Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2013 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;


import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes;
import java.nio.file.attribute.FileAttributeView;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * Abstract provider for handling a specific file attribute view.
 * @author Colin Decker
public abstract class AttributeProvider {

     * Returns the view name that's used to get attributes from this provider.
    public abstract String name();

     * Returns the names of other providers that this provider inherits attributes from.
    public ImmutableSet<String> inherits() {
        return ImmutableSet.of();

     * Returns the type of the view interface that this provider supports.
    public abstract Class<? extends FileAttributeView> viewType();

     * Returns a view of the file located by the given lookup callback. The given map contains the
     * views inherited by this view.
    public abstract FileAttributeView view(FileLookup lookup,
            ImmutableMap<String, FileAttributeView> inheritedViews);

     * Returns a map containing the default attribute values for this provider. The keys of the map
     * are attribute identifier strings (in "view:attribute" form) and the value for each is the
     * default value that should be set for that attribute when creating a new file.
     * <p>The given map should be in the same format and contains user-provided default values. If
     * the user provided any default values for attributes handled by this provider, those values
     * should be checked to ensure they are of the correct type. Additionally, if any changes to a
     * user-provided attribute are necessary (for example, creating an immutable defensive copy),
     * that should be done. The resulting values should be included in the result map along with
     * default values for any attributes the user did not provide a value for.
    public ImmutableMap<String, ?> defaultValues(Map<String, ?> userDefaults) {
        return ImmutableMap.of();

     * Returns the set of attributes that are always available from this provider.
    public abstract ImmutableSet<String> fixedAttributes();

     * Returns whether or not this provider supports the given attribute directly.
    public boolean supports(String attribute) {
        return fixedAttributes().contains(attribute);

     * Returns the set of attributes supported by this view that are present in the given file. For
     * most providers, this will be a fixed set of attributes.
    public ImmutableSet<String> attributes(File file) {
        return fixedAttributes();

     * Returns the value of the given attribute in the given file or null if the attribute is not
     * supported by this provider.
    public abstract Object get(File file, String attribute);

     * Sets the value of the given attribute in the given file object. The {@code create}
     * parameter indicates whether or not the value is being set upon creation of a new file via a
     * user-provided {@code FileAttribute}.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given attribute is one supported by this provider but
     *     it is not allowed to be set by the user
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the given attribute is one supported by this provider
     *     and is allowed to be set by the user, but not on file creation and {@code create} is true
    public abstract void set(File file, String view, String attribute, Object value, boolean create);

    // optional

     * Returns the type of file attributes object this provider supports, or null if it doesn't
     * support reading its attributes as an object.
    public Class<? extends BasicFileAttributes> attributesType() {
        return null;

     * Reads this provider's attributes from the given file as an attributes object.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this provider does not support reading an attributes
     *     object
    public BasicFileAttributes readAttributes(File file) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    // exception helpers

     * Throws an illegal argument exception indicating that the given attribute cannot be set.
    protected static IllegalArgumentException unsettable(String view, String attribute) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot set attribute '" + view + ":" + attribute + "'");

     * Checks that the attribute is not being set by the user on file creation, throwing an
     * unsupported operation exception if it is.
    protected static void checkNotCreate(String view, String attribute, boolean create) {
        if (create) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                    "cannot set attribute '" + view + ":" + attribute + "' during file creation");

     * Checks that the given value is of the given type, returning the value if so and throwing an
     * exception if not.
    protected static <T> T checkType(String view, String attribute, Object value, Class<T> type) {
        if (type.isInstance(value)) {
            return type.cast(value);

        throw invalidType(view, attribute, value, type);

     * Throws an illegal argument exception indicating that the given value is not one of the
     * expected types for the given attribute.
    protected static IllegalArgumentException invalidType(String view, String attribute, Object value,
            Class<?>... expectedTypes) {
        Object expected = expectedTypes.length == 1 ? expectedTypes[0] : "one of " + Arrays.toString(expectedTypes);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid type " + value.getClass() + " for attribute '" + view + ":"
                + attribute + "': expected " + expected);