Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;


import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;
import org.objectweb.asm.commons.TableSwitchGenerator;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

 * An object that manages generating the logic to save and restore execution state to enable 
 * rendering to pause partway through a template.
 * <p>First, definitions:
 * <dl>
 *     <dt>Detach
 *     <dd>A 'detach' is the act of saving local state and returning control to our caller. 
 *         Logically, we are saving a continuation.
 *     <dt>Detachable
 *     <dd>An operation that may conditionally detach.
 *     <dt>Reattach
 *     <dd>A 'reattach' is the act of restoring state and jumping back to the location just before 
 *         the original 'detach'.  We are calling back into our saved 'continuation'.
 *     <dt>Reattach Point
 *     <dd>The specific code location to which control should return.
 * </dl>
 * <p>Each detachable method will look approximately like: <pre>{@code
 *   int state;
 *   Result detachable() {
 *     switch (state) {
 *       case 0: goto L0;  // no locals for state 0
 *       case 1:
 *         // restore all variables active at state 1
 *         goto L1;
 *       case 2:
 *         // restore locals active at state 2
 *         goto L2;
 *       ...
 *       default:
 *         throw new AssertionError();
 *     }
 *     L0:
 *     // start of the method
 *     ...
 *   }}</pre>
 * <p>Then prior to each detachable point we will assign a label and generate code that looks like
 * this: <pre>{@code
 * LN:
 *   if (needs to detach) {
 *     save locals to fields
 *     state = N;
 *     return Result.detachCause(cause);
 *   }
 * }}</pre>
 * <p>This object is mutable and depends on the state of the {@link VariableSet} to determine the
 * current set of active variables.  So it is important that uses of this object are sequenced
 * appropriately with operations that introduce (or remove) active variables.
 * <p>Note, in the above examples, the caller is responsible for calculating when/why to detach
 * but this class is responsible for calculating the save/restore reattach logic.
final class DetachState implements ExpressionDetacher.Factory {
    private final VariableSet variables;
    private final List<ReattachState> reattaches = new ArrayList<>();
    private final Expression thisExpr;
    private final FieldRef stateField;

    DetachState(VariableSet variables, Expression thisExpr, FieldRef stateField) {
        this.variables = variables;
        this.thisExpr = thisExpr;
        this.stateField = stateField;
        // Add a null at the head of the list so that the reattaches in the list match their state 
        // indices  e.g. reattach.get(2) is the reattach for state 2.  Because 0 is a special case for
        // 'initial call'.

     * A utility for generating detach blocks for expressions.
    private static final class ExpressionDetacherImpl implements ExpressionDetacher {
        private final Statement saveOperation;

        private ExpressionDetacherImpl(Statement save) {
            this.saveOperation = save;

        public Expression resolveSoyValueProvider(final Expression soyValueProvider) {
            return new Expression(SOY_VALUE_TYPE) {
                void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) {
                    // We use a bunch of dup() operations in order to save extra field reads and method
                    // invocations.  This makes the expression api difficult/confusing to use.  So instead
                    // call a bunch of unchecked invocations.
                    // Legend: SVP = SoyValueProvider, RS = ResolveStatus, Z = boolean, SV = SoyValue
                    soyValueProvider.gen(adapter); // Stack: SVP
                    adapter.dup(); // Stack: SVP, SVP
                    MethodRef.SOY_VALUE_PROVIDER_STATUS.invokeUnchecked(adapter); // Stack: SVP, RS
                    adapter.dup(); // Stack: SVP, RS, RS
                    MethodRef.RENDER_RESULT_IS_DONE.invokeUnchecked(adapter); // Stack: SVP, RS, Z
                    // if isReady goto resolve
                    Label resolve = new Label();
                    adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFNE, resolve); // Stack: SVP, RS


                    adapter.pop(); // Stack: SVP
                    MethodRef.SOY_VALUE_PROVIDER_RESOLVE.invokeUnchecked(adapter); // Stack: SV

     * Returns a {@link ExpressionDetacher} that can be used to instrument an expression with detach
     * reattach logic.
    public ExpressionDetacher createExpressionDetacher(Label reattachPoint) {
        SaveRestoreState saveRestoreState = variables.saveRestoreState();
        Statement restore = saveRestoreState.restore();
        int state = addState(reattachPoint, restore);
        Statement saveState = stateField.putInstanceField(thisExpr, BytecodeUtils.constant(state));
        return new ExpressionDetacherImpl(Statement.concat(, saveState));

     * Returns a Statement that will conditionally detach if the given {@link AdvisingAppendable} has
     * been {@link AdvisingAppendable#softLimitReached() output limited}.
    Statement detachLimited(AppendableExpression appendable) {
        if (!appendable.supportsSoftLimiting()) {
            return appendable.toStatement();
        final Label reattachPoint = new Label();
        final SaveRestoreState saveRestoreState = variables.saveRestoreState();

        Statement restore = saveRestoreState.restore();
        int state = addState(reattachPoint, restore);
        final Expression isSoftLimited = appendable.softLimitReached();
        final Statement returnLimited = returnExpression(MethodRef.RENDER_RESULT_LIMITED.invoke());
        final Statement saveState = stateField.putInstanceField(thisExpr, BytecodeUtils.constant(state));
        return new Statement() {
            void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) {
                adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFEQ, reattachPoint); // if !softLimited
                // ok we were limited, save state and return
      ; // save locals
                saveState.gen(adapter); // save the state field
                // Note, the reattach point for 'limited' is _after_ the check.  That means we do not 
                // recheck the limit state.  So if a caller calls us back without freeing any buffer we
                // will print more before checking again.  This is fine, because our caller is breaking the
                // contract.

