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 * Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * <p>
 * A {@link MutableTableModel} that wraps another {@link MutableTableModel} and
 * adds its own cache so subsequent requests for the same data will not require
 * another {@link MutableTableModel} request.
 * </p>
 * <h1>Cache</h1>
 * <p>
 * The CachedTableModel supports caching rows of data before they are needed,
 * allowing listeners to request data much more quickly. When another class
 * requests data, the CachedTableModel will feed data from its cache if
 * available, and then it will request unavailable data from your specific
 * implementation.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The pre cache and post cache refers to the number of rows to request in
 * addition to the actual request. Pre cache refers to rows before the request,
 * and post cache refers to rows after the request. For example, in applications
 * where you expect the user to move forward quickly, you would want a large
 * post cache.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * The size of your cache depends on the implementation and usage of your view
 * component. If you are using a view that supports paging, such as the
 * {@link PagingScrollTable}, you should set your cache to a multiple of the
 * page size so the user can go to the next and previous pages quickly.
 * </p>
 * <h1>Limitations</h1>
 * <p>
 * The cache is cleared every time the sort order changes. However, if you
 * disallow column sorting or expect that the user will not sort the columns
 * repeatedly, the cache will still improve paging performance.
 * </p>
 * @param <RowType> the data type of the row values
public class CachedTableModel<RowType> extends MutableTableModel<RowType> {
     * An intermediate callback that adds the response from the inner table model
     * into the cache, then responds to the original request.
    private class CacheCallback implements Callback<RowType> {
         * The actual callback from the original requester.
        private Callback<RowType> actualCallback;

         * The actual number of requested rows.
        private int actualNumRows;

         * The original request.
        private Request actualRequest;

         * The actual first requested row.
        private int actualStartRow;

         * Construct a new {@link CacheCallback}.
         * @param request the original request
         * @param callback The actual callback from the requestor
         * @param startRow The actual first requested row
         * @param numRows The actual number of requested rows
        public CacheCallback(Request request, Callback<RowType> callback, int startRow, int numRows) {
            actualRequest = request;
            actualCallback = callback;
            actualStartRow = startRow;
            actualNumRows = numRows;

        public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

        public void onRowsReady(Request request, Response<RowType> response) {
            // Save the response data into the cache
            if (response != null) {
                Iterator<RowType> rowValues = response.getRowValues();
                if (rowValues != null) {
                    int curRow = request.getStartRow();
                    while (rowValues.hasNext()) {
                        rowValuesMap.put(new Integer(curRow),;

            // Forward the data to the actual callback
                    new CacheResponse(actualStartRow, actualStartRow + actualNumRows - 1));

     * An {@link Iterator} that iterates over the cached rows of data.
    private class CacheIterator implements Iterator<RowType> {
         * The current row that will be returned on the next call to next.
        int curRow;

         * The last row to iterate, inclusively.
        int lastRow;

         * Construct a new iterator.
         * @param firstRow the first row of data
         * @param lastRow the last row of data
        public CacheIterator(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
            this.curRow = firstRow - 1;
            this.lastRow = lastRow;

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return curRow < lastRow && rowValuesMap.containsKey(new Integer(curRow + 1));

        public RowType next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException();

            return rowValuesMap.get(new Integer(curRow));

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Remove not supported.");

     * A Response that comes directly from the cache.
    private class CacheResponse extends Response<RowType> {
         * An iterator over the row values.
        private CacheIterator it;

        public CacheResponse(int firstRow, int lastRow) {
            it = new CacheIterator(firstRow, lastRow);

        public Iterator<RowType> getRowValues() {
            return it;

     * The sort list included with the last request.
    private ColumnSortList lastSortList = null;

     * The number of rows to request that come after the actual requested rows.
    private int postCacheRows = 0;

     * The number of rows to request that come before the actual requested rows.
    private int preCacheRows = 0;

