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 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.location.cts.nano.Ephemeris.GpsEphemerisProto;
import android.location.cts.nano.Ephemeris.GpsNavMessageProto;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.LUDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.QRDecomposition;
import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealMatrix;

 * Computes an iterative least square receiver position solution given the pseudorange (meters) and
 * accumulated delta range (meters) measurements, receiver time of week, week number and the
 * navigation message.
class UserPositionVelocityWeightedLeastSquare {
    private static final double SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS = 299792458.0;
    private static final int SECONDS_IN_WEEK = 604800;
    private static final double LEAST_SQUARE_TOLERANCE_METERS = 4.0e-8;
    /** Position correction threshold below which atmospheric correction will be applied */
    private static final double ATMPOSPHERIC_CORRECTIONS_THRESHOLD_METERS = 1000.0;
    private static final int MINIMUM_NUMER_OF_SATELLITES = 4;
    private static final double RESIDUAL_TO_REPEAT_LEAST_SQUARE_METERS = 20.0;
    private static final int MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEAST_SQUARE_ITERATIONS = 100;
    /** GPS C/A code chip width Tc = 1 microseconds */
    private static final double GPS_CHIP_WIDTH_T_C_SEC = 1.0e-6;
    /** Narrow correlator with spacing d = 0.1 chip */
    private static final double GPS_CORRELATOR_SPACING_IN_CHIPS = 0.1;
    /** Average time of DLL correlator T of 20 milliseconds */
    private static final double GPS_DLL_AVERAGING_TIME_SEC = 20.0e-3;
    /** Average signal travel time from GPS satellite and earth */
    private static final double AVERAGE_TRAVEL_TIME_SECONDS = 70.0e-3;
    private static final double SECONDS_PER_NANO = 1.0e-9;
    private static final double DOUBLE_ROUND_OFF_TOLERANCE = 0.0000000001;

    private final PseudorangeSmoother pseudorangeSmoother;
    private double geoidHeightMeters;
    private ElevationApiHelper elevationApiHelper;
    private boolean calculateGeoidMeters = true;
    private RealMatrix geometryMatrix;
    private double[] truthLocationForCorrectedResidualComputationEcef = null;

    /** Constructor */
    public UserPositionVelocityWeightedLeastSquare(PseudorangeSmoother pseudorangeSmoother) {
        this.pseudorangeSmoother = pseudorangeSmoother;

    /** Constructor with Google Elevation API Key */
    public UserPositionVelocityWeightedLeastSquare(PseudorangeSmoother pseudorangeSmoother,
            String elevationApiKey) {
        this.pseudorangeSmoother = pseudorangeSmoother;
        this.elevationApiHelper = new ElevationApiHelper(elevationApiKey);

     * Sets the reference ground truth for pseudornage residual correction calculation. If no ground
     * truth is set, no corrected pesudorange residual will be calculated.
    public void setTruthLocationForCorrectedResidualComputationEcef(double[] groundTruthForResidualCorrectionEcef) {
        this.truthLocationForCorrectedResidualComputationEcef = groundTruthForResidualCorrectionEcef;

     * Least square solution to calculate the user position given the navigation message, pseudorange
     * and accumulated delta range measurements. Also calculates user velocity non-iteratively from
     * Least square position solution.
     * <p>The method fills the user position and velocity in ECEF coordinates and receiver clock
     * offset in meters and clock offset rate in meters per second.
     * <p>One can choose between no smoothing, using the carrier phase measurements (accumulated delta
     * range) or the doppler measurements (pseudorange rate) for smoothing the pseudorange. The
     * smoothing is applied only if time has changed below a specific threshold since last invocation.
     * <p>Source for least squares:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>
     *       page 81 - 85
     *   <li>Parkinson, B.W., Spilker Jr., J.J.: Global positioning system: theory and applications
     *       page 412 - 414
     * </ul>
     * <p>Sources for smoothing pseudorange with carrier phase measurements:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Satellite Communications and Navigation Systems book, page 424,
     *   <li>Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor Integrated Navigation Systems, page 388,
     *       389.
     * </ul>
     * <p>The function does not modify the smoothed measurement list {@code
     * immutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements}
     * @param navMessageProto parameters of the navigation message
     * @param usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements Map of useful satellite PRN to {@link
     *     GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty} containing receiver measurements for computing the
     *     position solution.
     * @param receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds Receiver estimate of GPS time of week (seconds)
     * @param receiverGPSWeek Receiver estimate of GPS week (0-1024+)
     * @param dayOfYear1To366 The day of the year between 1 and 366
     * @param positionVelocitySolutionECEF Solution array of the following format:
     *        [0-2] xyz solution of user.
     *        [3] clock bias of user.
     *        [4-6] velocity of user.
     *        [7] clock bias rate of user.
     * @param positionVelocityUncertaintyEnu Uncertainty of calculated position and velocity solution
     *     in meters and mps local ENU system. Array has the following format:
     *     [0-2] Enu uncertainty of position solution in meters
     *     [3-5] Enu uncertainty of velocity solution in meters per second.
     * @param pseudorangeResidualMeters The pseudorange residual corrected by subtracting expected
     *     psudorange calculated with the use clock bias of the highest elevation satellites.
    public void calculateUserPositionVelocityLeastSquare(GpsNavMessageProto navMessageProto,
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
            double receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, int receiverGPSWeek, int dayOfYear1To366,
            double[] positionVelocitySolutionECEF, double[] positionVelocityUncertaintyEnu,
            double[] pseudorangeResidualMeters) throws Exception {

