Source code

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Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 The Closure Compiler Authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.annotation.Nullable;

 * A builder for FunctionTypes, because FunctionTypes are so
 * ridiculously complex. All methods return {@code this} for ease of use.
 * Right now, this mostly uses JSDocInfo to infer type information about
 * functions. In the long term, developers should extend it to use other
 * signals by overloading the various "inferXXX" methods. For example, we
 * might want to use {@code goog.inherits} calls as a signal for inheritance, or
 * {@code return} statements as a signal for return type.
 * NOTE(nicksantos): Organizationally, this feels like it should be in Rhino.
 * But it depends on some coding convention stuff that's really part
 * of JSCompiler.
 * @author (Nick Santos)
final class FunctionTypeBuilder {

    private final String fnName;
    private final AbstractCompiler compiler;
    private final CodingConvention codingConvention;
    private final JSTypeRegistry typeRegistry;
    private final Node errorRoot;
    private final TypedScope scope;

    private FunctionContents contents = UnknownFunctionContents.get();

    private JSType returnType = null;
    private boolean returnTypeInferred = false;
    private List<ObjectType> implementedInterfaces = null;
    private List<ObjectType> extendedInterfaces = null;
    private ObjectType baseType = null;
    private JSType thisType = null;
    private boolean isConstructor = false;
    private boolean makesStructs = false;
    private boolean makesDicts = false;
    private boolean isInterface = false;
    private Node parametersNode = null;
    private ImmutableList<TemplateType> templateTypeNames = ImmutableList.of();
    // TODO(johnlenz): verify we want both template and class template lists instead of a unified
    // list.
    private ImmutableList<TemplateType> classTemplateTypeNames = ImmutableList.of();

    static final DiagnosticType EXTENDS_WITHOUT_TYPEDEF = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_EXTENDS_WITHOUT_TYPEDEF",
            "@extends used without @constructor or @interface for {0}");

    static final DiagnosticType EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT",
            "{0} @extends non-object type {1}");

    static final DiagnosticType RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY",
            "Could not resolve type in {0} tag of {1}");

    static final DiagnosticType IMPLEMENTS_WITHOUT_CONSTRUCTOR = DiagnosticType.warning(
            "JSC_IMPLEMENTS_WITHOUT_CONSTRUCTOR", "@implements used without @constructor or @interface for {0}");

    static final DiagnosticType CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED",
            "{0} used without @constructor for {1}");

    static final DiagnosticType VAR_ARGS_MUST_BE_LAST = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_VAR_ARGS_MUST_BE_LAST",
            "variable length argument must be last");

    static final DiagnosticType OPTIONAL_ARG_AT_END = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_OPTIONAL_ARG_AT_END",
            "optional arguments must be at the end");

    static final DiagnosticType INEXISTENT_PARAM = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_INEXISTENT_PARAM",
            "parameter {0} does not appear in {1}''s parameter list");

    static final DiagnosticType TYPE_REDEFINITION = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_TYPE_REDEFINITION",
            "attempted re-definition of type {0}\n" + "found   : {1}\n" + "expected: {2}");

    static final DiagnosticType TEMPLATE_TYPE_DUPLICATED = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_TEMPLATE_TYPE_DUPLICATED",
            "Only one parameter type must be the template type");

    static final DiagnosticType TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_TEMPLATE_TYPE_EXPECTED",
            "The template type must be a parameter type");

    static final DiagnosticType THIS_TYPE_NON_OBJECT = DiagnosticType.warning("JSC_THIS_TYPE_NON_OBJECT",
            "@this type of a function must be an object\n" + "Actual type: {0}");

    static final DiagnosticType SAME_INTERFACE_MULTIPLE_IMPLEMENTS = DiagnosticType.warning(
            "Cannot @implement the same interface more than once\n" + "Repeated interface: {0}");

    private class ExtendedTypeValidator implements Predicate<JSType> {
        public boolean apply(JSType type) {
            ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(type);
            if (objectType == null) {
                reportWarning(EXTENDS_NON_OBJECT, formatFnName(), type.toString());
                return false;
            } else if (objectType.isEmptyType()) {
                reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@extends", formatFnName());
                return false;
            } else if (objectType.isUnknownType()) {
                if (hasMoreTagsToResolve(objectType)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@extends", fnName);
                    return false;
            } else {
                return true;

    private class ImplementedTypeValidator implements Predicate<JSType> {
        public boolean apply(JSType type) {
            ObjectType objectType = ObjectType.cast(type);
            if (objectType == null) {
                reportError(BAD_IMPLEMENTED_TYPE, fnName);
                return false;
            } else if (objectType.isEmptyType()) {
                reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@implements", fnName);
                return false;
            } else if (objectType.isUnknownType()) {
                if (hasMoreTagsToResolve(objectType)) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    reportWarning(RESOLVED_TAG_EMPTY, "@implements", fnName);
                    return false;
            } else {
                return true;

