Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2010 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS. * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier; import org.springframework.beans.propertyeditors.CustomBooleanEditor; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.validation.BindingResult; import org.springframework.validation.Validator; import org.springframework.web.bind.WebDataBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.InitBinder; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ModelAttribute; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.SessionAttributes; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; /** * A controller that handles request for Project entities. * * @author Charanjeet singh * */ @Controller @RequestMapping("/projects") @SessionAttributes("user") public class ProjectController { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ProjectController.class); private static final String PROJECT_EMAIL_TYPE_INVITE_TO_JOIN = "joinProject"; private static final String SEMICOLON = ";"; private static final String NAME = "name"; private static final String EMAILID = "emailId"; @Autowired private ProjectService projectService; @Autowired private ProjectBuilder projectBuilder; @Autowired private IdeaService ideaService; @Autowired private DeveloperService developerService; @Autowired private UserService userService; @Autowired private ReCaptchaUtility reCaptchaUtility; @Autowired @Qualifier("projectValidator") private Validator projectValidator; /** * Register custom binders for Spring. Needed to run on app engine * * @param binder * @param request */ @InitBinder public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.registerCustomEditor(Boolean.class, new CustomBooleanEditor(true)); binder.registerCustomEditor(String.class, new StringEditor(true)); } /** * Handles the request for search/list idea. * * @param model Carries data for the view * @return View name. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String listProjects() { return "projects/list"; } /** * Creates project for the idea identified by ideaKey. * * @param ideaKey for the {@link Idea} * @param model Carries data for the view * @return */ @RequestMapping("/showForm/{ideaKey}") public String edit(@PathVariable String ideaKey, Model model) { ProjectDetail projectDetail = new ProjectDetail(); projectDetail.setProject(new Project()); ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); viewStatus.setStatus(SUCCESS); Idea idea = ideaService.getIdeaByKey(ideaKey); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.IDEA_TITLE, idea.getTitle()); model.addAttribute(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); model.addAttribute("ideaKey", ideaKey); return "projects/edit"; } /** * Displays the project details identified by projectKey * * @param projectKey the id of {@link Project} to display * @param model Carries data for the view * @param req reference of the {@link HttpServletRequest} * @return */ @RequestMapping("/show/{projectKey}") public String show(@PathVariable String projectKey, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest req) { ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); User user = null; if (req.getSession(true).getAttribute(WebConstants.USER) != null) user = (User) req.getSession(true).getAttribute(WebConstants.USER); ProjectDetail projectDetail = projectBuilder.getProjectDetail(projectKey); if (null != projectDetail && null != projectDetail.getProject()) { Project project = projectDetail.getProject(); Idea associatedIdea = ideaService.getIdeaByKey(project.getIdeaKey()); /* * Set containing the status for which the idea should not be * displayed */ Set<String> setOfStatus = new HashSet<String>(); setOfStatus.add(Idea.STATUS_DELETED); setOfStatus.add(Idea.STATUS_OBJECTIONABLE); /* * If the idea has status contained in the set created above,set the * idea key for the project to null */ if (setOfStatus.contains(associatedIdea.getStatus())) { project.setIdeaKey(null); logger.debug("The idea is either deleted or objectionable," + "hence setting the idea key for project to null"); } else { projectDetail.setIdeaTitle(associatedIdea.getTitle()); } if (user != null) logger.debug("Checking if project is editable to the user with userkey =" + user.getUserKey()); projectDetail.setProjectEditable(isProjectEditable(projectDetail, user));"projectDetail.projectEditable is set to =" + projectDetail.isProjectEditable()); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); viewStatus.setStatus(SUCCESS); } else { viewStatus.setStatus(ERROR); viewStatus.addMessage(ERROR, WebConstants.RECORD_NOT_FOUND); } model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); return "projects/show"; } /** * Check for project edit-able attribute on the basis of logged in user. * * @param projectDetail {@link ProjectDetail} to edit * @return boolean status of the action */ private boolean isProjectEditable(ProjectDetail projectDetail, User user) { boolean isEditable = false; if (projectDetail.getProject() != null) { if (user != null) { if (projectDetail.getUser() != null) { if (user.getUserKey() != null && user.getUserKey().equalsIgnoreCase(projectDetail.getUser().getUserKey())) { isEditable = true; } } for (Developer developer : projectDetail.getDevelopers()) { logger.debug("developer's status =" + developer.getStatus()); if (user.getUserKey().equalsIgnoreCase(developer.getUserKey())) { isEditable = true; break; } } } } return isEditable; } /** * Handles request for editing an project. Validates the Project details * and saves the project if no validation errors are found. * * @return name of project detail JSP to be shown. */ @RequestMapping("/editProject/{projectKey}") public String editProject(@PathVariable String projectKey, HttpSession session, Map<String, Object> model) { User user = (User) session.getAttribute(WebConstants.USER); ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); ProjectDetail projectDetail = projectBuilder.getProjectDetail(projectKey); projectDetail.setProjectEditable(isProjectEditable(projectDetail, user)); if (null != projectDetail.getProject()) { projectDetail .setIdeaTitle(ideaService.getIdeaByKey(projectDetail.getProject().getIdeaKey()).getTitle()); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); viewStatus.setStatus(SUCCESS); } else { viewStatus.setStatus(ERROR); viewStatus.addMessage(ERROR, WebConstants.RECORD_NOT_FOUND); } Idea idea = ideaService.getIdeaByKey(projectDetail.getProject().getIdeaKey()); model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.IDEA_TITLE, idea.getTitle()); model.put("ideaKey", projectDetail.getProject().getIdeaKey()); model.put("projectKey", projectDetail.getProject().getKey()); model.put("editProject", true); return "projects/edit"; } /** * Handles request for creating an project. Validates the Project details * and saves the project if no validation errors are found. * * @return name of project detail JSP to be shown. */ @RequestMapping(value = "/create", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String createProject(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam(required = true) String ideaKey, @RequestParam(required = false) String projectKey, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "devName") String[] devNames, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "email") String[] emails, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "status") String[] statusArr, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "devKey") String[] devKeys, @RequestParam(required = false, value = "logoFile") MultipartFile logoFile, @ModelAttribute Project project, BindingResult errors, Map<String, Object> model, @RequestParam String recaptchaChallengeField, @RequestParam String recaptchaResponseField, HttpSession session) throws IOException { ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); Boolean captchaValidation = reCaptchaUtility.verifyCaptcha(request.getRemoteAddr(), recaptchaChallengeField, recaptchaResponseField); User user = (User) session.getAttribute(WebConstants.USER); ProjectDetail projectDetail = new ProjectDetail(); /* create developer list. */ projectDetail.setDevelopers(createDeveloperList(devNames, emails, statusArr, devKeys, user)); projectDetail.setProject(project); String ideaTitle = ideaService.getIdeaByKey(ideaKey).getTitle(); projectDetail.getProject().setIdeaKey(ideaKey); if (projectKey != null) { projectDetail.getProject().setKey(projectKey); } if (!captchaValidation) { getViewStatusForInvalidCaptcha(model, viewStatus, projectDetail, ideaTitle, user); return "projects/edit"; } uploadLogo(projectKey, logoFile, projectDetail); /* call projectValidator to validate projectDetail object */ projectValidator.validate(projectDetail, errors); /* If the errors exist in the data being posted, return to edit page */ if (errors.hasErrors()) { viewStatus = ViewStatus.createProjectErrorViewStatus(errors); model.put(WebConstants.VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); return "projects/edit"; } projectDetail = createProjectAndGetDetail(user, projectDetail, ideaTitle); if (null != projectDetail.getProject()) { viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); viewStatus.setStatus(SUCCESS); } else { viewStatus.setStatus(ERROR); viewStatus.addMessage(ERROR, WebConstants.RECORD_NOT_FOUND); } model.put("editProject", ""); model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); // redirect to project detail page if (null != projectKey) { return "redirect:show/" + projectKey; } else if (null != projectDetail.getProject()) { return "redirect:show/" + projectDetail.getProject().getKey(); } else { return "projects/show"; } } /** * Get View Status For Captcha Invalid * * @param model Carries data for the view * @param viewStatus * @param projectDetail * @param ideaTitle */ private void getViewStatusForInvalidCaptcha(Map<String, Object> model, ViewStatus viewStatus, ProjectDetail projectDetail, String ideaTitle, User user) { viewStatus.addMessage(WebConstants.ERROR, WebConstants.CAPTCHA_MISMATCH); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.IDEA_TITLE, ideaTitle); model.put("ideaKey", projectDetail.getProject().getIdeaKey()); model.put("projectKey", projectDetail.getProject().getKey()); /* * If project is not created then delete user information from developer * list. */ if (projectDetail.getProject().getKey() == null) { Developer developerToDelete = null; for (Developer developer : projectDetail.getDevelopers()) { if (user.getDisplayName() != null && user.getEmailId() != null) { if (user.getDisplayName().equalsIgnoreCase(developer.getName()) && user.getEmailId().equalsIgnoreCase(developer.getEmailId())) { developerToDelete = developer; break; } } } if (developerToDelete != null) { projectDetail.getDevelopers().remove(developerToDelete); } } else { model.put("editProject", true); } viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); } /** * Creates