Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class PublishCommentScreen extends AccountScreen implements ClickHandler, CommentEditorContainer { private static SavedState lastState; private final PatchSet.Id patchSetId; private String revision; private Collection<ValueRadioButton> approvalButtons; private ChangeDescriptionBlock descBlock; private ApprovalTable approvals; private Panel approvalPanel; private NpTextArea message; private FlowPanel draftsPanel; private Button send; private Button submit; private Button cancel; private boolean saveStateOnUnload = true; private List<CommentEditorPanel> commentEditors; private ChangeInfo change; private CommentLinkProcessor commentLinkProcessor; public PublishCommentScreen(final PatchSet.Id psi) { patchSetId = psi; } @Override protected void onInitUI() { super.onInitUI(); addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().publishCommentsScreen()); approvalButtons = new ArrayList<ValueRadioButton>(); descBlock = new ChangeDescriptionBlock(null); add(descBlock); approvals = new ApprovalTable(); add(approvals); final FormPanel form = new FormPanel(); final FlowPanel body = new FlowPanel(); form.setWidget(body); form.addSubmitHandler(new FormPanel.SubmitHandler() { @Override public void onSubmit(final SubmitEvent event) { event.cancel(); } }); add(form); approvalPanel = new FlowPanel(); body.add(approvalPanel); initMessage(body); draftsPanel = new FlowPanel(); body.add(draftsPanel); final FlowPanel buttonRow = new FlowPanel(); buttonRow.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetActions()); body.add(buttonRow); send = new Button(Util.C.buttonPublishCommentsSend()); send.addClickHandler(this); buttonRow.add(send); submit = new Button(Util.C.buttonPublishSubmitSend()); submit.addClickHandler(this); buttonRow.add(submit); cancel = new Button(Util.C.buttonPublishCommentsCancel()); cancel.addClickHandler(this); buttonRow.add(cancel); } private void enableForm(final boolean enabled) { for (final ValueRadioButton approvalButton : approvalButtons) { approvalButton.setEnabled(enabled); } message.setEnabled(enabled); for (final CommentEditorPanel commentEditor : commentEditors) { commentEditor.enableButtons(enabled); } send.setEnabled(enabled); submit.setEnabled(enabled); cancel.setEnabled(enabled); } @Override protected void onLoad() { super.onLoad(); CallbackGroup cbs = new CallbackGroup(); ChangeApi.revision(patchSetId).view("review").get(cbs.add(new AsyncCallback<ChangeInfo>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ChangeInfo result) { result.init(); change = result; } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Handled by ScreenLoadCallback.onFailure(). } })); Util.DETAIL_SVC.patchSetPublishDetail(patchSetId, cbs.addGwtjsonrpc(new ScreenLoadCallback<PatchSetPublishDetail>(this) { @Override protected void preDisplay(final PatchSetPublishDetail result) { send.setEnabled(true); PublishCommentScreen.this.preDisplay(result, this); } @Override protected void postDisplay() { message.setFocus(true); } })); } private void preDisplay(final PatchSetPublishDetail pubDetail, final ScreenLoadCallback<PatchSetPublishDetail> origCb) { ConfigInfoCache.get(pubDetail.getChange().getProject(), new AsyncCallback<ConfigInfoCache.Entry>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ConfigInfoCache.Entry result) { commentLinkProcessor = result.getCommentLinkProcessor(); setTheme(result.getTheme()); display(pubDetail); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { origCb.onFailure(caught); } }); } @Override protected void onUnload() { super.onUnload(); lastState = saveStateOnUnload ? new SavedState(this) : null; } @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { final Widget sender = (Widget) event.getSource(); if (send == sender) { onSend(false); } else if (submit == sender) { onSend(true); } else if (cancel == sender) { saveStateOnUnload = false; goChange(); } } @Override public void notifyDraftDelta(int delta) { } @Override public void remove(CommentEditorPanel editor) { commentEditors.remove(editor); // The editor should be embedded into a panel holding all // editors for the same file. // FlowPanel parent = (FlowPanel) editor.getParent(); parent.remove(editor); // If the panel now holds no editors, remove it. // int editorCount = 0; for (Widget w : parent) { if (w instanceof CommentEditorPanel) { editorCount++; } } if (editorCount == 0) { parent.removeFromParent(); } // If that was the last file with a draft, remove the heading. // if (draftsPanel.getWidgetCount() == 1) { draftsPanel.clear(); } } private void initMessage(final Panel body) { body.add(new SmallHeading(Util.C.headingCoverMessage())); final VerticalPanel mwrap = new VerticalPanel(); mwrap.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().coverMessage()); body.add(mwrap); message = new NpTextArea(); message.setCharacterWidth(60); message.setVisibleLines(10); message.setSpellCheck(true); mwrap.add(message); } private void initApprovals(Panel body) { for (String labelName : change.labels()) { initLabel(labelName, body); } } private void initLabel(String labelName, Panel body) { if (!change.has_permitted_labels()) { return; } JsArrayString nativeValues = change.permitted_values(labelName); if (nativeValues == null || nativeValues.length() == 0) { return; } List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(nativeValues.length()); for (int i = 0; i < nativeValues.length(); i++) { values.add(nativeValues.get(i)); } Collections.reverse(values); LabelInfo label = change.label(labelName); body.add(new SmallHeading( + ":")); VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel(); vp.