Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.FileSystem; import java.nio.file.LinkOption; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.ProviderMismatchException; import java.nio.file.WatchEvent; import java.nio.file.WatchKey; import java.nio.file.WatchService; import java.util.AbstractList; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * Jimfs implementation of {@link Path}. Creation of new {@code Path} objects is delegated to the * file system's {@link PathService}. * * @author Colin Decker */ final class JimfsPath implements Path { @Nullable private final Name root; private final ImmutableList<Name> names; private final PathService pathService; public JimfsPath(PathService pathService, @Nullable Name root, Iterable<Name> names) { this.pathService = checkNotNull(pathService); this.root = root; this.names = ImmutableList.copyOf(names); } /** * Returns the root name, or null if there is no root. */ @Nullable public Name root() { return root; } /** * Returns the list of name elements. */ public ImmutableList<Name> names() { return names; } /** * Returns the file name of this path. Unlike {@link #getFileName()}, this may return the name of * the root if this is a root path. */ @Nullable public Name name() { if (!names.isEmpty()) { return Iterables.getLast(names); } return root; } /** * Returns whether or not this is the empty path, with no root and a single, empty string, name. */ public boolean isEmptyPath() { return root == null && names.size() == 1 && names.get(0).toString().isEmpty(); } @Override public FileSystem getFileSystem() { return pathService.getFileSystem(); } /** * Equivalent to {@link #getFileSystem()} but with a return type of {@code JimfsFileSystem}. * {@code getFileSystem()}'s return type is left as {@code FileSystem} to make testing paths * easier (as long as methods that access the file system in some way are not called, the file * system can be a fake file system instance). */ public JimfsFileSystem getJimfsFileSystem() { return (JimfsFileSystem) pathService.getFileSystem(); } @Override public boolean isAbsolute() { return root != null; } @Override public JimfsPath getRoot() { if (root == null) { return null; } return pathService.createRoot(root); } @Override public JimfsPath getFileName() { return names.isEmpty() ? null : getName(names.size() - 1); } @Override public JimfsPath getParent() { if (names.isEmpty() || names.size() == 1 && root == null) { return null; } return pathService.createPath(root, names.subList(0, names.size() - 1)); } @Override public int getNameCount() { return names.size(); } @Override public JimfsPath getName(int index) { checkArgument(index >= 0 && index < names.size(), "index (%s) must be >= 0 and < name count (%s)", index, names.size()); return pathService.createFileName(names.get(index)); } @Override public JimfsPath subpath(int beginIndex, int endIndex) { checkArgument(beginIndex >= 0 && endIndex <= names.size() && endIndex > beginIndex, "beginIndex (%s) must be >= 0; endIndex (%s) must be <= name count (%s) and > beginIndex", beginIndex, endIndex, names.size()); return pathService.createRelativePath(names.subList(beginIndex, endIndex)); } /** * Returns true if list starts with all elements of other in the same order. */ private static boolean startsWith(List<?> list, List<?> other) { return list.size() >= other.size() && list.subList(0, other.size()).equals(other); } @Override public boolean startsWith(Path other) { JimfsPath otherPath = checkPath(other); return otherPath != null && getFileSystem().equals(otherPath.getFileSystem()) && Objects.equal(root, otherPath.root) && startsWith(names, otherPath.names); } @Override public boolean startsWith(String other) { return startsWith(pathService.parsePath(other)); } @Override public boolean endsWith(Path other) { JimfsPath otherPath = checkPath(other); if (otherPath == null) { return false; } if (otherPath.isAbsolute()) { return compareTo(otherPath) == 0; } return startsWith(names.reverse(), otherPath.names.reverse()); } @Override public boolean endsWith(String other) { return endsWith(pathService.parsePath(other)); } @Override public JimfsPath normalize() { if (isNormal()) { return this; } Deque<Name> newNames = new ArrayDeque<>(); for (Name name : names) { if (name.equals(Name.PARENT)) { Name lastName = newNames.peekLast(); if (lastName != null && !lastName.equals(Name.PARENT)) { newNames.removeLast(); } else if (!isAbsolute()) { // if there's a root and we have an extra ".." that would go up above the root, ignore it newNames.add(name); } } else if (!name.equals(Name.SELF)) { newNames.add(name); } } return newNames.equals(names) ? this : pathService.createPath(root, newNames); } /** * Returns whether or not this path is in a normalized form. It's normal if it both contains no * "." names and contains no ".." names in a location other than the start of the path. */ private boolean isNormal() { if (getNameCount() == 0 || getNameCount() == 1 && !isAbsolute()) { return true; } boolean foundNonParentName = isAbsolute(); // if there's a root, the path doesn't start with .. boolean normal = true; for (Name name : names) { if (name.equals(Name.PARENT)) { if (foundNonParentName) { normal = false; break; } } else { if (name.equals(Name.SELF)) { normal = false; break; } foundNonParentName = true; } } return normal; } /** * Resolves the given name against this path. The name is assumed not to be a root name. */ JimfsPath resolve(Name name) { if (name.toString().isEmpty()) { return this; } return pathService.createPathInternal(root, ImmutableList.