     * A mapping of rows to the associated row values.
    private HashMap<Integer, RowType> rowValuesMap = new HashMap<Integer, RowType>();

     * The underlying, non-cached table model.
    private MutableTableModel<RowType> tableModel;

     * Construct a new {@link CachedTableModel}.
     * @param tableModel the underlying {@link MutableTableModel}
    public CachedTableModel(MutableTableModel<RowType> tableModel) {
        this.tableModel = tableModel;

     * Clear all data from the cache.
    public void clearCache() {

     * @return the number of rows to cache after the requested rows
    public int getPostCachedRowCount() {
        return postCacheRows;

     * @return the number of rows to cache before the requested rows
    public int getPreCachedRowCount() {
        return preCacheRows;

    public int getRowCount() {
        return tableModel.getRowCount();

    public void requestRows(Request request, Callback<RowType> callback) {
        // Clear the cache if the sort order has changed
        ColumnSortList sortList = request.getColumnSortList();
        if (sortList == null) {
            if (lastSortList != null) {
                lastSortList = null;
        } else if (!sortList.equals(lastSortList)) {
            lastSortList = sortList.copy();

        // Check if all requested rows are in the cache
        int startRow = request.getStartRow();
        int numRows = request.getNumRows();
        int lastRow = startRow + numRows - 1;
        int totalNumRows = getRowCount();
        if (totalNumRows != UNKNOWN_ROW_COUNT) {
            lastRow = Math.min(lastRow, totalNumRows - 1);
        boolean fullyCached = true;
        for (int row = startRow; row <= lastRow; row++) {
            if (!rowValuesMap.containsKey(new Integer(row))) {
                fullyCached = false;

        // Return the fully cached data
        if (fullyCached) {
            callback.onRowsReady(request, new CacheResponse(startRow, lastRow));

        // Calculate bounds including the pre and post cache
        int uncachedFirstRow = Math.max(0, startRow - preCacheRows);
        int uncachedLastRow = lastRow + postCacheRows;

        // Check the upper bounds against the total number of rows
        if (totalNumRows != UNKNOWN_ROW_COUNT) {
            lastRow = Math.min(totalNumRows - 1, lastRow);
            uncachedLastRow = Math.min(totalNumRows - 1, uncachedLastRow);

        // Skip past any data already retrieved starting at the first row
        for (int row = uncachedFirstRow; row <= lastRow; row++) {
            if (rowValuesMap.containsKey(new Integer(row))) {
            } else {
                // Need to request the remaining rows

        // Skip past any data already retrieved from the last row
        for (int row = uncachedLastRow; row >= startRow; row--) {
            if (rowValuesMap.containsKey(new Integer(row))) {
            } else {
                // Need to request the remaining rows

        // Request the remaining rows that aren't in the cache
        int uncachedNumRows = uncachedLastRow - uncachedFirstRow + 1;
        Request newRequest = new Request(uncachedFirstRow, uncachedNumRows, sortList);
        tableModel.requestRows(newRequest, new CacheCallback(request, callback, startRow, lastRow - startRow + 1));

     * Set the number of rows to cache after the visible data area.
     * @param postCacheRows the number of rows to post cache
    public void setPostCachedRowCount(int postCacheRows) {
        this.postCacheRows = postCacheRows;

     * Set the number of rows to cache before the visible data area.
     * @param preCacheRows the number of rows to pre cache
    public void setPreCachedRowCount(int preCacheRows) {
        this.preCacheRows = preCacheRows;

    public void setRowCount(int rowCount) {

    protected boolean onRowInserted(int beforeRow) {
        return tableModel.onRowInserted(beforeRow);

    protected boolean onRowRemoved(int row) {
        return tableModel.onRowRemoved(row);

    protected boolean onSetRowValue(int row, RowType rowValue) {
        rowValuesMap.put(new Integer(row), rowValue);
        return tableModel.onSetRowValue(row, rowValue);