Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.ObjectInfo; import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectEventListener; import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectInfoAllProperties; import org.eclipse.wb.core.model.broadcast.ObjectInfoDeactivePropertyEditor; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Dimension; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.wb.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.JavaInfoEvaluationHelper; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.JavaInfoUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.creation.CreationSupport; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.description.ComponentDescription; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.model.util.TemplateUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.AstEditor; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.AstNodeUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.DomGenerics; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.ast.StatementTarget; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.ExecutionUtils; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.RunnableEx; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.execution.RunnableObjectEx; import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.reflect.ReflectionUtils; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Expression; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.MethodInvocation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.Statement; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; /** * Model for GWT <code></code>. * * @author scheglov_ke * @coverage gwt.model */ public class LayoutPanelInfo extends ComplexPanelInfo implements ILayoutPanelInfo<WidgetInfo> { private static final DecimalFormat SIZE_FORMAT = new DecimalFormat("0.0", new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH)); private final LayoutPanelAlignmentSupport<WidgetInfo> m_alignmentSupport; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public LayoutPanelInfo(AstEditor editor, ComponentDescription description, CreationSupport creationSupport) throws Exception { super(editor, description, creationSupport); m_alignmentSupport = new LayoutPanelAlignmentSupport<WidgetInfo>(this); addBroadcastListener(new ObjectEventListener() { @Override public void childRemoveBefore(ObjectInfo parent, ObjectInfo child) throws Exception { if (parent == LayoutPanelInfo.this && child instanceof WidgetInfo) { WidgetInfo widget = (WidgetInfo) child; for (MethodInvocation invocation : getMethodInvocations()) { if (isLocationInvocation(invocation, widget)) { getEditor().removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } } } } private boolean isLocationInvocation(MethodInvocation invocation, WidgetInfo widget) { String signature = AstNodeUtils.getMethodSignature(invocation); if (signature.startsWith("setWidget") && signature.endsWith( "(," + "double,," + "double,")) { Expression widgetExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(0); return widget.isRepresentedBy(widgetExpression); } return false; } }); addLocationProperties(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Access // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return the provider for managing "anchor". */ public LayoutPanelAlignmentSupport<WidgetInfo> getAlignmentSupport() { return m_alignmentSupport; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Location properties // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private void addLocationProperties() { addBroadcastListener(new ObjectInfoAllProperties() { public void invoke(ObjectInfo object, List<Property> properties) throws Exception { if (object instanceof WidgetInfo && object.getParent() == LayoutPanelInfo.this) { WidgetInfo widget = (WidgetInfo) object; addLocationProperties(properties, widget, true, "Anchor H"); addLocationProperties(properties, widget, false, "Anchor V"); } } }); } private void addLocationProperties(List<Property> properties, WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal, String title) { MethodInvocation invocation = getLocationInvocation(widget, horizontal); if (invocation == null) { return; } String signature = AstNodeUtils.getMethodSignature(invocation); // ComplexProperty complexProperty; { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, ComplexProperty> complexProperties = (Map<String, ComplexProperty>) widget .getArbitraryValue(this); if (complexProperties == null) { complexProperties = Maps.newTreeMap(); widget.putArbitraryValue(this, complexProperties); } complexProperty = complexProperties.get(title); if (complexProperty == null) { complexProperty = new ComplexProperty(title, "<properties>"); complexProperty.setCategory(PropertyCategory.system(10)); complexProperties.put(signature, complexProperty); } properties.add(complexProperty); } // update sub-properties String[] propertyTitles = getLocationPropertyTitles(signature); String title_1 = propertyTitles[0]; String title_3 = propertyTitles[1]; Property property_1 = new LocationValue_Property(title_1, invocation, 1); Property property_1u = new LocationUnit_Property(title_1 + " unit", invocation, 2, horizontal); Property property_3 = new LocationValue_Property(title_3, invocation, 3); Property property_3u = new LocationUnit_Property(title_3 + " unit", invocation, 4, horizontal); Property[] subProperties = new Property[] { property_1, property_1u, property_3, property_3u }; complexProperty.setProperties(subProperties); } /** * Converts "setWidgetLeftRight()" into <code>["left", "right"]</code>. */ private static String[] getLocationPropertyTitles(String signature) { String name = StringUtils.substringBefore(signature, "("); String