Source code

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 * Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

 * DSL for constructing sequences of JavaScript code. Unlike {@link JsExpr}, it can handle code that
 * cannot be represented as single expressions.
 * <p>Sample usage: <code>
 * CodeChunk.WithValue fraction = cg.declare(
 *     number(3)
 *         .divideBy(number(4)));
 * cg
 *     .newChunk(fraction)
 *     .if_(
 *         fraction.doubleEqualsNull(),
 *         id("someFunction").call())
 *     .endif()
 *     .assign(fraction.times(number(5)))
 *     .build()
 *     .getCode();
 * </code> produces <code>
 *   var $$tmp0 = 3 / 4;
 *   if ($$tmp0 == null) {
 *     someFunction();
 *   }
 *   $$tmp0 = $$tmp0 * 5;
 * </code> TODO(user): do all JS code generation with this DSL (that is, remove {@link
public abstract class CodeChunk {

    /** Returns a chunk representing the concatenation of this chunk with the other. */
    public final CodeChunk concat(CodeChunk other) {
        return StatementList.of(ImmutableList.of(this, other));

    /** Starts a conditional statement beginning with the given predicate and consequent chunks. */
    public static ConditionalBuilder ifStatement(CodeChunk.WithValue predicate, CodeChunk consequent) {
        return new ConditionalBuilder(predicate, consequent);

    /** Starts a conditional expression beginning with the given predicate and consequent chunks. */
    public static ConditionalExpressionBuilder ifExpression(CodeChunk.WithValue predicate,
            CodeChunk.WithValue consequent) {
        return new ConditionalExpressionBuilder(predicate, consequent);

     * Creates a new code chunk from the given expression. The expression's precedence is preserved.
    public static WithValue fromExpr(JsExpr expr, Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        return Leaf.create(expr, requires);

     * Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript identifier.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid JavaScript identifier.
    public static WithValue id(String id) {
        return Leaf.create(id);

     * Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript identifier.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code id} is not a valid JavaScript identifier.
    static WithValue id(String id, Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        return Leaf.create(id, requires);

     * Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript "dotted identifier" which needs no {@code
     * goog.require} statements to be added.
     * <p>"Dotted identifiers" are really just sequences of dot-access operations off some base
     * identifier, so this method is just a convenience for <code>id(...).dotAccess(...)...</code>.
     * It's provided because working with raw dot-separated strings is common.
     * <p>Most dotted identifiers should be accessed via the {@link GoogRequire} api.
    public static WithValue dottedIdNoRequire(String dotSeparatedIdentifiers) {
        return dottedIdWithRequires(dotSeparatedIdentifiers, ImmutableSet.<GoogRequire>of());

    static WithValue dottedIdWithRequires(String dotSeparatedIdentifiers, Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        List<String> ids = Splitter.on('.').splitToList(dotSeparatedIdentifiers);
        Preconditions.checkState(!ids.isEmpty(), "not a dot-separated sequence of JavaScript identifiers: %s",
        // Associate the requires with the base id for convenience.  It is arguable that they should
        // be instead associated with the last dot. Or perhaps with the 'whole' expression somehow.
        // This is a minor philosophical concern but it should be fine in practice because nothing would
        // ever split apart a code chunk into sub-chunks.  So the requires could really go anywhere.
        CodeChunk.WithValue tip = id(ids.get(0), requires);
        for (int i = 1; i < ids.size(); ++i) {
            tip = tip.dotAccess(ids.get(i));
        return tip;

     * Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript string literal.
     * @param contents The contents of the string literal. The contents will be escaped appropriately
     *     and embedded inside single quotes.
    public static WithValue stringLiteral(String contents) {
        // Escape non-ASCII characters since browsers are inconsistent in how they interpret utf-8 in
        // JS source files.
        String escaped = BaseUtils.escapeToSoyString(contents, true /* shouldEscapeToAscii */);

        // </script in a JavaScript string will end the current script tag in most browsers. Escape the
        // forward slash in the string to get around this issue.
        escaped = escaped.replace("</script", "<\\/script");

        return Leaf.create(escaped);

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript number literal. */
    public static WithValue number(long value) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(IntegerNode.isInRange(value), "Number is outside JS safe integer range: %s",
        return Leaf.create(Long.toString(value));

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a JavaScript number literal. */
    public static WithValue number(double value) {
        return Leaf.create(Double.toString(value));

    /** Creates a code chunk that assigns value to a preexisting variable with the given name. */
    public static CodeChunk assign(String varName, CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
        return Assignment.create(varName, rhs);

