Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 Joost van de Wijgerd <> * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.googlecode.deadalus.server.internal; import com.googlecode.deadalus.*; import com.googlecode.deadalus.geoutils.LengthUnit; import com.googlecode.deadalus.geoutils.GeoHash; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowire; /** * Implememtation of a RegionServer that is running in the local JVM. * * @author Joost van de Wijgerd <> */ @Configurable(autowire = Autowire.BY_TYPE, dependencyCheck = true) public class LocalRegionServer implements RegionServer { private final Logger LOG; /** default maximum number of workers to run, set to the number of processors (cores) + 1 */ private static final int MAX_WORKERS = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() + 1; /** The hash that defines this server */ private final GeoHash geoHash; /** The queue that holds the events that still need to be processed */ private final BlockingQueue<LocalEvent> eventQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<LocalEvent>(); /** The map of LocalObject instances, can be empty if all regions are handled by other RegionServers */ private final Map<UUID, LocalObject> managedObjects = new ConcurrentHashMap<UUID, LocalObject>(); /** List of all RegionServer instances that are the children of this RegionServer (i.e. the precision is > this.GeoHash.precision)*/ private final Map<GeoHash, RegionServer> managedServers = new ConcurrentHashMap<GeoHash, RegionServer>(); /** The registry to be used to find other RegionServers that are not directly children of this RegionServer */ private RegionServerRegistry regionServerRegistry; /** The registry of ObjectFactory instances, this maps ClassId UUID's to ObjectFactories that can be used to create object of that class */ private ObjectFactoryRegistry objectFactoryRegistry; /** ExecutorService to execute the workers in */ private ExecutorService executorService; /** The list of EventWorker instances that handle the events, this contains both running and stopped instances */ private final List<EventWorker> workers = new ArrayList<EventWorker>(); /** */ private TickEventGenerator tickEventGenerator; public LocalRegionServer(GeoHash geoHash) { this.geoHash = geoHash; LOG = Logger.getLogger("RegionServer." + geoHash.getHash()); } public final void start() { // create the workers for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WORKERS; i++) { workers.add(new EventWorker()); } // start sending ticks tickEventGenerator = new TickEventGenerator(2000); executorService.submit(tickEventGenerator); // @todo: register with RegionServerRegistry? // we're ready for action"RegionServer started for region: " + ("".equals(geoHash.getHash()) ? "ROOT" : geoHash.getHash())); } public final void stop() { // stop all workers for (EventWorker worker : workers) { worker.stop(); } tickEventGenerator.stop(); // we're done here"RegionServer stopped.."); } @Autowired(required = true) public void setRegionServerRegistry(RegionServerRegistry regionServerRegistry) { this.regionServerRegistry = regionServerRegistry; } @Autowired(required = true) public void setObjectFactoryRegistry(ObjectFactoryRegistry objectFactoryRegistry) { this.objectFactoryRegistry = objectFactoryRegistry; } @Autowired(required = true) public void setExecutorService(ExecutorService executorService) { this.executorService = executorService; } public final GeoHash getGeoHash() { return geoHash; } @Override public final void broadCast(Event event) { // add an event for each UUID that is locally managed and broadcast the event to other RegionServer instances for (UUID uuid : managedObjects.keySet()) { sendLocal(event, uuid, null, true); } for (RegionServer managedServer : managedServers.values()) { managedServer.broadCast(event); } } @Override public final void broadCast(Event event, double radius, LengthUnit unit) { // first check to see if this is at all for us if (event.getOriginatingLocation().getGeoHash().within(this.geoHash)) { // ok we have the hash now we need to find out if it is managed by one of the Region Server below us for (RegionServer managedServer : managedServers.values()) { if (event.getOriginatingLocation().getGeoHash().within(managedServer.getGeoHash())) { // pass it to the other server managedServer.broadCast(event, radius, unit); return; } } // ok so we should handle the event ourselves // now go through all the DeadalusObject instances for (LocalObject object : managedObjects.values()) { // now use the distance function if (object.getCurrentLocation().distance(event.getOriginatingLocation(), unit) < radius) { // bingo! sendLocal(event, object.getId(), null, false); } } } } @Override public final void send(Event event, UUID recipientId, EventCallback eventCallback) { // first check if we manage UUID ourselves if (managedObjects.containsKey(recipientId)) { sendLocal(event, recipientId, eventCallback, false); } else { // now we need to find it, we just send the event to the other servers and have them figure it out for (RegionServer managedServer : managedServers.values()) { managedServer.send(event, recipientId, eventCallback); } } } private void sendLocal(Event event, UUID recipientId, EventCallback eventCallback, boolean broadcast) { eventQueue.offer(new LocalEvent(event, recipientId, eventCallback, broadcast)); ensureWorkers(); } @Override public Collection<RegionServer> getRegions() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(managedServers.values()); } @Override public final DeadalusObject createObject(UUID clsId, Coordinate initialLocation, Object... arguments) { ObjectFactory factory = objectFactoryRegistry.getObjectFactory(clsId); DeadalusObject object = factory.createObject(arguments); LocalObject localObject = new LocalObject(this, object); localObject.setCurrentLocation(initialLocation); managedObjects.put(localObject.getId(), localObject); // @todo: need to know the UUID of the creator here. Get this from some kind of security context broadCast(new CreateEvent(object.getId(), initialLocation, null)); return object; } @Override public final void moveObject(UUID objectId, Coordinate toLocation) { if (managedObjects.containsKey(objectId)) { // update the object and create events LocalObject localObject = managedObjects.get(objectId); Coordinate fromLocation = localObject.getCurrentLocation(); broadCast(new LeaveEvent(objectId, localObject.getCurrentLocation(), toLocation)); localObject.setCurrentLocation(toLocation); broadCast(new EnterEvent(objectId, fromLocation, toLocation)); } else if (toLocation.getGeoHash().within(this.geoHash)) { // try to find the child region server that manages the object // @todo: does this do us any good or shall we go to the RegionServerRegistry immediately? } else { // we were asked to move an object that was somewhere else entirely // @todo: do we want to handle this or do we consider this to be an error? } } protected final void handleLocalEvent(final LocalEvent localEvent) { // first find the object LocalObject localObject = managedObjects.get(localEvent.getRecipient()); // can be null if this object was recently removed from this server! if (localObject != null) { // @todo: check if local object still has quota, for now just call the onEvent method localObject.onEvent(localEvent.getEvent()); } else { // @todo: handle events for objects that are not here anymore } } /** * Ensures there are enough running workers to handle */ private void ensureWorkers() { // check the eventQueue if (eventQueue.size() > 0) { // start a worker if possible for (EventWorker worker : workers) { if (!worker.isRunning()) { executorService.submit(worker); } } } } private final class EventWorker implements Callable<LocalEvent> { private final AtomicReference<Thread> runningThread = new AtomicReference<Thread>(null); private volatile boolean running = true; /** * Handles LocalEvent instances from the eventQueue. A LocalEvent is always intended for an object that is * managed by this instance of the server. * * @return * @throws Exception */ @Override public final LocalEvent call() throws Exception { // store the calling thread to be able to interrupt later. try { if (!runningThread.compareAndSet(null, Thread.currentThread())) { // somehow this worker was executed before it was finished // @todo: do we throw an exception or ? } while (running) { LocalEvent localEvent = null; try { localEvent = eventQueue.poll(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // this will probably mean we interrupted the thread so running will become false localEvent = null; } if (localEvent == null) { // there were no events for 60 seconds, die running = false; } else { // handle the event... try { handleLocalEvent(localEvent); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Exception on handleLocalEvent", e); } } } } finally { runningThread.compareAndSet(Thread.currentThread(), null); running = false; return null; } } private boolean isRunning() { return this.runningThread.get() != null; } private void stop() { if (this.runningThread.get() != null) this.runningThread.get().interrupt(); } } private final class TickEventGenerator implements Callable<Object> { private final AtomicReference<Thread> runningThread = new AtomicReference<Thread>(null); private volatile boolean running = true; private final long tickInterval; private TickEventGenerator(long tickInterval) { this.tickInterval = tickInterval; } @Override public final Object call() throws Exception { runningThread.set(Thread.currentThread()); while (running) { broadCast(new TickEvent(tickInterval)); try { Thread.sleep(tickInterval); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // we got interrupted } } runningThread.set(null); return null; } private void stop() { running = false; if (this.runningThread.get() != null) this.runningThread.get().interrupt(); } } }