elementsName = StringUtils.remove(name, "setWidget"); String[] titles = StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(elementsName); Assert.isTrue(titles.length == 2, signature); titles[0] = titles[0].toLowerCase(); titles[1] = titles[1].toLowerCase(); return titles; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Property: value // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private final class LocationValue_Property extends Property { private final String m_title; private final int m_index; private final MethodInvocation m_invocation; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public LocationValue_Property(String title, MethodInvocation invocation, int index) { super(DoublePropertyEditor.INSTANCE); m_title = title; m_invocation = invocation; m_index = index; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Property // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String getTitle() { return m_title; } @Override public boolean isModified() throws Exception { return true; } @Override public Object getValue() throws Exception { Expression expression = DomGenerics.arguments(m_invocation).get(m_index); return JavaInfoEvaluationHelper.getValue(expression); } @Override public void setValue(Object value) throws Exception { if (value instanceof Double) { final double pixels = ((Double) value).doubleValue();, new RunnableEx() { public void run() throws Exception { setInvocationArgument(m_invocation, m_index, pixels); } }); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Property: unit // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static final String[] UNIT_NAMES = { "PX", "PCT", "EM", "EX", "PT", "PC", "IN", "CM", "MM" }; private static final PropertyEditor UNIT_PROPERTY_EDITOR = new StringComboPropertyEditor(UNIT_NAMES); private final class LocationUnit_Property extends Property { private final String m_title; private final int m_index; private final MethodInvocation m_invocation; private final boolean m_horizontal; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Constructor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public LocationUnit_Property(String title, MethodInvocation invocation, int index, boolean horizontal) { super(UNIT_PROPERTY_EDITOR); m_title = title; m_invocation = invocation; m_index = index; m_horizontal = horizontal; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Property // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String getTitle() { return m_title; } @Override public boolean isModified() throws Exception { return true; } @Override public Object getValue() throws Exception { return getUnit(m_invocation, m_index).toString(); } @Override public void setValue(final Object value) throws Exception { if (value instanceof String) {, new RunnableEx() { public void run() throws Exception { changeInvocationUnit(m_invocation, m_index, value, m_horizontal); } }); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Hint // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return the location hint in units for given location in pixels. */ public String getLocationHint(final WidgetInfo widget, final int x, final int y) { return ExecutionUtils.runObjectIgnore(new RunnableObjectEx<String>() { public String runObject() throws Exception { return getLocationHint(x, widget, true) + " x " + getLocationHint(y, widget, false); } }, x + " x " + y); } private String getLocationHint(int pixels, WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal) throws Exception { MethodInvocation invocation = getLocationInvocation(widget, horizontal); // may be trailing if (isLocationTrailing(invocation)) { if (horizontal) { pixels = getBounds().width - (widget.getBounds().width + pixels); } else { pixels = getBounds().height - (widget.getBounds().height + pixels); } } // convert pixels to units Object unit = getLocationUnit(invocation); double units = pixels / getUnitSize(unit, !horizontal); return SIZE_FORMAT.format(units) + unit.toString().toLowerCase(); } /** * @return <code>true</code> if {@link WidgetInfo} is attached to trailing size of panel. */ public boolean getLocationHint_isTrailing(WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal) { MethodInvocation invocation = getLocationInvocation(widget, horizontal); return isLocationTrailing(invocation); } /** * @return <code>true</code> if {@link MethodInvocation} is attachment to trailing size of panel. */ private boolean isLocationTrailing(MethodInvocation invocation) { if (invocation != null) { String name = invocation.getName().getIdentifier(); return "setWidgetRightWidth".equals(name) || "setWidgetBottomHeight".equals(name); } return false; } private Object getLocationUnit(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Exception { if (invocation != null) { return getUnit(invocation, 2); } return getUnitByName("PX"); } MethodInvocation getLocationInvocation(WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal) { MethodInvocation invocation; if (horizontal) { if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftWidth")) != null) { return invocation; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetRightWidth")) != null) { return invocation; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftRight")) != null) { return invocation; } } else { if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopHeight")) != null) { return invocation; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetBottomHeight")) != null) { return invocation; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopBottom")) != null) { return invocation; } } return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bounds: location // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void command_LOCATION(WidgetInfo widget, Point