Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Widget that loads a list of content items based on an living story id, and has a built-in * filtering mechanism. * The underlying storage for the content items is a LinkedHashMap. To get incrementally-added items * to appear at the top of the list, rather than at the bottom, the order in which items are * stored in the LinkedHashMap is actually opposite to the display order. */ public class ContentItemListBox extends Composite { /** * Create a remote service proxy to talk to the server-side content persisting service. */ private final ContentRpcServiceAsync contentService = GWT.create(ContentRpcService.class); private ItemList<BaseContentItem> itemList; protected EnumDropdown<ContentItemType> filter; private Map<Long, BaseContentItem> loadedContentItemsMap = new LinkedHashMap<Long, BaseContentItem>(); public ContentItemListBox(final boolean multiSelect) { filter = EnumDropdown.newInstance(ContentItemType.class, "All"); filter.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { refresh(); } }); HorizontalPanel filterPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); filterPanel.add(new Label("Filter:")); filterPanel.add(filter); itemList = new ItemList<BaseContentItem>(multiSelect) { @Override public void loadItems() { if (!loadedContentItemsMap.isEmpty()) { // loads the items in reverse order from how they're stored. List<BaseContentItem> contentItems = new ArrayList<BaseContentItem>( loadedContentItemsMap.values()); Collections.reverse(contentItems); for (BaseContentItem contentItem : contentItems) { if (testContentItem(contentItem)) { String content = contentItem.getDisplayString(); if (content.length() > Constants.CONTENT_SNIPPET_LENGTH) { content = content.substring(0, Constants.CONTENT_SNIPPET_LENGTH).concat("..."); } addItem(content, String.valueOf(contentItem.getId())); } } } } }; VerticalPanel contentPanel = new VerticalPanel(); contentPanel.add(filterPanel); contentPanel.add(itemList); initWidget(contentPanel); } /** * Tests whether a content item should be included in the displayed list, based on the filter * setting. */ protected boolean testContentItem(BaseContentItem contentItem) { ContentItemType type = filter.getSelectedConstant(); return type == null || contentItem.getContentItemType().equals(type) || isSelected(contentItem); } public void loadItemsForLivingStory(Long livingStoryId) { itemList.setSelectedIndex(-1); loadedContentItemsMap.clear(); contentService.getContentItemsForLivingStory(livingStoryId, false, new AsyncCallback<List<BaseContentItem>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { itemList.clear(); itemList.addItem("Callback failed, please try again"); } @Override public void onSuccess(List<BaseContentItem> result) { // Put result on loadedAContentItemsMap in reverse order. Can't use useful // Google Collections stuff for it, so: for (int i = result.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BaseContentItem contentItem = result.get(i); loadedContentItemsMap.put(contentItem.getId(), contentItem); } refresh(); } }); } public void setVisibleItemCount(int count) { itemList.setVisibleItemCount(count); } public void addSelectionChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) { itemList.addChangeHandler(handler); } public void addFilterChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) { filter.addChangeHandler(handler); } public void clear() { itemList.clear(); } public void refresh() { itemList.refresh(); } public Long getSelectedContentItemId() { return itemList.hasSelection() ? Long.valueOf(itemList.getSelectedItemValue()) : null; } public BaseContentItem getSelectedContentItem() { return itemList.hasSelection() ? loadedContentItemsMap.get(getSelectedContentItemId()) : null; } public List<String> getSelectedItems() { return itemList.getSelectedItems(); } public List<String> getSelectedValues() { return itemList.getSelectedItemValues(); } public void setSelectedContentItemIds(Set<Long> selectedContentItemIds) { for (int i = 0; i < itemList.getItemCount(); i++) { itemList.setItemSelected(i, selectedContentItemIds.contains(Long.valueOf(itemList.getValue(i)))); } } public List<BaseContentItem> getSelectedContentitems() { List<BaseContentItem> result = new ArrayList<BaseContentItem>(); for (String contentItemId : itemList.getSelectedItemValues()) { result.add(loadedContentItemsMap.get(Long.valueOf(contentItemId))); } return result; } public Map<Long, BaseContentItem> getLoadedContentItemsMap() { return loadedContentItemsMap; } public void addOrUpdateContentItem(BaseContentItem contentItem) { boolean isAdd = !loadedContentItemsMap.containsKey(contentItem.getId()); loadedContentItemsMap.put(contentItem.getId(), contentItem); // Change the filter if necessary so that the added/updated content item // is visible and selectable. if (filter.getSelectedConstant() != null && !contentItem.getContentItemType().equals(filter.getSelectedConstant())) { filter.selectConstant(null); } itemList.refresh(); itemList.selectItemWithValue(String.valueOf(contentItem.getId())); if (isAdd) { itemList.fireEvent(new ChangeEvent() { }); } } public void addContentItems(List<BaseContentItem> contentItems) { // Add to loadedContentItemsMap in reverse order to how the items were specified. for (int i = contentItems.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { BaseContentItem contentItem = contentItems.get(i); loadedContentItemsMap.put(contentItem.getId(), contentItem); } itemList.refresh(); } public void removeContentItem(long contentItemId) { itemList.removeItemWithValue(String.valueOf(contentItemId)); loadedContentItemsMap.remove(contentItemId); } private boolean isSelected(BaseContentItem contentItem) { if (itemList.isMultipleSelect()) { for (String value : itemList.getSelectedItemValues()) { if (Long.valueOf(value).equals(contentItem.getId())) { return true; } } return false; } else { return itemList.getSelectedItemValue() != null && Long.valueOf(itemList.getSelectedItemValue()).equals(contentItem.getId()); } } }