     * Generate detach logic for calls.
     * <p>Calls are a little different due to a desire to minimize the cost of detaches. We assume 
     * that if a given call site detaches once, it is more likely to detach multiple times. So we
     * generate code that looks like:   <pre>{@code
     * RenderResult initialResult = template.render(appendable, renderContext);
     * if (!initialResult.isDone()) {
     *   // save all fields
     *   state = REATTACH_RENDER;
     *   return initialResult;
     * } else {
     *   goto END;
     * }
     * // restore nothing!
     * RenderResult secondResult = template.render(appendable, renderContext);
     * if (!secondResult.isDone()) {
     *   // saveFields
     *   state = REATTACH_RENDER;
     *   return secondResult;
     * } else {
     *   // restore all fields
     *   goto END;
     * }
     * END:
     * }</pre>
     * <p>With this technique we save re-running the save-restore logic for multiple detaches from
     * the same call site.  This should be especially useful for top level templates.
     * @param callRender an Expression that can generate code to call the render method, should be
     *     safe to generate more than once. 
    Statement detachForRender(final Expression callRender) {
        final Label reattachRender = new Label();
        final SaveRestoreState saveRestoreState = variables.saveRestoreState();
        // We pass NULL statement for the restore logic since we handle that ourselves below
        int state = addState(reattachRender, Statement.NULL_STATEMENT);
        final Statement saveState = stateField.putInstanceField(thisExpr, BytecodeUtils.constant(state));
        return new Statement() {
            void doGen(CodeBuilder adapter) {
                // Legend: RR = RenderResult, Z = boolean
                callRender.gen(adapter); // Stack: RR
                adapter.dup(); // Stack: RR, RR
                MethodRef.RENDER_RESULT_IS_DONE.invokeUnchecked(adapter); // Stack: RR, Z
                // if isDone goto Done
                Label end = new Label();
                adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFNE, end); // Stack: RR


                callRender.gen(adapter); // Stack: RR
                adapter.dup(); // Stack: RR, RR
                MethodRef.RENDER_RESULT_IS_DONE.invokeUnchecked(adapter); // Stack: RR, Z
                // if isDone goto restore
                Label restore = new Label();
                adapter.ifZCmp(Opcodes.IFNE, restore); // Stack: RR
                // no need to save or restore anything
                adapter.mark(restore); // Stack: RR
                adapter.mark(end); // Stack: RR
                adapter.pop(); // Stack:

     * Returns a statement that generates the reattach jump table.
     * <p>Note: This statement should be the <em>first</em> statement in any detachable method.
    Statement generateReattachTable() {
        final Expression readField = stateField.accessor(thisExpr);
        final Statement defaultCase = Statement
        return new Statement() {
            void doGen(final CodeBuilder adapter) {
                int[] keys = new int[reattaches.size()];
                for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
                    keys[i] = i;
                // Generate a switch table.  Note, while it might be preferable to just 'goto state', Java
                // doesn't allow computable gotos (probably because it makes verification impossible).  So
                // instead we emulate that with a jump table.  And anyway we still need to execute 'restore'
                // logic to repopulate the local variable tables, so the 'case' statements are a natural
                // place for that logic to live.
                adapter.tableSwitch(keys, new TableSwitchGenerator() {
                    public void generateCase(int key, Label end) {
                        if (key == 0) {
                            // State 0 is special, it means initial state, so we just jump to the very end
                        ReattachState reattachState = reattaches.get(key);
                        // restore and jump!

                    public void generateDefault() {
                        // Use tableswitch instead of lookupswitch.  TableSwitch is appropriate because our case
                        // labels are sequential integers in the range [0, N).  This means that switch is O(1) and
                        // there are no 'holes' meaning that it is compact in the bytecode.

     * Add a new state item and return the state.
    private int addState(Label reattachPoint, Statement restore) {
        ReattachState create = ReattachState.create(reattachPoint, restore);
        int state = reattaches.size() - 1; // the index of the ReattachState in the list
        return state;

    abstract static class ReattachState {
        static ReattachState create(Label reattachPoint, Statement restore) {
            return new AutoValue_DetachState_ReattachState(reattachPoint, restore);

        /** The label where control should resume when continuing. */
        abstract Label reattachPoint();

        /** The statement that restores the state of local variables so we can resume execution. */
        abstract Statement restoreStatement();

    /** Returns the number of unique detach/reattach points. */
    int getNumberOfDetaches() {
        return reattaches.size() - 1;