Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Local search results.
public final class LocalResult extends Result {
    public static final ResultClass RESULT_CLASS = ResultClass.LOCAL_SEARCH_RESULT;

    public static LocalResult isLocalResult(Result result) {
        if (result.getResultClass().equals(RESULT_CLASS)) {
            return (LocalResult) result;
        return null;

     * A phone number.
    public static final class PhoneNumber extends JavaScriptObject {
        public static final String DATA = "data";

        public static final String FAX = "fax";

        public static final String MAIN = "main";

        public static final String MOBILE = "mobile";

        protected PhoneNumber() {
            // Required for overlay types

         * Returns the phone number as a string.
         * @return the phone number as a string.
        public native String getNumber() /*-{
                                         return this.number;

         * Returns the type of phone number. The value be one of "main", "fax",
         * "mobile", "data", or "".
         * @return the type of phone number.
        public native String getType() /*-{
                                       return this.type;

    protected LocalResult() {
        // Required for overlay types

     * Supplies an array consisting of the mailing address lines for this result,
     * for instance:
     * <pre>
     * ["1600 Amphitheatre Pky", "Mountain View, CA 94043"] 
     *  or
     * ["Via del Corso, 330", "00186 Roma (RM), Italy"]
     * </pre>
     * To correctly render an address associated with a result, either use the
     * {@link Result#getHtml()} method of the result directly or iterate through
     * this array and display each addressLine in turn.
     * @return an array consisting of the mailing address lines for the result.
    public native JsArrayString getAddressLines() /*-{
                                                  return this.addressLines;

     * Returns the city name for the result. Note:, in some cases, this property
     * may be set to "".
     * @return the city name for the result. Note:, in some cases, this property
     *         may be set to "".
    public native String getCity() /*-{

     * Returns a content snippet associated with the KML result, if this is a
     * "kml" result. For "local" results, this property is the empty string.
     * @return a content snippet associated with the KML result, if this is a
     *         "kml" result
    public native String getContent() /*-{
                                      return this.content;

     * Returns a country name for the result. Note:, in some cases, this property
     * may be set to "".
     * @return a country name for the result. Note:, in some cases, this property
     *         may be set to "".
    public native String getCountry() /*-{

     * Returns a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from the
     * center of the set of search results to this search result. Note: This
     * method returns null when no URL is available.
     * @return a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from the
     *         center of the set of search results to this search result
    public native String getDdUrl() /*-{
                                    return this.ddUrl;

     * Returns a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from a user
     * specified location to this search result. Note, This method returns null
     * when no URL is available.
     * @return a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from a user
     *         specified location to this search result. Note, This method returns
     *         null when no URL is available.
    public native String getDdUrlFromHere() /*-{
                                            return this.ddUrlFromHere;

     * Returns a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from a user
     * specified location to this search result. Note, This method returns null
     * when no URL is available.
     * @return a URL that can be used to provide driving directions from a user
     *         specified location to this search result. Note, This method returns
     *         null when no URL is available.
    public native String getDdUrlToHere() /*-{
                                          return this.ddUrlToHere;

     * Returns the latitude value of the result.
     * @return the latitude value of the result.
    public double getLat() {
        return Double.parseDouble(getLatAsString());

     * Returns the type of this result which can either be "local" in the case of
     * a local business listing or "geocode" result or "kml" in the case of a KML
     * listing.
     * @return type of this result
    public native String getListingType() /*-{
                                          return this.listingType;

     * Returns the longitude value of the result.
     * @return the longitude value of the result.
    public double getLng() {
        return Double.parseDouble(getLngAsString());

     * Returns a list of {@link LocalResult.PhoneNumber}.
     * @return a list of {@link LocalResult.PhoneNumber}.
    public native JsArray<PhoneNumber> getPhoneNumbers() /*-{
                                                         return this.phoneNumbers == null ? [] : this.phoneNumbers;

     * Returns a region name for the result (e.g., in the us, this is typically a
     * state abbreviation, in other regions it might be a province, etc.) Note:,
     * in some cases, this property may be set to "".
     * @return a region name for the result (e.g., in the us, this is typically a
     *         state abbreviation, in other regions it might be a province, etc.)
    public native String getRegion() /*-{
                                     return this.region;

     * Returns a url to a static map image representation of the current result.
     * The image is 150px by 100px tall with a single marker representing the
     * current location. Expected usage is to hyperlink this image using the url
     * property.
     * @return url to a static map image representation of the current result
    public native String getStaticMapUrl() /*-{
                                           return this.staticMapUrl;

     * Return the street address and number for the given result. Note:, in some
     * cases, this property may be set to "" if the result has no known street
     * address. address line.
     * @return the street address and number for the given result.
    public native String getStreetAddress() /*-{
                                            return this.streetAddress;

     * Returns the title for the result. In some cases, the title and the
     * streetAddress are the same. This typically occurs when the search term is a
     * street address such as <b>1231 Lisa Lane, Los Altos, CA</b>.
     * @return the title for the result.
    public native String getTitle() /*-{
                                    return this.title;

     * Returns the title, but unlike .title, this property is stripped of html
     * markup (e.g., &lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt;, etc.).
     * @return the title, but unlike .title, this property is stripped of html
     *         markup (e.g., &lt;b&gt;, &lt;i&gt;, etc.).
    public native String getTitleNoFormatting() /*-{
                                                return this.titleNoFormatting;

     * Returns a url to a Google Maps Details page associated with the search
     * result.
     * @return a url to a Google Maps Details page associated with the search
     *         result.
    public native String getUrl() /*-{
                                  return this.url;

    private native String getLatAsString() /*-{

    private native String getLngAsString() /*-{
                                           return this.lng;
