Source code

Java tutorial


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 * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
 * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
 * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;

 * An {@code OpsBuilder} creates a list of {@link Op}s, which is turned into a {@link Doc} by {@link
 * DocBuilder}.
public final class OpsBuilder {

    /** @return the actual size of the AST node at position, including comments. */
    public int actualSize(int position, int length) {
        Token startToken = input.getPositionTokenMap().get(position);
        int start = startToken.getTok().getPosition();
        for (Tok tok : startToken.getToksBefore()) {
            if (tok.isComment()) {
                start = Math.min(start, tok.getPosition());
        Token endToken = input.getPositionTokenMap().get(position + length - 1);
        int end = endToken.getTok().getPosition() + endToken.getTok().length();
        for (Tok tok : endToken.getToksAfter()) {
            if (tok.isComment()) {
                end = Math.max(end, tok.getPosition() + tok.length());
        return end - start;

    /** @return the start column of the token at {@code position}, including leading comments. */
    public Integer actualStartColumn(int position) {
        Token startToken = input.getPositionTokenMap().get(position);
        int start = startToken.getTok().getPosition();
        int line0 = input.getLineNumber(start);
        for (Tok tok : startToken.getToksBefore()) {
            if (line0 != input.getLineNumber(tok.getPosition())) {
                return start;
            if (tok.isComment()) {
                start = Math.min(start, tok.getPosition());
        return start;

    /** A request to add or remove a blank line in the output. */
    public abstract static class BlankLineWanted {

        /** Always emit a blank line. */
        public static final BlankLineWanted YES = new SimpleBlankLine(Optional.of(true));

        /** Never emit a blank line. */
        public static final BlankLineWanted NO = new SimpleBlankLine(Optional.of(false));

         * Explicitly preserve blank lines from the input (e.g. before the first member in a class
         * declaration). Overrides conditional blank lines.
        public static final BlankLineWanted PRESERVE = new SimpleBlankLine(/* wanted= */ Optional.empty());

        /** Is the blank line wanted? */
        public abstract Optional<Boolean> wanted();

        /** Merge this blank line request with another. */
        public abstract BlankLineWanted merge(BlankLineWanted wanted);

        /** Emit a blank line if the given break is taken. */
        public static BlankLineWanted conditional(BreakTag breakTag) {
            return new ConditionalBlankLine(ImmutableList.of(breakTag));

        private static final class SimpleBlankLine extends BlankLineWanted {
            private final Optional<Boolean> wanted;

            SimpleBlankLine(Optional<Boolean> wanted) {
                this.wanted = wanted;

            public Optional<Boolean> wanted() {
                return wanted;

            public BlankLineWanted merge(BlankLineWanted other) {
                return this;

        private static final class ConditionalBlankLine extends BlankLineWanted {

            private final ImmutableList<BreakTag> tags;

            ConditionalBlankLine(Iterable<BreakTag> tags) {
                this.tags = ImmutableList.copyOf(tags);

            public Optional<Boolean> wanted() {
                for (BreakTag tag : tags) {
                    if (tag.wasBreakTaken()) {
                        return Optional.of(true);
                return Optional.empty();

            public BlankLineWanted merge(BlankLineWanted other) {
                if (!(other instanceof ConditionalBlankLine)) {
                    return other;
                return new ConditionalBlankLine(Iterables.concat(this.tags, ((ConditionalBlankLine) other).tags));

    private final Input input;
    private final List<Op> ops = new ArrayList<>();
    private final Output output;
    private static final Indent.Const ZERO = Indent.Const.ZERO;

    private int tokenI = 0;
    private int inputPosition = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    /** The number of unclosed open ops in the input stream. */
    int depth = 0;

    /** Add an {@link Op}, and record open/close ops for later validation of unclosed levels. */
    private void add(Op op) {
        if (op instanceof OpenOp) {
        } else if (op instanceof CloseOp) {
            if (depth < 0) {
                throw new AssertionError();

    /** Add a list of {@link Op}s. */
    public final void addAll(List<Op> ops) {
        for (Op op : ops) {

     * The {@code OpsBuilder} constructor.
     * @param input the {@link Input}, used for retrieve information from the AST
     * @param output the {@link Output}, used here only to record blank-line information
    public OpsBuilder(Input input, Output output) {
        this.input = input;
        this.output = output;

    /** Get the {@code OpsBuilder}'s {@link Input}. */
    public final Input getInput() {
        return input;