<Name>builder().addAll(names).add(name).build()); } @Override public JimfsPath resolve(Path other) { JimfsPath otherPath = checkPath(other); if (otherPath == null) { throw new ProviderMismatchException(other.toString()); } if (isEmptyPath() || otherPath.isAbsolute()) { return otherPath; } if (otherPath.isEmptyPath()) { return this; } return pathService.createPath(root, ImmutableList.<Name>builder().addAll(names).addAll(otherPath.names).build()); } @Override public JimfsPath resolve(String other) { return resolve(pathService.parsePath(other)); } @Override public JimfsPath resolveSibling(Path other) { JimfsPath otherPath = checkPath(other); if (otherPath == null) { throw new ProviderMismatchException(other.toString()); } if (otherPath.isAbsolute()) { return otherPath; } JimfsPath parent = getParent(); if (parent == null) { return otherPath; } return parent.resolve(other); } @Override public JimfsPath resolveSibling(String other) { return resolveSibling(pathService.parsePath(other)); } @Override public JimfsPath relativize(Path other) { JimfsPath otherPath = checkPath(other); if (otherPath == null) { throw new ProviderMismatchException(other.toString()); } checkArgument(Objects.equal(root, otherPath.root), "Paths have different roots: %s, %s", this, other); if (equals(other)) { return pathService.emptyPath(); } if (isEmptyPath()) { return otherPath; } ImmutableList<Name> otherNames = otherPath.names; int sharedSubsequenceLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(getNameCount(), otherNames.size()); i++) { if (names.get(i).equals(otherNames.get(i))) { sharedSubsequenceLength++; } else { break; } } int extraNamesInThis = Math.max(0, getNameCount() - sharedSubsequenceLength); ImmutableList<Name> extraNamesInOther = (otherNames.size() <= sharedSubsequenceLength) ? ImmutableList.<Name>of() : otherNames.subList(sharedSubsequenceLength, otherNames.size()); List<Name> parts = new ArrayList<>(extraNamesInThis + extraNamesInOther.size()); // add .. for each extra name in this path parts.addAll(Collections.nCopies(extraNamesInThis, Name.PARENT)); // add each extra name in the other path parts.addAll(extraNamesInOther); return pathService.createRelativePath(parts); } @Override public JimfsPath toAbsolutePath() { return isAbsolute() ? this : getJimfsFileSystem().getWorkingDirectory().resolve(this); } @Override public JimfsPath toRealPath(LinkOption... options) throws IOException { return getJimfsFileSystem().getDefaultView().toRealPath(this, pathService, Options.getLinkOptions(options)); } @Override public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, WatchEvent.Kind<?>[] events, WatchEvent.Modifier... modifiers) throws IOException { checkNotNull(modifiers); return register(watcher, events); } @Override public WatchKey register(WatchService watcher, WatchEvent.Kind<?>... events) throws IOException { checkNotNull(watcher); checkNotNull(events); if (!(watcher instanceof AbstractWatchService)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("watcher (" + watcher + ") is not associated with this file system"); } AbstractWatchService service = (AbstractWatchService) watcher; return service.register(this, Arrays.asList(events)); } @Override public URI toUri() { return getJimfsFileSystem().toUri(this); } @Override public File toFile() { // documented as unsupported for anything but the default file system throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Iterator<Path> iterator() { return asList().iterator(); } private List<Path> asList() { return new AbstractList<Path>() { @Override public Path get(int index) { return getName(index); } @Override public int size() { return getNameCount(); } }; } @Override public int compareTo(Path other) { // documented to throw CCE if other is associated with a different FileSystemProvider JimfsPath otherPath = (JimfsPath) other; return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(getJimfsFileSystem().getUri(), ((JimfsPath) other).getJimfsFileSystem().getUri()) .compare(this, otherPath, pathService).result(); } @Override public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) { return obj instanceof JimfsPath && compareTo((JimfsPath) obj) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return pathService.hash(this); } @Override public String toString() { return pathService.toString(this); } @Nullable private JimfsPath checkPath(Path other) { if (checkNotNull(other) instanceof JimfsPath && other.getFileSystem().equals(getFileSystem())) { return (JimfsPath) other; } return null; } }