        // Use PseudorangeSmoother to smooth the pseudorange according to: Satellite Communications and
        // Navigation Systems book, page 424 and Principles of GNSS, Inertial, and Multisensor
        // Integrated Navigation Systems, page 388, 389.
        double[] deltaPositionMeters;
        List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> immutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements = pseudorangeSmoother
        List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements = Lists
        int numberOfUsefulSatellites = getNumberOfUsefulSatellites(mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements);
        // Least square position solution is supported only if 4 or more satellites visible
        Preconditions.checkArgument(numberOfUsefulSatellites >= MINIMUM_NUMER_OF_SATELLITES,
                "At least 4 satellites have to be visible... Only 3D mode is supported...");
        boolean repeatLeastSquare = false;
        SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight;

        boolean isFirstWLS = true;

        do {
            // Calculate satellites' positions, measurement residuals per visible satellite and
            // weight matrix for the iterative least square
            boolean doAtmosphericCorrections = false;
            satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight = calculateSatPosAndPseudorangeResidual(navMessageProto,
                    mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements, receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds,
                    receiverGPSWeek, dayOfYear1To366, positionVelocitySolutionECEF, doAtmosphericCorrections);

            // Calculate the geometry matrix according to "Global Positioning System: Theory and
            // Applications", Parkinson and Spilker page 413
            RealMatrix covarianceMatrixM2 = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(
            geometryMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(calculateGeometryMatrix(
                    satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.satellitesPositionsMeters, positionVelocitySolutionECEF));
            RealMatrix weightedGeometryMatrix;
            RealMatrix weightMatrixMetersMinus2 = null;
            // Apply weighted least square only if the covariance matrix is not singular (has a non-zero
            // determinant), otherwise apply ordinary least square. The reason is to ignore reported
            // signal to noise ratios by the receiver that can lead to such singularities
            LUDecomposition ludCovMatrixM2 = new LUDecomposition(covarianceMatrixM2);
            double det = ludCovMatrixM2.getDeterminant();

            if (det <= DOUBLE_ROUND_OFF_TOLERANCE) {
                // Do not weight the geometry matrix if covariance matrix is singular.
                weightedGeometryMatrix = geometryMatrix;
            } else {
                weightMatrixMetersMinus2 = ludCovMatrixM2.getSolver().getInverse();
                RealMatrix hMatrix = calculateHMatrix(weightMatrixMetersMinus2, geometryMatrix);
                weightedGeometryMatrix = hMatrix.multiply(geometryMatrix.transpose())

            // Equation 9 page 413 from "Global Positioning System: Theory and Applicaitons", Parkinson
            // and Spilker
            deltaPositionMeters = GpsMathOperations.matrixByColVectMultiplication(weightedGeometryMatrix.getData(),

            // Apply corrections to the position estimate
            positionVelocitySolutionECEF[0] += deltaPositionMeters[0];
            positionVelocitySolutionECEF[1] += deltaPositionMeters[1];
            positionVelocitySolutionECEF[2] += deltaPositionMeters[2];
            positionVelocitySolutionECEF[3] += deltaPositionMeters[3];
            // Iterate applying corrections to the position solution until correction is below threshold
            satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight = applyWeightedLeastSquare(navMessageProto,
                    mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements, receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds,
                    receiverGPSWeek, dayOfYear1To366, positionVelocitySolutionECEF, deltaPositionMeters,
                    doAtmosphericCorrections, satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight, weightMatrixMetersMinus2);

            // We use the first WLS iteration results and correct them based on the ground truth position
            // and using a clock error computed from high elevation satellites. The first iteration is
            // used before satellite with high residuals being removed.
            if (isFirstWLS && truthLocationForCorrectedResidualComputationEcef != null) {
                // Snapshot the information needed before high residual satellites are removed
                        0 /*source starting pos*/, pseudorangeResidualMeters, 0 /*destination starting pos*/,
                        GpsNavigationMessageStore.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SATELLITES /*length of elements*/);
                isFirstWLS = false;
            repeatLeastSquare = false;
            int satsWithResidualBelowThreshold = satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.pseudorangeResidualsMeters.length;
            // remove satellites that have residuals above RESIDUAL_TO_REPEAT_LEAST_SQUARE_METERS as they
            // worsen the position solution accuracy. If any satellite is removed, repeat the least square
            repeatLeastSquare = removeHighResidualSats(mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
                    repeatLeastSquare, satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight, satsWithResidualBelowThreshold);

        } while (repeatLeastSquare);
        calculateGeoidMeters = false;

        // The computed ECEF position will be used next to compute the user velocity.
        // we calculate and fill in the user velocity solutions based on following equation:
        // Weight Matrix * GeometryMatrix * User Velocity Vector
        // = Weight Matrix * deltaPseudoRangeRateWeightedMps
        // Reference: Pratap Misra and Per Enge
        // "Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance" Page 218.

