Java tutorial
// Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; class ChangeSetComplexDisclosurePanel extends ComplexDisclosurePanel implements OpenHandler<DisclosurePanel> { // TODO private static final int R_AUTHOR = 0; private static final int R_DOWNLOAD = 1; private static final int R_CNT = 2; private final TopicScreen topicScreen; private final TopicDetail topicDetail; private final ChangeSet changeSet; private final FlowPanel body; private Grid infoTable; private Panel actionsPanel; private ChangeTable changeTable; private final Set<ClickHandler> registeredClickHandler = new HashSet<ClickHandler>(); private PatchSet.Id diffBaseId; // TODO /** * Creates a closed complex disclosure panel for a change set. * The change set details are loaded when the complex disclosure panel is opened. */ ChangeSetComplexDisclosurePanel(final TopicScreen parent, final TopicDetail detail, final ChangeSet cs) { this(parent, detail, cs, false); addOpenHandler(this); } // TODO /** * Creates an open complex disclosure panel for a patch set. */ ChangeSetComplexDisclosurePanel(final TopicScreen parent, final TopicDetail detail, final ChangeSetDetail csd) { this(parent, detail, csd.getChangeSet(), true); ensureLoaded(csd); } // TODO private ChangeSetComplexDisclosurePanel(final TopicScreen parent, final TopicDetail detail, final ChangeSet cs, boolean isOpen) { super(Util.TM.changeSetHeader(cs.getChangeSetId()), isOpen); topicScreen = parent; topicDetail = detail; changeSet = cs; body = new FlowPanel(); setContent(body); // TODO gitweb support? // final GitwebLink gw = Gerrit.getConfig().getGitwebLink(); // // // TODO // // It was asking for revision. is the changesetid or // // NOT NEEDED // final InlineLabel revtxt = new InlineLabel(cs.getId().get() + " "); // revtxt.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetRevision()); // getHeader().add(revtxt); // if (gw != null) { // final Anchor revlink = // new Anchor("(gitweb)", false, gw.toRevision(detail.getTopic() // .getProject(), cs)); // revlink.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetLink()); // getHeader().add(revlink); // } } public void setDiffBaseId(PatchSet.Id diffBaseId) { this.diffBaseId = diffBaseId; } // TODO /** * Display the table showing the Author and Download links, * followed by the action buttons. */ public void ensureLoaded(final ChangeSetDetail detail) { infoTable = new Grid(R_CNT, 2); infoTable.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().infoBlock()); // TODO // New style ?? infoTable.addStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetInfoBlock()); initRow(R_AUTHOR, Util.C.patchSetInfoAuthor()); initRow(R_DOWNLOAD, Util.C.patchSetInfoDownload()); final CellFormatter itfmt = infoTable.getCellFormatter(); itfmt.addStyleName(0, 0, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().topmost()); itfmt.addStyleName(0, 1, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().topmost()); itfmt.addStyleName(R_CNT - 1, 0, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().bottomheader()); itfmt.addStyleName(R_AUTHOR, 1, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().useridentity()); itfmt.addStyleName(R_DOWNLOAD, 1, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().downloadLinkListCell()); final ChangeSetInfo info = detail.getInfo(); displayUserIdentity(R_AUTHOR, info.getAuthor()); // TODO // Not at the moment // displayDownload(); body.add(infoTable); List<Change> currChanges = detail.getChanges(); List<ChangeInfo> cil = new ArrayList<ChangeInfo>(); for (Change ch : currChanges) cil.add(new ChangeInfo(ch)); changeTable = new ChangeTable(); ChangeTable.Section section = new ChangeTable.Section(); if (!cil.isEmpty()) { changeTable.addSection(section); section.display(cil); changeTable.finishDisplay(); } body.add(changeTable); if (!changeSet.getId().equals(diffBaseId)) { actionsPanel = new FlowPanel(); actionsPanel.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetActions()); body.add(actionsPanel); if (Gerrit.isSignedIn()) { populateReviewAction(); if (topicDetail.isCurrentChangeSet(detail)) { populateActions(detail); } populateDiffAllActions(detail); } } // TODO // We need to do this in a different way // What is this? the file list and the buttons?? // if (!changeSet.getId().equals(diffBaseId)) { // patchTable = new PatchTable(); // patchTable.setSavePointerId("PatchTable " + patchSet.getId()); // patchTable.setPatchSetIdToCompareWith(diffBaseId); // patchTable.display(detail); // // actionsPanel = new FlowPanel(); // actionsPanel.