Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** Encapsulates the logic for looking up plugins. */ public final class PluginResolver { /** * Returns an empty resolver. Useful for tests, or situations where it is known that no plugins * will be needed. */ public static PluginResolver nullResolver(Mode mode, ErrorReporter reporter) { return new PluginResolver(mode, ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), ImmutableMap.of(), reporter); } /** Names of Soy constructs that can't be used as plugin names. */ public static final ImmutableSet<String> ILLEGAL_PLUGIN_NAMES = ImmutableSet.of("map", "record"); private static final SoyErrorKind UNKNOWN_PLUGIN = SoyErrorKind.of("Unknown {0} ''{1}''.{2}", StyleAllowance.NO_PUNCTUATION); private static final SoyErrorKind DEPRECATED_PLUGIN = SoyErrorKind.of("{0} is deprecated: {1}", StyleAllowance.NO_PUNCTUATION, StyleAllowance.NO_CAPS); private static final SoyErrorKind INCORRECT_NUM_ARGS = SoyErrorKind .of("{0} called with {1} arguments (expected {2})."); private static final SoyErrorKind PLUGIN_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED = SoyErrorKind.of( "Plugins named ''{0}'' are not allowed, " + "since they conflict with Soy''s {0}() literal syntax."); private static final SoyErrorKind DIFFERENT_IMPLS_REGISTERED = SoyErrorKind .of("Plugin named ''{0}'' has two different implementations registered: " + "''{1}'' and ''{2}''."); private static final SoyErrorKind MISSING_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE = SoyErrorKind .of("Plugin class ''{0}'' has no @SoyFunctionSignature annotation. " + "Classes implementing SoySourceFunction must be annotated with " + "@SoyFunctionSignature."); private static final SoyErrorKind MULTIPLE_PLUGIN_INSTANCES = SoyErrorKind .of("Plugin class ''{0}'' uses callInstanceMethod for methods on multiple classes {1}. " + "SoyJavaSourceFunctions must only use a single class for callInstanceMethod."); private static final SoySourceFunction ERROR_PLACEHOLDER_FUNCTION = new SoySourceFunction() { }; /** Configures the behavior of the resolver when a lookup fails. */ public enum Mode { /** * Allows unknown functions and print directives * * <p>This option is only available for the parseinfo generator and message extractor which * historically has not had proper build dependencies and thus often references unknown plugins. */ ALLOW_UNDEFINED, /** This is the normal thing, it is an error for the plugin to not exist. */ REQUIRE_DEFINITIONS, /** * This is a special case for deprecatedv1 where we allow the function to not exist and just * plop it into the js gencode. */ ALLOW_UNDEFINED_FUNCTIONS_FOR_V1_SUPPORT; } private final Mode mode; private final ImmutableMap<String, SoyPrintDirective> printDirectives; private final ImmutableMap<String, Object> functions; private final ErrorReporter reporter; public PluginResolver(Mode mode, ImmutableMap<String, SoyPrintDirective> soyPrintDirectives, ImmutableMap<String, SoyFunction> soyFunctions, ImmutableMap<String, SoySourceFunction> sourceFunctions, ErrorReporter reporter) { this.mode = checkNotNull(mode); this.printDirectives = checkNotNull(soyPrintDirectives); this.reporter = checkNotNull(reporter); for (String illegalName : ILLEGAL_PLUGIN_NAMES) { if (soyFunctions.containsKey(illegalName) || sourceFunctions.containsKey(illegalName)) {, PLUGIN_NAME_NOT_ALLOWED, illegalName); } } // Merge the SoyFunctions & SoySourceFunctions. While merging, confirm that we only have // one implementation for each plugin. They can overlap, but impl must be the same. This // indicates a partially migrated plugin. // Also confirm that each SoySourceFunction has a @SoyFunctionSignature, which is required. ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> mergedFunctions = ImmutableMap.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, SoyFunction> entry : soyFunctions.entrySet()) { SoySourceFunction source = sourceFunctions.get(entry.getKey()); if (source != null) { if (source != entry.getValue()) {, DIFFERENT_IMPLS_REGISTERED, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), source); } } else { // We only insert non-duplicates into the merged map to avoid IllegalArugmentExceptions // building the map. mergedFunctions.