Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import org.objectweb.asm.Label; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; /** * An expression has a {@link #resultType()} and can {@link #gen generate} code to evaluate the * expression. * * <p>Expressions should: * * <ul> * <li>have no side effects * <li>be idempotent (you can compose them multiple times and get sensible results) * <li>produce <em>exactly 1</em> <i>value</i> onto the runtime stack * <li>not <em>consume</em> stack items * </ul> * * <p>These rules make it easier to compose and reason about the effect of composing expressions. In * particular it makes it easier to maintain the stack height and type invariants of the JVM. * * <p>Due to these constraints there are some natural consequences, a few examples include: * * <ul> * <li>An expression should never branch to a label outside of the same expression. (Note: {@code * return} and {@code throw} are special cases that are allowed) * </ul> */ public abstract class Expression extends BytecodeProducer { /** * Expression features track additional metadata for expressions. * * <p>Features should be defined such that not setting a feature on an expression is a safe * default. That way if they get accidentally dropped in a transformation we simply generate less * efficient code, not incorrect code. */ public enum Feature { /** The expression is guaranteed to not return null. */ NON_NULLABLE, /** * The expression is 'cheap'. As a rule of thumb, if it involves allocation, it is not cheap. * * <p>Cheapness is useful when deciding if it would be reasonable to evaluate an expression more * than once if the alternative is generating additional fields and save/restore code. */ CHEAP; // TODO(lukes): an idempotent feature would be useful some expressions are not safe to gen more // than once. } /** An immutable wrapper of an EnumSet of {@link Feature}. */ public static final class Features { private static final Features EMPTY = new Features(EnumSet.noneOf(Feature.class)); public static Features of() { return EMPTY; } public static Features of(Feature first, Feature... rest) { EnumSet<Feature> set = EnumSet.of(first); Collections.addAll(set, rest); return new Features(set); } private static Features forType(Type expressionType, Features features) { switch (expressionType.getSort()) { case Type.OBJECT: case Type.ARRAY: return features; case Type.BOOLEAN: case Type.BYTE: case Type.CHAR: case Type.DOUBLE: case Type.INT: case Type.SHORT: case Type.LONG: case Type.FLOAT: // primitives are never null return; case Type.VOID: case Type.METHOD: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid type: " + expressionType); default: throw new AssertionError("unexpected type " + expressionType); } } private final EnumSet<Feature> set; private Features(EnumSet<Feature> set) { this.set = checkNotNull(set); } public boolean has(Feature feature) { return set.contains(feature); } public Features plus(Feature feature) { if (set.contains(feature)) { return this; } EnumSet<Feature> newSet = copyFeatures(); newSet.add(feature); return new Features(newSet); } public Features minus(Feature feature) { if (!set.contains(feature)) { return this; } EnumSet<Feature> newSet = copyFeatures(); newSet.remove(feature); return new Features(newSet); } private EnumSet<Feature> copyFeatures() { // Can't use EnumSet.copyOf() because it throws on empty collections! EnumSet<Feature> newSet = EnumSet.noneOf(Feature.class); newSet.addAll(set); return newSet; } } /** Returns true if all referenced expressions are {@linkplain #isCheap() cheap}. */ public static boolean areAllCheap(Iterable<? extends Expression> args) { for (Expression arg : args) { if (!arg.isCheap()) { return false; } } return true; } /** Returns true if all referenced expressions are {@linkplain #isCheap() cheap}. */ public static boolean areAllCheap(Expression first, Expression... rest) { return areAllCheap(ImmutableList.<Expression>builder().add(first).add(rest).build()); } /** Checks that the given expressions are compatible with the given types. */ public static void checkTypes(ImmutableList<Type> types, Expression... exprs) { if (Flags.DEBUG) { checkTypes(types, Arrays.asList(exprs)); } } /** Checks that the given expressions are compatible with the given types. */ static void checkTypes(ImmutableList<Type> types, Iterable<? extends Expression> exprs) { if (Flags.DEBUG) { int size = Iterables.size(exprs); checkArgument(size == types.size(), "Supplied the wrong number of parameters. Expected %s, got %s", types.size(), size); int i = 0; for (Expression expr : exprs) { expr.checkAssignableTo(types.get(i), "Parameter %s", i); i++; } } } private final Features features; private final Type resultType; protected Expression(Type resultType) { this(resultType, Features.of()); } protected Expression(Type resultType, Feature first, Feature... rest) { this(resultType, Features.of(first, rest)); } protected Expression(Type resultType, Features features) { this(resultType, features, SourceLocation.UNKNOWN); } protected Expression(Type resultType, Features features, SourceLocation location) { super(location); this.resultType = checkNotNull(resultType); this.features = Features.forType(resultType, features); } /** * Generate code to evaluate the expression. * * <p>The generated code satisfies the invariant that the top of the runtime stack will contain a * value with this {@link #resultType()} immediately after evaluation of the code. */ @Override protected abstract void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter); /** Returns an identical {@link Expression} with the given source location. */ public Expression withSourceLocation(SourceLocation location) { checkNotNull(location); if (location.equals(this.location)) { return this; } return new Expression(resultType, features, location) { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); } }; } /** The type of the expression. */ public final