     * @param fnName The function name.
     * @param compiler The compiler.
     * @param errorRoot The node to associate with any warning generated by
     *     this builder.
     * @param scope The syntactic scope.
    FunctionTypeBuilder(String fnName, AbstractCompiler compiler, Node errorRoot, TypedScope scope) {

        this.fnName = fnName == null ? "" : fnName;
        this.codingConvention = compiler.getCodingConvention();
        this.typeRegistry = compiler.getTypeRegistry();
        this.errorRoot = errorRoot;
        this.compiler = compiler;
        this.scope = scope;

    /** Format the function name for use in warnings. */
    String formatFnName() {
        return fnName.isEmpty() ? "<anonymous>" : fnName;

     * Sets the contents of this function.
    FunctionTypeBuilder setContents(@Nullable FunctionContents contents) {
        if (contents != null) {
            this.contents = contents;
        return this;

     * Infer the parameter and return types of a function from
     * the parameter and return types of the function it is overriding.
     * @param oldType The function being overridden. Does nothing if this is null.
     * @param paramsParent The LP node of the function that we're assigning to.
     *     If null, that just means we're not initializing this to a function
     *     literal.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferFromOverriddenFunction(@Nullable FunctionType oldType, @Nullable Node paramsParent) {
        if (oldType == null) {
            return this;

        // Propagate the template types, if they exist.
        templateTypeNames = oldType.getTemplateTypeMap().getTemplateKeys();

        returnType = oldType.getReturnType();
        returnTypeInferred = oldType.isReturnTypeInferred();
        if (paramsParent == null) {
            // Not a function literal.
            parametersNode = oldType.getParametersNode();
            if (parametersNode == null) {
                parametersNode = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry).build();
        } else {
            // We're overriding with a function literal. Apply type information
            // to each parameter of the literal.
            FunctionParamBuilder paramBuilder = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry);
            Iterator<Node> oldParams = oldType.getParameters().iterator();
            boolean warnedAboutArgList = false;
            boolean oldParamsListHitOptArgs = false;
            for (Node currentParam = paramsParent.getFirstChild(); currentParam != null; currentParam = currentParam
                    .getNext()) {
                if (oldParams.hasNext()) {
                    Node oldParam =;
                    Node newParam = paramBuilder.newParameterFromNode(oldParam);

                    oldParamsListHitOptArgs = oldParamsListHitOptArgs || oldParam.isVarArgs()
                            || oldParam.isOptionalArg();

                    // The subclass method might write its var_args as individual
                    // arguments.
                    if (currentParam.getNext() != null && newParam.isVarArgs()) {
                } else {
                    warnedAboutArgList |= addParameter(paramBuilder, typeRegistry.getNativeType(UNKNOWN_TYPE),
                            codingConvention.isOptionalParameter(currentParam) || oldParamsListHitOptArgs,

            // Clone any remaining params that aren't in the function literal,
            // but make them optional.
            while (oldParams.hasNext()) {

            parametersNode =;
        return this;

     * Infer the return type from JSDocInfo.
     * @param fromInlineDoc Indicates whether return type is inferred from inline
     * doc attached to function name
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferReturnType(@Nullable JSDocInfo info, boolean fromInlineDoc) {
        if (info != null) {
            JSTypeExpression returnTypeExpr = fromInlineDoc ? info.getType() : info.getReturnType();
            if (returnTypeExpr != null) {
                returnType = returnTypeExpr.evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
                returnTypeInferred = false;

        return this;

