Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Panel that contains the main UI components of the Monitor. All the TimeLine * and other visualizations get attached here. */ public class MonitorVisualizationsPanel extends Div implements TabChangeDispatcher.Listener, UiEventDispatcher.LoadEventListener { /** * CSS. */ public interface Css extends CssResource { int borderWidth(); String buttonBar(); String graphContainer(); String tabList(); String tabListEntry(); String tabListEntrySelected(); String timelineContainer(); int timelineHeight(); int topPadding(); String visualizationPanel(); } /** * Externalized interface. */ public interface Resources extends TimeScale.Resources, OverViewTimeLine.Resources, MainTimeLine.Resources, TimelineMarks.Resources { @Source("resources/MonitorVisualizationsPanel.css") MonitorVisualizationsPanel.Css monitorVisualizationsPanelCss(); } /** * Single object to handle keyboard events and window resizes. */ private class EventListener implements ResizeListener, HotKey.Handler { public void onKeyDown(KeyDownEvent event) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); if (keyCode == HotKey.LEFT_ARROW || keyCode == HotKey.RIGHT_ARROW) { jog(keyCode); } } public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event) { int keyCode = event.getKeyCode(); if (keyCode == HotKey.LEFT_ARROW || keyCode == HotKey.RIGHT_ARROW) { detailsViewPanel.updateCurrentView(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } } /** * Cache the graph dimensions. */ public void onResize(ResizeEvent event) { mainTimeLine.recomputeGraphDimensions(); } private void jog(int direction) { double left = mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(); double right = mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound(); double delta = (right - left) / 200; if (direction == HotKey.RIGHT_ARROW) { mainTimeLineModel.updateBounds(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound() + delta, mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound() + delta); } if (direction == HotKey.LEFT_ARROW) { mainTimeLineModel.updateBounds(left - delta, right - delta); } fixYAxisLabel(); } } /** * Simple overloading subclass that fascilitates short circuiting the updating * of the details view. */ private class ShortCircuitTimeLineModel extends TimeLineModel { public ShortCircuitTimeLineModel() { super(false, false); } @Override public void onDomainChange(double newValue) { loadedState.setLastDomainValue(newValue); super.onDomainChange(newValue); } @Override public void onModelDataRefreshTick(double now) { double left = getLeftBound(); double right = getRightBound(); if (now < right) { detailsViewPanel.updateCurrentView(left, right); fixYAxisLabel(); } super.onModelDataRefreshTick(now); } @Override public void updateBounds(double leftBound, double rightBound) { // update the scale scale.updateScaleLabels(mainTimeLine.getCurrentGraphWidth(), leftBound, rightBound); super.updateBounds(leftBound, rightBound); } } /** * The list of Tabs on the left. */ private class TabList extends Div { // Container Element for Visualization specific buttons. private final Element buttonBar; private final EventListenerOwner listenerOwner = new EventListenerOwner(); private Element previouslySelected; public TabList(Container container) { super(container); Element elem = getElement(); Css css = resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss(); elem.setClassName(css.tabList()); elem.getStyle().setPropertyPx("width", Constants.GRAPH_PIXEL_OFFSET); buttonBar = elem.getOwnerDocument().createDivElement(); buttonBar.setClassName(css.buttonBar()); elem.appendChild(buttonBar); // Initialize previouslySelected to the default tablist entry. previouslySelected = createTabs(); if (previouslySelected != null) { previouslySelected.setClassName(css.tabListEntry() + " " + css.tabListEntrySelected()); selectVisualization(visualizations.get(0)); } } /** * Adds visualization specific * {@link}s to the buttonBar. */ private void addButtonBarButtons(Visualization<?, ?> viz) { listenerOwner.removeAllEventListeners(); buttonBar.setInnerHTML(""); Container buttonBarContainer = new DefaultContainerImpl(buttonBar); JSOArray<ButtonDescription> buttons = viz.getButtons(); for (int i = 0, n = buttons.size(); i < n; i++) { buttons.get(i).createButton(buttonBarContainer, listenerOwner); } } /** * Creates the tablist entries. * * @retutn returns the TabList entry Element that should be used as the * default selection. */ private Element createTabs() { Element defaultSelection = null; for (int i = 0, n = visualizations.size(); i < n; i++) { final Visualization<?, ?> viz = visualizations.get(i); String tabTitle = viz.getTitle() + " (" + viz.getSubtitle() + ")"; DocumentExt doc = getElement().getOwnerDocument().cast(); final DivElement entry = doc .createDivWithClassName(resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss().tabListEntry()); entry.setInnerText(tabTitle); // The very first one should be flush with the top scale. So we push it // down a little. Also, we make the first visualization tablist entry be // the default selection. if (0 == i) { defaultSelection = entry; entry.getStyle().setMarginTop(resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss().topPadding(), Unit.PX); } ClickEvent.addClickListener(entry, entry, new ClickListener() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { selectTab(entry, viz); } }); getElement().appendChild(entry); } return defaultSelection; } private void selectTab(Element entry, Visualization<?, ?