    /** Returns the number of unclosed open ops in the input stream. */
    public int depth() {
        return depth;

     * Checks that all open ops in the op stream have matching close ops.
     * @throws FormattingError if any ops were unclosed
    public void checkClosed(int previous) {
        if (depth != previous) {
            throw new FormattingError(diagnostic(String.format("saw %d unclosed ops", depth)));

    /** Create a {@link FormatterDiagnostic} at the current position. */
    public FormatterDiagnostic diagnostic(String message) {
        return input.createDiagnostic(inputPosition, message);

     * Sync to position in the input. If we've skipped outputting any tokens that were present in the
     * input tokens, output them here and optionally complain.
     * @param inputPosition the {@code 0}-based input position
    public final void sync(int inputPosition) {
        if (inputPosition > this.inputPosition) {
            ImmutableList<? extends Input.Token> tokens = input.getTokens();
            int tokensN = tokens.size();
            this.inputPosition = inputPosition;
            if (tokenI < tokensN && inputPosition > tokens.get(tokenI).getTok().getPosition()) {
                // Found a missing input token. Insert it and mark it missing (usually not good).
                Input.Token token = tokens.get(tokenI++);
                throw new FormattingError(
                        diagnostic(String.format("did not generate token \"%s\"", token.getTok().getText())));

    /** Output any remaining tokens from the input stream (e.g. terminal whitespace). */
    public final void drain() {
        int inputPosition = input.getText().length() + 1;
        if (inputPosition > this.inputPosition) {
            ImmutableList<? extends Input.Token> tokens = input.getTokens();
            int tokensN = tokens.size();
            while (tokenI < tokensN && inputPosition > tokens.get(tokenI).getTok().getPosition()) {
                Input.Token token = tokens.get(tokenI++);
                add(Doc.Token.make(token, Doc.Token.RealOrImaginary.IMAGINARY, ZERO,
                        /* breakAndIndentTrailingComment= */ Optional.empty()));
        this.inputPosition = inputPosition;

     * Open a new level by emitting an {@link OpenOp}.
     * @param plusIndent the extra indent for the new level
    public final void open(Indent plusIndent) {

    /** Close the current level, by emitting a {@link CloseOp}. */
    public final void close() {

    /** Return the text of the next {@link Input.Token}, or absent if there is none. */
    public final Optional<String> peekToken() {
        return peekToken(0);

    /** Return the text of an upcoming {@link Input.Token}, or absent if there is none. */
    public final Optional<String> peekToken(int skip) {
        ImmutableList<? extends Input.Token> tokens = input.getTokens();
        int idx = tokenI + skip;
        return idx < tokens.size() ? Optional.of(tokens.get(idx).getTok().getOriginalText()) : Optional.empty();

     * Emit an optional token iff it exists on the input. This is used to emit tokens whose existence
     * has been lost in the AST.
     * @param token the optional token
    public final void guessToken(String token) {
        token(token, Doc.Token.RealOrImaginary.IMAGINARY, ZERO,
                /* breakAndIndentTrailingComment=  */ Optional.empty());

    public final void token(String token, Doc.Token.RealOrImaginary realOrImaginary,
            Indent plusIndentCommentsBefore, Optional<Indent> breakAndIndentTrailingComment) {
        ImmutableList<? extends Input.Token> tokens = input.getTokens();
        if (token.equals(peekToken().orElse(null))) { // Found the input token. Output it.
            add(Doc.Token.make(tokens.get(tokenI++), Doc.Token.RealOrImaginary.REAL, plusIndentCommentsBefore,
        } else {
             * Generated a "bad" token, which doesn't exist on the input. Drop it, and complain unless
             * (for example) we're guessing at an optional token.
            if (realOrImaginary.isReal()) {
                throw new FormattingError(diagnostic(String.format("expected token: '%s'; generated %s instead",
                        peekToken().orElse(null), token)));

     * Emit a single- or multi-character op by breaking it into single-character {@link Doc.Token}s.
     * @param op the operator to emit
    public final void op(String op) {
        int opN = op.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < opN; i++) {
            token(op.substring(i, i + 1), Doc.Token.RealOrImaginary.REAL, ZERO,
                    /* breakAndIndentTrailingComment=  */ Optional.empty());

    /** Emit a {@link Doc.Space}. */
    public final void space() {

    /** Emit a {@link Doc.Break}. */
    public final void breakOp() {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.UNIFIED, "", ZERO);