        // Get the number of satellite used in Geometry Matrix
        numberOfUsefulSatellites = geometryMatrix.getRowDimension();

        RealMatrix rangeRateMps = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfUsefulSatellites, 1);
        RealMatrix deltaPseudoRangeRateMps = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfUsefulSatellites, 1);
        RealMatrix pseudorangeRateWeight = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfUsefulSatellites,

        // Correct the receiver time of week with the estimated receiver clock bias
        receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds = receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds
                - positionVelocitySolutionECEF[3] / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

        int measurementCount = 0;

        // Calculate range rates
        for (int i = 0; i < GpsNavigationMessageStore.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SATELLITES; i++) {
            if (mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i) != null) {
                GpsEphemerisProto ephemeridesProto = getEphemerisForSatellite(navMessageProto, i + 1);

                double pseudorangeMeasurementMeters = mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements
                GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber correctedTowAndWeek = calculateCorrectedTransmitTowAndWeek(
                        ephemeridesProto, receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, receiverGPSWeek,

                // Calculate satellite velocity
                PositionAndVelocity satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS = SatellitePositionCalculator
                                correctedTowAndWeek.gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds, correctedTowAndWeek.weekNumber,
                                positionVelocitySolutionECEF[0], positionVelocitySolutionECEF[1],

                // Calculate satellite clock error rate
                double satelliteClockErrorRateMps = SatelliteClockCorrectionCalculator
                        .calculateSatClockCorrErrorRate(ephemeridesProto, correctedTowAndWeek.gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds,

                // Fill in range rates. range rate = satellite velocity (dot product) line-of-sight vector
                rangeRateMps.setEntry(measurementCount, 0,
                        -1 * (satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.velocityXMetersPerSec
                                * geometryMatrix.getEntry(measurementCount, 0)
                                + satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.velocityYMetersPerSec
                                        * geometryMatrix.getEntry(measurementCount, 1)
                                + satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.velocityZMetersPerSec
                                        * geometryMatrix.getEntry(measurementCount, 2)));

                deltaPseudoRangeRateMps.setEntry(measurementCount, 0,
                                - rangeRateMps.getEntry(measurementCount, 0) + satelliteClockErrorRateMps
                                - positionVelocitySolutionECEF[7]);

                // Calculate the velocity weight matrix by using 1 / square(Pseudorangerate Uncertainty)
                // along the diagonal
                pseudorangeRateWeight.setEntry(measurementCount, measurementCount,
                        1 / (mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i).pseudorangeRateUncertaintyMps
                                * mutableSmoothedSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements

        RealMatrix weightedGeoMatrix = pseudorangeRateWeight.multiply(geometryMatrix);
        RealMatrix deltaPseudoRangeRateWeightedMps = pseudorangeRateWeight.multiply(deltaPseudoRangeRateMps);
        QRDecomposition qrdWeightedGeoMatrix = new QRDecomposition(weightedGeoMatrix);
        RealMatrix velocityMps = qrdWeightedGeoMatrix.getSolver().solve(deltaPseudoRangeRateWeightedMps);
        positionVelocitySolutionECEF[4] = velocityMps.getEntry(0, 0);
        positionVelocitySolutionECEF[5] = velocityMps.getEntry(1, 0);
        positionVelocitySolutionECEF[6] = velocityMps.getEntry(2, 0);
        positionVelocitySolutionECEF[7] = velocityMps.getEntry(3, 0);

        RealMatrix pseudorangeWeight = new LUDecomposition(
                new Array2DRowRealMatrix(satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.covarianceMatrixMetersSquare))

        // Calculate and store the uncertainties of position and velocity in local ENU system in meters
        // and meters per second.
        double[] pvUncertainty = calculatePositionVelocityUncertaintyEnu(pseudorangeRateWeight, pseudorangeWeight,
        System.arraycopy(pvUncertainty, 0 /*source starting pos*/, positionVelocityUncertaintyEnu,
                0 /*destination starting pos*/, 6 /*length of elements*/);

