Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; /** * Google Identity Toolkit client library. This class is the only interface that third party * developers needs to know to integrate Gitkit with their backend server. Main features are * Gitkit token verification and Gitkit remote API wrapper. */ public class GitkitClient { @VisibleForTesting static final String GITKIT_API_BASE = ""; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(GitkitClient.class.getName()); private final JsonTokenHelper tokenHelper; private final RpcHelper rpcHelper; private final String widgetUrl; private final String cookieName; /** * Constructs a Gitkit client. * * @param clientId Google oauth2 web application client id. Audience in Gitkit token must match * this client id. * @param serviceAccountEmail Google service account email. * @param keyStream Google service account private p12 key stream. * @param widgetUrl Url of the Gitkit widget, must starting with /. * @param cookieName Gitkit cookie name. Used to extract Gitkit token from incoming http request. * @param httpSender Concrete http sender when Gitkit client needs to call Gitkit remote API. * @param serverApiKey Server side API key in Google Developer Console. */ public GitkitClient(String clientId, String serviceAccountEmail, InputStream keyStream, String widgetUrl, String cookieName, HttpSender httpSender, String serverApiKey) { rpcHelper = new RpcHelper(httpSender, GITKIT_API_BASE, serviceAccountEmail, keyStream); tokenHelper = new JsonTokenHelper(clientId, rpcHelper, serverApiKey); this.widgetUrl = widgetUrl; this.cookieName = cookieName; } /** * Constructs a Gitkit client from a JSON config file * * @param configPath Path to JSON configuration file * @return Gitkit client */ public static GitkitClient createFromJson(String configPath) throws JSONException, IOException { JSONObject configData = new JSONObject(StandardCharsets.UTF_8 .decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(configPath)))).toString()); return new GitkitClient.Builder().setGoogleClientId(configData.getString("clientId")) .setServiceAccountEmail(configData.getString("serviceAccountEmail")) .setKeyStream(new FileInputStream(configData.getString("serviceAccountPrivateKeyFile"))) .setWidgetUrl(configData.getString("widgetUrl")).setCookieName(configData.getString("cookieName")) .setServerApiKey(configData.optString("serverApiKey", null)).build(); } /** * Verifies a Gitkit token. * * @param token token string to be verified. * @return the JSON object for the payload of the token if the token is valid. * @throws GitkitClientException if token has invalid signature */ public JsonObject validateTokenToJson(String token) throws GitkitClientException { if (token == null) { return null; } try { return tokenHelper.verifyAndDeserialize(token).getPayloadAsJsonObject(); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new GitkitClientException(e); } } /** * Verifies a Gitkit token. * * @param token token string to be verified. * @return Gitkit user if token is valid. * @throws GitkitClientException if token has invalid signature */ public GitkitUser validateToken(String token) throws GitkitClientException { JsonObject jsonToken = validateTokenToJson(token); if (jsonToken == null) { return null; } return new GitkitUser().setLocalId(jsonToken.get(JsonTokenHelper.ID_TOKEN_USER_ID).getAsString()) .setEmail(jsonToken.get(JsonTokenHelper.ID_TOKEN_EMAIL).getAsString()) .setCurrentProvider(jsonToken.has(JsonTokenHelper.ID_TOKEN_PROVIDER) ? jsonToken.get(JsonTokenHelper.ID_TOKEN_PROVIDER).getAsString() : null); } /** * Verifies Gitkit token in http request. * * @param request http request * @return Gitkit user if valid token is found in the request. * @throws GitkitClientException if there is token but signature is invalid */ public GitkitUser validateTokenInRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws GitkitClientException { Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookieName == null || cookies == null) { return null; } for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) { return validateToken(cookie.getValue()); } } return null; } /** * Gets user info from GITkit service using Gitkit token. Can be used to verify a Gitkit token * remotely. * * @param token the gitkit token. * @return Gitkit user info if token is valid. * @throws GitkitClientException if request is invalid * @throws GitkitServerException for Gitkit server error */ public GitkitUser getUserByToken(String token) throws GitkitClientException, GitkitServerException { GitkitUser gitkitUser = validateToken(token); if (gitkitUser == null) { throw new GitkitClientException("invalid gitkit token"); } try { JSONObject result = rpcHelper.getAccountInfo(token); JSONObject jsonUser = result.getJSONArray("users").getJSONObject(0); return jsonToUser(jsonUser) // gitkit server does not return current provider .setCurrentProvider(gitkitUser.getCurrentProvider()); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GitkitServerException(e); } } /** * Gets user info given an email. * * @param email user email. * @return Gitkit user info. * @throws GitkitClientException if request is invalid * @throws GitkitServerException for Gitkit server error */ public GitkitUser getUserByEmail(String email) throws GitkitClientException, GitkitServerException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(email); try { JSONObject result = rpcHelper.getAccountInfoByEmail(email); return jsonToUser(result.getJSONArray("users").getJSONObject(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GitkitServerException(e); } } /** * Gets user info given a user id. * * @param localId user identifier at Gitkit. * @return Gitkit user info. * @throws GitkitClientException if request is invalid * @throws GitkitServerException for Gitkit server error */ public GitkitUser getUserByLocalId(String localId) throws GitkitClientException, GitkitServerException { Preconditions.checkNotNull(localId); try { JSONObject result = rpcHelper.getAccountInfoById(localId); return jsonToUser(result.getJSONArray("users").getJSONObject(0)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GitkitServerException(e); } } /** * Gets all user info of this web site. Underlying requests are send with default pagination size. * * @return lazy iterator over all user accounts. */ public Iterator<GitkitUser> getAllUsers() { return getAllUsers(null); } /** * Gets all user info of this web site. Underlying requests are paginated and send on demand with * given size. * * @param resultsPerRequest pagination size * @return lazy iterator over all user accounts. */ public Iterator<GitkitUser> getAllUsers(final Integer resultsPerRequest) { return new DownloadIterator<GitkitUser>() { private String nextPageToken = null; @Override protected Iterator<GitkitUser> getNextResults() { try { JSONObject response = rpcHelper.downloadAccount(nextPageToken, resultsPerRequest); nextPageToken = response.has("nextPageToken") ? response.getString("nextPageToken") : null; if (response.has("users")) { return jsonToList(response.getJSONArray("users")).iterator(); } } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (GitkitServerException e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage()); } catch (GitkitClientException e) { logger.warning(e.getMessage()); } return ImmutableSet.<GitkitUser>of().iterator(); } }; } /** * Updates a user info at Gitkit server. * * @param user user info to be updated. * @return the updated user info * @throws GitkitClientException for invalid request * @throws GitkitServerException for server error */ public GitkitUser updateUser(GitkitUser user) throws GitkitClientException, GitkitServerException { try { return jsonToUser(rpcHelper.updateAccount(user)); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GitkitServerException(e); } } /** * Uploads multiple user accounts to Gitkit server. * * @param hashAlgorithm hash algorithm. Supported values are HMAC_SHA256, HMAC_SHA1, HMAC_MD5, * PBKDF_SHA1, MD5 and SCRYPT. * @param hashKey key of hash algorithm * @param users list of user accounts to be uploaded * @throws GitkitClientException for invalid request * @throws GitkitServerException for server error */ public void uploadUsers(String hashAlgorithm, byte[] hashKey, List<GitkitUser> users) throws GitkitServerException, GitkitClientException { rpcHelper.uploadAccount(hashAlgorithm, hashKey, users); } /** * Deletes a user account at Gitkit server. * * @param user user to be deleted. * @throws GitkitClientException for invalid request * @throws GitkitServerException for server error */ public void deleteUser(GitkitUser user) throws GitkitServerException, GitkitClientException { deleteUser(user.getLocalId()); } /** * Deletes a user account at Gitkit server. * * @param localId user id to be deleted. * @throws GitkitClientException for invalid request * @throws GitkitServerException for server error */ public void deleteUser(String localId) throws GitkitServerException, GitkitClientException { rpcHelper.deleteAccount(localId); } /** * Gets out-of-band response. Used by oob endpoint for ResetPassword and ChangeEmail operation. * The web site needs to send user an email containing the oobUrl in the response. The user needs * to click the oobUrl to finish the operation. * * @param req http request for the oob endpoint * @return the oob response. * @throws GitkitServerException */ public OobResponse getOobResponse(HttpServletRequest req) throws GitkitServerException { String gitkitToken = lookupCookie(req, cookieName); return getOobResponse(req, gitkitToken); } /** * Gets out-of-band response. Used by oob endpoint for ResetPassword and ChangeEmail operation. * The web site needs to send user an email containing the oobUrl in the response. The user needs * to click the oobUrl to finish the operation. * * @param req http request for the oob endpoint * @param gitkitToken Gitkit token of authenticated user, required for ChangeEmail operation * @return the oob response. * @throws GitkitServerException */ public OobResponse getOobResponse(HttpServletRequest req, String gitkitToken) throws GitkitServerException { try { String action = req.getParameter("action"); if ("resetPassword".equals(action)) { String oobLink = buildOobLink(req, buildPasswordResetRequest(req), action); return new OobResponse(req.getParameter("email"), null, oobLink, OobAction.RESET_PASSWORD); } else if ("changeEmail".equals(action)) { if (gitkitToken == null) { return new OobResponse("login is required"); } else { String oobLink = buildOobLink(req, buildChangeEmailRequest(req, gitkitToken), action); return new OobResponse(req.getParameter("oldEmail"), req.getParameter("newEmail"), oobLink, OobAction.CHANGE_EMAIL); } } else { return new