Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for



import java.util.Map;


public interface DomElement extends DomNode {
     * Returns the index of the first occurrence of name in a space-separated
     * list of names, or -1 if not found.
     * @param nameList
     *            list of space delimited names
     * @param name
     *            a non-empty string. Should be already trimmed.
    static int indexOfName(String nameList, String name) {
        int idx = nameList.indexOf(name);
        // Calculate matching index.
        while (idx != -1) {
            if (idx == 0 || nameList.charAt(idx - 1) == ' ') {
                int last = idx + name.length();
                int lastPos = nameList.length();
                if ((last == lastPos) || ((last < lastPos) && (nameList.charAt(last) == ' '))) {
            idx = nameList.indexOf(name, idx + 1);
        return idx;

    static String trimClassName(String className) {
        assert (className != null) : "Unexpectedly null class name";
        className = className.trim();
        assert !className.isEmpty() : "Unexpectedly empty class name";
        return className;

    boolean addClassName(String className);

    void blur();

    void dispatchEvent(NativeEvent evt);

    Element elementFor();

    void ensureId();

    void focus();

    int getAbsoluteBottom();

    int getAbsoluteLeft();

    int getAbsoluteRight();

    int getAbsoluteTop();

    String getAttribute(String name);

    Map<String, String> getAttributes();

    String getClassName();

    int getClientHeight();

    int getClientWidth();

    String getDir();

    String getDraggable();

    NodeList<Element> getElementsByTagName(String name);

     * The first child of element this element. If there is no such element,
     * this returns null.
    Element getFirstChildElement();

    String getId();

     * All of the markup and content within a given element.
    String getInnerHTML();

     * The text between the start and end tags of the object.
    String getInnerText();

    String getLang();

     * The element immediately following this element. If there is no such
     * element, this returns null.
    Element getNextSiblingElement();

    int getOffsetHeight();

    int getOffsetLeft();

    Element getOffsetParent();

    int getOffsetTop();

    int getOffsetWidth();

    String getOuterHtml();

     * The element immediately preceding this element. If there is no such
     * element, this returns null.
    Element getPreviousSiblingElement();

    boolean getPropertyBoolean(String name);

    double getPropertyDouble(String name);

    int getPropertyInt(String name);

    JavaScriptObject getPropertyJSO(String name);

    Object getPropertyObject(String name);

    String getPropertyString(String name);

    int getScrollHeight();

     * The number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled from the left.
     * <p>
     * If the element is in RTL mode, this method will return a negative value
     * of the number of pixels scrolled from the right.
     * </p>
    int getScrollLeft();

    int getScrollTop();

    int getScrollWidth();

     * Gets a string representation of this element (as outer HTML).
     * We do not override ; because it is final in ;.
     * @return the string representation of this element
    String getString();

    Style getStyle();

     * The index that represents the element's position in the tabbing order.
     * @see <a href=
     *      "">
     *      W3C HTML Specification</a>
    int getTabIndex();

     * Gets the element's full tag name, including the namespace-prefix if
     * present.
     * @return the element's tag name
    String getTagName();

    String getTitle();

     * Determines whether an element has an attribute with a given name.
     * <p>
     * Note that IE, prior to version 8, will return false-positives for names
     * that collide with element properties (e.g., style, width, and so forth).
     * </p>
     * @param name
     *            the name of the attribute
     * @return <code>true</code> if this element has the specified attribute
    boolean hasAttribute(String name);

     * Checks if this element's class property contains specified class name.
     * @param className
     *            the class name to be added
     * @return <code>true</code> if this element has the specified class name
    boolean hasClassName(String className);

     * Determines whether this element has the given tag name.
     * @param tagName
     *            the tag name, including namespace-prefix (if present)
     * @return <code>true</code> if the element has the given tag name
    boolean hasTagName(String tagName);

    void removeAttribute(String name);

     * Removes a name from this element's class property. If the name is not
     * present, this method has no effect.
     * @param className
     *            the class name to be removed
     * @return <code>true</code> if this element had the specified class name
     * @see #setClassName(String)
    boolean removeClassName(String className);

     * Replace one class name with another.
     * @param oldClassName
     *            the class name to be replaced
     * @param newClassName
     *            the class name to replace it
    void replaceClassName(String oldClassName, String newClassName);

     * Scrolls this element into view.
     * <p>
     * This method crawls up the DOM hierarchy, adjusting the scrollLeft and
     * scrollTop properties of each scrollable element to ensure that the
     * specified element is completely in view. It adjusts each scroll position
     * by the minimum amount necessary.
     * </p>
    void scrollIntoView();

    void setAttribute(String name, String value);

    void setClassName(String className);

    void setDir(String dir);

     * Changes the draggable attribute to one of ;, ;, or ;.
     * @param draggable
     *            a String constants
    void setDraggable(String draggable);

    void setId(String id);

    void setInnerHTML(String html);

     * All of the markup and content within a given element.
    void setInnerSafeHtml(SafeHtml html);

     * The text between the start and end tags of the object.
    void setInnerText(String text);

    void setLang(String lang);

    void setPropertyBoolean(String name, boolean value);

    void setPropertyDouble(String name, double value);

    void setPropertyInt(String name, int value);

    void setPropertyJSO(String name, JavaScriptObject value);

    void setPropertyObject(String name, Object value);

    void setPropertyString(String name, String value);

     * The number of pixels that an element's content is scrolled to the left.
    void setScrollLeft(int scrollLeft);

    void setScrollTop(int scrollTop);

    void setTabIndex(int tabIndex);

    void setTitle(String title);

    void sinkEvents(int eventBits);

     * Add the class name if it doesn't exist or removes it if does.
     * @param className
     *            the class name to be toggled
    void toggleClassName(String className);