Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.resource.IDescriptionVersionsProvider; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.resource.IDescriptionVersionsProviderFactory; import; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.ScriptUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.IOUtils2; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.AstEditor; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.exception.DesignerException; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.ExecutionUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.RunnableEx; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.external.ExternalFactoriesHelper; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.jdt.core.CodeUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.reflect.CompositeClassLoader; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.xml.DocumentElement; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.xml.model.EditorContext; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.xml.model.ILiveEditorContext; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.xml.model.XmlObjectInfo; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMemberValuePair; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Document; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.beans.Beans; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * {@link EditorContext} for GWT UiBinder. * * @author scheglov_ke * @coverage GWT.UiBinder.parser */ public class UiBinderContext extends EditorContext { private String m_binderClassName; private String m_binderResourceName; private String m_formClassName; private IType m_formType; private IFile m_formFile; private AstEditor m_formEditor; private long m_formFileModification; private ModuleDescription m_module; private GwtState m_state; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public UiBinderContext(IFile file, IDocument document) throws Exception { super(GwtToolkitDescription.INSTANCE, file, document); prepareBinderNames(); configureDescriptionVersionsProviders(); addVersions(ImmutableMap.of("isUiBinder", "true")); } public UiBinderContext(GwtState state, ClassLoader classLoader, IFile file, IDocument document) throws Exception { this(file, document); m_state = state; m_classLoader = classLoader; updateFromGWTState(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Access // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public String getBinderClassName() { return m_binderClassName; } /** * @return the {@link IType} of class with "Binder". */ public IType getFormType() { return m_formType; } /** * @return the {@link AstEditor} for Java source. */ public AstEditor getFormEditor() throws Exception { long currentModificationStamp = m_formFile.getModificationStamp(); if (m_formEditor == null || currentModificationStamp != m_formFileModification) { m_formEditor = new AstEditor(m_formType.getCompilationUnit()); m_formFileModification = currentModificationStamp; } return m_formEditor; } /** * Saves and clears {@link AstEditor} for Java source. */ public void saveFormEditor() throws Exception { if (m_formEditor != null) { m_formEditor.saveChanges(true); m_formEditor = null; } } /** * @return the {@link GwtState} of this editor. */ public GwtState getState() { return m_state; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Notification // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Notifies {@link AboutToParseProcessor} that this {@link UiBinderContext} is about to parse. */ public void notifyAboutToParse() throws Exception { List<AboutToParseProcessor> processors = ExternalFactoriesHelper.getElementsInstances( AboutToParseProcessor.class, "", "processor"); for (AboutToParseProcessor processor : processors) { processor.process(this); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Ensures that UiBinder is configured for design time. */ public void runDesignTime(RunnableEx runnable) throws Exception { String isKey = "gwt.UiBinder.isDesignTime " + m_binderClassName.replace('$', '.'); String resKey = "gwt.UiBinder.designTime " + m_binderResourceName; boolean old_designTime = Beans.isDesignTime(); try { Beans.setDesignTime(true); // mark "Binder" as design time System.setProperty(isKey, "true"); // put current document content into System, to make it available to UiBinderGenerator { String content = getContent(); content = removeWbpNameAttributes(content); System.setProperty(resKey, content); } // do run; } finally { m_state.getDevModeBridge().invalidateRebind(m_binderClassName); Beans.setDesignTime(old_designTime); System.clearProperty(isKey); System.clearProperty(resKey); getBroadcastSupport().getListener(AfterRunDesignTime.class).invoke(); } } /** * In tests we use "wbp:name" attribute to access widgets by such "internal" names, but UiBinder * does not like when it sees unknown attributes, so we should remove them. */ private static String removeWbpNameAttributes(String content) { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("wbp:name=\"[^\"]*\"").matcher(content); // process each match int last = 0; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while (matcher.find()) { int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); // not