     * Infer the role of the function (whether it's a constructor or interface)
     * and what it inherits from in JSDocInfo.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferInheritance(@Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
        if (info != null) {
            isConstructor = info.isConstructor();
            makesStructs = info.makesStructs();
            makesDicts = info.makesDicts();
            isInterface = info.isInterface();

            if (makesStructs && !isConstructor) {
                reportWarning(CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED, "@struct", formatFnName());
            } else if (makesDicts && !isConstructor) {
                reportWarning(CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED, "@dict", formatFnName());

            if (typeRegistry.isIObject(fnName, info)) {
                // This case is only for setting template types
                // for IObject<KEY1, VALUE1>.
                // In the (old) type system, there should be only one unique template
                // type for <KEY1> and <VALUE1> respectively
                classTemplateTypeNames = typeRegistry.getIObjectTemplateTypeNames();
            } else {
                // Otherwise, create new template type for
                // the template values of the constructor/interface
                // Class template types, which can be used in the scope of a constructor
                // definition.
                ImmutableList<String> typeParameters = info.getTemplateTypeNames();
                if (!typeParameters.isEmpty() && (isConstructor || isInterface)) {
                    ImmutableList.Builder<TemplateType> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
                    for (String typeParameter : typeParameters) {
                    classTemplateTypeNames =;

            // base type
            if (info.hasBaseType()) {
                if (isConstructor) {
                    JSType maybeBaseType = info.getBaseType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
                    if (maybeBaseType != null && maybeBaseType.setValidator(new ExtendedTypeValidator())) {
                        baseType = (ObjectType) maybeBaseType;
                } else {
                    reportWarning(EXTENDS_WITHOUT_TYPEDEF, formatFnName());

            // Implemented interfaces (for constructors only).
            if (info.getImplementedInterfaceCount() > 0) {
                if (isConstructor) {
                    implementedInterfaces = new ArrayList<>();
                    Set<JSType> baseInterfaces = new HashSet<>();
                    for (JSTypeExpression t : info.getImplementedInterfaces()) {
                        JSType maybeInterType = t.evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);

                        if (maybeInterType != null && maybeInterType.setValidator(new ImplementedTypeValidator())) {
                            // Disallow implementing the same base (not templatized) interface
                            // type more than once.
                            JSType baseInterface = maybeInterType;
                            if (baseInterface.toMaybeTemplatizedType() != null) {
                                baseInterface = baseInterface.toMaybeTemplatizedType().getReferencedType();
                            if (!baseInterfaces.add(baseInterface)) {
                                reportWarning(SAME_INTERFACE_MULTIPLE_IMPLEMENTS, baseInterface.toString());

                            implementedInterfaces.add((ObjectType) maybeInterType);
                } else if (isInterface) {
                    reportWarning(TypeCheck.CONFLICTING_IMPLEMENTED_TYPE, formatFnName());
                } else {
                    reportWarning(CONSTRUCTOR_REQUIRED, "@implements", formatFnName());

            // extended interfaces (for interfaces only)
            // We've already emitted a warning if this is not an interface.
            if (isInterface) {
                extendedInterfaces = new ArrayList<>();
                for (JSTypeExpression t : info.getExtendedInterfaces()) {
                    JSType maybeInterfaceType = t.evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
                    if (maybeInterfaceType != null
                            && maybeInterfaceType.setValidator(new ExtendedTypeValidator())) {
                        extendedInterfaces.add((ObjectType) maybeInterfaceType);

        return this;

     * Infers the type of {@code this}.
     * @param type The type of this if the info is missing.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info, JSType type) {
        // Look at the @this annotation first.

        if (thisType == null) {
            ObjectType objType = ObjectType.cast(type);
            if (objType != null && (info == null || !info.hasType())) {
                thisType = objType;

        return this;

     * Infers the type of {@code this}.
     * @param info The JSDocInfo for this function.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferThisType(JSDocInfo info) {
        JSType maybeThisType = null;
        if (info != null && info.hasThisType()) {
            // TODO(johnlenz): In ES5 strict mode a function can have a null or
            // undefined "this" value, but all the existing "@this" annotations
            // don't declare restricted types.
            maybeThisType = info.getThisType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry).restrictByNotNullOrUndefined();
        if (maybeThisType != null) {
            thisType = maybeThisType;

        return this;

     * Infer the parameter types from the doc info alone.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferParameterTypes(JSDocInfo info) {
        // Create a fake args parent.
        Node lp = IR.paramList();
        for (String name : info.getParameterNames()) {

        return inferParameterTypes(lp, info);

     * Infer the parameter types from the list of argument names and
     * the doc info.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferParameterTypes(@Nullable Node argsParent, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
        if (argsParent == null) {
            if (info == null) {
                return this;
            } else {
                return inferParameterTypes(info);