     * Calculates the position uncertainty in meters and the velocity uncertainty
     * in meters per second solution in local ENU system.
     * <p> Reference: Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance
     * by Pratap Misra, Per Enge, Page 206 - 209.
     * @param velocityWeightMatrix the velocity weight matrix
     * @param positionWeightMatrix the position weight matrix
     * @param positionVelocitySolution the position and velocity solution in ECEF
     * @return an array containing the position and velocity uncertainties in ENU coordinate system.
     *         [0-2] Enu uncertainty of position solution in meters.
     *         [3-5] Enu uncertainty of velocity solution in meters per second.
    public double[] calculatePositionVelocityUncertaintyEnu(RealMatrix velocityWeightMatrix,
            RealMatrix positionWeightMatrix, double[] positionVelocitySolution) {

        if (geometryMatrix == null) {
            return null;

        RealMatrix velocityH = calculateHMatrix(velocityWeightMatrix, geometryMatrix);
        RealMatrix positionH = calculateHMatrix(positionWeightMatrix, geometryMatrix);

        // Calculate the rotation Matrix to convert to local ENU system.
        RealMatrix rotationMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(4, 4);
        GeodeticLlaValues llaValues = Ecef2LlaConverter.convertECEFToLLACloseForm(positionVelocitySolution[0],
                positionVelocitySolution[1], positionVelocitySolution[2]);
                .getRotationMatrix(llaValues.longitudeRadians, llaValues.latitudeRadians).getData(), 0, 0);
        rotationMatrix.setEntry(3, 3, 1);

        // Convert to local ENU by pre-multiply rotation matrix and multiply rotation matrix transposed
        velocityH = rotationMatrix.multiply(velocityH).multiply(rotationMatrix.transpose());
        positionH = rotationMatrix.multiply(positionH).multiply(rotationMatrix.transpose());

        // Return the square root of diagonal entries
        return new double[] { Math.sqrt(positionH.getEntry(0, 0)), Math.sqrt(positionH.getEntry(1, 1)),
                Math.sqrt(positionH.getEntry(2, 2)), Math.sqrt(velocityH.getEntry(0, 0)),
                Math.sqrt(velocityH.getEntry(1, 1)), Math.sqrt(velocityH.getEntry(2, 2)) };

     * Calculates the measurement connection matrix H as a function of weightMatrix and
     * geometryMatrix.
     * <p> H = (geometryMatrixTransposed * Weight * geometryMatrix) ^ -1
     * <p> Reference: Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance, P207
     * @param weightMatrix Weights for computing H Matrix
     * @return H Matrix
    private RealMatrix calculateHMatrix(RealMatrix weightMatrix, RealMatrix geometryMatrix) {

        RealMatrix tempH = geometryMatrix.transpose().multiply(weightMatrix).multiply(geometryMatrix);
        return new LUDecomposition(tempH).getSolver().getInverse();

     * Applies weighted least square iterations and corrects to the position solution until correction
     * is below threshold. An exception is thrown if the maximum number of iterations:
     * {@value #MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEAST_SQUARE_ITERATIONS} is reached without convergence.
    private SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix applyWeightedLeastSquare(
            GpsNavMessageProto navMessageProto,
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
            double receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, int receiverGPSWeek, int dayOfYear1To366,
            double[] positionSolutionECEF, double[] deltaPositionMeters, boolean doAtmosphericCorrections,
            SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight,
            RealMatrix weightMatrixMetersMinus2) throws Exception {
        RealMatrix weightedGeometryMatrix;
        int numberOfIterations = 0;

        while ((Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[0]) + Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[1])
                + Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[2])) >= LEAST_SQUARE_TOLERANCE_METERS) {
            // Apply ionospheric and tropospheric corrections only if the applied correction to
            // position is below a specific threshold
            if ((Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[0]) + Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[1])
                    + Math.abs(deltaPositionMeters[2])) < ATMPOSPHERIC_CORRECTIONS_THRESHOLD_METERS) {
                doAtmosphericCorrections = true;
            // Calculate satellites' positions, measurement residual per visible satellite and
            // weight matrix for the iterative least square
            satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight = calculateSatPosAndPseudorangeResidual(navMessageProto,
                    usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements, receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, receiverGPSWeek,
                    dayOfYear1To366, positionSolutionECEF, doAtmosphericCorrections);

            // Calculate the geometry matrix according to "Global Positioning System: Theory and
            // Applications", Parkinson and Spilker page 413
            geometryMatrix = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(calculateGeometryMatrix(
                    satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.satellitesPositionsMeters, positionSolutionECEF));
            // Apply weighted least square only if the covariance matrix is
            // not singular (has a non-zero determinant), otherwise apply ordinary least square.
            // The reason is to ignore reported signal to noise ratios by the receiver that can
            // lead to such singularities
            if (weightMatrixMetersMinus2 == null) {
                weightedGeometryMatrix = geometryMatrix;
            } else {
                RealMatrix hMatrix = calculateHMatrix(weightMatrixMetersMinus2, geometryMatrix);
                weightedGeometryMatrix = hMatrix.multiply(geometryMatrix.transpose())

            // Equation 9 page 413 from "Global Positioning System: Theory and Applicaitons",
            // Parkinson and Spilker
            deltaPositionMeters = GpsMathOperations.matrixByColVectMultiplication(weightedGeometryMatrix.getData(),