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().labelList()); Short prior = null; if (label.all() != null) { for (ApprovalInfo app : Natives.asList(label.all())) { if (app._account_id() == Gerrit.getUserAccount().getId().get()) { prior = app.value(); break; } } } for (String value : values) { ValueRadioButton b = new ValueRadioButton(label, value); SafeHtml buf = new SafeHtmlBuilder().append(b.format()); buf = commentLinkProcessor.apply(buf); SafeHtml.set(b, buf); if (lastState != null && patchSetId.equals(lastState.patchSetId) && lastState.approvals.containsKey( { b.setValue(lastState.approvals.get( == value); } else { b.setValue(b.parseValue() == (prior != null ? prior : 0)); } approvalButtons.add(b); vp.add(b); } body.add(vp); } private void display(final PatchSetPublishDetail r) { setPageTitle(Util.M.publishComments(r.getChange().getKey().abbreviate(), patchSetId.get())); descBlock.display(r.getChange(), null, false, r.getPatchSetInfo(), r.getAccounts(), r.getSubmitTypeRecord(), commentLinkProcessor); if (r.getChange().getStatus().isOpen()) { initApprovals(approvalPanel); approvals.display(change); } else { approvals.setVisible(false); } if (lastState != null && patchSetId.equals(lastState.patchSetId)) { message.setText(lastState.message); } draftsPanel.clear(); commentEditors = new ArrayList<CommentEditorPanel>(); revision = r.getPatchSetInfo().getRevId(); if (!r.getDrafts().isEmpty()) { draftsPanel.add(new SmallHeading(Util.C.headingPatchComments())); Panel panel = null; String priorFile = ""; for (final PatchLineComment c : r.getDrafts()) { final Patch.Key patchKey = c.getKey().getParentKey(); final String fn = patchKey.get(); if (!fn.equals(priorFile)) { panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchComments()); draftsPanel.add(panel); // Parent table can be null here since we are not showing any // next/previous links panel.add(new PatchLink.SideBySide(PatchTable.getDisplayFileName(patchKey), null, patchKey, 0, null, null)); priorFile = fn; } final CommentEditorPanel editor = new CommentEditorPanel(c, commentLinkProcessor); if (c.getLine() == AbstractPatchContentTable.R_HEAD) { editor.setAuthorNameText(Gerrit.getUserAccountInfo(), Util.C.fileCommentHeader()); } else { editor.setAuthorNameText(Gerrit.getUserAccountInfo(), Util.M.lineHeader(c.getLine())); } editor.setOpen(true); commentEditors.add(editor); panel.add(editor); } } submit.setVisible(r.canSubmit()); if (Gerrit.getConfig().testChangeMerge()) { submit.setEnabled(r.getChange().isMergeable()); } } private void onSend(final boolean submit) { if (commentEditors.isEmpty()) { onSend2(submit); } else { final GerritCallback<VoidResult> afterSaveDraft = new GerritCallback<VoidResult>() { private int done; @Override public void onSuccess(final VoidResult result) { if (++done == commentEditors.size()) { onSend2(submit); } } }; for (final CommentEditorPanel p : commentEditors) { p.saveDraft(afterSaveDraft); } } } private void onSend2(final boolean submit) { ReviewInput data = ReviewInput.create(); data.message(ChangeApi.emptyToNull(message.getText().trim())); data.init(); for (final ValueRadioButton b : approvalButtons) { if (b.getValue()) { data.label(, b.parseValue()); } } enableForm(false); new RestApi("/changes/").id(String.valueOf(patchSetId.getParentKey().get())).view("revisions").id(revision) .view("review").post(data, new GerritCallback<ReviewInput>() { @Override public void onSuccess(ReviewInput result) { if (submit) { submit(); } else { saveStateOnUnload = false; goChange(); } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { super.onFailure(caught); enableForm(true); } }); } private static class ReviewInput extends JavaScriptObject { static ReviewInput create() { return (ReviewInput) createObject(); } final native void message(String m) /*-{ if(m)this.message=m; }-*/; final native void label(String n, short v) /*-{ this.labels[n]=v; }-*/; final native void init() /*-{ this.labels = {}; this.strict_labels = true; this.drafts = 'PUBLISH'; }-*/; protected ReviewInput() { } } private void submit() { ChangeApi.submit(patchSetId.getParentKey().get(), revision, new GerritCallback<SubmitInfo>() { public void onSuccess(SubmitInfo result) { saveStateOnUnload = false; goChange(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable err) { if (SubmitFailureDialog.isConflict(err)) { new SubmitFailureDialog(err.getMessage()).center(); } else { super.onFailure(err); } goChange(); } }); } private void goChange() { final Change.Id ck = patchSetId.getParentKey(); Gerrit.display(PageLinks.toChange(ck), new ChangeScreen(ck)); } private static class ValueRadioButton extends RadioButton { final LabelInfo label; final String value; ValueRadioButton(LabelInfo label, String value) { super(; this.label = label; this.value = value; } String format() { return new StringBuilder().append(value).append(' ').append(label.value_text(value)).toString(); } short parseValue() { String value = this.value; if (value.startsWith(" ") || value.startsWith("+")) { value = value.substring(1); } return Short.parseShort(value); } } private static class SavedState { final PatchSet.Id patchSetId; final String message; final Map<String, String> approvals; SavedState(final PublishCommentScreen p) { patchSetId = p.patchSetId; message = p.message.getText(); approvals = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (final ValueRadioButton b : p.approvalButtons) { if (b.getValue()) { approvals.put(, b.value); } } } } }