Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


 * Class representing state of an authenticated user session.
public class User {
     * Checks whether a cookie containing a token for the specified scope exists.
     * Also, sets the current scope to the specified scope, so that subsequent
     * calls to logout() and getInfo() use the new current scope. The returned
     * token is not guaranteed to be valid, so the application must be able to
     * handle an authorization exception when the token is used.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param scope URL identifying the service to be accessed.
     * @return A token, if one exists. If no token exists for the specified
     * scope, this method returns an empty string.
    public static final native String checkLogin(String scope) /*-{
                                                               return $;

     * Returns an array of the scopes the user is currently logged into.
     * @return The scopes the user is currently logged into.
    public static final native String[] getScopes() /*-{

     * Returns the current status of the AuthSubJS process.
     * If a scope is passed in, the method will return the status for that scope
     * only.
     * @param scope Scope argument. If specified the method will return the
     * status for that scope only.
     * @return The status of the AuthSubJS process.
    public static final native AuthSubStatus getStatus(String scope) /*-{

     * Returns the current status of the AuthSubJS process.
     * @return The status of the AuthSubJS process.
    public static final native AuthSubStatus getStatus() /*-{

     * Retrieves a valid authentication token.
     * This method first checks whether or not a cookie for the specified scope
     * is already stored in the browser.
     * If one is found, the token value is returned. If no cookie is found, a
     * request is sent to the authentication service, which shows the user a
     * Google Accounts Request Access page.
     * If the user successfully logs in and grants access, then cookies
     * containing the scope and token are stored in the client browser, and
     * checkToken can retrieve the value of the token.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param scope URL identifying the service to be accessed.
     * @param settings AuthSub parameters.
     * @return Returns a token, keyed to a specific combination of user, client
     * application domain, and Google service scope, or null if the scope is
     * empty, or the token is invalid. In addition, if no valid token exists in
     * the client browser, then the user is redirected to a Google page and
     * invited to log into their Google account and authorize access by the web
     * application.
    public static final native String login(String scope, AuthSubSettings settings) /*-{
                                                                                    return $, settings);

     * Retrieves a valid authentication token.
     * This method first checks whether or not a cookie for the specified scope
     * is already stored in the browser.
     * If one is found, the token value is returned. If no cookie is found, a
     * request is sent to the authentication service, which shows the user a
     * Google Accounts Request Access page.
     * If the user successfully logs in and grants access, then cookies
     * containing the scope and token are stored in the client browser, and
     * checkToken can retrieve the value of the token.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param scope URL identifying the service to be accessed.
     * @return Returns a token, keyed to a specific combination of user, client
     * application domain, and Google service scope, or null if the scope is
     * empty, or the token is invalid.
     * In addition, if no valid token exists in the client browser, then the user
     * is redirected to a Google page and invited to log into their Google
     * account and authorize access by the web application.
    public static final native String login(String scope) /*-{
                                                          return $;

     * Revokes all authentication tokens for all scopes (unless a particular
     * scope is specified as an argument or to {@link checkLogin) and deletes all
     * authentication cookies stored by the browser.
     * The Google service refuses subsequent requests for access until your
     * client acquires a new token.
     * If your client application uses multiple scopes, and you wish to log the
     * user out of a single scope, you can pass that scope as a parameter to this
     * method.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param callback A callback method to invoke after the user is logged out.
     * @param scope A scope argument; if specified, the user will be logged out
     * of only that particular scope.
     * @return Returns false if user already logged out.
    public static final native boolean logout(Runnable callback, String scope) /*-{
                                                                               return $ {;)(callback); }, scope);

     * Revokes all authentication tokens for all scopes (unless a particular
     * scope is specified as an argument or to {@link checkLogin) and deletes all
     * authentication cookies stored by the browser.
     * The Google service refuses subsequent requests for access until your
     * client acquires a new token.
     * If your client application uses multiple scopes, and you wish to log the
     * user out of a single scope, you can pass that scope as a parameter to this
     * method.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param callback A callback method to invoke after the user is logged out.
     * @return Returns false if user already logged out.
    public static final native boolean logout(Runnable callback) /*-{
                                                                 return $ {;)(callback); });

     * Revokes all authentication tokens for all scopes (unless a particular
     * scope is specified as an argument or to {@link checkLogin) and deletes all
     * authentication cookies stored by the browser.
     * The Google service refuses subsequent requests for access until your
     * client acquires a new token.
     * If your client application uses multiple scopes, and you wish to log the
     * user out of a single scope, you can pass that scope as a parameter to this
     * method.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @param scope A scope argument; if specified, the user will be logged out
     * of only that particular scope.
     * @return Returns false if user already logged out.
    public static final native boolean logout(String scope) /*-{
                                                            return $, scope);

     * Revokes all authentication tokens for all scopes (unless a particular
     * scope is specified as an argument or to {@link checkLogin) and deletes all
     * authentication cookies stored by the browser.
     * The Google service refuses subsequent requests for access until your
     * client acquires a new token.
     * If your client application uses multiple scopes, and you wish to log the
     * user out of a single scope, you can pass that scope as a parameter to this
     * method.
     * Visit the following documentation to learn more about authenticating with
     * AuthSubJS:
     * @return Returns false if user already logged out.
    public static final native boolean logout() /*-{
                                                return $;