            // Apply corrections to the position estimate
            positionSolutionECEF[0] += deltaPositionMeters[0];
            positionSolutionECEF[1] += deltaPositionMeters[1];
            positionSolutionECEF[2] += deltaPositionMeters[2];
            positionSolutionECEF[3] += deltaPositionMeters[3];
            Preconditions.checkArgument(numberOfIterations <= MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_LEAST_SQUARE_ITERATIONS,
                    "Maximum number of least square iterations reached without convergance...");
        return satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight;

     * Removes satellites that have residuals above {@value #RESIDUAL_TO_REPEAT_LEAST_SQUARE_METERS}
     * from the {@code usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements} list. Returns true if any satellite is
     * removed.
    private boolean removeHighResidualSats(
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
            boolean repeatLeastSquare,
            SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight,
            int satsWithResidualBelowThreshold) {

        for (int i = 0; i < satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.pseudorangeResidualsMeters.length; i++) {
            if (satsWithResidualBelowThreshold > MINIMUM_NUMER_OF_SATELLITES) {
                if (Math.abs(
                        satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.pseudorangeResidualsMeters[i]) > RESIDUAL_TO_REPEAT_LEAST_SQUARE_METERS) {
                    int prn = satPosPseudorangeResidualAndWeight.satellitePRNs[i];
                    usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.set(prn - 1, null);
                    repeatLeastSquare = true;
        return repeatLeastSquare;

     * Calculates position of all visible satellites and pseudorange measurement residual
     * (difference of measured to predicted pseudoranges) needed for the least square computation. The
     * result is stored in an instance of {@link
     * SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix}
     * @param navMeassageProto parameters of the navigation message
     * @param usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements Map of useful satellite PRN to {@link
     *     GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty} containing receiver measurements for computing the
     *     position solution
     * @param receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds Receiver estimate of GPS time of week (seconds)
     * @param receiverGpsWeek Receiver estimate of GPS week (0-1024+)
     * @param dayOfYear1To366 The day of the year between 1 and 366
     * @param userPositionECEFMeters receiver ECEF position in meters
     * @param doAtmosphericCorrections boolean indicating if atmospheric range corrections should be
     *     applied
     * @return SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix Object containing satellite
     *     prns, satellite positions in ECEF, pseudorange residuals and covariance matrix.
    public SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix calculateSatPosAndPseudorangeResidual(
            GpsNavMessageProto navMeassageProto,
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
            double receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, int receiverGpsWeek, int dayOfYear1To366,
            double[] userPositionECEFMeters, boolean doAtmosphericCorrections) throws Exception {
        int numberOfUsefulSatellites = getNumberOfUsefulSatellites(usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements);
        // deltaPseudorange is the pseudorange measurement residual
        double[] deltaPseudorangesMeters = new double[numberOfUsefulSatellites];
        double[][] satellitesPositionsECEFMeters = new double[numberOfUsefulSatellites][3];

        // satellite PRNs
        int[] satellitePRNs = new int[numberOfUsefulSatellites];

        // Ionospheric model parameters
        double[] alpha = { navMeassageProto.iono.alpha[0], navMeassageProto.iono.alpha[1],
                navMeassageProto.iono.alpha[2], navMeassageProto.iono.alpha[3] };
        double[] beta = { navMeassageProto.iono.beta[0], navMeassageProto.iono.beta[1],
                navMeassageProto.iono.beta[2], navMeassageProto.iono.beta[3] };
        // Weight matrix for the weighted least square
        RealMatrix covarianceMatrixMetersSquare = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(numberOfUsefulSatellites,
        calculateSatPosAndResiduals(navMeassageProto, usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
                receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, receiverGpsWeek, dayOfYear1To366, userPositionECEFMeters,
                doAtmosphericCorrections, deltaPseudorangesMeters, satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, satellitePRNs,
                alpha, beta, covarianceMatrixMetersSquare);

        return new SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix(satellitePRNs,
                satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, deltaPseudorangesMeters, covarianceMatrixMetersSquare.getData());

     * Calculates and fill the position of all visible satellites:
     * {@code satellitesPositionsECEFMeters}, pseudorange measurement residual (difference of
     * measured to predicted pseudoranges): {@code deltaPseudorangesMeters} and covariance matrix from
     * the weighted least square: {@code covarianceMatrixMetersSquare}. An array of the satellite PRNs
     * {@code satellitePRNs} is as well filled.
    private void calculateSatPosAndResiduals(GpsNavMessageProto navMeassageProto,
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements,
            double receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, int receiverGpsWeek, int dayOfYear1To366,
            double[] userPositionECEFMeters, boolean doAtmosphericCorrections, double[] deltaPseudorangesMeters,
            double[][] satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, int[] satellitePRNs, double[] alpha, double[] beta,
            RealMatrix covarianceMatrixMetersSquare) throws Exception {
        // user position without the clock estimate
        double[] userPositionTempECEFMeters = { userPositionECEFMeters[0], userPositionECEFMeters[1],
                userPositionECEFMeters[2] };
        int satsCounter = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < GpsNavigationMessageStore.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SATELLITES; i++) {
            if (usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i) != null) {
                GpsEphemerisProto ephemeridesProto = getEphemerisForSatellite(navMeassageProto, i + 1);
                // Correct the receiver time of week with the estimated receiver clock bias
                receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds = receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds
                        - userPositionECEFMeters[3] / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

                double pseudorangeMeasurementMeters = usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements
                double pseudorangeUncertaintyMeters = usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements

                // Assuming uncorrelated pseudorange measurements, the covariance matrix will be diagonal as
                // follows
                covarianceMatrixMetersSquare.setEntry(satsCounter, satsCounter,
                        pseudorangeUncertaintyMeters * pseudorangeUncertaintyMeters);

                // Calculate time of week at transmission time corrected with the satellite clock drift
                GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber correctedTowAndWeek = calculateCorrectedTransmitTowAndWeek(
                        ephemeridesProto, receiverGPSTowAtReceptionSeconds, receiverGpsWeek,

                // calculate satellite position and velocity
                PositionAndVelocity satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS = SatellitePositionCalculator
                                correctedTowAndWeek.gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds, correctedTowAndWeek.weekNumber,
                                userPositionECEFMeters[0], userPositionECEFMeters[1], userPositionECEFMeters[2]);

                satellitesPositionsECEFMeters[satsCounter][0] = satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.positionXMeters;
                satellitesPositionsECEFMeters[satsCounter][1] = satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.positionYMeters;
                satellitesPositionsECEFMeters[satsCounter][2] = satPosECEFMetersVelocityMPS.positionZMeters;

                // Calculate ionospheric and tropospheric corrections
                double ionosphericCorrectionMeters;
                double troposphericCorrectionMeters;
                if (doAtmosphericCorrections) {
                    ionosphericCorrectionMeters = IonosphericModel.ionoKloboucharCorrectionSeconds(
                            userPositionTempECEFMeters, satellitesPositionsECEFMeters[satsCounter],
                            correctedTowAndWeek.gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds, alpha, beta, IonosphericModel.L1_FREQ_HZ)
                            * SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

                    troposphericCorrectionMeters = calculateTroposphericCorrectionMeters(dayOfYear1To366,
                            satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, userPositionTempECEFMeters, satsCounter);
                } else {
                    troposphericCorrectionMeters = 0.0;
                    ionosphericCorrectionMeters = 0.0;
                double predictedPseudorangeMeters = calculatePredictedPseudorange(userPositionECEFMeters,
                        satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, userPositionTempECEFMeters, satsCounter, ephemeridesProto,
                        correctedTowAndWeek, ionosphericCorrectionMeters, troposphericCorrectionMeters);

                // Pseudorange residual (difference of measured to predicted pseudoranges)
                deltaPseudorangesMeters[satsCounter] = pseudorangeMeasurementMeters - predictedPseudorangeMeters;

                // Satellite PRNs
                satellitePRNs[satsCounter] = i + 1;

    /** Searches ephemerides list for the ephemeris associated with current satellite in process */
    private GpsEphemerisProto getEphemerisForSatellite(GpsNavMessageProto navMeassageProto, int satPrn) {
        List<GpsEphemerisProto> ephemeridesList = new ArrayList<GpsEphemerisProto>(
        GpsEphemerisProto ephemeridesProto = null;
        int ephemerisPrn = 0;
        for (GpsEphemerisProto ephProtoFromList : ephemeridesList) {
            ephemerisPrn = ephProtoFromList.prn;
            if (ephemerisPrn == satPrn) {
                ephemeridesProto = ephProtoFromList;
        return ephemeridesProto;

    /** Calculates predicted pseudorange in meters */
    private double calculatePredictedPseudorange(double[] userPositionECEFMeters,
            double[][] satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, double[] userPositionNoClockECEFMeters, int satsCounter,
            GpsEphemerisProto ephemeridesProto, GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber correctedTowAndWeek,
            double ionosphericCorrectionMeters, double troposphericCorrectionMeters) throws Exception {
        // Calcualte the satellite clock drift
        double satelliteClockCorrectionMeters = SatelliteClockCorrectionCalculator

        double satelliteToUserDistanceMeters = GpsMathOperations.vectorNorm(GpsMathOperations
                .subtractTwoVectors(satellitesPositionsECEFMeters[satsCounter], userPositionNoClockECEFMeters));
        // Predicted pseudorange
        double predictedPseudorangeMeters = satelliteToUserDistanceMeters - satelliteClockCorrectionMeters
                + ionosphericCorrectionMeters + troposphericCorrectionMeters + userPositionECEFMeters[3];
        return predictedPseudorangeMeters;