the project and retrieves the project details. * * @param user creating the project. * @param projectDetail * @param ideaTitle * @return */ private ProjectDetail createProjectAndGetDetail(User user, ProjectDetail projectDetail, String ideaTitle) { Project project = projectService.createOrUpdateProject(projectDetail.getProject(), user); // handle developers functionality. handleDeveloper(projectDetail.getDevelopers(), user, project); projectDetail = projectBuilder.getProjectDetail(project.getKey()); projectDetail.setIdeaTitle(ideaTitle); projectDetail.setProjectEditable(isProjectEditable(projectDetail, user)); return projectDetail; } /** * @param projectKey * @param logoFile * @param projectDetail * @throws IOException */ private void uploadLogo(String projectKey, MultipartFile logoFile, ProjectDetail projectDetail) throws IOException { if (logoFile != null && logoFile.getBytes().length > 0) { try { Blob file = new Blob(logoFile.getBytes()); projectDetail.getProject().setLogo(file); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("couldn't find an Image at " + logoFile, e); } } else { Project project1 = new Project(); if (projectService.getProjectById(projectKey) != null) project1 = projectService.getProjectById(projectKey); if (project1.getLogo() != null && project1.getLogo().getBytes().length > 0) { Blob file = new Blob(project1.getLogo().getBytes()); projectDetail.getProject().setLogo(file); } } } /** * create Developer List * * @param devName * @param email * @param status * @param devKey * @param user * @return List<Developer> */ private List<Developer> createDeveloperList(String[] devName, String[] email, String[] status, String[] devKey, User user) { List<Developer> developers = new ArrayList<Developer>(); Set<String> emailsSet = new HashSet<String>(); if ((devName != null && devName.length > 0) && (email != null && email.length > 0)) { Developer developer = null; for (int i = 0; i < devName.length; i++) { if (validDeveloperData(devName, email, i)) { // Check if email ids are unique boolean unique = emailsSet.add(email[i]); if (unique) { developer = new Developer(); developer.setEmailId(email[i]); developer.setName(devName[i]); // If devKey is not present, it is a create request if (devKey[i] != null && devKey[i].trim().length() > 0) { developer.setKey(devKey[i]); } // If status is not present, it is a create request if (status[i] != null && status[i].trim().length() > 0) { developer.setStatus(status[i]); } // While editing, set user key into developer object, if // developer's email id is same as users email id. if (developer.getEmailId().equals(user.getEmailId())) { // If user explicitly adding himself as a developer // while creating the project then set its user key // and status as accepted. developer.setUserKey(user.getUserKey()); developer.setStatus(Developer.STATUS_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); } developers.add(developer); } } } } // Check if creator has not already added himself as developer. boolean unique = emailsSet.add(user.getEmailId()); if (unique) { Developer developer = new Developer(); developer.setEmailId(user.getEmailId()); developer.setName(user.getDisplayName()); developer.setUserKey(user.getUserKey()); developer.setStatus(Developer.STATUS_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); logger.debug("Added project creator to it's developer list."); developers.add(developer); } return developers; } /** * check for valid Developer Data. * * @param devName * @param email * @param index * @return boolean */ private boolean validDeveloperData(String[] devName, String[] email, int index) { if (devName.length > index && email.length > index) { String name = devName[index]; String emailId = email[index]; if ((name != null && name.trim().length() > 0 && !name.trim().equals(NAME)) && (emailId != null && emailId.trim().length() > 0 && !emailId.trim().equals(EMAILID))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * This method check for new user and save them and send mail for joining * the project. * * @param developers list of developer * @param user * @param project * @param isUpdateRequest * @return List<Developer> */ private List<Developer> handleDeveloper(List<Developer> developers, User user, Project project) { List<Developer> updatedDevelopers = new ArrayList<Developer>(); List<String> emailList = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Developer developer : developers) { logger.debug("Developer status =" + developer.getStatus() + " , user.userkey=" + user.getUserKey() + " ,developer.userkey =" + developer.getUserKey()); if (developer.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(Developer.STATUS_JOIN_REQUEST)) { developer.setStatus(Developer.STATUS_REQUEST_ALLREADY_SENT); developer.setProjectKey(project.getKey()); developer = developerService.saveDeveloper(developer); updatedDevelopers.add(developer); emailList.add( developer.getEmailId() + SEMICOLON + developer.getName() + SEMICOLON + developer.getKey()); } else if (developer.