Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * Represents an element in the output format. For example, an HTML element * (like an img tag). */ public class OutputElement extends Expression { private final Schema innerSchema; private final String localName; private final ElementValidator validator; private final DocType docType; private final ImmutableList<Attribute> attributes; private final ImmutableList<String> attrBundles; private final String phName; private final Expression content; /** * @param sourcePosition the {@link SourcePosition} of this {@code Node} * @param displayName the display name of this {@code Node} * @param schema the {@code Schema} of this element. * @param innerSchema the {@code Schema} for the contents of this element. * can be null if the innerSchema is no different from the {@code Schema} of * the element itself. * @param localName the XML "local name" of this element. For example, * <html:img>'s local name is "img". * @param validator the {@code ElementValidator}s of this element * @param docType the {@code DocType} to render before this element, or null * if none. * @param attributes the {@code Attribute}s of this element * @param attrBundles the attribute bundles of this element * @param phName a placeholder name if the element tags should be contained * within placeholders. * @param content this element's content */ public OutputElement(SourcePosition sourcePosition, String displayName, Schema schema, Schema innerSchema, String localName, ElementValidator validator, DocType docType, List<Attribute> attributes, List<String> attrBundles, String phName, Expression content) { super(sourcePosition, displayName, schema); this.innerSchema = innerSchema; this.localName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(localName); this.validator = Preconditions.checkNotNull(validator); this.docType = docType; this.attributes = ImmutableList.copyOf(attributes); this.attrBundles = ImmutableList.copyOf(attrBundles); this.phName = phName; this.content = Preconditions.checkNotNull(content); } /** * Helper for creating an OutputElement to replace an existing OutputElement. * * @param fromNode the original {@code OutputElement} that this element is * derived from * @param attributes the {@code Attribute}s of this element * @param content this element's (new) content */ public OutputElement(OutputElement fromNode, List<Attribute> attributes, Expression content) { this(fromNode.getSourcePosition(), fromNode.getDisplayName(), fromNode.getSchema(), fromNode.getInnerSchema(), fromNode.getLocalName(), fromNode.getValidator(), fromNode.getDocType(), attributes, fromNode.getAttrBundles(), fromNode.getPhName(), content); } public Schema getInnerSchema() { return innerSchema; } public String getLocalName() { return localName; } public ElementValidator getValidator() { return validator; } public DocType getDocType() { return docType; } public List<Attribute> getAttributes() { return attributes; } public List<String> getAttrBundles() { return attrBundles; } public String getPhName() { return phName; } public Expression getContent() { return content; } public OutputElement withAttributesAndContent(List<Attribute> newAttributes, Expression newContent) { return (Iterables.elementsEqual(newAttributes, attributes) && newContent.equals(content)) ? this : new OutputElement(this, newAttributes, newContent); } @Override public <T> T acceptVisitor(ExpressionVisitor<T> visitor) { return visitor.visitOutputElement(this); } @Override public boolean hasStaticString() { for (Attribute attribute : getAttributes()) { if (attribute.getCondition() != null || !attribute.getValue().hasStaticString()) { return false; } } return getContent().hasStaticString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { return (that instanceof OutputElement) && equals((OutputElement) that); } public boolean equals(OutputElement that) { return equalsExpression(that) && Objects.equal(innerSchema, that.innerSchema) && localName.equals(that.localName) && validator.equals(that.validator) && Objects.equal(docType, that.docType) && Iterables.elementsEqual(attributes, that.attributes) && Iterables.elementsEqual(attrBundles, that.attrBundles) && Objects.equal(phName, that.phName) && content.equals(that.content); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(expressionHashCode(), innerSchema, localName, validator, docType, attributes, attrBundles, phName, content); } }