    /** Calculates the Gps tropospheric correction in meters */
    private double calculateTroposphericCorrectionMeters(int dayOfYear1To366,
            double[][] satellitesPositionsECEFMeters, double[] userPositionTempECEFMeters, int satsCounter) {
        double troposphericCorrectionMeters;
        TopocentricAEDValues elevationAzimuthDist = EcefToTopocentricConverter

        GeodeticLlaValues lla = Ecef2LlaConverter.convertECEFToLLACloseForm(userPositionTempECEFMeters[0],
                userPositionTempECEFMeters[1], userPositionTempECEFMeters[2]);

        // Geoid of the area where the receiver is located is calculated once and used for the
        // rest of the dataset as it change very slowly over wide area. This to save the delay
        // associated with accessing Google Elevation API. We assume this very first iteration of WLS
        // will compute the correct altitude above the ellipsoid of the ground at the latitude and
        // longitude
        if (calculateGeoidMeters) {
            double elevationAboveSeaLevelMeters = 0;
            if (elevationApiHelper == null) {
                System.out.println("No Google API key is set. Elevation above sea level is set to "
                        + "default 0 meters. This may cause inaccuracy in tropospheric correction.");
            } else {
                try {
                    elevationAboveSeaLevelMeters = elevationApiHelper.getElevationAboveSeaLevelMeters(
                            Math.toDegrees(lla.latitudeRadians), Math.toDegrees(lla.longitudeRadians));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.out.println("Error when getting elevation from Google Server. "
                            + "Could be wrong Api key or network error. Elevation above sea level is set to "
                            + "default 0 meters. This may cause inaccuracy in tropospheric correction.");

            geoidHeightMeters = ElevationApiHelper.calculateGeoidHeightMeters(lla.altitudeMeters,
            troposphericCorrectionMeters = TroposphericModelEgnos.calculateTropoCorrectionMeters(
                    elevationAzimuthDist.elevationRadians, lla.latitudeRadians, elevationAboveSeaLevelMeters,
        } else {
            troposphericCorrectionMeters = TroposphericModelEgnos.calculateTropoCorrectionMeters(
                    elevationAzimuthDist.elevationRadians, lla.latitudeRadians,
                    lla.altitudeMeters - geoidHeightMeters, dayOfYear1To366);
        return troposphericCorrectionMeters;

     * Gets the number of useful satellites from a list of
     * {@link GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty}.
    private int getNumberOfUsefulSatellites(
            List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements) {
        // calculate the number of useful satellites
        int numberOfUsefulSatellites = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.size(); i++) {
            if (usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i) != null) {
        return numberOfUsefulSatellites;

     * Computes the GPS time of week at the time of transmission and as well the corrected GPS week
     * taking into consideration week rollover. The returned GPS time of week is corrected by the
     * computed satellite clock drift. The result is stored in an instance of
     * {@link GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber}
     * @param ephemerisProto parameters of the navigation message
     * @param receiverGpsTowAtReceptionSeconds Receiver estimate of GPS time of week when signal was
     *        received (seconds)
     * @param receiverGpsWeek Receiver estimate of GPS week (0-1024+)
     * @param pseudorangeMeters Measured pseudorange in meters
     * @return GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber Object containing Gps time of week and week number.
    private static GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber calculateCorrectedTransmitTowAndWeek(GpsEphemerisProto ephemerisProto,
            double receiverGpsTowAtReceptionSeconds, int receiverGpsWeek, double pseudorangeMeters)
            throws Exception {
        // GPS time of week at time of transmission: Gps time corrected for transit time (page 98 ICD
        // GPS 200)
        double receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission = receiverGpsTowAtReceptionSeconds
                - pseudorangeMeters / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

        // Adjust for week rollover
        if (receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission < 0) {
            receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission += SECONDS_IN_WEEK;
            receiverGpsWeek -= 1;
        } else if (receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission > SECONDS_IN_WEEK) {
            receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission -= SECONDS_IN_WEEK;
            receiverGpsWeek += 1;

        // Compute the satellite clock correction term (Seconds)
        double clockCorrectionSeconds = SatelliteClockCorrectionCalculator
                .calculateSatClockCorrAndEccAnomAndTkIteratively(ephemerisProto, receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission,
                / SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

        // Correct with the satellite clock correction term
        double receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec = receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmission
                + clockCorrectionSeconds;

        // Adjust for week rollover due to satellite clock correction
        if (receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec < 0.0) {
            receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec += SECONDS_IN_WEEK;
            receiverGpsWeek -= 1;
        if (receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec > SECONDS_IN_WEEK) {
            receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec -= SECONDS_IN_WEEK;
            receiverGpsWeek += 1;
        return new GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber(receiverGpsTowAtTimeOfTransmissionCorrectedSec, receiverGpsWeek);

