Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.jenkinsci.plugins.multiplescms.MultiSCM; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.ExtensionPoint; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.plugins.git.util.Build; import hudson.plugins.git.util.BuildData; import hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialSCM; import hudson.plugins.mercurial.MercurialTagAction; import hudson.scm.ChangeLogSet; import hudson.scm.SCM; /** * Provides extension points to extract {@link SourceMetadata} from various * aspects of a build. */ public class SourceMetadataExtractor { /** * Module wrapping static methods for mocking. */ public interface Module { Iterable<SourceMetadata> extract(Run<?, ?> build, SCM scm, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog); Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extractFromBuildActions(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog); Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extractFromSCM(SCM scm); } private static final Module DEFAULT_MODULE = new Module() { @Override public Iterable<SourceMetadata> extract(Run<?, ?> build, SCM scm, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { return SourceMetadataExtractor.extract(build, scm, changelog); } @Override public Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extractFromBuildActions(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { return FromBuildActions.extract(build, changelog); } @Override public Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extractFromSCM(SCM scm) { return FromSCM.extract(scm); } }; /** * Returns a {@code Module} that calls the default * {@code SourceMetadataExtractor} implementation. */ public static Module getDefaultModule() { return DEFAULT_MODULE; } /** * Extracts zero or more {@code SourceMetadata} from the given build and * returns them. * * <p>Currently there are extension points to extract metadata from build * actions and the project's SCM. */ @Nullable public static Iterable<SourceMetadata> extract(Run<?, ?> build, SCM scm, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { HashMap<String, SourceMetadata> merged = Maps.newHashMap(); List<SourceMetadata> notDeduped = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Map.Entry<String, SourceMetadata> entry : Iterables .concat(FromBuildActions.extract(build, changelog).entries(), FromSCM.extract(scm).entries())) { if (entry.getKey().isEmpty()) { // The empty string is a special key that means "don't dedupe". notDeduped.add(entry.getValue()); } else { // For nonempty keys, look for a previously processed SourceMetadata and // merge with it if it exists. SourceMetadata metadata = merged.get(entry.getKey()); if (metadata != null) { metadata = metadata.mergeFrom(entry.getValue()); } else { metadata = entry.getValue(); } merged.put(entry.getKey(), metadata); } } return Iterables.concat(merged.values(), notDeduped); } /** * Extension point for extracting {@link SourceMetadata} from build actions. */ public abstract static class FromBuildActions implements ExtensionPoint { /** * Runs all registered extensions to extract metadata from the given * {@code Run} and {@code ChangeLogSet} and returns them. */ public static Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extract(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, SourceMetadata> results = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); if (build == null) { return; } for (FromBuildActions extractor : all()) { results.putAll(extractor.getSourceMetadata(build, changelog)); } return; } protected static String getLatestAuthor(ChangeLogSet<?> changeSet) { if (changeSet.isEmptySet()) { return ""; } // ChangeLogSet specifies that the iterator returns newest entries first. return changeSet.iterator().next().getAuthor().getId(); } private static Collection<FromBuildActions> all() { return JenkinsUtils.getExtensionList(FromBuildActions.class); } /** * Extracts and returns metadata from a {@code Run} and associated * {@code ChangeLogSet}. After all extensions run, metadata with the same * map key are merged to allow multiple extensions to contribute to a * single repo's metadata. */ protected abstract Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog); } /** * Extension point for extracting {@link SourceMetadata} from specific * {@code SCM} subclasses. */ public abstract static class FromSCM implements ExtensionPoint { /** * Runs applicable registered extensions to extract metadata from the given * {@code SCM} and returns them. */ public static Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> extract(SCM scm) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, SourceMetadata> results = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); if (scm == null) { return; } for (FromSCM extractor : all()) { if (extractor.isApplicable(scm.getClass())) { results.putAll(extractor.getSourceMetadata(scm)); } } return; } private static Collection<FromSCM> all() { return JenkinsUtils.getExtensionList(FromSCM.class); } private final Class<?