Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static; import static; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Set; import; import; /** * Histogram calculates the number of pixel components across a list of images that land into a * set of different ranges (bins). This can be used for calculating min / max limits for HDR images, * or displaying the brightness values of each separate channel. * * As many high-dynamic-range images are typically non-linear and have bright 'speckles' orders of * magnitude higher than the average value, the histogram supports non-linear bin ranges. */ public class Histogram { private final Set<Channel> channels; private final Mapper mapper; private final Bins bins; public Histogram(Image[] images, int numBins, boolean logFit) { this.channels = getChannels(images); this.mapper = Mapper.get(images, logFit); this.bins = Bins.get(images, mapper, numBins); } private static Set<Stream.Channel> getChannels(Image[] images) { return Sets.immutableEnumSet(stream(images).flatMap(i -> i.getChannels().stream()).collect(toSet())); } /** * Returns the a good default starting range to use for tone mapping. */ public Range getInitialRange(double snapThreshold) { if (isLinear()) { return Range.IDENTITY; } double rangeMin = getPercentile(1, false); double rangeMax = getPercentile(99, true); // Snap the range to the limits if they're close enough. if (mapper.normalize(rangeMin) < snapThreshold) { rangeMin = mapper.limits.min; } if (mapper.normalize(rangeMax) > 1.0 - snapThreshold) { rangeMax = mapper.limits.max; } return new Range(rangeMin, rangeMax); } /** * @param percentile the percentile value ranging from 0 to 100. * @param high if true, return the upper limit on the percentile's bin, otherwise the lower limit. * @return the absolute pixel value at the specified percentile in the histogram. */ private double getPercentile(int percentile, boolean high) { int bin = bins.getPercentileBin(percentile, channels); return (bin < 0) ? mapper.limits.max : getValueFromNormalizedX((bin + (high ? 1 : 0)) / (double) bins.count()); } /** * @return the absolute value as a normalized [0, 1] point on the (possibly) non-linear histogram. */ public double getNormalizedXFromValue(double value) { return Range.IDENTITY.clamp(; } /** * @return the absolute value from a normalized [0, 1] point on the (possibly) non-linear * histogram. */ public double getValueFromNormalizedX(double normalizedX) { return mapper.unmap(Range.IDENTITY.clamp(normalizedX)); } /** * @return the normalized channel value for the given channel and bin. */ public float get(Channel channel, int bin) { return bins.getNormalized(channel, bin); } /** * @return the union of all channels across all images. */ public Set<Channel> getChannels() { return channels; } /** * Returns the number of bins. */ public int getNumBins() { return bins.count(); } public boolean isLinear() { return !(mapper instanceof ExpMapper); } /** * Returns a {@link DoubleStream} of <code>count</code> values evenly spaced over the [0, 1] * interval. If this is a linear histogram, the returned values will be spread linearly, * otherwise they will be spread exponentially with the same exponent. */ public DoubleStream range(int count) { return mapper.range(count); } /** * Helper to build {@link Bins} instances with a given {@link Mapper}. */ public static class Binner { private Mapper mapper; private final int numBins; private final int[][] bins; public Binner(Mapper mapper, int numBins) { this.mapper = mapper; this.numBins = numBins; this.bins = new int[numBins][Stream.Channel.values().length]; } /** * Adds the given value as a data point for the given channel, incrementing it's bin count. */ public void bin(float value, Stream.Channel channel) { int binIdx = (int) ( * (numBins - 1)); binIdx = Math.max(0, Math.min(numBins - 1, binIdx)); bins[binIdx][getChannelIdx(channel)]++; } /** * Returns a new {@link Bins} instance with the binned counts computed so far. */ public Bins getBins() { return new Bins(bins); } } /** * Maps values in the given range to a normalized [0, 1] range. */ private static class Mapper { protected final Range limits; public Mapper(Range limits) { this.limits = limits; } /** * Returns a mapper whose range will encompass all values from the given images. */ public static Mapper get(Image[] images, boolean logFit) { // Get the limits and average value. double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double average = 0.0; for (Image image : images) { PixelInfo info = image.getInfo(); if (info.isNormalized()) { min = Math.min(0.0, min); max = Math.max(1.0, max); } else { min = Math.min(info.getMin(), min); max = Math.max(info.getMax(), max); } average += info.getAverage(); } Range limits = new Range(min, max); // This is an average-of-averages, which is OK, because we only ever compute a histogram across // multiple images that have the same size. The only reasons the weights of the averages would // be different is because we skip the infinite and NaN values when computing the average. // These are, though, the exception and would technically make the average be undefined anyways. average /= images.length; double exponent = 1.0; if (logFit) { // We want the average in the middle of the histogram. // Calculate the non-linear power from this. // limits.frac(average) ^ P == 0.5 // P * log(limits.frac(average)) == log(0.5) // P = log(0.5) / log(limits.frac(average)) exponent = Math.log(0.5) / Math.log(limits.frac(average)); // Don't go non-linear if it isn't necessary. if (exponent > 0.95 && exponent < 1.05) { exponent = 1.0; } } return (exponent == 1) ? new Mapper(limits) : new ExpMapper(limits, exponent); } /** * Normalizes the given value to the [0, 1] range. For linear mappings, this is equivalent to * the {@link #map(double)} function. */ public double normalize(double value) { return limits.frac(value); } /** * Maps the given value to the [0, 1] range. For exponential mappings, the returned values are * adjusted to fit the exponential curve. */ public double map(double value) { return limits.frac(value); } /** * Returns the inverse of the {@link #map(double)} function. */ public double unmap(double value) { return limits.lerp(value); } /** * See {@link Histogram#range(int)}. */ public DoubleStream range(int count) { return IntStream.range(1, count).mapToDouble(i -> (double) i / (count - 1)); } } /** * A {@link Mapper} that fits the range onto an exponential curve. */ private static class ExpMapper extends Mapper { /** * The exponential power used to transform a normalized linear [0, 1] range where 0 represents * {@code limits.min}, and 1 represents {@code limits.max} to a normalized bin range [0, 1] * where 0 is the first and 1 is the last bin. */ private final double power; public ExpMapper(Range limits, double power) { super(limits); this.power = power; } @Override public double map(double value) { return Math.pow(limits.frac(value), power); } @Override public double unmap(double value) { return limits.lerp(Math.pow(value, 1 / power)); } @Override public DoubleStream range(int count) { return IntStream.range(1, count).mapToDouble(i -> Math.pow((double) i / (count - 1), power)); } } /** * Holds the histogram's binned data, created with the {@link Binner} class. */ private static class Bins { private final int[][] bins; private final int[] max, total; public Bins(int[][] bins) { this.bins = bins; this.max = new int[Stream.Channel.values().length]; = new int[Stream.Channel.values().length]; computeMaxAndTotals(); } private void computeMaxAndTotals() { for (int channel = 0; channel < max.length; channel++) { int curMax = 0; for (int bin = 0; bin < bins.length; bin++) { int value = bins[bin][channel]; total[channel] += value; curMax = Math.max(curMax, value); } max[channel] = curMax; } } /** * Returns the binned data for the given images using the given mapper. */ public static Bins get(Image[] images, Mapper mapper, int numBins) { Binner binner = new Binner(mapper, numBins); for (Image image : images) { image.bin(binner); } return binner.getBins(); } /** * Returns the count for the given channel in the given bin, normalized to a [0, 1] range. */ public float getNormalized(Stream.Channel channel, int bin) { int cIdx = getChannelIdx(channel); return (float) bins[bin][cIdx] / max[cIdx]; } public int count() { return bins.length; } /** * Returns the index of the bin which matches the given percentile, or -1. */ public int getPercentileBin(int percentile, Set<Stream.Channel> channels) { int highestCount = 0; for (Stream.Channel c : channels) { highestCount = Math.max(highestCount, total[getChannelIdx(c)]); } int threshold = percentile * highestCount / 100; int[] sum = new int[Stream.Channel.values().length]; for (int b = 0; b < bins.length; b++) { for (Stream.Channel c : channels) { int cIdx = getChannelIdx(c); int s = sum[cIdx] += bins[b][cIdx]; if (s >= threshold) { return b; } } } return -1; } } @SuppressWarnings("ProtocolBufferOrdinal") public static int getChannelIdx(Stream.Channel channel) { return channel.ordinal(); } }