     * Emit a {@link Doc.Break}.
     * @param plusIndent extra indent if taken
    public final void breakOp(Indent plusIndent) {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.UNIFIED, "", plusIndent);

    /** Emit a filled {@link Doc.Break}. */
    public final void breakToFill() {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.INDEPENDENT, "", ZERO);

    /** Emit a forced {@link Doc.Break}. */
    public final void forcedBreak() {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.FORCED, "", ZERO);

     * Emit a forced {@link Doc.Break}.
     * @param plusIndent extra indent if taken
    public final void forcedBreak(Indent plusIndent) {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.FORCED, "", plusIndent);

     * Emit a {@link Doc.Break}, with a specified {@code flat} value (e.g., {@code " "}).
     * @param flat the {@link Doc.Break} when not broken
    public final void breakOp(String flat) {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.UNIFIED, flat, ZERO);

     * Emit a {@link Doc.Break}, with a specified {@code flat} value (e.g., {@code " "}).
     * @param flat the {@link Doc.Break} when not broken
    public final void breakToFill(String flat) {
        breakOp(Doc.FillMode.INDEPENDENT, flat, ZERO);

     * Emit a generic {@link Doc.Break}.
     * @param fillMode the {@link Doc.FillMode}
     * @param flat the {@link Doc.Break} when not broken
     * @param plusIndent extra indent if taken
    public final void breakOp(Doc.FillMode fillMode, String flat, Indent plusIndent) {
        breakOp(fillMode, flat, plusIndent, /* optionalTag=  */ Optional.empty());

     * Emit a generic {@link Doc.Break}.
     * @param fillMode the {@link Doc.FillMode}
     * @param flat the {@link Doc.Break} when not broken
     * @param plusIndent extra indent if taken
     * @param optionalTag an optional tag for remembering whether the break was taken
    public final void breakOp(Doc.FillMode fillMode, String flat, Indent plusIndent,
            Optional<BreakTag> optionalTag) {
        add(Doc.Break.make(fillMode, flat, plusIndent, optionalTag));

    private int lastPartialFormatBoundary = -1;

     * Make the boundary of a region that can be partially formatted. The boundary will be included in
     * the following region, e.g.: [[boundary0, boundary1), [boundary1, boundary2), ...].
    public void markForPartialFormat() {
        if (lastPartialFormatBoundary == -1) {
            lastPartialFormatBoundary = tokenI;
        if (tokenI == lastPartialFormatBoundary) {
        Token start = input.getTokens().get(lastPartialFormatBoundary);
        Token end = input.getTokens().get(tokenI - 1);
        output.markForPartialFormat(start, end);
        lastPartialFormatBoundary = tokenI;

     * Force or suppress a blank line here in the output.
     * @param wanted whether to force ({@code true}) or suppress {@code false}) the blank line
    public final void blankLineWanted(BlankLineWanted wanted) {
        output.blankLine(getI(input.getTokens().get(tokenI)), wanted);

    private static int getI(Input.Token token) {
        for (Input.Tok tok : token.getToksBefore()) {
            if (tok.getIndex() >= 0) {
                return tok.getIndex();
        return token.getTok().getIndex();

    private static final Doc.Space SPACE = Doc.Space.make();