    /** Creates a code chunk that declares a new variable and assigns a value to it. */
    public static Declaration declare(String varName, CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
        return Declaration.create(varName, rhs);

    public static Declaration declare(String varName, CodeChunk.WithValue value, String typeExpr,
            Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        return Declaration.create(varName, value, typeExpr, requires);

    /** Creates a code chunk representing the logical negation {@code !} of the given chunk. */
    public static WithValue not(CodeChunk.WithValue arg) {
        return PrefixUnaryOperation.create(Operator.NOT, arg);

    /** Starts a {@code switch} statement dispatching on the given chunk. */
    public static SwitchBuilder switch_(CodeChunk.WithValue switchOn) {
        return new SwitchBuilder(switchOn);

     * Creates a code chunk representing the {@code new} operator applied to the given constructor. If
     * you need to call the constructor with arguments, call {@link WithValue#call} on the returned
     * chunk.
    public static WithValue new_(WithValue ctor) {
        return New.create(ctor);

     * Creates a code chunk representing the given Soy operator applied to the given operands.
     * <p>Cannot be used for {@link Operator#AND}, {@link Operator#OR}, or {@link
     * Operator#CONDITIONAL}, as they require access to a {@link CodeChunk.Generator} to generate
     * temporary variables for short-circuiting. Use {@link CodeChunk.WithValue#and}, {@link
     * CodeChunk.WithValue#or}, and {@link CodeChunk.Generator#conditionalExpression} instead.
    public static WithValue operation(Operator op, List<WithValue> operands) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(operands.size() == op.getNumOperands());
        Preconditions.checkArgument(op != Operator.AND && op != Operator.OR && op != Operator.CONDITIONAL);
        switch (op.getNumOperands()) {
        case 1:
            return PrefixUnaryOperation.create(op, operands.get(0));
        case 2:
            return BinaryOperation.create(op, operands.get(0), operands.get(1));
            throw new AssertionError();

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a javascript array literal. */
    public static WithValue arrayLiteral(Iterable<? extends WithValue> elements) {
        return ArrayLiteral.create(ImmutableList.copyOf(elements));

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a javascript map literal. */
    public static WithValue mapLiteral(Iterable<? extends WithValue> keys, Iterable<? extends WithValue> values) {
        return MapLiteral.create(ImmutableList.copyOf(keys), ImmutableList.copyOf(values));

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a for loop. */
    public static CodeChunk forLoop(String localVar, CodeChunk.WithValue initial, CodeChunk.WithValue limit,
            CodeChunk.WithValue increment, CodeChunk body) {
        return For.create(localVar, initial, limit, increment, body);

    /** Creates a code chunk representing a for loop, with default values for initial & increment. */
    public static CodeChunk forLoop(String localVar, CodeChunk.WithValue limit, CodeChunk body) {
        return For.create(localVar, number(0), limit, number(1), body);

    /** Creates a code chunk that represents a return statement returning the given value. */
    public static CodeChunk return_(CodeChunk.WithValue returnValue) {
        return Return.create(returnValue);

     * Wraps a {@link JsExpr} that could have incorrect precedence in parens.
     * <p>The JsExpr constructor is inherently error-prone. It allows callers to pass a precedence
     * unrelated to the topmost operator in the text string. While JsExprs created in the Soy codebase
     * can be audited, JsExprs are also returned by {@link SoyJsSrcFunction functions} and {@link
     * SoyJsSrcPrintDirective print directives} owned by others. This method should be used to wrap
     * the results of those plugins.
    public static WithValue dontTrustPrecedenceOf(JsExpr couldHaveWrongPrecedence, Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        return Group.create(fromExpr(couldHaveWrongPrecedence, requires));

     * Creates a code chunk from the given text, treating it as a series of statements rather than an
     * expression. For use only by {@link
     * <p>TODO(user): remove.
    public static CodeChunk treatRawStringAsStatementLegacyOnly(String rawString, Iterable<GoogRequire> requires) {
        return LeafStatement.create(rawString.trim(), requires);

     * Marker class for a chunk of code that represents a value.
     * <p>Expressions represent values. Sequences of statements can represent a value (for example, if
     * the first statement declares a variable and subsequent statements update the variable's state),
     * but they are not required to.
     * <p>Chunks representing values are required in certain contexts (for example, the right-hand
     * side of an {@link CodeChunk.WithValue#assign assignment}).
    public abstract static class WithValue extends CodeChunk {

        public static final WithValue LITERAL_TRUE = id("true");
        public static final WithValue LITERAL_FALSE = id("false");
        public static final WithValue LITERAL_NULL = id("null");
        public static final WithValue LITERAL_EMPTY_STRING = Leaf.create("''");
        public static final WithValue EMPTY_OBJECT_LITERAL = Leaf.create("{}");

