Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright 2009 Google Inc.  All Rights Reserved


 * GWT wrapper for the WebGL WebGLUnsignedByteArray (WARNING:
 * this is not a stable API). 
 * @author (Stefan Haustein)

public class WebGLByteArray extends WebGLArray<WebGLByteArray> {

    protected WebGLByteArray() {

     * Create a new canvas array object of the given length with a new underlying 
     * WebGLArrayBuffer large enough to hold length elements of the type of this buffer. 
     * Data in the buffer is initialized to 0. 
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(int size) /*-{
                                                               return new WebGLByteArray(size);

     * Create a new canvas array object with a new underlying WebGLArrayBuffer large enough 
     * to hold the given data, then copy the passed data into the buffer. 
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(JsArrayNumber data) /*-{
                                                                         return new WebGLByteArray(data);

     * Create a new canvas array object with a new underlying WebGLArrayBuffer large enough 
     * to hold the given data, then copy the passed data into the buffer. 
    public static final WebGLByteArray create(byte[] data) {
        // TODO(haustein) Uncomment when set works in FF    
        //    WebGLByteArray result = create(data.length);
        //    result.set(data);
        //    return result;
        return create(toJsArray(data));

     * Create a new canvas array object with a new underlying WebGLArrayBuffer large enough 
     * to hold the given data, then copy the passed data into the buffer. 
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(WebGLByteArray array) /*-{
                                                                           return new WebGLByteArray(array);

     * Create a new canvas array object using the passed WebGLArrayBuffer for its storage. 
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(WebGLArrayBuffer buffer) /*-{
                                                                              return new WebGLByteArray(buffer);

     * Create a new canvas array object using the passed WebGLArrayBuffer for its storage,
     * starting at the given byte offset and extending to the end of the underlying buffer.
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(WebGLArrayBuffer buffer, int byteOffset) /*-{
                                                                                              return new WebGLByteArray(buffer, byteOffset);

     * Create a new canvas array object using the passed WebGLArrayBuffer for its storage. 
     * @param byteOffset indicates the offset in bytes from the start of the WebGLArrayBuffer.
     * @param length the count of elements from the offset that this WebGLByteArray will 
     *                reference. 
     * @return the new canvas array.
    public static final native WebGLByteArray create(WebGLArrayBuffer buffer, int byteOffset, int length) /*-{
                                                                                                          return new WebGLByteArray(buffer, byteOffset, length);

     * Return the element at the given index. If the index is out of range, an exception is raised. 
    public native final byte get(int index) /*-{
                                            return this[index];

     * Sets the element at the given index to the given value. If the index is out of range, 
     * an exception is raised. 
    public native final void set(int index, byte value) /*-{
                                                        this[index] = value;

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
    public native final void set(JsArrayNumber array) /*-{

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
     * @param array the array to read the values from
     * @param offset indicates the index in the current array where values are written. 
    public native final void set(JsArrayNumber array, int offset) /*-{
                                                                  this.set(array, offset);

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
    public native final void set(WebGLByteArray array) /*-{

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
     * @param array the array to read the values from
     * @param offset indicates the index in the current array where values are written. 
    public native final void set(WebGLByteArray array, int offset) /*-{
                                                                   this.set(array, offset);

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
    public final void set(byte[] array) {
        set(array, 0);

     * Set multiple values, reading input values from the array.
     * @param array the array to read the values from
     * @param offset indicates the index in the current array where values are written. 
    public final void set(byte[] array, int offset) {
        int len = array.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            set(i + offset, array[i]);