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetActions()); // body.add(actionsPanel); // if (Gerrit.isSignedIn()) { // populateReviewAction(); // // TODO //// if (topicDetail.isCurrentPatchSet(detail)) { //// populateActions(detail); //// } // } // populateDiffAllActions(detail); // body.add(patchTable); // // for(ClickHandler clickHandler : registeredClickHandler) { // patchTable.addClickHandler(clickHandler); // } // } } // TODO private void displayDownload() { final Project.NameKey projectKey = topicDetail.getTopic().getProject(); final String projectName = projectKey.get(); final CopyableLabel copyLabel = new CopyableLabel(""); final DownloadCommandPanel commands = new DownloadCommandPanel(); final DownloadUrlPanel urls = new DownloadUrlPanel(commands); final Set<DownloadScheme> allowedSchemes = Gerrit.getConfig().getDownloadSchemes(); copyLabel.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().downloadLinkCopyLabel()); if (topicDetail.isAllowsAnonymous() && Gerrit.getConfig().getGitDaemonUrl() != null && (allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.ANON_GIT) || allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS))) { StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append(Gerrit.getConfig().getGitDaemonUrl()); r.append(projectName); r.append(" "); r.append(changeSet.getRefName()); urls.add(new DownloadUrlLink(DownloadScheme.ANON_GIT, Util.M.anonymousDownload("Git"), r.toString())); } if (topicDetail.isAllowsAnonymous() && (allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.ANON_HTTP) || allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS))) { StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append(GWT.getHostPageBaseURL()); r.append("p/"); r.append(projectName); r.append(" "); r.append(changeSet.getRefName()); urls.add(new DownloadUrlLink(DownloadScheme.ANON_HTTP, Util.M.anonymousDownload("HTTP"), r.toString())); } if (Gerrit.getConfig().getSshdAddress() != null && Gerrit.isSignedIn() && Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName() != null && Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName().length() > 0 && (allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.SSH) || allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS))) { String sshAddr = Gerrit.getConfig().getSshdAddress(); final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append("ssh://"); r.append(Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName()); r.append("@"); if (sshAddr.startsWith("*:") || "".equals(sshAddr)) { r.append(Window.Location.getHostName()); } if (sshAddr.startsWith("*")) { sshAddr = sshAddr.substring(1); } r.append(sshAddr); r.append("/"); r.append(projectName); r.append(" "); r.append(changeSet.getRefName()); urls.add(new DownloadUrlLink(DownloadScheme.SSH, "SSH", r.toString())); } if (Gerrit.isSignedIn() && Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName() != null && Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName().length() > 0 && (allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.HTTP) || allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.DEFAULT_DOWNLOADS))) { String base = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL(); int p = base.indexOf("://"); int s = base.indexOf('/', p + 3); if (s < 0) { s = base.length(); } String host = base.substring(p + 3, s); if (host.contains("@")) { host = host.substring(host.indexOf('@') + 1); } final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append(base.substring(0, p + 3)); r.append(Gerrit.getUserAccount().getUserName()); r.append('@'); r.append(host); r.append(base.substring(s)); r.append("p/"); r.append(projectName); r.append(" "); r.append(changeSet.getRefName()); urls.add(new DownloadUrlLink(DownloadScheme.HTTP, "HTTP", r.toString())); } if (allowedSchemes.contains(DownloadScheme.REPO_DOWNLOAD)) { // This site prefers usage of the 'repo' tool, so suggest // that for easy fetch. // final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(); r.append("repo download "); r.append(projectName); r.append(" "); r.append(topicDetail.getTopic().getTopicId()); r.append("/"); r.append(changeSet.getChangeSetId()); final String cmd = r.toString(); commands.add(new DownloadCommandLink(DownloadCommand.REPO_DOWNLOAD, "repo download") { @Override void setCurrentUrl(DownloadUrlLink link) { urls.setVisible(false); copyLabel.setText(cmd); } }); } if (!urls.isEmpty()) { commands.add(new DownloadCommandLink(DownloadCommand.CHECKOUT, "checkout") { @Override void setCurrentUrl(DownloadUrlLink link) { urls.setVisible(true); copyLabel.setText("git fetch " + link.urlData + " && git checkout FETCH_HEAD"); } }); commands.add(new DownloadCommandLink(DownloadCommand.PULL, "pull") { @Override void