Java tutorial
package; import java.sql.Date; import java.util.ArrayList; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class NotificationServer { static ArrayList<PopupPanel> popupList = new ArrayList<>(); static PopupPanel cPopup = new PopupPanel(); static PopupPanel sPopup = new PopupPanel(); static PopupPanel aPopup = new PopupPanel(); static VerticalPanel cPanel = new VerticalPanel(); static VerticalPanel sPanel = new VerticalPanel(); static VerticalPanel aPanel = new VerticalPanel(); static ScrollPanel cScrollpanel = new ScrollPanel(); static ScrollPanel sScrollpanel = new ScrollPanel(); static ScrollPanel aScrollpanel = new ScrollPanel(); static FlexTable cTable = new FlexTable(); static FlexTable sTable = new FlexTable(); static FlexTable aTable = new FlexTable(); static boolean cFlag = false; static boolean sFlag = false; static boolean aFlag = false; static boolean cFirstRequest = true; static boolean sFirstRequest = true; static boolean aFirstRequest = true; static Date cLastSent; static Date sLastSent; static Date aLastSent; static Button cCloseButton = new Button("Close"); static Button sCloseButton = new Button("Close"); static Button aCloseButton = new Button("Close"); static Timer t = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { isThereNotification(); getUpdates(); } }; public static void start() { cFirstRequest = true; sFirstRequest = true; aFirstRequest = true; setHandlers(); resetNotificationTables(); getUpdates(); popupList.clear(); renderPopup("Controller Notifications", cPopup, cScrollpanel, cTable, cCloseButton); renderPopup("Sensor Notifications", sPopup, sScrollpanel, sTable, sCloseButton); renderPopup("Actuator Notifications", aPopup, aScrollpanel, aTable, aCloseButton); t.scheduleRepeating(15000); } public static void stop() { hideAllPopup(); t.cancel(); } private static void renderPopup(String title, PopupPanel popup, ScrollPanel scrollPanel, FlexTable table, Button closeButton) { scrollPanel.clear(); scrollPanel.setHeight("400px"); scrollPanel.add(table); VerticalPanel lol = new VerticalPanel(); lol.setHorizontalAlignment(HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); lol.setSpacing(10); lol.add(new HTML(title)); lol.add(scrollPanel); lol.add(closeButton); popup.clear(); popup.setVisible(true); popup.add(lol);;; popup.setVisible(false); popupList.add(popup); } private static void hideAllPopup() { for (PopupPanel popup : popupList) { popup.setVisible(false); } } private static void setHeaderC(FlexTable ft) { String[] header = { "Controller", "Timestamp", "Event Type", "Notification Info" }; for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { ft.setText(0, i, header[i]); } } private static void setHeaderS(FlexTable ft) { String[] header = { "Sensor", "Timestamp", "Notification Info", "Value" }; for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { ft.setText(0, i, header[i]); } } private static void setHeaderA(FlexTable ft) { String[] header = { "Actuator", "Timestamp", "Event Type", "Notification Info" }; for (int i = 0; i < header.length; i++) { ft.setText(0, i, header[i]); } } public static void isThereNotification() { if (!cPopup.isVisible()) { if (cFlag) { Menu.cNotificationAnchor.setVisible(true); } } if (!sPopup.isVisible()) { if (sFlag) { Menu.sNotificationAnchor.setVisible(true); } } if (!aPopup.isVisible()) { if (aFlag) { Menu.aNotificationAnchor.setVisible(true); } } } public static void resetNotificationTables() { cTable = new FlexTable(); sTable = new FlexTable(); aTable = new FlexTable(); setHeaderC(cTable); setHeaderS(sTable); setHeaderA(aTable); } private static void getUpdates() { getSubscribedController(Data.currentUser); getSubscribedSensor(Data.currentUser); getSubscribedActuator(Data.currentUser); } private static void setHandlers() { cCloseButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setHeaderC(cTable); cPopup.setVisible(false); }; }); sCloseButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setHeaderS(sTable); sPopup.setVisible(false); }; }); aCloseButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { setHeaderA(aTable); aPopup.setVisible(false); }; }); } private static void getSubscribedController(String user) { cFlag = false; Utility.newRequestObj().userGetSubscribedControllers(user, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get "+Data.currentUser+"'s controller subscription"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply != null) { Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Data.subscribedControllerList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.length; i++) { Data.subscribedControllerList.add(reply[i][1]); if (cFirstRequest) { if (start.after( new java.sql.Date(ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()))) start = new java.sql.Date( ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()); } } if (!cFirstRequest) { start = cLastSent; } cFirstRequest = false; getControllerEventBetweenTime(Data.subscribedControllerList, start, now); } } }); } private static void getSubscribedSensor(String user) { sFlag = false; Utility.newRequestObj().userGetSubscribedSensors(user, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get "+Data.currentUser+"'s sensor subscription"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply != null) { Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Data.subscribedSensorList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.length; i++) { Data.subscribedSensorList.add(reply[i][1]); if (sFirstRequest) { if (start.after( new java.sql.Date(ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()))) start = new java.sql.Date( ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()); } } if (!sFirstRequest) { start = sLastSent; } sFirstRequest = false; getSensorEventBetweenTime(Data.subscribedSensorList, start, now); } } }); } private static void getSubscribedActuator(String user) { aFlag = false; Utility.newRequestObj().userGetSubscribedActuators(user, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get "+Data.currentUser+"'s actuator subscription"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply != null) { Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); Data.subscribedActuatorList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < reply.length; i++) { Data.subscribedActuatorList.add(reply[i][1]); if (aFirstRequest) { if (start.after( new java.sql.Date(ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()))) start = new java.sql.Date( ChartUtilities.dateTimeFormat.parse(reply[i][2]).getTime()); } } if (!aFirstRequest) { start = aLastSent; } aFirstRequest = false; getActuatorEventBetweenTime(Data.subscribedActuatorList, start, now); } } }); } private static void getControllerEventBetweenTime(ArrayList<String> controllerList, Date start, Date end) { cLastSent = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1); Utility.newRequestObj().controllerEventGetBetweenTime(controllerList, start, end, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get controller events between time"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply.length != 0) { cFlag = true; cTable = ChartUtilities.appendFlexTable(cTable, reply); } if (cPopup.isVisible()) { for (int i = 0; i < Data.subscribedControllerList.size(); i++) { updateControllerLastReadTime(Data.currentUser, Data.subscribedControllerList.get(i)); } } } }); } private static void getSensorEventBetweenTime(ArrayList<String> sensorList, Date start, Date end) { sLastSent = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1); Utility.newRequestObj().sensorEventGetBetweenTime(sensorList, start, end, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get sensor events between time"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply.length != 0) { sFlag = true; sTable = ChartUtilities.appendFlexTable(sTable, reply); } if (sPopup.isVisible()) { for (int i = 0; i < Data.subscribedSensorList.size(); i++) { updateSensorLastReadTime(Data.currentUser, Data.subscribedSensorList.get(i)); } } } }); } private static void getActuatorEventBetweenTime(ArrayList<String> actuatorList, Date start, Date end) { aLastSent = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1); Utility.newRequestObj().actuatorEventGetBetweenTime(actuatorList, start, end, new AsyncCallback<String[][]>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to get actuator events between time"); } public void onSuccess(String[][] reply) { if (reply.length != 0) { aFlag = true; aTable = ChartUtilities.appendFlexTable(aTable, reply); } if (aPopup.isVisible()) { for (int i = 0; i < Data.subscribedActuatorList.size(); i++) { updateActuatorLastReadTime(Data.currentUser, Data.subscribedSensorList.get(i)); } } } }); } public static void updateControllerLastReadTime(final String user, final String controller) { Utility.newRequestObj().userUpdateControllerNotificationLastReadTime(user, controller, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to update controller last read time"); } public void onSuccess(String reply) { // Window.alert("updated controller last read time!"); } }); } public static void updateSensorLastReadTime(final String user, final String sensor) { Utility.newRequestObj().userUpdateControllerNotificationLastReadTime(user, sensor, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to update sensor last read time"); } public void onSuccess(String reply) { } }); } public static void updateActuatorLastReadTime(final String user, final String actuator) { Utility.newRequestObj().userUpdateControllerNotificationLastReadTime(user, actuator, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()), new AsyncCallback<String>() { public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Window.alert("Unable to update actuator last read time"); } public void onSuccess(String reply) { } }); } }