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 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;


import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.util.Arrays;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * An object defining a specific type of path. Knows how to parse strings to a path and how to
 * render a path as a string as well as what the path separator is and what other separators are
 * recognized when parsing paths.
 * @author Colin Decker
public abstract class PathType {

     * Returns a Unix-style path type. "/" is both the root and the only separator. Any path starting
     * with "/" is considered absolute. The nul character ('\0') is disallowed in paths.
    public static PathType unix() {
        return UnixPathType.INSTANCE;

     * Returns a Windows-style path type. The canonical separator character is "\". "/" is also
     * treated as a separator when parsing paths.
     * <p>As much as possible, this implementation follows the information provided in
     * <a href="">
     * this article</a>. Paths with drive-letter roots (e.g. "C:\") and paths with UNC roots (e.g.
     * "\\host\share\") are supported.
     * <p>Two Windows path features are not currently supported as they are too Windows-specific:
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Relative paths containing a drive-letter root, for example "C:" or "C:foo\bar". Such
     *   paths have a root component and optionally have names, but are <i>relative</i> paths,
     *   relative to the working directory of the drive identified by the root.</li>
     *   <li>Absolute paths with no root, for example "\foo\bar". Such paths are absolute paths on
     *   the current drive.</li>
     * </ul>
    public static PathType windows() {
        return WindowsPathType.INSTANCE;

    private final boolean allowsMultipleRoots;
    private final String separator;
    private final String otherSeparators;
    private final Joiner joiner;
    private final Splitter splitter;

    protected PathType(boolean allowsMultipleRoots, char separator, char... otherSeparators) {
        this.separator = String.valueOf(separator);
        this.allowsMultipleRoots = allowsMultipleRoots;
        this.otherSeparators = String.valueOf(otherSeparators);
        this.joiner = Joiner.on(separator);
        this.splitter = createSplitter(separator, otherSeparators);

    private static final char[] regexReservedChars = "^$.?+*\\[]{}()".toCharArray();
    static {

    private static boolean isRegexReserved(char c) {
        return Arrays.binarySearch(regexReservedChars, c) >= 0;

    private static Splitter createSplitter(char separator, char... otherSeparators) {
        if (otherSeparators.length == 0) {
            return Splitter.on(separator).omitEmptyStrings();

        // TODO(cgdecker): When CharMatcher is out of @Beta, us Splitter.on(CharMatcher)
        StringBuilder patternBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        appendToRegex(separator, patternBuilder);
        for (char other : otherSeparators) {
            appendToRegex(other, patternBuilder);
        return Splitter.onPattern(patternBuilder.toString()).omitEmptyStrings();

    private static void appendToRegex(char separator, StringBuilder patternBuilder) {
        if (isRegexReserved(separator)) {

     * Returns whether or not this type of path allows multiple root directories.
    public final boolean allowsMultipleRoots() {
        return allowsMultipleRoots;

     * Returns the canonical separator for this path type. The returned string always has a length of
     * one.
    public final String getSeparator() {
        return separator;

     * Returns the other separators that are recognized when parsing a path. If no other separators
     * are recognized, the empty string is returned.
    public final String getOtherSeparators() {
        return otherSeparators;

     * Returns the path joiner for this path type.
    public final Joiner joiner() {
        return joiner;

     * Returns the path splitter for this path type.
    public final Splitter splitter() {
        return splitter;

     * Returns an empty path.
    protected final ParseResult emptyPath() {
        return new ParseResult(null, ImmutableList.of(""));

     * Parses the given strings as a path.
     * @throws InvalidPathException if the path isn't valid for this path type
    public abstract ParseResult parsePath(String path);

     * Returns the string form of the given path.
    public abstract String toString(@Nullable String root, Iterable<String> names);

     * Returns the string form of the given path for use in the path part of a URI. The root element
     * is not nullable as the path must be absolute. The elements of the returned path <i>do not</i>
     * need to be escaped.
    protected abstract String toUriPath(String root, Iterable<String> names);

     * Parses a path from the given URI path.
     * @throws InvalidPathException if the given path isn't valid for this path type
    protected abstract ParseResult parseUriPath(String uriPath);

     * Creates a URI for the path with the given root and names in the file system with the given URI.
    public final URI toUri(URI fileSystemUri, String root, Iterable<String> names) {
        String path = toUriPath(root, names);
        try {
            // it should not suck this much to create a new URI that's the same except with a path set =(
            // need to do it this way for automatic path escaping
            return new URI(fileSystemUri.getScheme(), fileSystemUri.getUserInfo(), fileSystemUri.getHost(),
                    fileSystemUri.getPort(), path, null, null);
        } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
            throw new AssertionError(e);

     * Parses a path from the given URI.
    public final ParseResult fromUri(URI uri) {
        return parseUriPath(uri.getPath());

     * Simple result of parsing a path.
    public static final class ParseResult {

        private final String root;
        private final Iterable<String> names;

        public ParseResult(@Nullable String root, Iterable<String> names) {
            this.root = root;
            this.names = checkNotNull(names);

         * Returns whether or not this result is an absolute path.
        public boolean isAbsolute() {
            return root != null;

         * Returns whether or not this result represents a root path.
        public boolean isRoot() {
            return root != null && Iterables.isEmpty(names);

         * Returns the parsed root element, or null if there was no root.
        public String root() {
            return root;

         * Returns the parsed name elements.
        public Iterable<String> names() {
            return names;