setCurrentUrl(DownloadUrlLink link) { urls.setVisible(true); copyLabel.setText("git pull " + link.urlData); } }); commands.add(new DownloadCommandLink(DownloadCommand.CHERRY_PICK, "cherry-pick") { @Override void setCurrentUrl(DownloadUrlLink link) { urls.setVisible(true); copyLabel.setText("git fetch " + link.urlData + " && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD"); } }); commands.add(new DownloadCommandLink(DownloadCommand.FORMAT_PATCH, "patch") { @Override void setCurrentUrl(DownloadUrlLink link) { urls.setVisible(true); copyLabel.setText("git fetch " + link.urlData + " && git format-patch -1 --stdout FETCH_HEAD"); } }); } final FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); if (!commands.isEmpty()) { final AccountGeneralPreferences pref; if (Gerrit.isSignedIn()) { pref = Gerrit.getUserAccount().getGeneralPreferences(); } else { pref = new AccountGeneralPreferences(); pref.resetToDefaults(); };; FlowPanel p = new FlowPanel(); p.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().downloadLinkHeader()); p.add(commands); final InlineLabel glue = new InlineLabel(); glue.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().downloadLinkHeaderGap()); p.add(glue); p.add(urls); fp.add(p); fp.add(copyLabel); } infoTable.setWidget(R_DOWNLOAD, 1, fp); } private void displayUserIdentity(final int row, final UserIdentity who) { if (who == null) { infoTable.clearCell(row, 1); return; } final FlowPanel fp = new FlowPanel(); fp.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().patchSetUserIdentity()); if (who.getName() != null) { final Account.Id aId = who.getAccount(); if (aId != null) { fp.add(new AccountDashboardLink(who.getName(), aId)); } else { final InlineLabel lbl = new InlineLabel(who.getName()); lbl.setStyleName(Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().accountName()); fp.add(lbl); } } if (who.getEmail() != null) { fp.add(new InlineLabel("<" + who.getEmail() + ">")); } if (who.getDate() != null) { fp.add(new InlineLabel(FormatUtil.mediumFormat(who.getDate()))); } infoTable.setWidget(row, 1, fp); } private void populateActions(final ChangeSetDetail detail) { final boolean isOpen = topicDetail.getTopic().getStatus().isOpen(); if (isOpen && topicDetail.canSubmit()) { final Button b = new Button(Util.M.submitPatchSet(detail.getChangeSet().getChangeSetId())); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { // TODO // b.setEnabled(false); // Util.MANAGE_SVC.submit(patchSet.getId(), // new GerritCallback<ChangeDetail>() { // public void onSuccess(ChangeDetail result) { // onSubmitResult(result); // } // // @Override // public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // b.setEnabled(true); // super.onFailure(caught); // } // }); } }); actionsPanel.add(b); } if (topicDetail.canRevert()) { final Button b = new Button(Util.C.buttonRevertChangeBegin()); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { // TODO // b.setEnabled(false); // new CommentedChangeActionDialog(patchSet.getId(), createCommentedCallback(b), // Util.C.revertChangeTitle(), Util.C.headingRevertMessage(), // Util.C.buttonRevertChangeSend(), Util.C.buttonRevertChangeCancel(), // Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().revertChangeDialog(), Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().revertMessage(), // Util.M.revertChangeDefaultMessage(detail.getInfo().getSubject(), detail.getPatchSet().getRevision().get())) { // public void onSend() { // Util.MANAGE_SVC.revertChange(getPatchSetId() , getMessageText(), createCallback()); // } // }.center(); } }); actionsPanel.add(b); } if (topicDetail.canAbandon()) { final Button b = new Button(Util.C.buttonAbandonChangeBegin()); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { // TODO // b.setEnabled(false); // new CommentedChangeActionDialog(patchSet.getId(), createCommentedCallback(b), // Util.C.abandonChangeTitle(), Util.C.headingAbandonMessage(), // Util.C.buttonAbandonChangeSend(), Util.C.buttonAbandonChangeCancel(), // Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().abandonChangeDialog(), Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().abandonMessage()) { // public void onSend() { // Util.MANAGE_SVC.abandonChange(getPatchSetId() , getMessageText(), createCallback()); // } // }.center(); } }); actionsPanel.add(b); } if (topicDetail.canRestore()) { final Button b = new Button(Util.C.buttonRestoreChangeBegin()); b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { // TODO // b.setEnabled(false); // new CommentedChangeActionDialog(patchSet.getId(), createCommentedCallback(b), // Util.C.restoreChangeTitle(), Util.C.headingRestoreMessage(), // Util.C.buttonRestoreChangeSend(), Util.C.buttonRestoreChangeCancel(), // Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().abandonChangeDialog(), Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().abandonMessage()) { // public void onSend() { // Util.MANAGE_SVC.restoreChange(getPatchSetId(), getMessageText(), createCallback()); // } // }.center(); } }); actionsPanel.add(b); } } private void populateDiffAllActions(final ChangeSetDetail detail) { final Button diffAllSideBySide = new Button(Util.C.buttonDiffAllSideBySide()); diffAllSideBySide.