Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; public class InternalChangeQuery extends InternalQuery<ChangeData> { private static Predicate<ChangeData> ref(Branch.NameKey branch) { return new RefPredicate(branch.get()); } private static Predicate<ChangeData> change(Change.Key key) { return new ChangeIdPredicate(key.get()); } private static Predicate<ChangeData> project(Project.NameKey project) { return new ProjectPredicate(project.get()); } private static Predicate<ChangeData> status(Change.Status status) { return new ChangeStatusPredicate(status); } private static Predicate<ChangeData> commit(String id) { return new CommitPredicate(id); } private final ChangeData.Factory changeDataFactory; private final ChangeNotes.Factory notesFactory; @Inject InternalChangeQuery(ChangeQueryProcessor queryProcessor, ChangeIndexCollection indexes, IndexConfig indexConfig, ChangeData.Factory changeDataFactory, ChangeNotes.Factory notesFactory) { super(queryProcessor, indexes, indexConfig); this.changeDataFactory = changeDataFactory; this.notesFactory = notesFactory; } @Override public InternalChangeQuery setLimit(int n) { super.setLimit(n); return this; } @Override public InternalChangeQuery enforceVisibility(boolean enforce) { super.enforceVisibility(enforce); return this; } @Override public InternalChangeQuery setRequestedFields(Set<String> fields) { super.setRequestedFields(fields); return this; } @Override public InternalChangeQuery noFields() { super.noFields(); return this; } public List<ChangeData> byKey(Change.Key key) throws OrmException { return byKeyPrefix(key.get()); } public List<ChangeData> byKeyPrefix(String prefix) throws OrmException { return query(new ChangeIdPredicate(prefix)); } public List<ChangeData> byLegacyChangeId(Change.Id id) throws OrmException { return query(new LegacyChangeIdPredicate(id)); } public List<ChangeData> byLegacyChangeIds(Collection<Change.Id> ids) throws OrmException { List<Predicate<ChangeData>> preds = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); for (Change.Id id : ids) { preds.add(new LegacyChangeIdPredicate(id)); } return query(or(preds)); } public List<ChangeData> byBranchKey(Branch.NameKey branch, Change.Key key) throws OrmException { return query(and(ref(branch), project(branch.getParentKey()), change(key))); } public List<ChangeData> byProject(Project.NameKey project) throws OrmException { return query(project(project)); } public List<ChangeData> byBranchOpen(Branch.NameKey branch) throws OrmException { return query(and(ref(branch), project(branch.getParentKey()), open())); } public List<ChangeData> byBranchNew(Branch.NameKey branch) throws OrmException { return query(and(ref(branch), project(branch.getParentKey()), status(Change.Status.NEW))); } public Iterable<ChangeData> byCommitsOnBranchNotMerged(Repository repo, ReviewDb db, Branch.NameKey branch, Collection<String> hashes) throws OrmException, IOException { return byCommitsOnBranchNotMerged(repo, db, branch, hashes, // Account for all commit predicates plus ref, project, status. indexConfig.maxTerms() - 3); } @VisibleForTesting Iterable<ChangeData> byCommitsOnBranchNotMerged(Repository repo, ReviewDb db, Branch.NameKey branch, Collection<String> hashes, int indexLimit) throws OrmException, IOException { if (hashes.size() > indexLimit) { return byCommitsOnBranchNotMergedFromDatabase(repo, db, branch, hashes); } return byCommitsOnBranchNotMergedFromIndex(branch, hashes); } private Iterable<ChangeData> byCommitsOnBranchNotMergedFromDatabase(Repository repo, final ReviewDb db, final Branch.NameKey branch, Collection<String> hashes) throws OrmException, IOException { Set<Change.Id> changeIds = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(hashes.size()); String lastPrefix = null; for (Ref ref : repo.getRefDatabase().getRefs(RefNames.REFS_CHANGES).values()) { String r = ref.getName(); if ((lastPrefix != null && r.startsWith(lastPrefix)) || !hashes.contains(ref.getObjectId().name())) { continue; } Change.Id id = Change.Id.fromRef(r); if (id == null) { continue; } if (changeIds.add(id)) { lastPrefix = r.substring(0, r.lastIndexOf('/')); } } List<ChangeNotes> notes = notesFactory.create(db, branch.getParentKey(), changeIds, cn -> { Change c = cn.getChange(); return c.getDest().equals(branch) && c.getStatus() != Change.Status.MERGED; }); return Lists.transform(notes, n -> changeDataFactory.create(db, n)); } private Iterable<ChangeData> byCommitsOnBranchNotMergedFromIndex(Branch.NameKey branch, Collection<String> hashes) throws OrmException { return query(and(ref(branch), project(branch.getParentKey()), not(status(Change.Status.MERGED)), or(commits(hashes)))); } private static List<Predicate<ChangeData>> commits(Collection<String> hashes) { List<Predicate<ChangeData>> commits = new ArrayList<>(hashes.size()); for (String s : hashes) { commits.add(commit(s)); } return commits; } public List<ChangeData> byProjectOpen(Project.NameKey project) throws OrmException { return query(and(project(project), open())); } public List<ChangeData> byTopicOpen(String topic) throws OrmException { return query(and(new ExactTopicPredicate(topic), open())); } public List<ChangeData> byCommit(ObjectId id) throws OrmException { return byCommit(; } public List<ChangeData> byCommit(String hash) throws OrmException { return query(commit(hash)); } public List<ChangeData> byProjectCommit(Project.NameKey project, ObjectId id) throws OrmException { return byProjectCommit(project,; } public List<ChangeData> byProjectCommit(Project.NameKey project, String hash) throws OrmException { return query(and(project(project), commit(hash))); } public List<ChangeData> byProjectCommits(Project.NameKey project, List<String> hashes) throws OrmException { int n = indexConfig.maxTerms() - 1; checkArgument(hashes.size() <= n, "cannot exceed %s commits", n); return query(and(project(project), or(commits(hashes)))); } public List<ChangeData> byBranchCommit(String project, String branch, String hash) throws OrmException { return query(and(new ProjectPredicate(project), new RefPredicate(branch), commit(hash))); } public List<ChangeData> byBranchCommit(Branch.NameKey branch, String hash) throws OrmException { return byBranchCommit(branch.getParentKey().get(), branch.get(), hash); } public List<ChangeData> bySubmissionId(String cs) throws OrmException { if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cs)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return query(new SubmissionIdPredicate(cs)); } public List<ChangeData> byProjectGroups(Project.NameKey project, Collection<String> groups) throws OrmException { List<GroupPredicate> groupPredicates = new ArrayList<>(groups.size()); for (String g : groups) { groupPredicates.add(new GroupPredicate(g)); } return query(and(project(project), or(groupPredicates))); } }