     * Calculates the Geometry matrix (describing user to satellite geometry) given a list of
     * satellite positions in ECEF coordinates in meters and the user position in ECEF in meters.
     * <p>The geometry matrix has four columns, and rows equal to the number of satellites. For each
     * of the rows (i.e. for each of the satellites used), the columns are filled with the normalized
     * lineof-sight vectors and 1 s for the fourth column.
     * <p>Source: Parkinson, B.W., Spilker Jr., J.J.: Global positioning system: theory and
     * applications page 413
    private static double[][] calculateGeometryMatrix(double[][] satellitePositionsECEFMeters,
            double[] userPositionECEFMeters) {

        double[][] geometeryMatrix = new double[satellitePositionsECEFMeters.length][4];
        for (int i = 0; i < satellitePositionsECEFMeters.length; i++) {
            geometeryMatrix[i][3] = 1;
        // iterate over all satellites
        for (int i = 0; i < satellitePositionsECEFMeters.length; i++) {
            double[] r = { satellitePositionsECEFMeters[i][0] - userPositionECEFMeters[0],
                    satellitePositionsECEFMeters[i][1] - userPositionECEFMeters[1],
                    satellitePositionsECEFMeters[i][2] - userPositionECEFMeters[2] };
            double norm = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(r[0], 2) + Math.pow(r[1], 2) + Math.pow(r[2], 2));
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
                geometeryMatrix[i][j] = (userPositionECEFMeters[j] - satellitePositionsECEFMeters[i][j]) / norm;
        return geometeryMatrix;

     * Class containing satellites' PRNs, satellites' positions in ECEF meters, the pseudorange
     * residual per visible satellite in meters and the covariance matrix of the
     * pseudoranges in meters square
    protected static class SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix {

        /** Satellites' PRNs */
        protected final int[] satellitePRNs;

        /** ECEF positions (meters) of useful satellites */
        protected final double[][] satellitesPositionsMeters;

        /** Pseudorange measurement residuals (difference of measured to predicted pseudoranges) */
        protected final double[] pseudorangeResidualsMeters;

        /** Pseudorange covariance Matrix for the weighted least squares (meters square) */
        protected final double[][] covarianceMatrixMetersSquare;

        /** Constructor */
        private SatellitesPositionPseudorangesResidualAndCovarianceMatrix(int[] satellitePRNs,
                double[][] satellitesPositionsMeters, double[] pseudorangeResidualsMeters,
                double[][] covarianceMatrixMetersSquare) {
            this.satellitePRNs = satellitePRNs;
            this.satellitesPositionsMeters = satellitesPositionsMeters;
            this.pseudorangeResidualsMeters = pseudorangeResidualsMeters;
            this.covarianceMatrixMetersSquare = covarianceMatrixMetersSquare;


     * Class containing GPS time of week in seconds and GPS week number
    private static class GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber {
        /** GPS time of week in seconds */
        private final double gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds;

        /** GPS week number */
        private final int weekNumber;

        /** Constructor */
        private GpsTimeOfWeekAndWeekNumber(double gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds, int weekNumber) {
            this.gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds = gpsTimeOfWeekSeconds;
            this.weekNumber = weekNumber;

     * Uses the common reception time approach to calculate pseudoranges from the time of week
     * measurements reported by the receiver according to
     * As well computes the pseudoranges uncertainties for each input satellite
    static List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> computePseudorangeAndUncertainties(
            List<GpsMeasurement> usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements, Long[] usefulSatellitesToTOWNs,
            long largestTowNs) {

        List<GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty> usefulSatellitesToPseudorangeMeasurements = Arrays.asList(
                new GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty[GpsNavigationMessageStore.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SATELLITES]);
        for (int i = 0; i < GpsNavigationMessageStore.MAX_NUMBER_OF_SATELLITES; i++) {
            if (usefulSatellitesToTOWNs[i] != null) {
                double deltai = largestTowNs - usefulSatellitesToTOWNs[i];
                double pseudorangeMeters = (AVERAGE_TRAVEL_TIME_SECONDS + deltai * SECONDS_PER_NANO)
                        * SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS;

                double signalToNoiseRatioLinear = Math.pow(10,
                        usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i).signalToNoiseRatioDb / 10.0);
                // From Global Positoning System book, Misra and Enge, page 416, the uncertainty of the
                // pseudorange measurement is calculated next.
                // For GPS C/A code chip width Tc = 1 microseconds. Narrow correlator with spacing d = 0.1
                // chip and an average time of DLL correlator T of 20 milliseconds are used.
                double sigmaMeters = SPEED_OF_LIGHT_MPS * GPS_CHIP_WIDTH_T_C_SEC
                        * Math.sqrt(GPS_CORRELATOR_SPACING_IN_CHIPS
                                / (4 * GPS_DLL_AVERAGING_TIME_SEC * signalToNoiseRatioLinear));
                usefulSatellitesToPseudorangeMeasurements.set(i, new GpsMeasurementWithRangeAndUncertainty(
                        usefulSatellitesToReceiverMeasurements.get(i), pseudorangeMeters, sigmaMeters));
        return usefulSatellitesToPseudorangeMeasurements;
