Java tutorial
// Copyright 2016 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// package; import com.beust.jcommander.IParameterValidator; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** Drives the execution of the framework through command line arguments. */ @Parameters(separators = "=") public class Driver { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Driver.class); @Parameter(names = { "--help" }, help = true) public boolean help = false; @Parameter(names = { "--cps_publisher_count" }, description = "Number of CPS publishers to start.") private int cpsPublisherCount = 1; @Parameter(names = { "--cps_subscriber_count" }, description = "Number of CPS subscribers to start. If this is not divisible by cps_subscription_fanout" + ", we will round down to the closest multiple of cps_subscription_fanout.") private int cpsSubscriberCount = 1; @Parameter(names = { "--kafka_publisher_count" }, description = "Number of Kafka publishers to start.") private int kafkaPublisherCount = 0; @Parameter(names = { "--kafka_subscriber_count" }, description = "Number of Kafka subscribers to start.") private int kafkaSubscriberCount = 0; @Parameter(names = { "--message_size", "-m" }, description = "Message size in bytes (only when publishing messages).", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int messageSize = 100000; @Parameter(names = { "--loadtest_seconds" }, description = "Duration of the load test, in seconds.", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int loadtestLengthSeconds = 180; @Parameter(names = { "--project" }, required = true, description = "Google Cloud Platform project name.") private String project = ""; @Parameter(names = { "--publish_batch_size" }, description = "Number of messages to batch per publish request.", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int publishBatchSize = 10; @Parameter(names = { "--cps_max_messages_per_pull" }, description = "Number of messages to return in each pull request.", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int cpsMaxMessagesPerPull = 10; @Parameter(names = { "--kafka_poll_length" }, description = "Length of time, in milliseconds, to poll when subscribing with Kafka.", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int kafkaPollLength = 100; @Parameter(names = { "--cps_subscription_fanout" }, description = "Number of subscriptions to create for each topic. Must be at least 1.", validateWith = GreaterThanZeroValidator.class) private int cpsSubscriptionFanout = 1; @Parameter(names = { "--broker" }, description = "The network address of the Kafka broker.") private String broker; @Parameter(names = { "--request_rate" }, description = "The rate at which each client will make requests (batches per second).") private int requestRate = 10; @Parameter(names = { "--max_outstanding_requests" }, description = "The maximum number of outstanding requests each client will allow.") private int maxOutstandingRequests = 20; @Parameter(names = { "--burn_in_duration_seconds" }, description = "The duration, in seconds, to run without recording statistics to allow tuning.") private int burnInDurationSeconds = 120; @Parameter(names = { "--number_of_messages" }, description = "The total number of messages to publish in the test. Enabling this will " + "override --loadtest_length_seconds. Enabling this flag will also enable the check for " + "message loss. If set less than 1, this flag is ignored.") private int numberOfMessages = 0; @Parameter(names = { "--max_publish_latency_test" }, description = "In this test we will continuously run load tests with increasing request " + "rates until we hit max_publish_latency_millis. You must only provide a single type of " + "publisher to use this test. This uses the latency specified by " + "max_publish_latency_percentile as the bound to check.") private boolean maxPublishLatencyTest = false; @Parameter(names = { "--max_publish_latency_millis" }, description = "This is the maximum latency in milliseconds allowed before terminating the " + "max_publish_latency_test.") private int maxPublishLatencyMillis = 0; @Parameter(names = { "--max_publish_latency_percentile" }, description = "This sets the percentile to use when determining the latency for the " + "max_publish_latency_test. Defaults to 99.") private int maxPublishLatencyPercentile = 99; @Parameter(names = { "--max_subscriber_throughput_test" }, description = "This test