Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Represents a polyline entity encoded as a string used to create a polygon.
 * See {@link Polygon#fromEncoded(EncodedPolyline[])} and <a href=""
 * >Polyline Encoding documentation</a> for more details.
public class EncodedPolyline extends JavaScriptObject {

     * Create a new encoded polyline. See <a href=""
     * >Encoded Polylines Documentation</a> for more details.
    public static EncodedPolyline newInstance() {
        return (EncodedPolyline) JavaScriptObject.createObject();

     * Create a new encoded polyline. See <a href=""
     * >Encoded Polylines Documentation</a> for more details.
     * @param points a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude
     *          coordinates.
     * @param zoomFactor the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels in
     *          the encoded string passed in the levels argument.
     * @param levels a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level groups.
     * @param numLevels is the number of zoom levels contained in the string
     *          passed to {@link #setLevels(String)}.
     * @return a new encoded polyline object.
    public static final EncodedPolyline newInstance(String points, int zoomFactor, String levels, int numLevels) {
        EncodedPolyline enc = (EncodedPolyline) JavaScriptObject.createObject();
        return enc;

     * Create a new encoded polyline. See <a href=""
     * >Encoded Polylines Documentation</a> for more details.
     * @param points a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude
     *          coordinates.
     * @param zoomFactor the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels in
     *          the encoded string passed in the levels argument.
     * @param levels a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level groups.
     * @param numLevels a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level
     *          groups.
     * @param color a string that contains a hexadecimal numeric HTML style, i.e.
     *          #RRGGBB
     * @param weight the width of the line in pixels. opacity is a number between
     *          0 and 1.
     * @param opacity a number between 0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is totally opaque.
     * @return a new encoded polyline object.
    public static final EncodedPolyline newInstance(String points, int zoomFactor, String levels, int numLevels,
            String color, int weight, double opacity) {
        EncodedPolyline enc = newInstance(points, zoomFactor, levels, numLevels);
        return enc;

    protected EncodedPolyline() {
        // Should this be empty? It won't compile w/o it.

     * Sets the color of the {@link Polyline}.
     * @param colorIn a string that contains a hexadecimal numeric HTML style,
     *          i.e. #RRGGBB
    public final native void setColor(String colorIn) /*-{
                                                      this.color = colorIn;

     * Sets the zoom level groups for this polyline. See <a href=""
     * >Encoded Polylines Documentation</a> for more details.
     * @param levelsIn a string containing the encoded polyline zoom level groups.
    public final native void setLevels(String levelsIn) /*-{
                                                        this.levels = levelsIn;

     * Set the number of zoom levels in the string passed to
     * {@link #setLevels(String)}.
     * @param numLevelsIn is the number of zoom levels contained in the string
     *          passed to {@link #setLevels(String)}.
    public final native void setNumLevels(int numLevelsIn) /*-{
                                                           this.numLevels = numLevelsIn;

     * Sets the opacity of the polyline.
     * @param opacityIn a number between 0 and 1.0 where 1.0 is totally opaque.
    public final native void setOpacity(double opacityIn) /*-{
                                                          this.opacity = opacityIn;

     * Set the list of encoded latitude and longitude coordinates. See <a href=""
     * > Encoded Polylines Documentation</a> for more details.
     * @param pointsIn a string containing the encoded latitude and longitude
     *          coordinates.
    public final native void setPoints(String pointsIn) /*-{
                                                        this.points = pointsIn;

     * Sets the weight of the polyline.
     * @param weightIn the width of the line in pixels. opacity is a number
     *          between 0 and 1.
    public final native void setWeight(int weightIn) /*-{
                                                     this.weight = weightIn;

     * Sets the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels in the encoded
     * levels string.
     * @param zoomFactorIn the magnification between adjacent sets of zoom levels
     *          in the encoded string passed to {@link #setLevels(String)}.
    public final native void setZoomFactor(int zoomFactorIn) /*-{
                                                             this.zoomFactor = zoomFactorIn;