Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; /** * A PermutationWorkerFactory designed to launch instances of * {@link CompilePermsServer}. The system property * {@value #JAVA_COMMAND_PROPERTY} can be used to change the command used to * launch the JVM. The system property {@link #JVM_ARGS_PROPERTY} can be used to * override the JVM args passed to the subprocess. * <p/> * This is a fork of ExternalPermutationWorkerFactory in gwt-dev.jar but adds * support for externalizing the classpath to a file and launching the worker * via */ public class WindowsExternalPermutationWorkerFactory extends PermutationWorkerFactory { /** * The name of the system property used to define the classpath file. */ public static final String CLASS_PATH_FILE_PROPERTY = "gwt.jjs.classPathFile"; /** * Allows accept() to be called a finite number of times on a ServerSocket * before closing the socket. */ private static class CountedServerSocket { private int accepts; private ServerSocket sock; public CountedServerSocket(ServerSocket sock, int maxAccepts) { assert sock != null; assert maxAccepts >= 1; this.accepts = maxAccepts; this.sock = sock; } public synchronized Socket accept() throws IOException { assert accepts >= 0; if (accepts == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many calls to accept()"); } try { return sock.accept(); } finally { if (--accepts == 0) { sock.close(); sock = null; } } } } private static class ExternalPermutationWorker implements PermutationWorker { private final File astFile; private final Set<String> cookies; private ObjectInputStream in; private ObjectOutputStream out; private final CountedServerSocket serverSocket; private Socket workerSocket; public ExternalPermutationWorker(CountedServerSocket sock, File astFile, Set<String> cookies) { this.astFile = astFile; this.cookies = cookies; this.serverSocket = sock; } @Override public void compile(TreeLogger logger, CompilerContext compilerContext, Permutation permutation, PersistenceBackedObject<PermutationResult> resultFile) throws TransientWorkerException, UnableToCompleteException { // If we've just started, we need to get a connection from a subprocess if (workerSocket == null) { try { /* * We've set SO_TIMEOUT, so this may fail if the remote process never * connects back. */ workerSocket = serverSocket.accept(); in = new ObjectInputStream(workerSocket.getInputStream()); out = new ObjectOutputStream(workerSocket.getOutputStream()); // Verify we're talking to the right worker String c = in.readUTF(); if (!cookies.contains(c)) { throw new TransientWorkerException("Received unknown cookie " + c, null); } out.writeObject(astFile); // Get the remote worker's estimate of memory use long memoryUse = in.readLong(); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.SPAM)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Remote process indicates " + memoryUse + " bytes of memory used"); } } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { throw new TransientWorkerException("Remote process did not connect within timeout period", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new TransientWorkerException("Unable to communicate with worker", e); } } try { out.writeBoolean(true); out.writeObject(resultFile); out.writeObject(permutation); out.flush(); Throwable t = (Throwable) in.readObject(); if (t != null) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Error from external worker", t); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.WARN, "Lost communication with remote process", e); throw new TransientWorkerException("Lost communication with remote process", e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to receive response", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } public String getName() { return "External worker " + (workerSocket != null ? workerSocket.getRemoteSocketAddress() : "unconnected"); } public void shutdown() { if (out != null) { try { out.writeBoolean(false); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Not much to do here } } if (in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Not much to do here } } if (workerSocket != null) { try { workerSocket.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // Nothing to do } } } } /** * A system property that can be used to override the command used to invoke a * JVM instance. */ public static final String JAVA_COMMAND_PROPERTY = "gwt.jjs.javaCommand"; /** * A system property that can be used to override the JVM args passed to the * subprocess. */ public static final String JVM_ARGS_PROPERTY = "gwt.jjs.javaArgs"; /** * Random number generator used for keys to worker threads. */ private static Random random = new Random(); /** * Launches an external worker and returns the cookie that worker should * return via the network connection. */ private static String launchExternalWorker(TreeLogger logger, int port) throws UnableToCompleteException { String javaCommand = System.getProperty(JAVA_COMMAND_PROPERTY, System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java"); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.TRACE)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.TRACE, "javaCommand = " + javaCommand); } // Construct the arguments List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(javaCommand); // This will include -Xmx, -D, etc... String userJvmArgs = System.getProperty(JVM_ARGS_PROPERTY); if (userJvmArgs == null) { args.addAll(ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments()); } else { args.addAll(Arrays.asList(userJvmArgs.split(" "))); } // Determine the logLevel for the external program TreeLogger.Type logLevel = TreeLogger.ERROR; for (TreeLogger.Type t : TreeLogger.Type.values()) { if (logger.isLoggable(t)) { logLevel = t; } else { break; } } byte[] cookieBytes = new byte[16]; random.nextBytes(cookieBytes); String cookie = StringUtils.toHexString(cookieBytes); //Check the required parameters have been supplied final String classPathFile = System.getProperty(CLASS_PATH_FILE_PROPERTY); if (classPathFile == null) { if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.ERROR)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Class Path file for not provided. Please set it using System Property '" + CLASS_PATH_FILE_PROPERTY + "'."); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } // Cook up the classpath, main class, and extra args args.addAll(Arrays.asList("-classpath", ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getClassPath(), WindowsCommandLineLauncher.class.getName(), classPathFile, CompilePermsServer.class.getName(), "-host", "localhost", "-port", String.valueOf(port), "-logLevel", logLevel.toString(), "-cookie", cookie)); // Filter undesirable arguments for (Iterator<String> iter = args.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { String arg =; if (arg.startsWith("-agentlib")) { iter.remove(); } } ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.command(args); try { final Process proc = builder.start(); final BufferedReader bin = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())); final BufferedReader berr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream())); final TreeLogger procLogger = logger.branch(TreeLogger.DEBUG, "Process output"); // Threads to copy stdout, stderr to the logger new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { try { String line = bin.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } procLogger.log(TreeLogger.INFO, line); } catch (EOFException e) { // Ignore } catch (IOException e) { procLogger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to read from subprocess", e); } } } }).start(); new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { while (true) { try { String line = berr.readLine(); if (line == null) { break; } procLogger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, line); } catch (EOFException e) { // Ignore } catch (IOException e) { procLogger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to read from subprocess", e); } } } }).start(); // The child process should not outlive this JVM Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { proc.exitValue(); } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) { proc.destroy(); } } })); return cookie; } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to start external process", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } private ServerSocket sock; @Override public Collection<PermutationWorker> getWorkers(TreeLogger logger, UnifiedAst unifiedAst, int numWorkers) throws UnableToCompleteException { File astFile; try { astFile = File.createTempFile("externalPermutationWorkerFactory", ".ser"); astFile.deleteOnExit(); Util.writeObjectAsFile(logger, astFile, unifiedAst); } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to create temporary file", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } Set<String> cookies = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>(numWorkers)); CountedServerSocket countedSock = new CountedServerSocket(sock, numWorkers); List<PermutationWorker> toReturn = new ArrayList<PermutationWorker>(numWorkers); // TODO(spoon): clean up already-launched processes if we get an exception? for (int i = 0; i < numWorkers; i++) { String cookie = launchExternalWorker(logger, sock.getLocalPort()); cookies.add(cookie); toReturn.add(new ExternalPermutationWorker(countedSock, astFile, cookies)); } return toReturn; } @Override public void init(TreeLogger logger) throws UnableToCompleteException { try { sock = new ServerSocket(); /* * Have accept() wait no more than one minute for a connection. This * prevents dead-head behavior. */ sock.setSoTimeout(60000); sock.bind(null); if (logger.isLoggable(TreeLogger.SPAM)) { logger.log(TreeLogger.SPAM, "Listening for external workers on port " + sock.getLocalPort()); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "Unable to create socket", e); throw new UnableToCompleteException(); } } @Override public boolean isLocal() { return true; } }