will continuously run load tests with greater publish request " + "rate until the subscriber can no longer keep up, and will let you know the maximum " + "throughput per subscribing client.") private boolean maxSubscriberThroughputTest = false; @Parameter(names = { "--max_subscriber_throughput_test_backlog" }, description = "This is the size of the backlog, in messages, to allow during the " + "max_subscriber_throughput_test. ") private int maxSubscriberThroughputTestBacklog = 100; @Parameter(names = { "--spreadsheet_id" }, description = "The id of the spreadsheet to which results are output.") private String spreadsheetId = ""; @Parameter(names = { "--data_store_dir" }, description = "The directory to store credentials for sheets output verification. Note: " + "sheets output is only turned on when spreadsheet_id is set to a non-empty value, so " + "data will only be stored to this directory if the spreadsheet_id flag is activated.") private String dataStoreDirectory = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.credentials/"; @Parameter(names = { "--resource_dir" }, description = "The directory to look for resources to upload, if different than the default.") private String resourceDirectory = "src/main/resources/gce"; @Parameter(names = { "--zone" }, description = "The GCE zone in which to create client instances.") private String zone = "us-central1-a"; public static void main(String[] args) { Driver driver = new Driver(); JCommander jCommander = new JCommander(driver, args); if ( { jCommander.usage(); return; }, clientParamsMap) -> GCEController.newGCEController(project, ImmutableMap.of(, clientParamsMap), Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(500))); } public void run(BiFunction<String, Map<ClientParams, Integer>, Controller> controllerFunction) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument( cpsPublisherCount > 0 || cpsSubscriberCount > 0 || kafkaPublisherCount > 0 || kafkaSubscriberCount > 0, "You must set at least one type of client greater than 0."); Preconditions.checkArgument(broker != null || (kafkaPublisherCount == 0 && kafkaSubscriberCount == 0), "If using Kafka you must provide the network address of your broker using the" + "--broker flag."); if (maxPublishLatencyTest) { Preconditions.checkArgument(kafkaPublisherCount > 0 ^ cpsPublisherCount > 0, "If max_publish_latency is specified, there can only be one type of publisher."); } Controller.resourceDirectory = resourceDirectory; Map<ClientParams, Integer> clientParamsMap = new HashMap<>(); clientParamsMap.putAll(ImmutableMap.of(new ClientParams(ClientType.CPS_GCLOUD_JAVA_PUBLISHER, null), cpsPublisherCount, new ClientParams(ClientType.KAFKA_PUBLISHER, null), kafkaPublisherCount, new ClientParams(ClientType.KAFKA_SUBSCRIBER, null), kafkaSubscriberCount)); // Each type of client will have its own topic, so each topic will get // cpsSubscriberCount subscribers cumulatively among each of the subscriptions. for (int i = 0; i < cpsSubscriptionFanout; ++i) { clientParamsMap.put( new ClientParams(ClientType.CPS_GCLOUD_JAVA_SUBSCRIBER, "gcloud-subscription" + i), cpsSubscriberCount / cpsSubscriptionFanout); } Client.messageSize = messageSize; Client.requestRate = 1; Client.loadtestLengthSeconds = loadtestLengthSeconds; Client.publishBatchSize = publishBatchSize; Client.maxMessagesPerPull = cpsMaxMessagesPerPull; Client.pollLength = kafkaPollLength; = broker; Client.requestRate = requestRate; Client.maxOutstandingRequests = maxOutstandingRequests; Client.numberOfMessages = numberOfMessages; Controller controller = controllerFunction.apply(project, clientParamsMap); // Start a thread to poll and output results. ScheduledExecutorService pollingExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); pollingExecutor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(() -> { synchronized (pollingExecutor) {"==============================================="); printStats(controller.getStatsForAllClientTypes());"==============================================="); } }, 5, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS); Map<ClientType, Controller.LoadtestStats> statsMap; AtomicDouble publishLatency = new AtomicDouble(0); final HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory(); final GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(transport, jsonFactory) .createScoped(Collections.singletonList("")); final Monitoring monitoring = new Monitoring.