> viz) { previouslySelected.setClassName(resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss().tabListEntry()); previouslySelected = entry; previouslySelected.setClassName(resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss().tabListEntry() + " " + resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss().tabListEntrySelected()); selectVisualization(viz); } private void selectVisualization(Visualization<?, ?> viz) { reOrderVisualizations(viz); detailsViewPanel.setCurrentView(viz); refresh(); selectedVisualization = viz; fixYAxisLabel(); addButtonBarButtons(viz); } } private static final int HINTLET_REFRESH_DELAY_MS = 1000; private final DetailViews detailsViewPanel; private ApplicationState loadedState; private final MainTimeLine mainTimeLine; private final TimeLineModel mainTimeLineModel; private final OverViewTimeLine overViewTimeLine; private final Resources resources; private final TimeScale scale; private Visualization<?, ?> selectedVisualization; private final TimelineMarks timelineMarks; private final List<Visualization<?, ?>> visualizations = new ArrayList<Visualization<?, ?>>(); public MonitorVisualizationsPanel(Container parentContainer, Controller controller, ApplicationState initialState, MonitorVisualizationsPanel.Resources resources) { super(parentContainer); this.loadedState = initialState; this.resources = resources; // Construct UI. final Css css = resources.monitorVisualizationsPanelCss(); setStyleName(css.visualizationPanel()); Container container = new DefaultContainerImpl(getElement()); DivElement timeLineContainerElem = getElement().getOwnerDocument().createDivElement(); timeLineContainerElem.setClassName(css.timelineContainer()); getElement().appendChild(timeLineContainerElem); // Create a little wrapper div to wrap the main and overview timelines. DivElement graphContainerElem = getElement().getOwnerDocument().createDivElement(); graphContainerElem.setClassName(css.graphContainer()); // The left header + 1px border. graphContainerElem.getStyle().setPropertyPx("left", Constants.GRAPH_PIXEL_OFFSET + 1); timeLineContainerElem.appendChild(graphContainerElem); Container graphContainer = new DefaultContainerImpl(graphContainerElem); // Add the scale this.scale = new TimeScale(graphContainer, resources); // callback to update the details panel when transition changes. Zoom.CallBack transitionCallback = new CallBack() { public void onAnimationComplete() { fixYAxisLabel(); double left = mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(); double right = mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound(); detailsViewPanel.updateCurrentView(left, right); timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(left, right); } }; // Add the MainTimeLine. this.mainTimeLineModel = new ShortCircuitTimeLineModel(); this.mainTimeLine = new MainTimeLine(graphContainer, visualizations, mainTimeLineModel, transitionCallback, resources); // Graph overviews. Automatically monitors the MainTimeline. this.overViewTimeLine = new OverViewTimeLine(graphContainer, mainTimeLine, new OverViewTimeLineModel(), visualizations, resources); // Create the DetailViews panel that will contain each DetailView. this.detailsViewPanel = new DetailViews(container, resources); // Create TimelineMarks for marking the timeline with vertical lines. timelineMarks = new TimelineMarks(detailsViewPanel.getContainer(), mainTimeLineModel.getGraphCalloutModel(), mainTimeLine, resources); // Subscribe to page refreshes and load events. initialState.getDataDispatcher().getTabChangeDispatcher().addListener(this); initialState.getDataDispatcher().getUiEventDispatcher().addLoadEventListener(this); controller.observe(mainTimeLine, overViewTimeLine); // Now load and populate the Visualization list. createVisualizations(initialState, resources); // Create the TabList. Stick it in before the timeline stuff. TabList tabList = new TabList(new InsertingContainerImpl(timeLineContainerElem, graphContainerElem)); refresh(); sinkEvents(); preventNativeSelection(tabList.getElement(), graphContainerElem); } public void clearTimelineMarks() { timelineMarks.clear(); } public MainTimeLine getMainTimeLine() { return mainTimeLine; } /** * Mark line on timeline when the DOM content is loaded. */ public void onDomContentLoaded(DomContentLoadedEvent event) { timelineMarks.addMark(event.getTime(), EventRecordColors.getColorForType(DomContentLoadedEvent.TYPE), EventRecordType.typeToString(DomContentLoadedEvent.TYPE), EventRecordType.typeToHelpString(DomContentLoadedEvent.TYPE), true); timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } /** * Page transitions can also be marked so that if we navigate back to a * previous application state, we can see the point at which we tried to * navigate away. */ public void onPageTransition(TabChangeEvent change) { Url refresh = new Url(change.getUrl()); String resource = refresh.getLastPathComponent(); String description = "Navigating to " + (resource.equals("") ? refresh.getUrl() : resource); timelineMarks.addMark(change.getTime(), Color.BLUE, description, description, true); timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } /** * Mark line on timeline when we refresh a page. */ public void onRefresh(TabChangeEvent change) { Url refresh = new Url(change.getUrl()); String resource = refresh.getLastPathComponent(); String description = "Refresh of " + (resource.equals("") ? refresh.getUrl() : resource); timelineMarks.addMark(change.getTime(), Color.LIGHT_BLUE, description, description, false); timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } public void onWindowLoad(WindowLoadEvent event) { timelineMarks.addMark(event.getTime(), EventRecordColors.getColorForType(WindowLoadEvent.TYPE), EventRecordType.typeToString(WindowLoadEvent.TYPE), EventRecordType.typeToHelpString(WindowLoadEvent.TYPE), true); timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } /** * Sets the <code>loadedState</code> to the specified {@link ApplicationState} * . It swaps in the new {@link VisualizationModel}s and reloads all the * Visualizations and graph properties. * * @param state the {@link ApplicationState} we want to load */ public void setApplicationState(ApplicationState state) { if (state.getLastDomainValue() > mainTimeLine.getModel().getMostRecentDomainValue()) { mainTimeLineModel.onDomainChange(state.getLastDomainValue()); } // Update all visualizations that have been loaded for (int i = 0, n = visualizations.size(); i < n; i++) { Visualization<?, ?> viz = visualizations.get(i); viz.getModel().getGraphModel().removeDomainObserver(mainTimeLineModel); VisualizationModel vizModel = state.getVisualizationModel(viz.getTitle()); viz.setModel(vizModel); vizModel.getGraphModel().addDomainObserver(mainTimeLineModel); } loadedState = state; mainTimeLineModel.updateBounds(state.getFirstDomainValue(), state.getLastDomainValue()); overViewTimeLine.getModel().updateBounds(state.getFirstDomainValue(), state.getLastDomainValue()); // Maybe redraw timeline marks. timelineMarks.drawMarksInBounds(state.getFirstDomainValue(), state.getLastDomainValue()); // Redraw a second frame so that it can rescale correctly refresh(); } private void createVisualizations(ApplicationState initialState, MainTimeLine.Resources resources) { // Sluggishness SluggishnessModel sluggishnessModel = (SluggishnessModel) initialState .getVisualizationModel(SluggishnessVisualization.TITLE); SluggishnessVisualization sluggishnessVisualization = new SluggishnessVisualization(mainTimeLine, sluggishnessModel, detailsViewPanel.getContainer(), resources); // Network Visualization NetworkVisualizationModel networkModel = (NetworkVisualizationModel) initialState .getVisualizationModel(NetworkVisualization.TITLE); NetworkVisualization networkVisualization = new NetworkVisualization(mainTimeLine, networkModel, detailsViewPanel.getContainer(), resources); // Load the visualization that we just added. loadVisualization(sluggishnessVisualization); loadVisualization(networkVisualization); // Setup the graphs to refresh when hintlet data arrives. Buffer the data // so that the screen doesn't jump from rapid hintlet data coming in. initialState.getDataDispatcher().getHintletEngineHost() .addHintListener(new HintletInterface.HintListener() { boolean queued = false; public void onHint(HintRecord hintlet) { if (queued) { return; } double hintletTime = hintlet.getTimestamp(); if (hintletTime < mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound() || hintletTime > mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()) { // out of bounds - no need to refresh return; } Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { mainTimeLineModel.refresh(); queued = false; } }; t.schedule(HINTLET_REFRESH_DELAY_MS); queued = true; } }); } /** * Updates the Y Axis label to be the max scale value for the currently * selected visualization. */ private void fixYAxisLabel() { mainTimeLine.updateYAxisLabel(selectedVisualization.getGraphUiProps().getActiveMaxYAxisValue(), selectedVisualization.getModel().getGraphModel().getYAxisUnit()); } /** * Adds a {@link Visualization} and its associated * {@link}. It also hooks up the * {@link MainTimeLine} to the underlying {@link GraphModel} associated with * each Visualization. * * @param visualization */ private void loadVisualization(Visualization<?, ?> visualization) { selectedVisualization = visualization; visualizations.add(visualization); detailsViewPanel.addViewForVisualization(visualization); GraphModel graphModel = visualization.getModel().getGraphModel(); graphModel.addDomainObserver(mainTimeLineModel); mainTimeLineModel.refresh(); fixYAxisLabel(); } /** * Simply stops ugly native selection on components surrounding our main * graph. Accidental drags dirty the UI. */ private void preventNativeSelection(Element tabList, DivElement graphContainerElem) { MouseDownListener listener = new MouseDownListener() { public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { event.preventDefault(); } }; MouseDownEvent.addMouseDownListener(tabList, tabList, listener); MouseDownEvent.addMouseDownListener(graphContainerElem, graphContainerElem, listener); } private void refresh() { mainTimeLineModel.refresh(); overViewTimeLine.refresh(); detailsViewPanel.updateCurrentView(mainTimeLineModel.getLeftBound(), mainTimeLineModel.getRightBound()); } /** * Simple mechanism for setting the correct draw order for the visualizations * in the list. * * @param moveToTop the visualization to move to the end. */ private void reOrderVisualizations(Visualization<?, ?> moveToTop) { visualizations.remove(moveToTop); visualizations.add(moveToTop); } private void sinkEvents() { EventListener listener = new EventListener(); // WindowLevelEvents ResizeEvent.addResizeListener(Window.get(), Window.get(), listener); // TODO (jaimeyap): Re-implement jogging without using HotKey class. } }