OobResponse("unknown request"); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new GitkitServerException(e); } catch (GitkitClientException e) { return new OobResponse(e.getMessage()); } } public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } private String lookupCookie(HttpServletRequest request, String cookieName) { Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies(); if (cookies == null) { return null; } for (Cookie cookie : cookies) { if (cookieName.equals(cookie.getName())) { return cookie.getValue(); } } return null; } private String buildOobLink(HttpServletRequest req, JSONObject resetReq, String modeParam) throws GitkitClientException, GitkitServerException, JSONException { try { JSONObject result = rpcHelper.getOobCode(resetReq); String code = result.getString("oobCode"); return widgetUrl + "?mode=" + modeParam + "&oobCode=" + URLEncoder.encode(code, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // should never happen throw new GitkitServerException(e); } } private JSONObject buildPasswordResetRequest(HttpServletRequest req) throws JSONException { return new JSONObject().put("email", req.getParameter("email")).put("userIp", req.getRemoteAddr()) .put("challenge", req.getParameter("challenge")).put("captchaResp", req.getParameter("response")) .put("requestType", "PASSWORD_RESET"); } private JSONObject buildChangeEmailRequest(HttpServletRequest req, String gitkitToken) throws JSONException { return new JSONObject().put("email", req.getParameter("oldEmail")).put("userIp", req.getRemoteAddr()) .put("newEmail", req.getParameter("newEmail")).put("idToken", gitkitToken) .put("requestType", "NEW_EMAIL_ACCEPT"); } /** * Gitkit out-of-band actions. */ public enum OobAction { RESET_PASSWORD, CHANGE_EMAIL } /** * Wrapper class containing the out-of-band responses. */ public class OobResponse { private static final String SUCCESS_RESPONSE = "{\"success\": true}"; private static final String ERROR_PREFIX = "{\"error\": \""; private final String email; private final String newEmail; private final Optional<String> oobUrl; private final OobAction oobAction; private final String responseBody; private final String recipient; public OobResponse(String responseBody) { this(null, null, Optional.<String>absent(), null, ERROR_PREFIX + responseBody + "\" }"); } public OobResponse(String email, String newEmail, String oobUrl, OobAction oobAction) { this(email, newEmail, Optional.of(oobUrl), oobAction, SUCCESS_RESPONSE); } public OobResponse(String email, String newEmail, Optional<String> oobUrl, OobAction oobAction, String responseBody) { = email; this.newEmail = newEmail; this.oobUrl = oobUrl; this.oobAction = oobAction; this.responseBody = responseBody; this.recipient = newEmail == null ? email : newEmail; } public Optional<String> getOobUrl() { return oobUrl; } public OobAction getOobAction() { return oobAction; } public String getResponseBody() { return responseBody; } public String getEmail() { return email; } public String getNewEmail() { return newEmail; } public String getRecipient() { return recipient; } } /** * Builder class to construct Gitkit client instance. */ public static class Builder { private String clientId; private HttpSender httpSender = new HttpSender(); private String widgetUrl; private String serviceAccountEmail; private InputStream keyStream; private String serverApiKey; private String cookieName = "gtoken"; public Builder setGoogleClientId(String clientId) { this.clientId = clientId; return this; } public Builder setWidgetUrl(String url) { this.widgetUrl = url; return this; } public Builder setKeyStream(InputStream keyStream) { this.keyStream = keyStream; return this; } public Builder setServiceAccountEmail(String serviceAccountEmail) { this.serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountEmail; return this; } public Builder setCookieName(String cookieName) { this.cookieName = cookieName; return this; } public Builder setHttpSender(HttpSender httpSender) { this.httpSender = httpSender; return this; } public Builder setServerApiKey(String serverApiKey) { this.serverApiKey = serverApiKey; return this; } public GitkitClient build() { return new GitkitClient(clientId, serviceAccountEmail, keyStream, widgetUrl, cookieName, httpSender, serverApiKey); } } private List<GitkitUser> jsonToList(JSONArray accounts) throws JSONException { List<GitkitUser> list = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length(); i++) { list.add(jsonToUser(accounts.getJSONObject(i))); } return list; } private GitkitUser jsonToUser(JSONObject jsonUser) throws JSONException { GitkitUser user = new GitkitUser().setLocalId(jsonUser.getString("localId")) .setEmail(jsonUser.getString("email")).setName(jsonUser.optString("displayName")) .setPhotoUrl(jsonUser.optString("photoUrl")) .setProviders(jsonUser.optJSONArray("providerUserInfo")); if (jsonUser.has("providerUserInfo")) { JSONArray fedInfo = jsonUser.getJSONArray("providerUserInfo"); List<GitkitUser.ProviderInfo> providerInfo = new ArrayList<GitkitUser.ProviderInfo>(); for (int idp = 0; idp < fedInfo.length(); idp++) { JSONObject provider = fedInfo.getJSONObject(idp); providerInfo.add(new GitkitUser.ProviderInfo(provider.getString("providerId"), provider.getString("federatedId"), provider.optString("displayName"), provider.optString("photoUrl"))); } user.setProviders(providerInfo); } return user; } }