        WithValue() {
            /* no subclasses outside this package */ }

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue plus(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.PLUS, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue minus(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.MINUS, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue plusEquals(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create("+=", 0, // the precedence of JS assignments (including +=) is lower than any Soy operator
                    Associativity.RIGHT, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue doubleEquals(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.EQUAL, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue doubleNotEquals(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.NOT_EQUAL, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue tripleEquals(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create("===", Operator.EQUAL.getPrecedence(), Operator.EQUAL.getAssociativity(),
                    this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue doubleEqualsNull() {
            return doubleEquals(LITERAL_NULL);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue times(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.TIMES, this, rhs);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue divideBy(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create(Operator.DIVIDE_BY, this, rhs);

         * Returns a code chunk representing the logical and ({@code &&}) of this chunk with the given
         * chunk.
         * @param codeGenerator Required in case temporary variables need to be allocated for
         *     short-circuiting behavior ({@code rhs} should be evaluated only if the current chunk
         *     evaluates as true).
        public final CodeChunk.WithValue and(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs, CodeChunk.Generator codeGenerator) {
            return BinaryOperation.and(this, rhs, codeGenerator);

         * Returns a code chunk representing the logical or ({@code ||}) of this chunk with the given
         * chunk.
         * @param codeGenerator Required in case temporary variables need to be allocated for
         *     short-circuiting behavior ({@code rhs} should be evaluated only if the current chunk
         *     evaluates as false).
        public final CodeChunk.WithValue or(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs, CodeChunk.Generator codeGenerator) {
            return BinaryOperation.or(this, rhs, codeGenerator);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue op(Operator op, CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.operation(op, ImmutableList.of(this, rhs));

        /** Takes in a String identifier for convenience, since that's what most use cases need. */
        public final CodeChunk.WithValue dotAccess(String identifier) {
            return Dot.create(this, id(identifier));

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue bracketAccess(CodeChunk.WithValue arg) {
            return Bracket.create(this, arg);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue call(CodeChunk.WithValue... args) {
            return call(Arrays.asList(args));

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue call(Iterable<? extends CodeChunk.WithValue> args) {
            return Call.create(this, ImmutableList.copyOf(args));

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue instanceof_(CodeChunk.WithValue identifier) {
            // instanceof has the same precedence as LESS_THAN
            return BinaryOperation.create("instanceof", Operator.LESS_THAN.getPrecedence(), Associativity.LEFT,
                    this, identifier);

        public final CodeChunk.WithValue assign(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return BinaryOperation.create("=", 0, // the precedence of JS assignments is lower than any Soy operator
                    Associativity.RIGHT, this, rhs);

         * Returns a chunk whose output expression is the same as this chunk's, but which includes the
         * given initial statements.
         * <p>This method is designed for interoperability with parts of the JS codegen system that do
         * not understand code chunks. For example, when applying plugin functions, {@link
         *} needs to
         * downgrade the plugin arguments from CodeChunk.WithValues to {@link JsExpr}s for the plugin
         * API to process. The result (a JsExpr) needs to be upgraded back to a CodeChunk.WithValue that
         * includes the initial statements from the original arguments.
        public final CodeChunk.WithValue withInitialStatements(Iterable<? extends CodeChunk> initialStatements) {
            // If there are no new initial statements, return the current chunk.
            if (Iterables.isEmpty(initialStatements)) {
                return this;
            // Otherwise, return a code chunk that includes all of the dependent code.
            return Composite.create(ImmutableList.copyOf(initialStatements), this);

        /** Convenience method for {@code withInitialStatements(ImmutableList.of(statement))}. */
        public final CodeChunk.WithValue withInitialStatement(CodeChunk initialStatement) {
            return withInitialStatements(ImmutableList.of(initialStatement));

         * Returns true if this chunk can be represented as a single expression. This method should be
         * rarely used, but is needed when interoperating with parts of the codegen system that do not
         * yet understand CodeChunks (e.g. {@link SoyJsSrcFunction}).
        final boolean isRepresentableAsSingleExpression() {
            return Iterables.isEmpty(initialStatements());

         * If this chunk can be represented as a single expression, returns that expression. If this
         * chunk cannot be represented as a single expression, returns an expression containing
         * references to a variable defined by the corresponding {@link #doFormatInitialStatements
         * initial statements}.
         * <p>This method should rarely be used, but is needed when interoperating with parts of the
         * codegen system that do not yet understand CodeChunks (e.g. {@link SoyJsSrcFunction}).
        public abstract JsExpr singleExprOrName();