location) throws Exception { command_LOCATION_Y(widget, location.y); command_LOCATION_X(widget, location.x); } private void command_LOCATION_X(WidgetInfo widget, int x) throws Exception { // LeftWidth { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftWidth"); if (invocation != null) { setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, x, true); return; } } // RightWidth { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetRightWidth"); if (invocation != null) { int right = getBounds().width - x - widget.getBounds().width; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, right, true); return; } } // LeftRight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftRight"); if (invocation != null) { int right = getBounds().width - x - widget.getBounds().width; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, x, true); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, right, true); return; } } // new, use LeftWidth { int defaultWidth = getDefaultSize(widget).width; String source = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.setWidgetLeftWidth({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {3})", this, widget, SIZE_FORMAT.format(x), "", SIZE_FORMAT.format(defaultWidth)); StatementTarget target = getNewConstraintsTarget(widget); Expression expression = widget.addExpressionStatement(target, source); addRelatedNodes(expression); } } private void command_LOCATION_Y(WidgetInfo widget, int y) throws Exception { // TopHeight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopHeight"); if (invocation != null) { setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, y, false); return; } } // BottomHeight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetBottomHeight"); if (invocation != null) { int bottom = getBounds().height - y - widget.getBounds().height; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, bottom, false); return; } } // TopBottom { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopBottom"); if (invocation != null) { int bottom = getBounds().height - y - widget.getBounds().height; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, y, false); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bottom, false); return; } } // new, use TopHeight { int defaultHeight = getDefaultSize(widget).height; String source = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.setWidgetTopHeight({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {3})", this, widget, SIZE_FORMAT.format(y), "", SIZE_FORMAT.format(defaultHeight)); StatementTarget target = getNewConstraintsTarget(widget); Expression expression = widget.addExpressionStatement(target, source); addRelatedNodes(expression); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Bounds: size // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void command_SIZE(WidgetInfo widget, Dimension size, ResizeDirection hDirection, ResizeDirection vDirection) throws Exception { command_SIZE_Y(widget, size.height, vDirection); command_SIZE_X(widget, size.width, hDirection); } private void command_SIZE_X(WidgetInfo widget, int width, ResizeDirection direction) throws Exception { Rectangle bounds = widget.getBounds(); // LeftWidth { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftWidth"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.LEADING) { int oldLeft = bounds.left(); int deltaWidth = width - bounds.width; int left = oldLeft - deltaWidth; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, left, true); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, width, true); return; } } // RightWidth { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetRightWidth"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { int oldRight = getBounds().width - bounds.right(); int deltaWidth = width - bounds.width; int right = oldRight - deltaWidth; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, right, true); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, width, true); return; } } // LeftRight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftRight"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.LEADING) { int oldLeft = bounds.left(); int deltaWidth = width - bounds.width; int left = oldLeft - deltaWidth; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, left, true); } if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { int oldRight = getBounds().width - bounds.right(); int deltaWidth = width - bounds.width; int right = oldRight - deltaWidth; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, right, true); } return; } } // new, use LeftWidth if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { String source = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.setWidgetLeftWidth({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {3})", this, widget, SIZE_FORMAT.format(0.0), "", SIZE_FORMAT.format(width)); StatementTarget target = getNewConstraintsTarget(widget); Expression expression = widget.addExpressionStatement(target, source); addRelatedNodes(expression); } } private void command_SIZE_Y(WidgetInfo widget, int height, ResizeDirection direction) throws Exception { Rectangle bounds = widget.getBounds(); // TopHeight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopHeight"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.LEADING) { int oldTop =; int deltaHeight = height - bounds.height; int top = oldTop - deltaHeight; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, top, false); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, height, false); return; } } // BottomHeight { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetBottomHeight"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { int oldBottom = getBounds().height - bounds.bottom(); int deltaHeight = height - bounds.height; int