        // arguments
        Node oldParameterType = null;
        if (parametersNode != null) {
            oldParameterType = parametersNode.getFirstChild();

        FunctionParamBuilder builder = new FunctionParamBuilder(typeRegistry);
        boolean warnedAboutArgList = false;
        Set<String> allJsDocParams = (info == null) ? new HashSet<String>()
                : new HashSet<>(info.getParameterNames());
        boolean isVarArgs = false;
        for (Node arg : argsParent.children()) {
            String argumentName = arg.getString();

            // type from JSDocInfo
            JSType parameterType = null;
            boolean isOptionalParam = isOptionalParameter(arg, info);
            isVarArgs = isVarArgsParameter(arg, info);

            if (info != null && info.hasParameterType(argumentName)) {
                parameterType = info.getParameterType(argumentName).evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
            } else if (arg.getJSDocInfo() != null && arg.getJSDocInfo().hasType()) {
                parameterType = arg.getJSDocInfo().getType().evaluate(scope, typeRegistry);
            } else if (oldParameterType != null && oldParameterType.getJSType() != null) {
                parameterType = oldParameterType.getJSType();
                isOptionalParam = oldParameterType.isOptionalArg();
                isVarArgs = oldParameterType.isVarArgs();
            } else {
                parameterType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(UNKNOWN_TYPE);

            warnedAboutArgList |= addParameter(builder, parameterType, warnedAboutArgList, isOptionalParam,

            if (oldParameterType != null) {
                oldParameterType = oldParameterType.getNext();

        // Copy over any old parameters that aren't in the param list.
        if (!isVarArgs) {
            while (oldParameterType != null && !isVarArgs) {
                oldParameterType = oldParameterType.getNext();

        for (String inexistentName : allJsDocParams) {
            reportWarning(INEXISTENT_PARAM, inexistentName, formatFnName());

        parametersNode =;
        return this;

     * @return Whether the given param is an optional param.
    private boolean isOptionalParameter(Node param, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
        if (codingConvention.isOptionalParameter(param)) {
            return true;

        String paramName = param.getString();
        return info != null && info.hasParameterType(paramName) && info.getParameterType(paramName).isOptionalArg();

     * Determine whether this is a var args parameter.
     * @return Whether the given param is a var args param.
    private boolean isVarArgsParameter(Node param, @Nullable JSDocInfo info) {
        if (codingConvention.isVarArgsParameter(param)) {
            return true;

        String paramName = param.getString();
        return info != null && info.hasParameterType(paramName) && info.getParameterType(paramName).isVarArgs();

     * Infer the template type from the doc info.
    FunctionTypeBuilder inferTemplateTypeName(@Nullable JSDocInfo info, JSType ownerType) {
        // NOTE: these template type names may override a list
        // of inherited ones from an overridden function.
        if (info != null) {
            ImmutableList.Builder<TemplateType> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
            ImmutableList<String> infoTemplateTypeNames = info.getTemplateTypeNames();
            ImmutableMap<String, Node> infoTypeTransformations = info.getTypeTransformations();
            if (!infoTemplateTypeNames.isEmpty()) {
                for (String key : infoTemplateTypeNames) {
                    if (typeRegistry.isIObjectValueKey(fnName, key)) {
                    } else {
            if (!infoTypeTransformations.isEmpty()) {
                for (Entry<String, Node> entry : infoTypeTransformations.entrySet()) {
                            typeRegistry.createTemplateTypeWithTransformation(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()));
            if (!infoTemplateTypeNames.isEmpty() || !infoTypeTransformations.isEmpty()) {
                templateTypeNames =;

        ImmutableList<TemplateType> keys = templateTypeNames;
        if (ownerType != null) {
            ImmutableList<TemplateType> ownerTypeKeys = ownerType.getTemplateTypeMap().getTemplateKeys();
            if (!ownerTypeKeys.isEmpty()) {
                ImmutableList.Builder<TemplateType> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
                keys =;

        if (!keys.isEmpty()) {
        return this;