> supportedClass; public FromSCM(Class<?> supportedClass) { this.supportedClass = checkNotNull(supportedClass); } protected boolean isApplicable(Class<?> scmClass) { return supportedClass.isAssignableFrom(scmClass); } /** * Extracts and returns metadata from an instance of {@code T}. After all * extensions run, metadata with the same map key are merged to allow * multiple extensions to contribute to a single repo's metadata. * * @param scm SCM instance to extract metadata from; will be assignable to * the {@code supportedClass} passed to the {@code FromSCM} * constructor. */ protected abstract Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(SCM scm); } /** * {@code SourceMetadataExtractor.FromBuildActions} for Git. */ public static class FromGitBuildActions extends FromBuildActions { @Extension public static FromGitBuildActions newInstance() { return JenkinsUtils.isPluginInstalled("git") ? new FromGitBuildActions() : null; } @Override protected Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, SourceMetadata> metadata = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); int counter = 0; String commitAuthor = getLatestAuthor(changelog); for (BuildData buildData : build.getActions(BuildData.class)) { String revision = buildData.getLastBuiltRevision().getSha1String(); String branch = getBranchForBuild(build, buildData); for (String url : buildData.getRemoteUrls()) { // The empty string is a special key that means "don't dedupe". metadata.put("", new SourceMetadata("git", url, branch, revision, commitAuthor)); } } return; } @Nullable private String getBranchForBuild(Run<?, ?> build, BuildData buildData) { checkNotNull(buildData); String branch = null; for (Map.Entry<String, Build> entry : buildData.getBuildsByBranchName().entrySet()) { if (build.getNumber() == entry.getValue().getBuildNumber()) { branch = entry.getKey(); } } return branch; } } /** * {@code SourceMetadataExtractor.FromBuildActions} for Mercurial. */ public static class FromMercurialBuildActions extends FromBuildActions { @Extension public static FromMercurialBuildActions newInstance() { return JenkinsUtils.isPluginInstalled("mercurial") ? new FromMercurialBuildActions() : null; } @Override protected Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(Run<?, ?> build, ChangeLogSet<?> changelog) { ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, SourceMetadata> metadata = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); String commitAuthor = getLatestAuthor(changelog); for (MercurialTagAction tagAction : build.getActions(MercurialTagAction.class)) { metadata.put(FromMercurialSCM.getDedupeTag(tagAction.getSubdir()), new SourceMetadata("mercurial", "", "", tagAction.getId(), commitAuthor)); } return; } } /** * {@code SourceMetadataExtractor.FromSCM} for {@code MercurialSCM}. */ public static class FromMercurialSCM extends FromSCM { @Extension public static FromMercurialSCM newInstance() { return JenkinsUtils.isPluginInstalled("mercurial") ? new FromMercurialSCM() : null; } public FromMercurialSCM() { super(MercurialSCM.class); } @Override protected Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(SCM scm) { MercurialSCM hgScm = (MercurialSCM) scm; return ImmutableListMultimap.of(getDedupeTag(hgScm.getSubdir()), new SourceMetadata("mercurial", hgScm.getSource(), hgScm.getBranch(), "", "")); } public static String getDedupeTag(String subdir) { return "mercurial:" + subdir; } } /** * {@code SourceMetadataExtractor.FromSCM} for {@code MultiSCM}. */ public static class FromMultiSCM extends FromSCM { @Extension public static FromMultiSCM newInstance() { return JenkinsUtils.isPluginInstalled("multiple-scms") ? new FromMultiSCM() : null; } public FromMultiSCM() { super(MultiSCM.class); } @Override protected Multimap<String, SourceMetadata> getSourceMetadata(SCM scm) { MultiSCM multiScm = (MultiSCM) scm; ImmutableListMultimap.Builder<String, SourceMetadata> metadata = ImmutableListMultimap.builder(); for (SCM innerSCM : multiScm.getConfiguredSCMs()) { metadata.putAll(FromSCM.extract(innerSCM)); } return; } } }