Java tutorial
/* * * Created May 13, 2010 */ package com.googlecode.blaisemath.graph.mod.layout; /* * #%L * BlaiseGraphTheory * -- * Copyright (C) 2009 - 2016 Elisha Peterson * -- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import; import; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.annotation.InvokedFromThread; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.graph.Graph; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.graph.GraphUtils; import com.googlecode.blaisemath.graph.IterativeGraphLayout; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe; /** * <p> * Graph layout modeled after repulsive charges between nodes, and spring * forces between nodes. This class is stateless and therefore thread-safe. * </p> * * @author Elisha Peterson */ @ThreadSafe public class SpringLayout implements IterativeGraphLayout<SpringLayoutParameters, SpringLayoutState> { //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="CONSTANTS"> private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SpringLayout.class.getName()); //</editor-fold> @Override public String toString() { return "Spring layout algorithm"; } @Override public SpringLayoutState createState() { return new SpringLayoutState(); } @Override public SpringLayoutParameters createParameters() { return new SpringLayoutParameters(); } @InvokedFromThread("unknown") @Override public final synchronized <C> double iterate(Graph<C> og, SpringLayoutState state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { Graph<C> g = og.isDirected() ? GraphUtils.copyAsUndirectedSparseGraph(og) : og; Set<C> nodes = g.nodes(); Set<C> pinned = params.getConstraints().getPinnedNodes(); Set<C> unpinned = Sets.difference(nodes, pinned).immutableCopy(); double energy; state.nodeLocationSync(nodes); state.updateRegions(params.maxRepelDist); Map<C, Point2D.Double> forces = Maps.newHashMap(); computeNonRepulsiveForces(g, nodes, pinned, forces, state, params); computeRepulsiveForces(pinned, forces, state, params); checkForces(unpinned, forces); energy = move(g, unpinned, forces, state, params); return energy; } protected <C> void computeNonRepulsiveForces(Graph<C> g, Set<C> nodes, Set<C> pinned, Map<C, Point2D.Double> forces, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { for (C io : nodes) { Point2D.Double iLoc = state.getLoc(io); if (iLoc == null) { iLoc = newNodeLocation(g, io, state, params); state.putLoc(io, iLoc); } Point2D.Double iVel = state.getVel(io); if (iVel == null) { iVel = new Point2D.Double(); state.putVel(io, iVel); } if (!pinned.contains(io)) { Point2D.Double netForce = new Point2D.Double(); addGlobalForce(netForce, iLoc, params); addSpringForces(g, netForce, io, iLoc, state, params); addAdditionalForces(g, netForce, io, iLoc, state, params); forces.put(io, netForce); } } } protected <C> void addAdditionalForces(Graph<C> g, Point2D.Double sum, C io, Point2D.Double iLoc, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { // hook for adding additional forces per the needs of child layouts } protected <C> void computeRepulsiveForces(Set<C> pinned, Map<C, Point2D.Double> forces, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { for (LayoutRegion<C>[] rr : state.regions) { for (LayoutRegion<C> r : rr) { for (C io : r.points()) { if (!pinned.contains(io)) { addRepulsiveForces(r, forces.get(io), io, r.get(io), params); } } } } for (C io : state.oRegion.points()) { if (!pinned.contains(io)) { addRepulsiveForces(state.oRegion, forces.get(io), io, state.oRegion.get(io), params); } } } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="STATIC ALGORITHMS"> /** * This method returns a position for a node that doesn't currently have a position. * @param node the node to get new location of */ private static <C> Point2D.Double newNodeLocation(Graph<C> g, C node, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { double len = params.springL; double sx = 0; double sy = 0; int n = 0; for (C o : g.neighbors(node)) { Point2D.Double p = state.getLoc(o); if (p != null) { sx += p.x; sy += p.y; n++; } } if (n == 0) { return new Point2D.Double(sx + 2 * len * Math.random(), sy + 2 * len * Math.random()); } else if (n == 1) { return new Point2D.Double(sx + len * Math.random(), sy + len * Math.random()); } else { return new Point2D.Double(sx / n, sy / n); } } /** * Adds a global attractive force pushing vertex at specified location toward the origin * @param sum vector representing the sum of forces (will be adjusted) * @param io the node of interest * @param iLoc location of first vertex * @param params algorithm parameters */ private static <C> void addGlobalForce(Point2D.Double sum, Point2D.Double iLoc, SpringLayoutParameters params) { double dist = iLoc.distance(0, 0); if (dist > params.minGlobalForceDist) { sum.x += -params.globalC * iLoc.x / dist; sum.y += -params.globalC * iLoc.y / dist; } } /** * Adds all repulsive forces for a particular vertex. * @param g the graph * @param ireg the region for the node * @param sum vector representing the sum of forces (will be adjusted) * @param io the node of interest * @param iLoc location of first vertex * @param params algorithm parameters */ private static <C> void