     * Build a list of {@link Op}s from the {@code OpsBuilder}.
     * @return the list of {@link Op}s
    public final ImmutableList<Op> build() {
        // Rewrite the ops to insert comments.
        Multimap<Integer, Op> tokOps = ArrayListMultimap.create();
        int opsN = ops.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < opsN; i++) {
            Op op = ops.get(i);
            if (op instanceof Doc.Token) {
                 * Token ops can have associated non-tokens, including comments, which we need to insert.
                 * They can also cause line breaks, so we insert them before or after the current level,
                 * when possible.
                Doc.Token tokenOp = (Doc.Token) op;
                Input.Token token = tokenOp.getToken();
                int j = i; // Where to insert toksBefore before.
                while (0 < j && ops.get(j - 1) instanceof OpenOp) {
                int k = i; // Where to insert toksAfter after.
                while (k + 1 < opsN && ops.get(k + 1) instanceof CloseOp) {
                if (tokenOp.realOrImaginary().isReal()) {
                     * Regular input token. Copy out toksBefore before token, and toksAfter after it. Insert
                     * this token's toksBefore at position j.
                    int newlines = 0; // Count of newlines in a row.
                    boolean space = false; // Do we need an extra space after a previous "/*" comment?
                    boolean lastWasComment = false; // Was the last thing we output a comment?
                    boolean allowBlankAfterLastComment = false;
                    for (Input.Tok tokBefore : token.getToksBefore()) {
                        if (tokBefore.isNewline()) {
                        } else if (tokBefore.isComment()) {
                                            tokBefore.isSlashSlashComment() ? Doc.FillMode.FORCED
                                                    : Doc.FillMode.UNIFIED,
                                            "", tokenOp.getPlusIndentCommentsBefore()));
                            tokOps.putAll(j, makeComment(tokBefore));
                            space = tokBefore.isSlashStarComment();
                            newlines = 0;
                            lastWasComment = true;
                            if (tokBefore.isJavadocComment()) {
                                tokOps.put(j, Doc.Break.makeForced());
                            allowBlankAfterLastComment = tokBefore.isSlashSlashComment()
                                    || (tokBefore.isSlashStarComment() && !tokBefore.isJavadocComment());
                    if (allowBlankAfterLastComment && newlines > 1) {
                        // Force a line break after two newlines in a row following a line or block comment
                        output.blankLine(token.getTok().getIndex(), BlankLineWanted.YES);
                    if (lastWasComment && newlines > 0) {
                        tokOps.put(j, Doc.Break.makeForced());
                    } else if (space) {
                        tokOps.put(j, SPACE);
                    // Now we've seen the Token; output the toksAfter.
                    for (Input.Tok tokAfter : token.getToksAfter()) {
                        if (tokAfter.isComment()) {
                            boolean breakAfter = tokAfter.isJavadocComment() || (tokAfter.isSlashStarComment()
                                    && tokenOp.breakAndIndentTrailingComment().isPresent());
                            if (breakAfter) {
                                tokOps.put(k + 1, Doc.Break.make(Doc.FillMode.FORCED, "",
                            } else {
                                tokOps.put(k + 1, SPACE);
                            tokOps.putAll(k + 1, makeComment(tokAfter));
                            if (breakAfter) {
                                tokOps.put(k + 1, Doc.Break.make(Doc.FillMode.FORCED, "", ZERO));
                } else {
                     * This input token was mistakenly not generated for output. As no whitespace or comments
                     * were generated (presumably), copy all input non-tokens literally, even spaces and
                     * newlines.
                    int newlines = 0;
                    boolean lastWasComment = false;
                    for (Input.Tok tokBefore : token.getToksBefore()) {
                        if (tokBefore.isNewline()) {
                        } else if (tokBefore.isComment()) {
                            newlines = 0;
                            lastWasComment = tokBefore.isComment();
                        if (lastWasComment && newlines > 0) {
                            tokOps.put(j, Doc.Break.makeForced());
                        tokOps.put(j, Doc.Tok.make(tokBefore));
                    for (Input.Tok tokAfter : token.getToksAfter()) {
                        tokOps.put(k + 1, Doc.Tok.make(tokAfter));
         * Construct new list of ops, splicing in the comments. If a comment is inserted immediately
         * before a space, suppress the space.
        ImmutableList.Builder<Op> newOps = ImmutableList.builder();
        boolean afterForcedBreak = false; // Was the last Op a forced break? If so, suppress spaces.
        for (int i = 0; i < opsN; i++) {
            for (Op op : tokOps.get(i)) {
                if (!(afterForcedBreak && op instanceof Doc.Space)) {
                    afterForcedBreak = isForcedBreak(op);
            Op op = ops.get(i);
            if (afterForcedBreak && (op instanceof Doc.Space || (op instanceof Doc.Break
                    && ((Doc.Break) op).getPlusIndent() == 0 && " ".equals(((Doc) op).getFlat())))) {
            if (!(op instanceof OpenOp)) {
                afterForcedBreak = isForcedBreak(op);
        for (Op op : tokOps.get(opsN)) {
            if (!(afterForcedBreak && op instanceof Doc.Space)) {
                afterForcedBreak = isForcedBreak(op);

    private static boolean isForcedBreak(Op op) {
        return op instanceof Doc.Break && ((Doc.Break) op).isForced();

    private static List<Op> makeComment(Input.Tok comment) {
        return comment.isSlashStarComment() ? ImmutableList.of(Doc.Tok.make(comment))
                : ImmutableList.of(Doc.Tok.make(comment), Doc.Break.makeForced());

    public final String toString() {
        return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this).add("input", input).add("ops", ops).add("output", output)
                .add("tokenI", tokenI).add("inputPosition", inputPosition).toString();