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } mergedFunctions.putAll(sourceFunctions); this.functions =; // Go back over our merged functions and validate all the SoySourceFunction implementations. // We explicitly look *after* merging because SoySourceFunctions might be registered // as SoyFunctions if they also implemented other backends like SoyJsFunction. for (Object function : this.functions.values()) { if (function instanceof SoySourceFunction) { if (!function.getClass().isAnnotationPresent(SoyFunctionSignature.class)) { // Make sure a function sig exists., MISSING_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE, function.getClass().getName()); } else if (function instanceof SoyJavaSourceFunction) { // Also make sure that the applyForJavaSource impl uses a single plugin instance. // We don't support multiple instances. Set<Class<?>> instances = PluginInstanceFinder.find((SoyJavaSourceFunction) function); if (instances.size() > 1) {, MULTIPLE_PLUGIN_INSTANCES, function.getClass().getName(), instances); } } } } } /** * Returns a print directive with the given name and arity. * * <p>An error will be reported according to the current {@link Mode} and a placeholder function * will be returned if it cannot be found. */ public SoyPrintDirective lookupPrintDirective(String name, int numArgs, SourceLocation location) { SoyPrintDirective soyPrintDirective = printDirectives.get(name); if (soyPrintDirective == null) { if (mode == Mode.REQUIRE_DEFINITIONS || mode == Mode.ALLOW_UNDEFINED_FUNCTIONS_FOR_V1_SUPPORT) {, UNKNOWN_PLUGIN, "print directive", name, SoyErrors.getDidYouMeanMessage(printDirectives.keySet(), name)); } soyPrintDirective = createPlaceholderPrintDirective(name, numArgs); } checkNumArgs("print directive", soyPrintDirective.getValidArgsSizes(), numArgs, location); warnIfDeprecated(name, soyPrintDirective, location); return soyPrintDirective; } /** * Returns a function with the given name and arity. * * <p>An error will be reported according to the current {@link Mode} and a placeholder function * will be returned if it cannot be found. */ public Object lookupSoyFunction(String name, int numArgs, SourceLocation location) { Object soyFunction = functions.get(name); if (soyFunction == null) { if (mode == Mode.REQUIRE_DEFINITIONS) {, UNKNOWN_PLUGIN, "function", name, SoyErrors.getDidYouMeanMessage(functions.keySet(), name)); } return ERROR_PLACEHOLDER_FUNCTION; } Set<Integer> validArgsSize; if (soyFunction instanceof SoyFunction) { validArgsSize = ((SoyFunction) soyFunction).getValidArgsSizes(); } else { validArgsSize = getValidArgsSizes( soyFunction.getClass().getAnnotation(SoyFunctionSignature.class).value()); } checkNumArgs("function", validArgsSize, numArgs, location); warnIfDeprecated(name, soyFunction, location); return soyFunction; } private static Set<Integer> getValidArgsSizes(Signature[] signatures) { ImmutableSortedSet.Builder<Integer> builder = ImmutableSortedSet.naturalOrder(); for (Signature signature : signatures) { builder.add(signature.parameterTypes().length); } return; } private void checkNumArgs(String pluginKind, Set<Integer> arities, int actualNumArgs, SourceLocation location) { if (!arities.contains(actualNumArgs)) {, INCORRECT_NUM_ARGS, pluginKind, actualNumArgs, Joiner.on(" or ").join(arities)); } } private void warnIfDeprecated(String name, Object plugin, SourceLocation location) { SoyDeprecated deprecatedNotice = plugin.getClass().getAnnotation(SoyDeprecated.class); if (deprecatedNotice != null) { reporter.warn(location, DEPRECATED_PLUGIN, name, deprecatedNotice.value()); } } private static SoyPrintDirective createPlaceholderPrintDirective(final String name, int arity) { final ImmutableSet<Integer> validArgSizes = ImmutableSet.of(arity); return new SoyPrintDirective() { @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public Set<Integer> getValidArgsSizes() { return validArgSizes; } @Override public boolean shouldCancelAutoescape() { return false; } }; } }