         * If this chunk can be represented as a single expression, writes that single expression to the
         * buffer. If the chunk cannot be represented as a single expression, writes an expression to
         * the buffer containing references to a variable defined by the corresponding {@link
         * #doFormatInitialStatements initial statements}.
         * <p>Must only be called by {@link FormattingContext#appendOutputExpression}.
        abstract void doFormatOutputExpr(FormattingContext ctx);

         * Returns the initial statements associated with this value. The statements must be serialized
         * before this value (for example, they could contain declarations of variables referenced in
         * this value).
         * <p>These are direct dependencies only, not transitive.
        public abstract ImmutableSet<CodeChunk> initialStatements();

     * A trivial interface for {@link #collectRequires(RequiresCollector)} that can be used to collect
     * all required namespaces from a code chunk.
    public interface RequiresCollector {
        /** Drops all requires. */
        final RequiresCollector NULL = new RequiresCollector() {
            public void add(GoogRequire require) {

        /** Collects requires into an ImmutableSet that can be accessed via {@link #get} */
        final class IntoImmutableSet implements RequiresCollector {
            private final ImmutableSet.Builder<GoogRequire> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();

            public void add(GoogRequire require) {

            public ImmutableSet<GoogRequire> get() {

        void add(GoogRequire require);

    /** Adds all the 'goog.require' identifiers needed by this CodeChunk to the given collection. */
    public abstract void collectRequires(RequiresCollector collector);

     * Returns a sequence of JavaScript statements. In the special case that this chunk is
     * representable as a single expression, returns that expression followed by a semicolon.
     * <p>This method is intended to be used at the end of codegen to emit the entire gencode. It
     * should not be used within the codegen system for intermediate representations.
     * <p>Because the returned code is intended to be used at the end of codegen, it does not end
     * in a newline.
    public final String getCode() {
        return getCode(0, OutputContext.STATEMENT);

     * Returns a sequence of JavaScript statements suitable for inserting into JS code
     * that is not managed by the CodeChunk DSL. The string is guaranteed to end in a newline.
     * <p>Callers should use {@link #getCode()} when the CodeChunk DSL is managing the entire
     * code generation. getCode may drop variable declarations if there is no other code referencing
     * those variables.
     * <p>By contrast, this method is provided for incremental migration to the CodeChunk DSL.
     * Variable declarations will not be dropped, since there may be gencode not managed by the
     * CodeChunk DSL that references them.
     * TODO(user): remove.
     * @param startingIndent The indent level of the foreign code into which this code
     *     will be inserted. This doesn't affect the correctness of the composed code,
     *     only its readability.
    public final String getStatementsForInsertingIntoForeignCodeAtIndent(int startingIndent) {
        String code = getCode(startingIndent, STATEMENT);
        return code.endsWith("\n") ? code : code + "\n";

     * Returns a sequence of JavaScript statements. In the special case that this chunk is
     * representable as a single expression, returns that expression
     * <em>without</em> a trailing semicolon. (By contrast, {@link #getCode()} does send
     * the trailing semicolon in such cases.)
     * <p>This method is generally not safe, since concatenating statements that do not end
     * in semicolons can cause arbitrary lexical errors. It's intended for use by unit tests
     * whose assertions are currently written without trailing semicolons.
     * TODO: migrate the unit tests and delete this method.
    public final String getExpressionTestOnly() {
        return getCode(0, TRAILING_EXPRESSION);

     * Temporary method to ease migration to the CodeChunk DSL.
     * <p>Because of the recursive nature of the JS codegen system, it is generally not possible
     * to convert one codegen method at a time to use the CodeChunk DSL.
     * However, the business logic inside those methods can be migrated incrementally.
     * Methods that do not yet use the CodeChunk DSL can "unwrap" inputs using this method
     * and "wrap" results using {@link CodeChunk#fromExpr(JsExpr)}. This is safe as long as
     * each CodeChunk generated for production code is
     * {@link CodeChunk.WithValue#isRepresentableAsSingleExpression}.
     * TODO(user): remove.
    public final JsExpr assertExpr() {
        RequiresCollector.IntoImmutableSet collector = new RequiresCollector.IntoImmutableSet();
        JsExpr expr = assertExprAndCollectRequires(collector);
        ImmutableSet<GoogRequire> requires = collector.get();
        if (!requires.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("calling assertExpr() would drop requires!: " + requires);
        return expr;

