Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Options to pass to the {@link Polyline#setDrawingEnabled()} editing routines.
public class PolyEditingOptions extends JavaScriptObject {

     * Create a new {@link PolyEditingOptions} object. 
     * @return a new {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
    public static PolyEditingOptions newInstance() {
        return (PolyEditingOptions) createObject();

     * Create a {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
     * @param fromStart specifies whether {@link Polyline#setDrawingEnabled()}
     *          should add points from the start rather than from the end, which
     *          is the default.
     * @return a new {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
    public static native PolyEditingOptions newInstance(boolean fromStart) /*-{
                                                                           return {"fromStart":fromStart};

     * Create a {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
     * @param maxVertices specifies the maximum number of vertices permitted for
     *          this polyline. Once this number is reached, no more may be added
     * @return a new {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
    public static native PolyEditingOptions newInstance(int maxVertices) /*-{
                                                                         return {"maxVertices":maxVertices};

     * Create a {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
     * @param fromStart specifies whether {@link Polyline#setDrawingEnabled()}
     *          should add points from the start rather than from the end, which
     *          is the default.
     * @param maxVertices specifies the maximum number of vertices permitted for
     *          this polyline. Once this number is reached, no more may be added
     * @return a new {@link PolyEditingOptions} object.
    public static native PolyEditingOptions newInstance(int maxVertices, boolean fromStart) /*-{
                                                                                            return {"fromStart":fromStart, "maxVertices":maxVertices};

    protected PolyEditingOptions() {
        // Protected constructor required for JavaScript overlays.

     * This property specifies whether enableDrawing should add points from the
     * start rather than from the end, which is the default.
     * @param fromStart specifies whether {@link Polyline#setDrawingEnabled()}
     *          should add points from the start rather than from the end, which
     *          is the default.
    public final native void setFromStart(boolean fromStart) /*-{
                                                             this.fromStart = fromStart;

     * This property specifies the maximum number of vertices permitted for this
     * polyline. Once this number is reached, no more may be added.
     * @param maxVertices the maximum number of vertices permitted.
    public final native void setMaxVertices(int maxVertices) /*-{
                                                             this.maxVertices = maxVertices;