     * Add a parameter to the param list.
     * @param builder A builder.
     * @param paramType The parameter type.
     * @param warnedAboutArgList Whether we've already warned about arg ordering
     *     issues (like if optional args appeared before required ones).
     * @param isOptional Is this an optional parameter?
     * @param isVarArgs Is this a var args parameter?
     * @return Whether a warning was emitted.
    private boolean addParameter(FunctionParamBuilder builder, JSType paramType, boolean warnedAboutArgList,
            boolean isOptional, boolean isVarArgs) {
        boolean emittedWarning = false;
        if (isOptional) {
            // Remembering that an optional parameter has been encountered
            // so that if a non optional param is encountered later, an
            // error can be reported.
            if (!builder.addOptionalParams(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
                emittedWarning = true;
        } else if (isVarArgs) {
            if (!builder.addVarArgs(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
                emittedWarning = true;
        } else {
            if (!builder.addRequiredParams(paramType) && !warnedAboutArgList) {
                // An optional parameter was seen and this argument is not an optional
                // or var arg so it is an error.
                if (builder.hasVarArgs()) {
                } else {
                emittedWarning = true;
        return emittedWarning;

     * Builds the function type, and puts it in the registry.
    FunctionType buildAndRegister() {
        if (returnType == null) {
            // Infer return types.
            // We need to be extremely conservative about this, because of two
            // competing needs.
            // 1) If we infer the return type of f too widely, then we won't be able
            //    to assign f to other functions.
            // 2) If we infer the return type of f too narrowly, then we won't be
            //    able to override f in subclasses.
            // So we only infer in cases where the user doesn't expect to write
            // @return annotations--when it's very obvious that the function returns
            // nothing.
            if (!contents.mayHaveNonEmptyReturns() && !contents.mayHaveSingleThrow()
                    && !contents.mayBeFromExterns()) {
                returnType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(VOID_TYPE);
                returnTypeInferred = true;

        if (returnType == null) {
            returnType = typeRegistry.getNativeType(UNKNOWN_TYPE);

        if (parametersNode == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("All Function types must have params and a return type");

        FunctionType fnType;
        if (isConstructor) {
            fnType = getOrCreateConstructor();
        } else if (isInterface) {
            fnType = typeRegistry.createInterfaceType(fnName, contents.getSourceNode(), classTemplateTypeNames);
            if (getScopeDeclaredIn().isGlobal() && !fnName.isEmpty()) {
                typeRegistry.declareType(fnName, fnType.getInstanceType());
        } else {
            fnType = new FunctionBuilder(typeRegistry).withName(fnName).withSourceNode(contents.getSourceNode())
                    .withParamsNode(parametersNode).withReturnType(returnType, returnTypeInferred)

        if (implementedInterfaces != null) {

        if (extendedInterfaces != null) {


        return fnType;

    private void maybeSetBaseType(FunctionType fnType) {
        if (!fnType.isInterface() && baseType != null) {

     * Returns a constructor function either by returning it from the
     * registry if it exists or creating and registering a new type. If
     * there is already a type, then warn if the existing type is
     * different than the one we are creating, though still return the
     * existing function if possible.  The primary purpose of this is
     * that registering a constructor will fail for all built-in types
     * that are initialized in {@link JSTypeRegistry}.  We a) want to
     * make sure that the type information specified in the externs file
     * matches what is in the registry and b) annotate the externs with
     * the {@link JSType} from the registry so that there are not two
     * separate JSType objects for one type.
    private FunctionType getOrCreateConstructor() {
        FunctionType fnType = typeRegistry.createConstructorType(fnName, contents.getSourceNode(), parametersNode,
                returnType, classTemplateTypeNames);
        JSType existingType = typeRegistry.getType(fnName);

        if (makesStructs) {
        } else if (makesDicts) {
        if (existingType != null) {
            boolean isInstanceObject = existingType.isInstanceType();
            if (isInstanceObject || fnName.equals("Function")) {
                FunctionType existingFn = isInstanceObject ? existingType.toObjectType().getConstructor()
                        : typeRegistry.getNativeFunctionType(FUNCTION_FUNCTION_TYPE);

                if (existingFn.getSource() == null) {

                if (!existingFn.hasEqualCallType(fnType)) {
                    reportWarning(TYPE_REDEFINITION, formatFnName(), fnType.toString(), existingFn.toString());

                return existingFn;
            } else {
                // We fall through and return the created type, even though it will fail
                // to register. We have no choice as we have to return a function. We
                // issue an error elsewhere though, so the user should fix it.


        if (getScopeDeclaredIn().isGlobal() && !fnName.isEmpty()) {
            typeRegistry.declareType(fnName, fnType.getInstanceType());
        return fnType;

    private void reportWarning(DiagnosticType warning, String... args) {, warning, args));

    private void reportError(DiagnosticType error, String... args) {, error, args));