     * Temporary method to ease migration to the CodeChunk DSL.
     * <p>Because of the recursive nature of the JS codegen system, it is generally not possible to
     * convert one codegen method at a time to use the CodeChunk DSL. However, the business logic
     * inside those methods can be migrated incrementally. Methods that do not yet use the CodeChunk
     * DSL can "unwrap" inputs using this method and "wrap" results using {@link
     * CodeChunk#fromExpr(JsExpr)}. This is safe as long as each CodeChunk generated for production
     * code is {@link CodeChunk.WithValue#isRepresentableAsSingleExpression}.
     * <p>TODO(user): remove.
    public final JsExpr assertExprAndCollectRequires(RequiresCollector collector) {
        WithValue withValue = (WithValue) this;
        if (!withValue.isRepresentableAsSingleExpression()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("Not an expr:\n%s", this.getCode()));
        return withValue.singleExprOrName();

     * {@link #doFormatInitialStatements} and {@link CodeChunk.WithValue#doFormatOutputExpr} are the
     * main methods subclasses should override to control their formatting. Subclasses should only
     * override this method in the special case that a code chunk needs to control its formatting when
     * it is the only chunk being serialized. TODO(brndn): only one override, can probably be declared
     * final.
     * @param startingIndent The indent level of the foreign code into which this code will be
     *     inserted. This doesn't affect the correctness of the composed code, only its readability.
     * @param outputContext The grammatical context into which the output expression generated by this
     *     chunk (if any) will be inserted.
     *     <ul>
     *       <li>{@link OutputContext#STATEMENT}: the output expression will appear as its own
     *           statement. Include a trailing semicolon and newline.
     *       <li>{@link OutputContext#EXPRESSION}: the output expression is being inserted into
     *           another expression. Omit the trailing semicolon and newline.
     *       <li>{@link OutputContext#TRAILING_EXPRESSION}: the output expression is being inserted
     *           into another expression, but it is the last component of the entire unit of code that
     *           is being {@link CodeChunk#getCode() formatted}. There is therefore no need to
     *           serialize the name of variable that holds this expression's value, if any (since
     *           there is no following code that could reference it).
     *     </ul>
    String getCode(int startingIndent, OutputContext outputContext) {
        FormattingContext initialStatements = new FormattingContext(startingIndent);

        FormattingContext outputExprs = new FormattingContext(startingIndent);
        if (this instanceof WithValue) {
            outputExprs.appendOutputExpression((WithValue) this);
            if (outputContext == STATEMENT) {

        return initialStatements.concat(outputExprs).toString();

     * If this chunk can be represented as a single expression, does nothing. If this chunk cannot be
     * represented as a single expression, writes everything except the final expression to the
     * buffer. Must only be called by {@link FormattingContext#appendInitialStatements}.
    abstract void doFormatInitialStatements(FormattingContext ctx);

    CodeChunk() {

     * Code chunks in a single Soy template emit code into a shared JavaScript lexical scope, so they
     * must use distinct variable names. This class enforces that.
    public static final class Generator {

        private final UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator;

        private Generator(UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator) {
            this.nameGenerator = nameGenerator;

        /** Returns an object that can be used to build code chunks. */
        public static Generator create(UniqueNameGenerator nameGenerator) {
            return new Generator(nameGenerator);

        private String newVarName() {
            return nameGenerator.generateName("$tmp");

         * Creates a code chunk declaring an automatically-named variable initialized to the given
         * value.
        public Declaration declare(CodeChunk.WithValue rhs) {
            return CodeChunk.declare(newVarName(), rhs);

         * Returns a code chunk representing an if-then-else condition.
         * <p>If all the parameters are {@link WithValue#isRepresentableAsSingleExpression representable
         * as single expressions}, the returned chunk will use the JavaScript ternary syntax ({@code
         * predicate ? consequent : alternate}). Otherwise, the returned chunk will use JavaScript
         * conditional statement syntax: <code>
         *   var $tmp = null;
         *   if (predicate) {
         *     $tmp = consequent;
         *   } else {
         *     $tmp = alternate;
         *   }
         * </code>
        public CodeChunk.WithValue conditionalExpression(CodeChunk.WithValue predicate,
                CodeChunk.WithValue consequent, CodeChunk.WithValue alternate) {
            if (predicate.initialStatements().containsAll(consequent.initialStatements())
                    && predicate.initialStatements().containsAll(alternate.initialStatements())) {
                return Ternary.create(predicate, consequent, alternate);
            return ifExpression(predicate, consequent).else_(alternate).build(this);