bottom = oldBottom - deltaHeight; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, bottom, false); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, height, false); return; } } // TopBottom { MethodInvocation invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopBottom"); if (invocation != null) { if (direction == ResizeDirection.LEADING) { int oldTop =; int deltaHeight = height - bounds.height; int top = oldTop - deltaHeight; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, top, false); } if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { int oldBottom = getBounds().height - bounds.bottom(); int deltaHeight = height - bounds.height; int bottom = oldBottom - deltaHeight; setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bottom, false); } return; } } // new, use TopHeight if (direction == ResizeDirection.TRAILING) { String source = TemplateUtils.format("{0}.setWidgetTopHeight({1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {3})", this, widget, SIZE_FORMAT.format(0.0), "", SIZE_FORMAT.format(height)); StatementTarget target = getNewConstraintsTarget(widget); Expression expression = widget.addExpressionStatement(target, source); addRelatedNodes(expression); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Anchor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @return the {@link Anchor} type for given {@link WidgetInfo}. */ public Anchor getAnchor(WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal) { if (horizontal) { if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftWidth") != null) { return Anchor.LEADING; } if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetRightWidth") != null) { return Anchor.TRAILING; } if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftRight") != null) { return Anchor.BOTH; } } else { if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopHeight") != null) { return Anchor.LEADING; } if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetBottomHeight") != null) { return Anchor.TRAILING; } if (getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopBottom") != null) { return Anchor.BOTH; } } return Anchor.NONE; } /** * Sets anchor for given {@link WidgetInfo}. */ public void command_ANCHOR(WidgetInfo widget, boolean horizontal, Anchor anchor) throws Exception { if (horizontal) { command_ANCHOR_horizontal(widget, anchor); } else { command_ANCHOR_vertical(widget, anchor); } getBroadcast(ObjectInfoDeactivePropertyEditor.class).invoke(); } private void command_ANCHOR_horizontal(WidgetInfo widget, Anchor anchor) throws Exception { MethodInvocation invocation; Rectangle bounds = widget.getBounds(); AstEditor editor = getEditor(); if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftWidth")) != null) { if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.TRAILING) { int right = getBounds().width - bounds.right(); editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetRightWidth"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, right, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.BOTH) { int right = getBounds().width - bounds.right(); editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetLeftRight"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, right, true); } return; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetRightWidth")) != null) { if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.LEADING) { int left = bounds.left(); editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetLeftWidth"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, left, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.BOTH) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetLeftRight"); { Expression rightExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(1); editor.replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, editor.getSource(rightExpression)); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, bounds.left(), true); } return; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetLeftRight")) != null) { if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.LEADING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetLeftWidth"); // use same unit for left/width Object unit = getUnit(invocation, 2); setInvocationUnit(invocation, 4, unit); // set width setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bounds.width, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.TRAILING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetRightWidth"); // use same unit for right/width Object unit = getUnit(invocation, 4); setInvocationUnit(invocation, 2, unit); // set right/width { Expression rightExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(3); editor.replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, editor.getSource(rightExpression)); } // set width setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bounds.width, true); } return; } // no anchor yet, generate LEADING and convert if (anchor != Anchor.NONE) { command_LOCATION_X(widget, bounds.left()); command_SIZE_X(widget, bounds.width, ResizeDirection.TRAILING); if (anchor == Anchor.TRAILING) { command_ANCHOR_horizontal(widget, anchor); } if (anchor == Anchor.BOTH) { command_ANCHOR_horizontal(widget, anchor); } } } private void command_ANCHOR_vertical(WidgetInfo widget, Anchor anchor) throws Exception { MethodInvocation invocation; Rectangle bounds = widget.getBounds(); AstEditor editor = getEditor(); if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopHeight")) != null) { int bottom = getBounds().height - bounds.bottom(); if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.TRAILING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetBottomHeight"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, bottom, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.BOTH) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetTopBottom"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bottom, true); } return; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetBottomHeight")) != null) { if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.LEADING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetTopHeight"); setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1,, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.BOTH) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetTopBottom"); { Expression rightExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(1); editor.replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, editor.getSource(rightExpression)); } setInvocationArgument(invocation, 1,, true); } return; } if ((invocation = getWidgetInvocation(widget, "setWidgetTopBottom")) != null) { if (anchor == Anchor.NONE) { editor.removeEnclosingStatement(invocation); } if (anchor == Anchor.LEADING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetTopHeight"); // use same unit for top/height Object unit = getUnit(invocation, 2); setInvocationUnit(invocation, 4, unit); // set height setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bounds.height, true); } if (anchor == Anchor.TRAILING) { editor.replaceInvocationName(invocation, "setWidgetBottomHeight"); // use same unit for bottom/height Object unit = getUnit(invocation, 4); setInvocationUnit(invocation, 2, unit); // set bottom/height { Expression bottomExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(3); editor.replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, 1, editor.getSource(bottomExpression)); } // set height setInvocationArgument(invocation, 3, bounds.height, true); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Utils // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static StatementTarget getNewConstraintsTarget(WidgetInfo widget) { Statement associationStatement = widget.getAssociation().getStatement(); return new StatementTarget(associationStatement, false); } private MethodInvocation getWidgetInvocation(WidgetInfo widget, String name) { List<MethodInvocation> invocations = getMethodInvocations(name + "(," + "double,," + "double,"); for (MethodInvocation invocation : invocations) { Expression widgetExpression = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(0); if (widget.isRepresentedBy(widgetExpression)) { return invocation; } } return null; } /** * @return the <code>Unit</code> value of {@link MethodInvocation} argument. */ private Object getUnit(MethodInvocation invocation, int index) throws Exception { Expression argument = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(index); Object value = JavaInfoEvaluationHelper.getValue(argument); if (value != null) { return value; } return getUnitByName("PX"); } /** * @return the <code>double</code> value of {@link MethodInvocation} argument. */ private double getValue(MethodInvocation invocation, int index) throws Exception { Expression argument = DomGenerics.arguments(invocation).get(index); Object value = JavaInfoEvaluationHelper.getValue(argument); if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double) value; } return 0.0; } /** * @return the <code>Unit</code> object by its name. */ private Object getUnitByName(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { ClassLoader classLoader = JavaInfoUtils.getClassLoader(this); Class<?> classUnit = classLoader.loadClass("$Unit"); return ReflectionUtils.getFieldObject(classUnit, name); } /** * @return the size of "Unit" in pixels. */ private double getUnitSize(Object unit, boolean horizontal) { Object layout = ReflectionUtils.getFieldObject(getObject(), "layout"); return (Double) ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodEx(layout, "getUnitSize(,boolean)", unit, !horizontal); } /** * Sets {@link MethodInvocation} argument is appropriate units, for given value in pixels. */ private void setInvocationArgument(MethodInvocation invocation, int index, int pixels, boolean horizontal) throws Exception { Object unit = getUnit(invocation, index + 1); double units = pixels / getUnitSize(unit, horizontal); setInvocationArgument(invocation, index, units); } /** * Sets {@link MethodInvocation} argument is units. */ private void setInvocationArgument(MethodInvocation invocation, int index, double units) throws Exception { getEditor().replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, index, SIZE_FORMAT.format(units)); } /** * Sets {@link MethodInvocation} "unit" argument, with converting value. */ private void changeInvocationUnit(MethodInvocation invocation, int index, Object newUnit, boolean horizontal) throws Exception { if (newUnit instanceof String) { newUnit = getUnitByName((String) newUnit); } // prepare value in pixels double pixels; { double oldValue = getValue(invocation, index - 1); Object oldUnit = getUnit(invocation, index); pixels = oldValue * getUnitSize(oldUnit, horizontal); } // convert value double newUnitSize = getUnitSize(newUnit, horizontal); if (newUnitSize > 0.0) { double newValue = pixels / newUnitSize; setInvocationArgument(invocation, index - 1, newValue); setInvocationUnit(invocation, index, newUnit); } } /** * Sets {@link MethodInvocation} "unit" argument, without converting value. */ private void setInvocationUnit(MethodInvocation invocation, int index, Object unit) throws Exception { Expression expression = getEditor().replaceInvocationArgument(invocation, index, "" + unit.toString()); JavaInfoEvaluationHelper.setValue(expression, unit); } /** * @return the default size for new {@link WidgetInfo}. */ private static Dimension getDefaultSize(WidgetInfo widget) { return widget.getBounds().getSize(); } }