     * Determines whether the given JsDoc info declares a function type.
    static boolean isFunctionTypeDeclaration(JSDocInfo info) {
        return info.getParameterCount() > 0 || info.hasReturnType() || info.hasThisType() || info.isConstructor()
                || info.isInterface();

     * The scope that we should declare this function in, if it needs
     * to be declared in a scope. Notice that TypedScopeCreator takes
     * care of most scope-declaring.
    private TypedScope getScopeDeclaredIn() {
        int dotIndex = fnName.indexOf('.');
        if (dotIndex != -1) {
            String rootVarName = fnName.substring(0, dotIndex);
            TypedVar rootVar = scope.getVar(rootVarName);
            if (rootVar != null) {
                return rootVar.getScope();
        return scope;

     * Check whether a type is resolvable in the future
     * If this has a supertype that hasn't been resolved yet, then we can assume
     * this type will be OK once the super type resolves.
     * @param objectType
     * @return true if objectType is resolvable in the future
    private static boolean hasMoreTagsToResolve(ObjectType objectType) {
        if (objectType.getImplicitPrototype() != null) {
            // constructor extends class
            return !objectType.getImplicitPrototype().isResolved();
        } else {
            // interface extends interfaces
            FunctionType ctor = objectType.getConstructor();
            if (ctor != null) {
                for (ObjectType interfaceType : ctor.getExtendedInterfaces()) {
                    if (!interfaceType.isResolved()) {
                        return true;
            return false;

    /** Holds data dynamically inferred about functions. */
    static interface FunctionContents {
        /** Returns the source node of this function. May be null. */
        Node getSourceNode();

        /** Returns if the function may be in externs. */
        boolean mayBeFromExterns();

        /** Returns if a return of a real value (not undefined) appears. */
        boolean mayHaveNonEmptyReturns();

        /** Returns if this consists of a single throw. */
        boolean mayHaveSingleThrow();

        /** Gets a list of variables in this scope that are escaped. */
        Iterable<String> getEscapedVarNames();

        /** Gets a list of variables whose properties are escaped. */
        Set<String> getEscapedQualifiedNames();

        /** Gets the number of times each variable has been assigned. */
        Multiset<String> getAssignedNameCounts();

    static class UnknownFunctionContents implements FunctionContents {
        private static UnknownFunctionContents singleton = new UnknownFunctionContents();

        static FunctionContents get() {
            return singleton;

        public Node getSourceNode() {
            return null;

        public boolean mayBeFromExterns() {
            return true;

        public boolean mayHaveNonEmptyReturns() {
            return true;

        public boolean mayHaveSingleThrow() {
            return true;

        public Iterable<String> getEscapedVarNames() {
            return ImmutableList.of();

        public Set<String> getEscapedQualifiedNames() {
            return ImmutableSet.of();

        public Multiset<String> getAssignedNameCounts() {
            return ImmutableMultiset.of();

    static class AstFunctionContents implements FunctionContents {
        private final Node n;
        private boolean hasNonEmptyReturns = false;
        private Set<String> escapedVarNames;
        private Set<String> escapedQualifiedNames;
        private final Multiset<String> assignedVarNames = HashMultiset.create();

        AstFunctionContents(Node n) {
            this.n = n;

        public Node getSourceNode() {
            return n;

        public boolean mayBeFromExterns() {
            return n.isFromExterns();

        public boolean mayHaveNonEmptyReturns() {
            return hasNonEmptyReturns;

        void recordNonEmptyReturn() {
            hasNonEmptyReturns = true;

        public boolean mayHaveSingleThrow() {
            Node block = n.getLastChild();
            return block.hasOneChild() && block.getFirstChild().isThrow();

        public Iterable<String> getEscapedVarNames() {
            return escapedVarNames == null ? ImmutableList.<String>of() : escapedVarNames;

        void recordEscapedVarName(String name) {
            if (escapedVarNames == null) {
                escapedVarNames = new HashSet<>();

        public Set<String> getEscapedQualifiedNames() {
            return escapedQualifiedNames == null ? ImmutableSet.<String>of() : escapedQualifiedNames;

        void recordEscapedQualifiedName(String name) {
            if (escapedQualifiedNames == null) {
                escapedQualifiedNames = new HashSet<>();

        public Multiset<String> getAssignedNameCounts() {
            return assignedVarNames;

        void recordAssignedName(String name) {