addRepulsiveForces(LayoutRegion<C> ireg, Point2D.Double sum, C io, Point2D.Double iLoc, SpringLayoutParameters params) { Point2D.Double jLoc; double dist; for (LayoutRegion<C> r : ireg.adjacentRegions()) { for (Entry<C, Point2D.Double> jEntry : r.entries()) { C jo = jEntry.getKey(); if (io != jo) { jLoc = jEntry.getValue(); dist = iLoc.distance(jLoc); // repulsive force from other nodes if (dist < params.maxRepelDist) { addRepulsiveForce(sum, iLoc, jLoc, dist, params); } } } } } /** * Adds repulsive force at vertex i1 pointing away from vertex i2. * @param sum vector representing the sum of forces (will be adjusted) * @param io the node of interest * @param iLoc location of first vertex * @param jo the second node of interest * @param jLoc location of second vertex * @param dist distance between vertices * @param params algorithm parameters */ private static <C> void addRepulsiveForce(Point2D.Double sum, Point2D.Double iLoc, Point2D.Double jLoc, double dist, SpringLayoutParameters params) { if (iLoc == jLoc) { return; } if (dist == 0) { double angle = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI; sum.x += params.repulsiveC * Math.cos(angle); sum.y += params.repulsiveC * Math.sin(angle); } else { double multiplier = Math.min(params.repulsiveC / (dist * dist), params.maxForce) / dist; sum.x += multiplier * (iLoc.x - jLoc.x); sum.y += multiplier * (iLoc.y - jLoc.y); } } /** * Adds symmetric attractive force from adjacencies * @param g the graph * @param sum the total force for the current object * @param io the node of interest * @param iLoc position of node of interest * @param params algorithm parameters */ private static <C> void addSpringForces(Graph<C> g, Point2D.Double sum, C io, Point2D.Double iLoc, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { Point2D.Double jLoc; double dist; for (C o : g.neighbors(io)) { if (!Objects.equal(o, io)) { jLoc = state.getLoc(o); dist = iLoc.distance(jLoc); addSpringForce(sum, io, iLoc, o, jLoc, dist, params); } } } /** Adds spring force at vertex i1 pointing to vertex i2. * @param g the graph * @param sum vector representing the sum of forces (will be adjusted) * @param io the node of interest * @param iLoc location of first vertex * @param jo the second node of interest * @param jLoc location of second vertex * @param dist distance between vertices */ private static <C> void addSpringForce(Point2D.Double sum, C io, Point2D.Double iLoc, C jo, Point2D.Double jLoc, double dist, SpringLayoutParameters params) { if (dist == 0) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Distance 0 between {0} and {1}: {2}, {3}", new Object[] { io, jo, iLoc, jLoc }); sum.x += params.springC / (params.minDist * params.minDist); sum.y += 0; } else { double displacement = dist - params.springL; sum.x += params.springC * displacement * (jLoc.x - iLoc.x) / dist; sum.y += params.springC * displacement * (jLoc.y - iLoc.y) / dist; } } private static <C> void checkForces(Set<C> unpinned, Map<C, Point2D.Double> forces) { for (C io : unpinned) { Point2D.Double netForce = forces.get(io); boolean test = !Double.isNaN(netForce.x) && !Double.isNaN(netForce.y) && !Double.isInfinite(netForce.x) && !Double.isInfinite(netForce.y); if (!test) { LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "Computed infinite force: {0} for {1}", new Object[] { netForce, io }); } } } private static <C> double move(Graph<C> g, Set<C> unpinned, Map<C, Point2D.Double> forces, SpringLayoutState<C> state, SpringLayoutParameters params) { double energy = 0; for (C io : unpinned) { energy += adjustVelocity(state.getVel(io), forces.get(io),, params); } for (C io : unpinned) { adjustPosition(state.getLoc(io), state.getVel(io), params.stepT); } return energy; } /** * Adjusts the velocity vector with the specified net force, possibly by applying damping. * SpringLayout uses iVel = dampingC*(iVel + stepT*netForce), * and caps maximum speed. * @param iVel velocity to adjust * @param netForce force vector to use * @param iDeg node's degree, used to increase damping for high degree nodes * @param maxForce maximum permissible force * @return node's energy */ private static double adjustVelocity(Point2D.Double iVel, Point2D.Double netForce, double iDeg, SpringLayoutParameters params) { double maxForce = iDeg <= 15 ? params.maxForce : params.maxForce * (.2 + .8 / (iDeg - 15)); double fm = netForce.distance(0, 0); if (fm > maxForce) { netForce.x *= maxForce / fm; netForce.y *= maxForce / fm; } iVel.x = params.dampingC * (iVel.x + params.stepT * netForce.x); iVel.y = params.dampingC * (iVel.y + params.stepT * netForce.y); double speed = iVel.x * iVel.x + iVel.y * iVel.y; if (speed > params.maxSpeed) { iVel.x *= params.maxSpeed / speed; iVel.y *= params.maxSpeed / speed; speed = params.maxSpeed; } return .5 * speed * speed; } /** * Adjusts a node's position using specified initial position and velocity. * SpringLayout uses iLoc += stepT*iVel * @param iLoc position to change * @param iVel velocity to adjust * @param stepT step time */ private static void adjustPosition(Point2D.Double iLoc, Point2D.Double iVel, double stepT) { iLoc.x += stepT * iVel.x; iLoc.y += stepT * iVel.y; } // </editor-fold> }