetProcess.waitFor(); Set<Node> sourceNodesSet = (Set<Node>) FileService.readObject(SOURCE_OUTPUT_FILENAME); Set<Node> targetNodesSet = (Set<Node>) FileService.readObject(TARGET_OUTPUT_FILENAME); Map<Long, Node> sourceIdToNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, Node>(); Map<Long, Node> targetIdToNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, Node>(); for (Node node : sourceNodesSet) { sourceIdToNodeMap.put(node.getId(), node); } for (Node node : targetNodesSet) { targetIdToNodeMap.put(node.getId(), node); } Set<Long> idsSet = new HashSet<Long>(); idsSet.addAll(sourceIdToNodeMap.keySet()); idsSet.addAll(targetIdToNodeMap.keySet()); Set<Long> differentIdsSet = new HashSet<Long>(); for (Long id : idsSet) { Node sourceNode = sourceIdToNodeMap.get(id); Node targetNode = targetIdToNodeMap.get(id); if (sourceNode == null) { differentIdsSet.addAll(targetNode.getChildrenIdsSet()); } else if (targetNode == null) { differentIdsSet.addAll(sourceNode.getChildrenIdsSet()); } else { long sourceHashcode = sourceNode.getHashcode(); long targetHashcode = targetNode.getHashcode(); if (sourceHashcode != targetHashcode) { Node[] sourceChildren = sourceNode.getChildren(); Node[] targetChildren = targetNode.getChildren(); Map<Long, Node> childrenSourceIdToNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, Node>(); Map<Long, Node> childrenTargetIdToNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, Node>(); for (Node node : sourceChildren) { childrenSourceIdToNodeMap.put(node.getId(), node); } for (Node node : targetChildren) { childrenTargetIdToNodeMap.put(node.getId(), node); } Set<Long> childrenIdsSet = new HashSet<Long>(); childrenIdsSet.addAll(childrenSourceIdToNodeMap.keySet()); childrenIdsSet.addAll(childrenTargetIdToNodeMap.keySet()); for (Long childId : childrenIdsSet) { Node childSourceNode = childrenSourceIdToNodeMap.get(childId); Node childTargetNode = childrenTargetIdToNodeMap.get(childId); if (childSourceNode == null) { differentIdsSet.add(childTargetNode.getId()); } else if (childTargetNode == null) { differentIdsSet.add(childSourceNode.getId()); } else if (childSourceNode.getHashcode() != childTargetNode.getHashcode()) { differentIdsSet.add(childSourceNode.getId()); } } } } } long[] childIds = new long[differentIdsSet.size()]; int i = 0; for (Long id : differentIdsSet) { childIds[i++] = id; } return childIds; } private boolean isPartitioned() { return ((sourceLocators != null) && (targetLocators != null)); } protected void parseCommandLineArguments(String[] commandLineArguments) { Options options = constructGnuOptions(); if (commandLineArguments.length < 1) { printHelp(options); } CommandLineParser parser = new GnuParser(); try { CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, commandLineArguments); if (line.hasOption(HELP_OPTION)) { printHelp(options); } if (line.hasOption(SOURCE_REGION_OPTION)) { sourceRegionName = line.getOptionValue(SOURCE_REGION_OPTION); } else { printHelp(options); } if (line.hasOption(TARGET_REGION_OPTION)) { targetRegionName = line.getOptionValue(TARGET_REGION_OPTION); } else { printHelp(options); } if (line.hasOption(SOURCE_SERVER_OPTION) && line.hasOption(TARGET_SERVER_OPTION)) { sourceServer = line.getOptionValue(SOURCE_SERVER_OPTION); targetServer = line.getOptionValue(TARGET_SERVER_OPTION); } else if (line.hasOption(SOURCE_LOCATORS_OPTION) && line.hasOption(TARGET_LOCATORS_OPTION)) { sourceLocators = line.getOptionValue(SOURCE_LOCATORS_OPTION); targetLocators = line.getOptionValue(TARGET_LOCATORS_OPTION); } else { printHelp(options); } if (line.hasOption(PACKAGES_OPTION)) { packages = Arrays.asList(line.getOptionValue(PACKAGES_OPTION).split(",")); } if (line.hasOption(LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION)) { String loadFactorString = line.getOptionValue(LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION); try { loadFactor = Integer.parseInt(loadFactorString); } catch (Throwable t) { Utils.exitWithFailure( "Cannot parse the " + LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION + " option, value = " + loadFactorString); } if ((loadFactor < 1) || (loadFactor > 100)) { Utils.exitWithFailure("The " + LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION + " option, value = " + loadFactorString + " is out of range [1, 100]"); } } } catch (Throwable t) { Utils.exitWithFailure("Throwable caught during the command-line arguments parsing", t); } } protected void printHelp(Options options) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("compare <--" + SOURCE_REGION_OPTION + "> <--" + TARGET_REGION_OPTION + "> < --" + SOURCE_SERVER_OPTION + " --" + TARGET_SERVER_OPTION + " | --" + SOURCE_LOCATORS_OPTION + " --" + TARGET_LOCATORS_OPTION + " > [--" + PACKAGES_OPTION + "] [--" + LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION + "]", options); Utils.exitWithFailure(); } protected Options constructGnuOptions() { final Options gnuOptions = new Options(); gnuOptions.addOption("sr", SOURCE_REGION_OPTION, true, "The name of source region") .addOption("ss", SOURCE_SERVER_OPTION, true, "Source server in format host[port]") .addOption("sl", SOURCE_LOCATORS_OPTION, true, "Source cluster locators in format host1[port1],host2[port2]") .addOption("tr", TARGET_REGION_OPTION, true, "The name of target region") .addOption("ts", TARGET_SERVER_OPTION, true, "Target server in format host[port]") .addOption("tl", TARGET_LOCATORS_OPTION, true, "Target cluster locators in format host1[port1],host2[port2]") .addOption("lf", LOAD_FACTOR_OPTION, true, "The percent of time the comparator tries to use on each server. " + "The possible values range [1, 100]. Default value is " + DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR + ".") .addOption("c", PACKAGES_OPTION, true, "Enumerate packages to scan for @AutoSerializable model classes. Delimiter is a comma sign.") .addOption("h", HELP_OPTION, false, "Print usage information"); return gnuOptions; } }