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential) .setApplicationName("Cloud Pub/Sub Loadtest Framework").build(); final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter; dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'"); dateFormatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); int highestRequestRate = 0; long backlogSize = 0; do { Client.startTime = Timestamp.newBuilder().setSeconds(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + 90) .build(); Client.burnInTimeMillis = (Client.startTime.getSeconds() + burnInDurationSeconds) * 1000; Date startDate = new Date(); startDate.setTime(Client.startTime.getSeconds() * 1000); MessageTracker messageTracker = new MessageTracker(numberOfMessages, cpsPublisherCount); controller.startClients(messageTracker); if (maxSubscriberThroughputTest) { controller.waitForPublisherClients(); ListTimeSeriesResponse response = monitoring.projects().timeSeries().list("projects/" + project) .setFilter( "metric.type = \"\"") .setIntervalStartTime(dateFormatter.format(startDate)) .setIntervalEndTime(dateFormatter.format(new Date())).execute(); // Get most recent point. Point latestBacklogSize = null; for (TimeSeries timeSeries : response.getTimeSeries()) { for (Point point : timeSeries.getPoints()) { if (latestBacklogSize == null || dateFormatter.parse(point.getInterval().getStartTime()) .after(dateFormatter.parse(latestBacklogSize.getInterval().getStartTime()))) { latestBacklogSize = point; } } } if (latestBacklogSize != null) { backlogSize = latestBacklogSize.getValue().getInt64Value(); } if (backlogSize > maxSubscriberThroughputTestBacklog) {"We accumulated a backlog during this test, refer to the last run " + "for the maximum throughput attained before accumulating backlog."); } } // Wait for the load test to finish. controller.waitForClients(); statsMap = controller.getStatsForAllClientTypes(); if (maxPublishLatencyTest) { statsMap.forEach((type, stats) -> { if (type.isPublisher()) { publishLatency.set(LatencyDistribution.getNthPercentileUpperBound(stats.bucketValues, maxPublishLatencyPercentile)); } }); } if (publishLatency.get() < maxPublishLatencyMillis) { highestRequestRate = Client.requestRate; } Client.requestRate = (int) (Client.requestRate * 1.1); printStats(statsMap); List<MessageIdentifier> missing = messageTracker.getMissing(); if (!missing.isEmpty()) { log.error("Some published messages were not received!"); for (MessageIdentifier identifier : missing) { log.error(String.format("%d:%d", identifier.getPublisherClientId(), identifier.getSequenceNumber())); } } if (spreadsheetId.length() > 0) { // Output results to common Google sheet SheetsService service = new SheetsService(dataStoreDirectory, controller.getTypes()); service.sendToSheets(spreadsheetId, statsMap); } } while ((maxPublishLatencyTest && publishLatency.get() < maxPublishLatencyMillis) || (maxSubscriberThroughputTest && backlogSize < maxSubscriberThroughputTestBacklog)); synchronized (pollingExecutor) { pollingExecutor.shutdownNow(); } if (maxPublishLatencyTest) { // This calculates the request rate of the last successful run."Maximum Request Rate: " + highestRequestRate); } controller.shutdown(null); System.exit(0); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error("An error occurred...", t); System.exit(1); } } private void printStats(Map<ClientType, Controller.LoadtestStats> results) { results.forEach((type, stats) -> {"Results for " + type + ":");"50%: " + LatencyDistribution.getNthPercentile(stats.bucketValues, 50.0));"99%: " + LatencyDistribution.getNthPercentile(stats.bucketValues, 99.0));"99.9%: " + LatencyDistribution.getNthPercentile(stats.bucketValues, 99.9)); // CPS Publishers report latency per batch message."Average throughput: " + new DecimalFormat("#.##").format((double) LongStream.of(stats.bucketValues).sum() / stats.runningSeconds * messageSize / 1000000.0) + " MB/s"); }); } /** A validator that makes sure the parameter is an integer that is greater than 0. */ public static class GreaterThanZeroValidator implements IParameterValidator { @Override public void validate(String name, String value) throws ParameterException { try { int n = Integer.parseInt(value); if (n > 0) { return; } throw new NumberFormatException(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new ParameterException( "Parameter " + name + " should be an int greater than 0 (found " + value + ")"); } } } }