matched part sb.append(content.substring(last, start)); last = end; // replace matched part with spaces for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { sb.append(' '); } } // append tail sb.append(content.substring(last)); return sb.toString(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Attributes // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final Map<String, Object> m_attributeValues = Maps.newHashMap(); /** * Registers values for attributes, during rendering. */ public void setAttributeValues(Map<String, Object> attributes) { m_attributeValues.clear(); m_attributeValues.putAll(attributes); } /** * Registers value for attribute. */ public void setAttributeValue(DocumentElement element, String name, Object value) { String key = UiBinderParser.getPath(element) + " " + name; m_attributeValues.put(key, value); } /** * @return all attributes of the element with the given path. */ public Map<String, Object> getAttributeValues(String path) { Map<String, Object> attribute = Maps.newHashMap(); String pathPrefix = path + " "; for (Entry<String, Object> entry : m_attributeValues.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().startsWith(pathPrefix)) { attribute.put(StringUtils.substringAfter(entry.getKey(), pathPrefix), entry.getValue()); } } return attribute; } /** * @return the attribute value, remembered earlier during rendering. Value <code>null</code> is * just value, not flag that there are no value. If no value for attribute, then * {@link Property#UNKNOWN_VALUE} will be returned. */ public Object getAttributeValue(DocumentElement element, String name) { String key = UiBinderParser.getPath(element) + " " + name; if (m_attributeValues.containsKey(key)) { return m_attributeValues.get(key); } return Property.UNKNOWN_VALUE; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ClassLoader // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override protected void createClassLoader() throws Exception { if (m_classLoader == null) { m_module = Utils.getSingleModule(m_file); super.createClassLoader(); executeClassLoaderInitializationScripts(); } } /** * Allows users to perform {@link ClassLoader} initialization actions, to prepare environment. */ private void executeClassLoaderInitializationScripts() { IResource resource = m_file; while (true) { if (resource.getParent() instanceof IFolder) { IFolder folder = (IFolder) resource.getParent(); resource = folder; // use script in current folder final IFile scriptFile = folder.getFile("ClassLoaderInitializer.gwtd.mvel"); if (scriptFile.exists()) { ExecutionUtils.runLog(new RunnableEx() { public void run() throws Exception { String script = IOUtils2.readString(scriptFile); ScriptUtils.evaluate(m_classLoader, script); } }); } } else { break; } } } @Override protected void addParentClassLoaders(CompositeClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws Exception { super.addParentClassLoaders(parentClassLoader); // add ClassLoader to use only for loading resources { ClassLoader resourcesClassLoader = m_module.getClassLoader(); parentClassLoader.add(resourcesClassLoader, ImmutableList.<String>of(), null); } } @Override protected ClassLoader createProjectClassLoader(CompositeClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws Exception { createGWTState(parentClassLoader); { // process ClassLoader validators List<IClassLoaderValidator> validators = ExternalFactoriesHelper.getElementsInstances( IClassLoaderValidator.class, "", "validator"); for (IClassLoaderValidator validator : validators) { validator.validate(m_javaProject, m_state); } } return m_state.getClassLoader(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void prepareBinderNames() throws Exception { // template IPath templatePath = m_file.getFullPath(); String templatePathString = templatePath.toPortableString(); // package IPackageFragment uiPackage; { if (!(m_file.getParent() instanceof IFolder)) { throw new DesignerException(IExceptionConstants.NO_FORM_PACKAGE, templatePathString); } // prepare package IFolder uiFolder = (IFolder) m_file.getParent(); IJavaElement uiElement = JavaCore.create(uiFolder); if (!(uiElement instanceof IPackageFragment)) { throw new DesignerException(IExceptionConstants.NO_FORM_PACKAGE, templatePathString); } uiPackage = (IPackageFragment) uiElement; // has client package if (!Utils.isModuleSourcePackage(uiPackage)) { throw new DesignerException(IExceptionConstants.NOT_CLIENT_PACKAGE, templatePathString); } } // binder resource m_binderResourceName = uiPackage.getElementName().replace('.', '/') + "/" + m_file.getName(); // try current package { String formName = StringUtils.removeEnd(m_file.getName(), ".ui.xml"); m_formClassName = uiPackage.getElementName() + "." + formName; m_formType = m_javaProject.findType(m_formClassName); if (m_formType != null) { m_formFile = (IFile) m_formType.getCompilationUnit().getUnderlyingResource(); prepareBinderClass(); if (m_binderClassName != null) { return; } } } // try @UiTemplate IType uiTemplateType = m_javaProject.findType(""); List<IJavaElement> references = CodeUtils.searchReferences(uiTemplateType); for (IJavaElement reference : references) { if (reference instanceof IAnnotation) { IAnnotation annotation = (IAnnotation) reference; IMemberValuePair[] valuePairs = annotation.getMemberValuePairs(); if (valuePairs.length == 1 && valuePairs[0].getValue() instanceof String) { String templateName = (String) valuePairs[0].getValue(); // prepare ICompilationUnit ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = (ICompilationUnit) annotation .getAncestor(IJavaElement.COMPILATION_UNIT); // prepare qualified template name templateName = StringUtils.removeEnd(templateName, ".ui.xml"); if (templateName.contains(".")) { templateName = templateName.replace('.', '/'); } else { String packageName = compilationUnit.getPackageDeclarations()[0].getElementName(); templateName = packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/" + templateName; } templateName += ".ui.xml"; // if found, initialize "form" element if (m_binderResourceName.equals(templateName)) { m_formType = (IType) annotation.getParent().getParent(); m_formClassName = m_formType.getFullyQualifiedName(); m_formFile = (IFile) m_formType.getCompilationUnit().getUnderlyingResource(); prepareBinderClass(); if (m_binderClassName != null) { return; } } } } } // no Java form throw new DesignerException(IExceptionConstants.NO_FORM_TYPE, m_binderResourceName); } /** * Attempts for put into {@link #m_binderClassName} the "UiBinder" inner {@link IType} from * {@link #m_formType}. */ private void prepareBinderClass() throws Exception { for (IType innerType : m_formType.getTypes()) { if (CodeUtils.isSuccessorOf(innerType, "")) { IType binderType = innerType; assertWidgetBased(binderType); m_binderClassName = m_formClassName + "$" + innerType.getElementName(); } } } /** * Asserts that given <code>binderType</code> generates <code>Widget</code> when rendered. */ private void assertWidgetBased(IType binderType) throws Exception { String[] superSignatures = binderType.getSuperInterfaceTypeSignatures(); for (String superSignature : superSignatures) { int binderIndex = superSignature.indexOf("UiBinder<"); if (binderIndex != -1) { int objectTypeBegin = binderIndex + "UiBinder<".length(); int objectTypeEnd = superSignature.indexOf(";", binderIndex); String objectTypeSignature = superSignature.substring(objectTypeBegin, objectTypeEnd + 1); String objectTypeName = CodeUtils.getResolvedTypeName(m_formType, objectTypeSignature); if (objectTypeName != null) { IType objectType = m_javaProject.findType(objectTypeName); if (!CodeUtils.isSuccessorOf(objectType, "")) { throw new DesignerException(IExceptionConstants.ONLY_WIDGET_BASED, m_formClassName, objectTypeName); } } } } } private void createGWTState(CompositeClassLoader parentClassLoader) throws Exception { if (m_sharedUse && m_shared_GWTState != null) { m_state = m_shared_GWTState; } else { // initialize GWTState m_state = new GwtState(parentClassLoader, m_module); m_state.initialize(); // remember shared state if (m_sharedUse) { m_state.setShared(true); m_shared_GWTState = m_state; } } updateFromGWTState(); } /** * Updates this {@link UiBinderContext} from {@link #m_state}. */ private void updateFromGWTState() { addVersions(ImmutableMap.of("gwt_isStrictMode", m_state.isStrictMode())); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Sharing GWTState // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static boolean m_sharedUse = false; private static GwtState m_shared_GWTState; /** * Specifies if next parsing should use shared {@link GwtState}. */ public static void setUseSharedGWTState(boolean use) { m_sharedUse = use; } /** * Disposes existing shared {@link GwtState}. */ public static void disposeSharedGWTState() { if (m_shared_GWTState != null) { m_shared_GWTState.setShared(false); m_shared_GWTState.dispose(); m_shared_GWTState = null; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Live support // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public ILiveEditorContext getLiveContext() { return m_liveEditorContext; } private final ILiveEditorContext m_liveEditorContext = new ILiveEditorContext() { public XmlObjectInfo parse(String[] sourceLines) throws Exception { // prepare document String source = StringUtils.join(sourceLines, "\n"); IDocument document = new Document(source); // prepare context UiBinderContext context = new UiBinderContext(m_state, m_classLoader, m_file, document); context.setLiveComponent(true); // do parse UiBinderParser parser = new UiBinderParser(context); return parser.parse(); } public void dispose() throws Exception { } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // IDescriptionVersionsProvider // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Installs {@link IDescriptionVersionsProvider}'s. */ private void configureDescriptionVersionsProviders() throws Exception { List<IDescriptionVersionsProviderFactory> factories = ExternalFactoriesHelper.getElementsInstances( IDescriptionVersionsProviderFactory.class, "org.eclipse.wb.core.descriptionVersionsProviderFactories", "factory"); for (IDescriptionVersionsProviderFactory factory : factories) { // versions addVersions(factory.getVersions(m_javaProject, m_classLoader)); // version providers { IDescriptionVersionsProvider provider = factory.getProvider(m_javaProject, m_classLoader); if (provider != null) { addDescriptionVersionsProvider(provider); } } } } }