Type resultType() { return resultType; } /** Whether or not this expression is {@link Feature#CHEAP cheap}. */ public boolean isCheap() { return features.has(Feature.CHEAP); } /** Whether or not this expression is {@link Feature#NON_NULLABLE non nullable}. */ public boolean isNonNullable() { return features.has(Feature.NON_NULLABLE); } /** * Returns all the feature bits. Typically, users will want to invoke one of the convenience * accessors {@link #isCheap()} or {@link #isNonNullable()}. */ public Features features() { return features; } /** Check that this expression is assignable to {@code expected}. */ public final void checkAssignableTo(Type expected) { checkAssignableTo(expected, ""); } /** Check that this expression is assignable to {@code expected}. */ public final void checkAssignableTo(Type expected, String fmt, Object... args) { if (Flags.DEBUG && !BytecodeUtils.isPossiblyAssignableFrom(expected, resultType())) { String message = String.format("Type mismatch. %s not assignable to %s.", resultType().getClassName(), expected.getClassName()); if (!fmt.isEmpty()) { message = String.format(fmt, args) + ". " + message; } throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } } /** * Convert this expression to a statement, by executing it and throwing away the result. * * <p>This is useful for invoking non-void methods when we don't care about the result. */ public Statement toStatement() { return new Statement() { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); switch (resultType().getSize()) { case 0: throw new AssertionError("void expressions are not allowed"); case 1: adapter.pop(); break; case 2: adapter.pop2(); break; default: throw new AssertionError(); } } }; } /** Returns an equivalent expression where {@link #isCheap()} returns {@code true}. */ public Expression asCheap() { if (isCheap()) { return this; } return new Expression(resultType, { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); } }; } /** Returns an equivalent expression where {@link #isNonNullable()} returns {@code true}. */ public Expression asNonNullable() { if (isNonNullable()) { return this; } return new Expression(resultType, { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); } }; } public Expression asNullable() { if (!isNonNullable()) { return this; } return new Expression(resultType, features.minus(Feature.NON_NULLABLE)) { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); } }; } /** * Returns an expression that performs a checked cast from the current type to the target type. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either type is not a reference type. */ public Expression checkedCast(final Type target) { checkArgument(target.getSort() == Type.OBJECT, "cast targets must be reference types. (%s)", target.getClassName()); checkArgument(resultType().getSort() == Type.OBJECT, "you may only cast from reference types. (%s)", resultType().getClassName()); if (BytecodeUtils.isDefinitelyAssignableFrom(target, resultType())) { return this; } return new Expression(target, features()) { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); // TODO(b/191662001) Remove this once we have fully switched the type // system over. Normally, we should just cast this result over, but in // the case of SoyString, there are temporarily two states (SanitizedContent == SoyString) // and (SanitizedContent != SoyString). This branch bails out to a runtime function that // effectively does the below but also optionally logs a warning. if (resultType().equals(BytecodeUtils.SOY_STRING_TYPE)) { MethodRef.RUNTIME_CHECK_SOY_STRING.invokeUnchecked(adapter); } else { adapter.checkCast(resultType()); } } }; } /** * Returns an expression that performs a checked cast from the current type to the target type. * * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either type is not a reference type. */ public Expression checkedCast(Class<?> target) { return checkedCast(Type.getType(target)); } /** * A simple helper that calls through to {@link MethodRef#invoke(Expression...)}, but allows a * more natural fluent call style. */ public Expression invoke(MethodRef method, Expression... args) { return method.invoke(ImmutableList.<Expression>builder().add(this).add(args).build()); } /** * A simple helper that calls through to {@link MethodRef#invokeVoid(Expression...)}, but allows a * more natural fluent call style. */ public Statement invokeVoid(MethodRef method, Expression... args) { return method.invokeVoid(ImmutableList.<Expression>builder().add(this).add(args).build()); } /** * Returns a new expression identical to this one but with the given label applied at the start of * the expression. */ public Expression labelStart(final Label label) { return new Expression(resultType(), features) { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { adapter.mark(label); Expression.this.gen(adapter); } }; } /** * Returns a new expression identical to this one but with the given label applied at the end of * the expression. */ public Expression labelEnd(final Label label) { return new Expression(resultType(), features) { @Override protected void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) { Expression.this.gen(adapter); adapter.mark(label); } }; } /** Subclasses can override this to supply extra properties for the toString method. */ @ForOverride protected void extraToStringProperties(MoreObjects.ToStringHelper helper) { } @Override public String toString() { String name = getClass().getSimpleName(); if (name.isEmpty()) { // provide a default for anonymous subclasses name = "Expression"; } MoreObjects.ToStringHelper helper = MoreObjects.toStringHelper(name).omitNullValues(); helper.add("type", resultType()); extraToStringProperties(helper); helper.add("cheap", features.has(Feature.CHEAP) ? "true" : null); helper.add("non-null", features.has(Feature.NON_NULLABLE) && !BytecodeUtils.isPrimitive(resultType) ? "true" : null); return helper + ":\n" + trace(); } }