Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; /** * Main entry point for the Incremental DOM JS Src backend (output target). * * <p> Important: Do not use outside of Soy code (treat as superpackage-private). */ public class IncrementalDomSrcMain { /** The scope object that manages the API call scope. */ private final GuiceSimpleScope apiCallScope; /** The instanceof of SimplifyVisitor to use. */ private final SimplifyVisitor simplifyVisitor; /** Provider for getting an instance of OptimizeBidiCodeGenVisitor. */ private final Provider<OptimizeBidiCodeGenVisitor> optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider; /** Provider for getting an instance of GenJsCodeVisitor. */ private final Provider<GenIncrementalDomCodeVisitor> genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider; /** For reporting errors during code generation. */ private final ErrorReporter errorReporter; /** * @param apiCallScope The scope object that manages the API call scope. * @param simplifyVisitor The instance of SimplifyVisitor to use. * @param optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider Provider for getting an instance of * OptimizeBidiCodeGenVisitor. * @param genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider Provider for getting an instance of * GenIncrementalDomCodeVisitor. */ @Inject public IncrementalDomSrcMain(@ApiCall GuiceSimpleScope apiCallScope, SimplifyVisitor simplifyVisitor, Provider<OptimizeBidiCodeGenVisitor> optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider, Provider<GenIncrementalDomCodeVisitor> genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider, ErrorReporter errorReporter) { this.apiCallScope = apiCallScope; this.simplifyVisitor = simplifyVisitor; this.optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider = optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider; this.genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider = genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider; this.errorReporter = errorReporter; } /** * Generates Incremental DOM JS source code given a Soy parse tree, an options object, and an * optional bundle of translated messages. * * @param soyTree The Soy parse tree to generate JS source code for. * @param jsSrcOptions The compilation options relevant to this backend. * @return A list of strings where each string represents the JS source code that belongs in one * JS file. The generated JS files correspond one-to-one to the original Soy source files. * @throws SoySyntaxException If a syntax error is found. */ public List<String> genJsSrc(SoyFileSetNode soyTree, SoyJsSrcOptions jsSrcOptions) throws SoySyntaxException { // Generate code with the opt_ijData param if either (a) the user specified the compiler flag // --isUsingIjData or (b) any of the Soy code in the file set references injected data. boolean isUsingIjData = jsSrcOptions.isUsingIjData() || IjDataQueries.isUsingIj(soyTree); // Make sure that we don't try to use goog.i18n.bidi when we aren't supposed to use Closure. Preconditions.checkState( !jsSrcOptions.getUseGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir() || jsSrcOptions.shouldProvideRequireSoyNamespaces() || jsSrcOptions.shouldProvideRequireJsFunctions() || jsSrcOptions.shouldGenerateGoogModules(), "Do not specify useGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir without one of " + "shouldProvideRequireSoyNamespaces, shouldProvideRequireJsFunctions or " + "shouldGenerateGoogModules."); try (WithScope withScope = apiCallScope.enter()) { // Seed the scoped parameters. apiCallScope.seed(SoyJsSrcOptions.class, jsSrcOptions); apiCallScope.seed(Key.get(Boolean.class, IsUsingIjData.class), isUsingIjData); BidiGlobalDir bidiGlobalDir = SoyBidiUtils.decodeBidiGlobalDirFromJsOptions( jsSrcOptions.getBidiGlobalDir(), jsSrcOptions.getUseGoogIsRtlForBidiGlobalDir()); ApiCallScopeUtils.seedSharedParams(apiCallScope, null /* msgBundle */, bidiGlobalDir); // TODO(sparhami) figure out how to deal with msg nodes - need to support some sort of innerHTML, // which means we need autoescaping for just those subtrees. // new ReplaceMsgsWithGoogMsgsVisitor(errorReporter).exec(soyTree); // new MoveGoogMsgDefNodesEarlierVisitor(errorReporter).exec(soyTree); // Preconditions.checkState( // bidiGlobalDir != null, // "If enabling shouldGenerateGoogMsgDefs, must also set bidi global directionality."); // Do the code generation. optimizeBidiCodeGenVisitorProvider.get().exec(soyTree); simplifyVisitor.exec(soyTree); new HtmlTransformVisitor(errorReporter).exec(soyTree); IncrementalDomOutputOptimizers.collapseOpenTags(soyTree); IncrementalDomOutputOptimizers.collapseElements(soyTree); return genIncrementalDomCodeVisitorProvider.get().exec(soyTree); } } /** * Generates Incremental DOM JS source files given a Soy parse tree, an options object, an * optional bundle of translated messages, and information on where to put the output files. * * @param soyTree The Soy parse tree to generate JS source code for. * @param jsSrcOptions The compilation options relevant to this backend. * @param outputPathFormat The format string defining how to build the output file path * corresponding to an input file path. * @throws SoySyntaxException If a syntax error is found. * @throws IOException If there is an error in opening/writing an output JS file. */ public void genJsFiles(SoyFileSetNode soyTree, SoyJsSrcOptions jsSrcOptions, String outputPathFormat) throws SoySyntaxException, IOException { List<String> jsFileContents = genJsSrc(soyTree, jsSrcOptions); ImmutableList<SoyFileNode> srcsToCompile = ImmutableList .copyOf(Iterables.filter(soyTree.getChildren(), SoyFileNode.MATCH_SRC_FILENODE)); if (srcsToCompile.size() != jsFileContents.size()) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("Expected to generate %d code chunk(s), got %d", srcsToCompile.size(), jsFileContents.size())); } Multimap<String, Integer> outputs = MainEntryPointUtils.mapOutputsToSrcs(null /* locale */, outputPathFormat, "" /* inputPathsPrefix */, srcsToCompile); for (String outputFilePath : outputs.keySet()) { Writer out = Files.newWriter(new File(outputFilePath), UTF_8); try { boolean isFirst = true; for (int inputFileIndex : outputs.get(outputFilePath)) { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; } else { // Concatenating JS files is not safe unless we know that the last statement from one // couldn't combine with the isFirst statement of the next. Inserting a semicolon will // prevent this from happening. out.write("\n;\n"); } out.write(jsFileContents.get(inputFileIndex)); } } finally { out.close(); } } } }