Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and */ package com.googlecode.gwtx.rebind; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author ndeloof */ public class PropertyDescriptorsGenerator extends Generator { public String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { logger.log(Type.INFO, "Enable " + typeName + " for introspection"); return doGenerate(logger, context, typeName); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, null, e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } public String doGenerate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName) throws Exception { TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle(); JClassType type = typeOracle.getType(typeName); String packageName = type.getPackage().getName(); String simpleClassName = type.getSimpleSourceName(); String className = simpleClassName + "Introspector"; String qualifiedBeanClassName = packageName + "." + className; SourceWriter sourceWriter = getSourceWriter(logger, context, packageName, className, type); if (sourceWriter == null) { return qualifiedBeanClassName; } write(logger, sourceWriter, type); sourceWriter.commit(logger); return qualifiedBeanClassName; } protected SourceWriter getSourceWriter(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String packageName, String beanClassName, JClassType superType) { PrintWriter printWriter = context.tryCreate(logger, packageName, beanClassName); if (printWriter == null) { return null; } ClassSourceFileComposerFactory composerFactory = new ClassSourceFileComposerFactory(packageName, beanClassName); composerFactory.addImport(PropertyDescriptor.class.getName()); composerFactory.addImport(Method.class.getName()); // Do not use GwtBeanInfo.class as the BeanInfo interface is NOT fully implemented composerFactory.addImport(""); composerFactory.addImport(""); return composerFactory.createSourceWriter(context, printWriter); } /** * @param logger * @param w * @param typeOracle */ private void write(TreeLogger logger, SourceWriter w, JClassType type) { Collection<Property> properties = lookupJavaBeanPropertyAccessors(logger, type); w.println("// automatically register BeanInfos for bean properties"); w.println("static {"); w.indent(); w.println("GwtBeanInfo beanInfo = new GwtBeanInfo();"); for (Property property : properties) { w.println("try {"); w.indent(); w.print("beanInfo.addPropertyDescriptor( "); writePropertyDescriptor(w, type,, property.propertyType, property.getter, property.setter); w.println(" );"); w.outdent(); w.println("} catch (Exception e) {}"); } w.println("GwtIntrospector.setBeanInfo( " + type.getName() + ".class, beanInfo );"); w.outdent(); w.println("}"); } /** * @param sw * @param type * @param propertyName * @param getter * @param setter */ private void writePropertyDescriptor(SourceWriter sw, JClassType type, String propertyName, String propertyType, JMethod getter, JMethod setter) { sw.print("new PropertyDescriptor( \"" + propertyName + "\", " + propertyType + ".class, "); if (getter != null) { sw.println("new Method() "); sw.println("{"); sw.indent(); sw.println("public Object invoke( Object bean, Object... args )"); sw.println("{"); sw.indent(); sw.println("return ( (" + type.getName() + ") bean)." + getter.getName() + "();"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.print("}, "); } else { sw.print("null, "); } if (setter != null) { sw.println("new Method() "); sw.println("{"); sw.indent(); sw.println("public Object invoke( Object bean, Object... args )"); sw.println("{"); sw.indent(); JType argType = setter.getParameters()[0].getType().getErasedType(); String argTypeName; if (argType.isPrimitive() != null) { argTypeName = argType.isPrimitive().getQualifiedBoxedSourceName(); } else { argTypeName = argType.getQualifiedSourceName(); } sw.println( "( (" + type.getName() + ") bean)." + setter.getName() + "( (" + argTypeName + ") args[0] );"); sw.println("return null;"); sw.outdent(); sw.println("}"); sw.outdent(); sw.print("} )"); } else { sw.print("null )"); } } /** * Lookup any public method in the type to match JavaBeans accessor convention * @param type * @return Collection of javabean properties */ protected Collection<Property> lookupJavaBeanPropertyAccessors(TreeLogger logger, JClassType type) { Map<String, Property> properties = new HashMap<String, Property>(); JMethod[] methods = type.getMethods(); for (JMethod method : methods) { if (!method.isPublic() || method.isStatic()) { continue; } if (method.getName().startsWith("set") && method.getParameters().length == 1) { String name = Introspector.decapitalize(method.getName().substring(3)); String propertyType = null; JParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters(); if (parameters.length == 1) { JParameter parameter = parameters[0]; propertyType = parameter.getType().getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName(); } else { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Property '" + name + "' has " + parameters.length + " parameters: " + parameters + "!"); continue; } Property property = properties.get(name); if (property == null) { property = new Property(name); properties.put(name, property); } property.setter = method; if (property.propertyType == null) { property.propertyType = propertyType; } else if (!property.propertyType.equals(propertyType)) { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Property '" + name + "' has an invalid setter: " + propertyType + " was expected, " + property.propertyType + " found!"); continue; } } else if (method.getName().startsWith("get") && method.getParameters().length == 0) { String name = Introspector.decapitalize(method.getName().substring(3)); String propertyType = method.getReturnType().getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName(); Property property = properties.get(name); if (property == null) { property = new Property(name); properties.put(name, property); } property.getter = method; if (property.propertyType == null) { property.propertyType = propertyType; } else if (!property.propertyType.equals(propertyType)) { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Property '" + name + "' has an invalid getter: " + propertyType + " was expected, " + property.propertyType + " found!"); continue; } } else if (method.getName().startsWith("is") && method.getParameters().length == 0) { String name = Introspector.decapitalize(method.getName().substring(2)); String propertyType = method.getReturnType().getErasedType().getQualifiedSourceName(); Property property = properties.get(name); if (property == null) { property = new Property(name); properties.put(name, property); } property.getter = method; if (property.propertyType == null) { property.propertyType = propertyType; } else if (!property.propertyType.equals(propertyType)) { logger.log(Type.WARN, "Property '" + name + "' has an invalid 'is' getter: " + propertyType + " was expected, " + property.propertyType + " found!"); continue; } } } return properties.values(); } private class Property { public String name; public String propertyType; public JMethod getter; public JMethod setter; public Property(String name) { super(); = name; } } }