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Change c : detail.getChanges()) { // TODO // + "#" // + Dispatcher.toPatchSideBySide(c.getKey()), "_blank", null); } } }); actionsPanel.add(diffAllSideBySide); final Button diffAllUnified = new Button(Util.C.buttonDiffAllUnified()); diffAllUnified.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Change c : detail.getChanges()) { // TODO // + "#" // + Dispatcher.toPatchUnified(c.getKey()), "_blank", null); } } }); actionsPanel.add(diffAllUnified); } private void populateReviewAction() { final Button b = new Button(Util.C.buttonReview()); // TODO b.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { Gerrit.display("topic,publish," + changeSet.getId().toString(), new PublishTopicCommentScreen(changeSet.getId())); } }); actionsPanel.add(b); } public void refresh() { AccountDiffPreference diffPrefs; if (changeTable == null) { diffPrefs = new ListenableAccountDiffPreference().get(); } else { // TODO // diffPrefs = changeTable.getPreferences().get(); } // TODO // Util.DETAIL_SVC.patchSetDetail(patchSet.getId(), diffBaseId, diffPrefs, // new GerritCallback<PatchSetDetail>() { // @Override // public void onSuccess(PatchSetDetail result) { // // if (patchSet.getId().equals(diffBaseId)) { // patchTable.setVisible(false); // actionsPanel.setVisible(false); // } else { // // if (patchTable != null) { // patchTable.removeFromParent(); // } // patchTable = new PatchTable(); // patchTable.setPatchSetIdToCompareWith(diffBaseId); // patchTable.display(result); // body.add(patchTable); // // for (ClickHandler clickHandler : registeredClickHandler) { // patchTable.addClickHandler(clickHandler); // } // } // } // }); } @Override public void onOpen(final OpenEvent<DisclosurePanel> event) { if (infoTable == null) { AccountDiffPreference diffPrefs; if (diffBaseId == null) { diffPrefs = null; } else { diffPrefs = new ListenableAccountDiffPreference().get(); } // TODO // Util.DETAIL_SVC.patchSetDetail(patchSet.getId(), diffBaseId, diffPrefs, // new GerritCallback<PatchSetDetail>() { // public void onSuccess(final PatchSetDetail result) { // ensureLoaded(result); // patchTable.setRegisterKeys(true); // } // }); } } private void initRow(final int row, final String name) { infoTable.setText(row, 0, name); infoTable.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(row, 0, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().header()); } private void onSubmitResult(final TopicDetail result) { if (result.getTopic().getStatus() == Change.Status.NEW) { // The submit failed. Try to locate the message and display // it to the user, it should be the last one created by Gerrit. // TopicMessage msg = null; if (result.getMessages() != null && result.getMessages().size() > 0) { for (int i = result.getMessages().size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (result.getMessages().get(i).getAuthor() == null) { msg = result.getMessages().get(i); break; } } } if (msg != null) { // TODO add Topic support in the SubmitFailureDialog //new SubmitFailureDialog(result, msg).center(); } } // TODO topicScreen.update(result); } public ChangeSet getChangeSet() { return changeSet; } /** * Adds a click handler to the change table. * If the patch table is not yet initialized it is guaranteed that the click handler * is added to the change table after initialization. */ public void addClickHandler(final ClickHandler clickHandler) { registeredClickHandler.add(clickHandler); // TODO // if (changeTable != null) { // changeTable.addClickHandler(clickHandler); // } } /** Activates / Deactivates the key navigation and the highlighting of the current row for the patch table */ public void setActive(boolean active) { // TODO // if (patchTable != null) { // patchTable.setActive(active); // } } private AsyncCallback<ChangeDetail> createCommentedCallback(final Button b) { return new AsyncCallback<ChangeDetail>() { public void onSuccess(ChangeDetail result) { // TODO Add Topic support // changeScreen.update(result); } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { b.setEnabled(true); } }; } }