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase(Developer.STATUS_REQUEST_ACCEPTED)) { developer.setProjectKey(project.getKey()); developer = developerService.saveDeveloper(developer); updatedDevelopers.add(developer); } else { updatedDevelopers.add(developer); } } // /* Send email to developer */ if (emailList.size() > 0) { List<String> otherInfoList = new ArrayList<String>(); otherInfoList.add(user.getDisplayName()); otherInfoList.add(project.getName()); otherInfoList.add(project.getKey()); EmailManager.sendMail(PROJECT_EMAIL_TYPE_INVITE_TO_JOIN, emailList, otherInfoList); } return updatedDevelopers; } @RequestMapping("/joinProject/{projectKey}/{developerKey}/{emailId}") public String joinProject(@PathVariable String projectKey, @PathVariable String developerKey, @PathVariable String emailId, Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest req) { User user = null; ProjectDetail projectDetail = projectBuilder.getProjectDetail(projectKey); Developer developer = developerService.getDeveloperById(developerKey); if (projectDetail == null || projectDetail.getProject() == null || developer == null) { return "error/data-access-error"; } if (req.getSession(true).getAttribute(WebConstants.USER) != null) { user = (User) req.getSession(true).getAttribute(WebConstants.USER); if (null == user.getUserKey()) { user = userService.addOrUpdateUser(user); req.getSession(true).setAttribute(WebConstants.USER, user); } } if (user != null) { developer.setStatus(Developer.STATUS_REQUEST_ACCEPTED); developer.setUserKey(user.getUserKey()); developerService.saveDeveloper(developer); ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECT_DETAIL, projectDetail); viewStatus.setStatus(WebConstants.SUCCESS); model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); // return "projects/show"; } return "users/activate"; } /** * Handles the request for search/list Project. * * @param model Carries data for the view * @return View name. */ // @RequestMapping(value = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET) // public String listProjects(Map<String, Object> model) { @RequestMapping(value = "/get", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String listProjects(@ModelAttribute RetrievalInfo retrievalInfo, Map<String, Object> model) { /* Fetch the range parameters as sent in the request */ long startIndex = retrievalInfo.getStartIndex(); long noOfRecordsRequested = retrievalInfo.getNoOfRecords(); /* Get the idea list */ // List<Project> projects = new ArrayList<Project>(); List<Project> projects = projectService.listProjects(retrievalInfo); Iterator<Project> iterator = projects.iterator(); Project projectWithDesc = null; while (iterator.hasNext()) { projectWithDesc =; projectWithDesc.setDescriptionAsString(projectWithDesc.getDescription()); shortenFields(projectWithDesc); } /* Map of data to be inserted into the view status object */ HashMap<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); /* Map containing the previous and next index values */ HashMap<String, Long> pagingMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); /* * If the size of the list is greater than the no. of records requested * ,set the parameter 'next' to be used as start index for the next * page retrieval. */ if (projects != null && projects.size() > noOfRecordsRequested) { pagingMap.put(WebConstants.NEXT, startIndex + noOfRecordsRequested); } else { /* * If the list size is not greater than the number requested set * the 'next' parameter to minus one */ pagingMap.put(WebConstants.NEXT, (long) WebConstants.MINUS_ONE); } /* * Set the parameter 'previous' to be used as the start index for the * previous page retrieval */ pagingMap.put(WebConstants.PREVIOUS, startIndex - noOfRecordsRequested); /* Add the map containing the paging values to the map of parameters */ parameters.put(WebConstants.PAGING, pagingMap); // Create viewStatus ViewStatus viewStatus = createTheViewStatus(projects, parameters); model.put(VIEW_STATUS, viewStatus); return "projects/list"; } /** * Shortens the length of title and description fields * * @param project */ private void shortenFields(Project project) { if (null != project) { /* 50 chars for title */ project.setName(StringUtils.abbreviate(project.getName(), 50)); /* 150 chars for description */ project.setDescriptionAsString(StringUtils.abbreviate(project.getDescriptionAsString(), 150)); } } /** * Create the {@link ViewStatus} object containing the data retrieved.This * object has the status codes set to success/error based on whether the * parameter list contains data or not. * * @param listOfProjects the list containing data * @param hitCount * @return object containing the data and status codes */ private ViewStatus createTheViewStatus(List<?> listProjects, Map<String, ?> parameters) { ViewStatus viewStatus = new ViewStatus(); /* * If the list of ideas is not null and at least one idea * exists create the view status object with status as 'success' and * also set the data. */ if (listProjects != null && listProjects.size() > WebConstants.ZERO) { viewStatus.setStatus(SUCCESS); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.PROJECTS, listProjects); viewStatus.addData(WebConstants.MY_IDEAS_COUNT, listProjects.size()); if (parameters != null) { Iterator<String> keysIter = parameters.keySet().iterator(); String objectKey = null; while (keysIter.hasNext()) { objectKey =; viewStatus.addData(objectKey, parameters.get(objectKey)); } } } else {/* In case the idea list is null or empty */ viewStatus.setStatus(WebConstants.ERROR); viewStatus.addMessage(WebConstants.PROJECTS, WebConstants.NO_RECORDS_FOUND); } return viewStatus; } /** * @param projectService the projectService to set */ public void setProjectService(ProjectService projectService) { this.projectService = projectService; } /** * * @return the projectService */ public ProjectService getProjectService() { return projectService; } }